77 years... and counting http://spartandaily.com/75936 Wednesday SPARTAN DAILY May 9, 2012 ‘Avengers’: An action spectacle see page 4 Spartan Brew Crew multimedia online Volume 138, Issue 52 $SpartanDaily.com $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MORE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ During his April 26th “State of the budget” address$, SJSU $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ President Mohammad Qayoumi$ said $ $ $FEES?FEES? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ to combat a $32.8 million deficit for this fall, SJSU needs to$$$ raise $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ revenue, and raising student fees $ is one way to do that. However, the $$$$$$$$$$ president said he did not forsee $ $ $ $ $ that happening. $$$ $ $“Given $ $ $ the $ $ mood $ $ $of $the $ $state $ $ and $ $ $ This$ $ Friday,$ $ $ $May $ $11, $ $the $ Campus$ $ $ $ Fee $ $ Advisory $ $ $ $ Committee $ $ $ $ $ will$ $ vote $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ the mood of the trustees, I think on approval for the Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee, $ $tha $t $ possibility $ $ $ $ $ is $ v ery$ $ low $ $,” $ $ $ $which $ $ $ would $ $ $ combine $ $ $ $ miscellaneous$ $ $ $ $ $ $ fees$ $ $to $ an $ estimated$ $ $ $ $ additional$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $Qa $y oumi$ $ $ said. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $108$ $ $ $next $ $ semester $ $ $ $ $ and $ $ total $ $ $415$ $ $ $a semester$ $ $ $ $ beginning $ $ $ $ $ in $ Fall $ $ 2014. $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ by Julie Myhre semester until Fall 2014, when they are slated “It’s not the fee necessarily. It’s how it’s miscellaneous course fee then you don’t have Staff Writer to be $415 a year. being done,” he said. “I would have liked to to pay the fee, Worsnup said. President Mohammad Qayoumi is propos- brought (the fee) to the students so that we can With the president’s proposed fee, students ing the Student Success, Excellence and Tech- go out and try to gather student opinion with would have to pay the $43 fee regardless if Th is upcoming fall semester, SJSU students nology Fee to the Campus Fee Advisory Com- the university and have a dual relationship.” they are taking the lab class or not, according may be subjected to a repurposed semester fee mitt ee on Friday. Qayoumi was unavailable for an interview, to Worsnup. totaling to $255. Calvin Worsnup, Associated Students according to his offi ce staff . Worsnup said the fee would be included in In the fall, the new fee, Student Success, Ex- president-elect, said the fee would provide a Worsnup said the proposed fee would be a Category II fees. cellence and Technology Fee, will combine the source of money for student academic success combination of miscellaneous course fees and According to the CSU Executive Order 1054, Instructionally Related Activities Fee of $147, services and technology initiatives to update instructional-related activities fees. Category II fees are “campus mandatory fees the Miscellaneous Course Fee of $29, Student technology on campus. He said the miscellaneous course fee in- that must be paid to enroll in or att end the Academics Success Services Support Fee of $43 Worsnup said he doesn’t necessarily have a cludes the cost of resources used in a lab, such university.” and the Technology Initiatives Fee of $36. problem with the fee and what it will be used as chemicals in a chemistry lab. Th e fees are subject to increase every for — his concern is the process of it. Currently, if you don’t have a class with a SEE FEES PAGE 2 Housing renovations displace tenants Minimum wage increase possible by Jack Barnwell Rambo, who is from Los Angeles and Class advocacy to raise He said that Marisela Castro, one Contributing Writer lives in Campus Village building A, said “This summer’s project of the founders to this idea, commuted it wasn’t particularly fair to students who San Jose’s minimum wage from Gilroy to San Jose for her job. would want to take summer classes. Th e cost of gas money and the time Th ree semesters ago, Kyber Jensen, “Summer is basically like (the time) is much more involved brings vote to city hall consumed with her job wasn’t help- a junior industrial design major, and his they want to take classes so they can ing, giving her and a few others the wife said they moved into Campus Vil- graduate,” he said. “It’s kind of taking and requires us to have by Christian Gin urge to increase the minimum wage, lage building A for easy access to SJSU away (that opportunity) from them.” Staff Writer according to Myers-Lipton. and classes and were glad to be able to According to Housing Director Vic- McCabe said she teamed up with stay year-round until their graduation. tor Culatt a, Housing would be unable to all residents including Castro, along with classmate Saul Now they are being booted out at the accommodate people living in the com- Th e minimum wage in San Jose Gonzalez, for their fi nal project in end of the spring semester. plex over the summer while the water staff relocate for the could increase to $10 dollars per hour, Myers-Lipton’s Social Action (SOCI “We had hoped to stay in the build- was shut off . in part responsible to eff orts by a class 164) class. ing for the summer,” said Jensen, who is He said the decision to notify resi- of SJSU students. “Our idea was to model it from the now looking for another place to live. dents was done immediately aft er the summer. ” Th e San Jose City Council will be San Francisco living ages from 2004,” Th is is a scenario many Campus Vil- problem was identifi ed because resi- voting on this bill, known as “Raise McCabe said. “(Professor Myers-Lip- lage residents will be facing when the dents would be unable to live there -Victor Culatta, the Wage San Jose,” on May 22. ton) helped recruit more students into residence buildings shut down from while repairs were ongoing given the If the council does not pass this, this idea of increasing the minimum June 1 to Aug. 17, according to John intensity of the project. Housing Director then the voters in San Jose will de- wage.” White, assistant manager for mainte- According to the February Housing cide whether to approve the bill in the nance operations at University Housing. resident report, Campus Village has at November election. SEE WAGE PAGE 2 Th e third phase of a long-term least 2,200 leased residents in its three During the Summer of 2011, howev- “We’ve wanted to raise the mini- plumbing upgrade will require all three buildings, out of 2,247 leased spaces. er, Housing did att empt to work around mum wage for some time,” said Leila Spartan Daily buildings to shut down for Summer “Th is summer’s project is much more residents’ schedules, said community McCabe, vice president of SJSU’s Cal- 2012, he said. involved and requires us to have all resi- relations coordinator Kevina Brown. ifornia Alliance for Economic Justice Serving San José State University since 1934 Volume 138 / Issue 52 Th e upgrade is needed to replace old dents including staff relocate for the “Th ere were further improvements club. “It is impossible for anyone to pipes before they are completely worn summer,” Culatt a said. that we needed to do, so we’ve been rely on a minimum wage for a living.” out by calcium buildup, White said. trying to work around our residents’ According to McCabe, the Cali- CARRYOVER FROM LAST SUMMER schedules,” she said. fornia minimum wage is currently $8 SUMMER PLANS For some who resided in Campus Brown said att empts to do so last an hour. Th is leaves residents looking for a Village during Summer 2011, water summer led to complaints. If the proposed bill passes, the place to live during the summer. shutoff s and repairs were hassles, said “In the previous academic year, minimum wage would go up to $10 Student residents who live beyond a senior kinesiology major Julio Ver- 2010-2011, they were having problems an hour and it could be higher if the certain distance would be aff ected, said enas. every so oft en it seemed like,” said eco- cost of living standards go up, ac- t Twitter: @spartandaily 86˚ freshman kinesiology major Donnie “It was very inconvenient for us not nomics lecturer Mark Brady, who lived cording to McCabe. f facebook.com/spartandaily 54˚ Rambo. to use the water all day, especially hot in CVA until the end of last summer. Sociology professor Scott Myers- “Some people have to live on campus water,” said Verenas, who lives in CVA. “Th ey would sort of say water would Lipton said the idea came from a View exclusive stories and multimedia at if they live far away from their homes, He said he had to walk to Joe West be turned off for eight hours during the group of students who were living so they can’t really be a commuter,” he Hall to take a shower on some days be- off of minimum wage during the spartandaily.com said. cause of the lack of water. SEE VILLAGE PAGE 6 Spring 2011 semester. 2 NEWS SpartanDaily.com Wednesday, May 9, 2012 FEES: Quick process questioned WAGE: Students say livable raise needed FROM PAGE 1 Kevin Gomez, a junior be- opinions, refl ect on it and ad- FROM PAGE 1 San Jose’s current rate would McCabe said they need Jennifer Jones, a senior psy- havioral science major, said he just in one week before they According to McCabe, San decrease if this idea was passed.” 19,000 signatures to have the chology major, said she doesn’t thinks the fees are pointless take the fi nal proposal to the Francisco’s minimum wage is Th e “Raise the Wage San proposal on a ballot and the like the idea of the fee because and he would rather spend the campus fee advisory commit- $10.24 an hour.
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