B 640 4 2 t r Shelter u The o C e Courtyard s u o H k c o l 230m C 22 21 1 20 Pond 19 18 17 16 Rutland County Council Catmose, Oakham, 15 Rutland LE15 6HP 14 13 12 11 10 9 Pond Sports 8 Pavilion Scale - 1:1250 Time of plot: 13:53 Date of plot: 28/03/2017 7 6 5 Ponds 4 3 Spring 2 1 0 © Crown copyright and database rights [2013] Ordnance Survey [100018056] Application: 2017/0120/FUL ITEM 1 Proposal: Change from College (Use Class D1 - Non-Residential Institution) into a Business Centre (Use Class B1) & construction of additional car parking spaces (Reg 3 application). Address: Rutland County College, Main Road, Barleythorpe, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 7EE Applicant: Rutland County Parish Barleythorpe Council Agent: Ward Oakham North West Reason for presenting to Committee: Regulation 3 Application for the Council’s own development Date of Committee: 11 April 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This proposed change into a business centre is in accordance with Development Plan Policy. It makes use of an existing building that had previously been used as a training, business support and conference centre for the engineering industry. The proposal also supports small scale businesses in accordance with the Council’s Economic Development Strategy. The only associated operational development is the provision of additional car parking. Subject to the recommended conditions, there are no material considerations that would dissuade from approval of the application. RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL, subject to the following conditions: 1. The development shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason – To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans: un-numbered site location plan received on 21 February 2017 and un-numbered parking layout plan received on 28 March 2017. Reason - For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3. No development shall take place until the existing trees in the vicinity of the new car parking spaces have been protected by the erection of temporary protective fences in accordance with BS5837:2012 and of a height, size and in positions which shall previously have been agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority. The protective fences shall be retained throughout the duration of engineering works in the vicinity of these trees. Within the areas agreed to be protected, the existing ground level shall be neither raised nor lowered, other than for provision of the approved additional parking area, and no materials or temporary building or surplus soil shall be placed or stored there. Excavations required for construction of the parking area shall be back- filled by hand and any tree roots encountered with a diameter of 5cm or more shall be left unsevered. Reason - The trees are important features in the area and this condition is imposed to make sure that they are properly protected while construction works take place on the site. 4. The development shall not be occupied until such time as the additional vehicle parking area indicated on the approved plans has been hard surfaced, sealed and marked out. It shall be retained in this form at all times and shall not be used for any purpose other than the parking of vehicles. Reason: To ensure that that sufficient parking spaces are available within the site for all users of its shared car park. Also, subject to the following Advisory Note: 1. The building, subject to this permission, has previously been known to support a bat roost, which is protected by law from harm, disturbance or obstruction, as are any individual bats. Any works to the property, however minor, that could affect the roof, soffits/fascias should be surveyed for bats before works commence. Should bats be present works are likely to require a European Protected Species Licence. Failure to obtain this in advance of such work could lead to criminal prosecution. Site & Surroundings 1. The application site is at the north of Barleythorpe village, but within its “Planned Limits for Development”. The site includes a two-storey building currently occupied by Rutland College (post 16), and its associated parking area. It also includes an area of mature trees at the north-east. This all comprises most of a previous residential training and conference centre, used by the Engineering Employers Association, before the College took over the premises in 2012. 2. The remainder of the former training centre (single storey buildings at the north), and open land at the rear, are all now occupied by Oakham United Football Club, who also have shared use of the car park. At the south of the site is Barleythorpe Hall, a former nursing home, now under conversion into residential use. 3. The application site and football club make shared use of an existing pedestrian and vehicular access from Main Road, Barleythorpe. Upon conversion to residential use, Barleythorpe Hall will also use the same access. Proposal 4. The current application proposes a change of use of the college premises into a business centre (Use Class B1), in which some 1,100 square metres of floorspace would be subdivided for lease to small and growing businesses. A limited range of central services would be available to the tenants. Internal works to sub-divide the building, if required, do not require planning permission. 5. The only operational development included within the scheme is the provision of twenty two additional car parking spaces at the south of the site. It is intended that the whole car park will continue to be used as a shared facility with the football club. Relevant Planning History The residential training centre and associated development (including its car park) was constructed via various planning permissions from 1970 to 2003. The subsequent history of this site, and land at the rear, is summarised below. Application Description Decision APP/2011/0566 Various alterations and extension, to facilitate a change Approved of use into a non-residential college 18-10-2011 APP/2012/0153 Construction of floodlit football pitches and change of use Approved of overnight accommodation into changing rooms and 21-05-2012 clubhouse. Planning Guidance and Policy National Planning Policy Framework Section1. Building a strong, competitive economy The Rutland Core Strategy (2011) Policies: CS1 Sustainable Development CS2 Spatial Strategy CS3 Settlement Hierarchy CS4 Location of Development CS13 Employment and Economic Development CS14 New Provision for Employment Development CS19 Design Site Allocations and Policies DPD (2014) Policies: SP1 Sustainable Development SP5 Built Development in Towns and Villages SP15 Design and Amenity Consultations 6. Oakham Town Council Support for the application 7. Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Forum (incorporating Barleythorpe Parish Council) General comments submitted regarding recent discussions between the Forum and the Highway Authority, including traffic routing, traffic calming and traffic signage. The Forum suggests that various measures be used to route business centre traffic away from the village. 8. Highway Authority No objections. 9. Ecology Consultant Advisory Note recommended for any approval, regarding potential for bat roosting within the site. Neighbour Representations 10. Oakham United Football Club Support for the application, subject to a revised Site Management Plan, intended to meet the need of both the business centre and the football club. Planning Assessment 11. The main issues are: Principle of Development Access and Parking Landscaping and Ecology Principle of Development 12. Although the proposed business centre would be in an out-of-centre location, and not within any area allocated for business use within the Development Plan, it would support the local economy by providing flexible floorspace for new and growing businesses and complement the recently developed Oakham Enterprise Park. Furthermore, it would make effective use of an available building, but without any need for significant refurbishment. 13. Given this, the proposed use accords with the employment-related policies and government guidance set out earlier in this report, particularly that part of the Economic Development Strategy identified in Policy CS13 (b): “support small scale and start-up businesses including through the provision of additional managed incubator and start-up premises” 14. Use of the proposed business centre is also for Class B1 users, which are appropriate in residential areas. Hence, the impact on neighbouring dwellings would be acceptable and there is no justification for imposing any hours of use limitations. Access and Parking 15. The Highway Authority has raised no objection to this proposal. There are no concerns regarding the existing access into the site, especially as this is B1 development, located in a former college and training centre building, and is unlikely to attract the heavier commercial vehicles associated with other employment uses in Classes B2 (Industrial) or B8 (Warehousing). 16. The comments of Barleythorpe Forum are noted, but no specific action is required given the above comment and given that such traffic is likely to use the Oakham Bypass for journeys to and from the site. 17. The proposed additional parking spaces ensure that the on-site provision exceeds the total requirement for use by the existing football club and the proposed business centre. These are 61 spaces for the football club and 36 for the proposed business centre, as established via Development Plan Policy SP15 (l) and its associated Appendix 2. The proposed on-site provision of 105 spaces exceeds this total requirement of 97 spaces. Recommended condition 4 would ensure that these spaces are made available before the business centre is brought into use.
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