The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Notre Dame Alumnus REUNION WEEKEND JUNE 6-7-8 (all times Central Daylight) CLASS OF 1902 CLASS OF 1927 Vol. 30, No. 3 MAY-JUNE, 1952 —HOWARD HALL —LYONS HALL CLASS OF 1907 CLASS OF 1932 —HOWARD HALL —MORRISSEY HALL James E. Arnistrong, '25, Editor CL.ASS OF 1937 CLASS OF 1912 —DILLON HALL John N. Cackley, Jr., '37, Associate Editor —HOWARD HALL CLASS OF 1942 Thomas W. Carroll, *5I, Editorial Assbtant CL.-\SS OF 1917 —DILLON HALL —HOWARD HALL CLASS OF 1947 CLASS OF 1922 —DILLON HALL This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre —MORRISSEY HALL Dome, Notre Dame, Ind. Entered as second class matter Oct 1, SPECIAL REUNION: 1939, at the Posfoffice, Notre Dome, Ind., under the act of Aug. 24, ST. JOE HALLERS—ST. JOE (B.ADIN) HALL -1912. • FRIDAY, JUNE 6 General Registration—Law Building (This is where tickets for room assignment, and for the Alumni Banquet, and your BOARD OF DIRECTORS Reunion badge, etc., are secured.) Class Registration—Each Reunion Class will have a Class Regis­ tration in the Hall, where a Class Committee will welcome OFFICERS you, and inform you of details of Class events for the weekend. Class event fees are collected through these R. CoNEOY ScoGGiNS, '24. Honorary President Committees. ' (Total cost for the weekend, general and HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 President Class is kept low. Usually under $20 for everything during RICHARD J. NASH, '23 ; First Vice-President the three days—you can't stay home for that.) DR. MATTHEW W. WEIS, '22 Second Vice-President Golf is available all day, as a part of the weekend tournament. WILLIAM C. SCHMITT, '10 Third Vice-President Class events already announced are: 1902—Awards at Saturday Night Banquet. DIRECTORS TO 1953 1907—Informal Class Supper Friday. HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 202 Federal Court House, El Paso, Tex. 1912—Buffet Supper, Golf Lounge Morris Inn Friday night. RICHARD J. NASH, '23 1840 S. Kilbourne, Chicago 23, III. 1917—Buffet and Reunion at Bernard VoU's Ironwood Drive DR. MATTHEW WEIS, '22 7379 Northmoor, St. Louis 5, Mo. Home Friday night. LESTER W. FOLEY, '24 Foley, Florida 1922—Friday afternoon meeting and evening buffet at Harold Weber home, Diamond Lake. 1927- -Twenty-Five Year Silver Jubilee Reunion Dinner, Morris DIRECTORS TO 1954 Inn, Friday night 1932- JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY, '28 49 Race St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio 1937- -Meeting center and Friday night buffet, Rockne Me­ JOHN H. NEESON^ JR., '35 167 Summit Lane, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. morial Lounge. WILLIAM C. SCHMITT, '10 .2765 N. W. Nicolai St., Portland, Ore. 1942- LUTHER M. SWYGERT, '27 ..6330 Hahman Ave., Hammond, Ind. 1947—Frida y night Reunion supper. Sunny Italy (Rosie's). JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25 Director and Secretary SATURDAY, JUNE 7 DIRECTORS TO 1955 Class Masses, Class Pictures (Election of Class Officers for en­ suing 5 Years can be held on Friday night, or on Satur­ J. RALPH CORYN '22 1211 16th Ave., Moline, III. day, as Class wishes). JOHN W. COURTNEY, '25 401 S. Highland, Dearborn, Mich. Golf GALVIN HUDSON, '15 1515 Sherick Bldg., Memphis 1, Tenn. President's Luncheon for the 25-Year Class, Lay Faculty Dining JAMES G. MCGOLDRICK, '39 .2675 H. Hudson Pkwy., New York 63 Room, Dining Halls. Movies, Washington Hall, 2:00-3:30 P.M. CHAIRMEN OF THE 1952 COMMITTEES Moot Court Finals, Law Building, 2:30 P.M. Cocktail Party, Law Alumni Association, Law Building 4:00- HARVEY FOSTER Executive 6:00 P.M. DR. WEIS budget and Finance A.\'NUAL ALUMNI BANQUET—Uniiersity Dining Halls. RICHARD NASH Foundation, Alumni Fund and Gifts The Testimonial Banquet of the Alumni for Father JOHN- H. NEESON Class Activities Cavanaugh. JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY. Club Activities .Awarding of Golf Prizes. ' WILLIAM SCHMITT .Job Counseling and Placement Presentation of Medals to the 50-Year Class. DR. WEIS Religion and Citizenship Reports of .Alumni Association Officers (Printed). JOHN H. NEESON Prestige and Public Relations RICHARD NASH Preparatory School Relations SUNDAY, JUNE 8 DR. WEIS Inter-Alumni Association Low Mass, Sacred Heart Church with a Sermon for Notre LUTHER M. SWYGERT Resolutions Dame Men. The Notre Dame Alumnus public relations, administrative -and Summer Schedule Features maintenance units of Notre Dame will - have had quite a summer. Moral, responsible leadership has Glass Reunions 5 Commencement become tangible at Notre Dame. Varied Program of Activities for Campus Mrs. Fred J. Fisher Dies After Brief IIIMSS The 107th Annual June Com­ The Catholic Theological Society mencement exercises on May 30, 31 meets June 23-25, and the Notre and June 1, begin a record-breaking Dame Writers Conference June 23- summer schedule for the University 28. The Law Enforcement Institute, campus. June 26-28, and the Christian Family Headlined by the baccalaureate Movement, June 27-29 provide an in­ preacher. Archbishop Patrick O'Boyle, teresting overlap. The summer school D.D., Washington, D.C., and Com­ oflfers also, July 7-18, an Institute on mencement speaker Charles Malik, Marriage Counseling and a Workshop Lebanese Minister to the U. S. and in Reading; July 11 to August 4, a Chairman of the important Com­ Colloquium in Geography in Relation mission on Human Rights of the to History, and July 21-23 a Business United Nations, 910 graduates will Institute for Religious Administrators. receive degrees in the University Sta­ A Vocational Institute will be held dium on Sunday. The usual banrl July 17-20, and a Workshop in Lit­ and glee club concerts, baseball games urgy July 21-25. and receptions will round out a major The Knights of Columbus Boy Life weekend. Conference will hold its regional June 2 to 27 the annual summer session July 18-20 in Breen-Phillips first course for surveyors begins, and Hall. on June 4 the ordinations of the One of the most significant gather­ MIS. Fred Fisher Indiana Province of the Congregation ings of the summer will be the Na­ of Holy Cross will be held in Sacred tional Congress of Religious August Mrs. Fred J. Fisher, widow of the Heart Church. 9-13, an assembly of the superiors of founder of the Fisher Body Co., De­ June 5 comes the Club Presidents all the religious orders of men and troit, Mich., and a generous benefactor Council of the Alumni Association, women in the U. S. to the University of Notre Dame, died followed by the Annual Class Re­ recently in New York City. unions of the '02 and '07, '12, '17. August 14 to the 17th, the Annual In December, 1949, Mrs. Fisher gave '22, '27, '32, '37, '42 and '47 Classes. Laymen's Retreat, conducted by the $1,000,000 to the University. Of this Mission priests of the Congregation June 8 to 14, the annual Com­ fund, $750,000 is being used for the of Holy Cross, will meet. munity Retreat of the Holy Cross erection of the Fred J. and Sally Fisher Fathers will be held in Zahm Hall. August 21-24 comes the Catholic Memorial Residence Hall. The remain­ Students Mission Crusade, one of the ing $250,000 is in a trust fund from June 11, 12 and 13 the Division of great Catholic young peoples pro­ which deserving students may borrow Physical and Inorganic Chemistry grams of the Church. And August in order to finance their education. expects 200 to 250 delegates; and 28 to September 3, Notre Dame will An art collection valued at $1,200,- from June 16 to August 8 the An­ be host to the National Federation of 000 was the latest gift from.Mrs. Fisher nual Summer Session of the Univer­ Catholic College Students, a move­ to Notre Dame. It was given to the sity will be held. ment in which Notre Dame student University in 1951. Beginning June 15 and e.xtending leaders have played a prominent na­ to July 15, the Provincial Chapter of tional part since its inception. the Congregation of Holy Cross will August 18 to September 12, the Midwest Conference of be held in Zahm Hall. surveyors return for their second PoiiHcol Scientists Liturgical programs for under­ course. The University of Notre Dame was graduates and graduates; courses in But in the meantime, the staffs of host on April 24,.25 and 26 to politi­ studies in Sacred Theology and a the housing and feeding, teaching and cal scientists from all parts of the workshop in the teaching of history Midwest who attended the annual will be special features of the summer meeting of the Midwest Conference school. COVER PHOTO of Political Scientists on the Notre Dame campus. The Catholic Press Association will Father John J. Cavanaugh was hold a convention on the campus honored by Notre Dame's ROTC Principal' speaker at the conference June 18-21, and the Newman Club units with a special testimonial re­ was Walter Trohan, '26, Chief of the convention will be held here June view on the campus mall. Washington, D.C., Bureau of The 22-28. Chicago Tribune. May-June, 1952 1952 LEGAL DIREaORY Honorary Degrees Given Deadline for listings in the 1952 directory of the Notre Dame Law Association is June At Graduation Exercises 15. The directory contains the names of those who are dues The University of Notre Dame will Advisory Committee of the Federal paying members of the Asso­ confer honorary degrees on an Arch­ Bank of Chicago, is a member of the ciation for the current year. bishop and Bishop of the Catholic Executive Committee of Catholic If you are interested in be­ Church, a noted official of the United Charities of the Archdiocese of Chi­ coming a member of the Asso­ Nations, one of the country's top edu­ cago, and of the Notre Dame Presi­ ciation write the Executive Sec­ cators and three prominent business e.\- dent's Committee of Chicago.
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