Arthropoda Selecta 27(4): 367–372 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2018 Spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the High Arctic Shokalsky Island (73°N), the Kara Sea, Russia Ïàóêè (Arachnida, Aranei) âûñîêîàðêòè÷åñêîãî îñòðîâà Øîêàëüñêîãî, Êàðñêîå ìîðå, Ðîññèÿ Anna A. Nekhaeva Àííà À. Íåõàåâà A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Институт проблем экологии и эволюции имени А.Н. Северцова РАН, Ленинский проспект 33, Москва 119071, Россия. KEY WORDS: Araneae, Arctic island, fauna, protected territory, salt marshes, tundra. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Araneae, арктический остров, фауна, охраняемая территория, приморские мар- ши, тундра. ABSTRACT. Small Arctic islands are poorly ac- Introduction cessible territories having specific faunas. Although many of them are included in conservancy areas, virtu- An Arctic fauna is species-poor, mainly consisting ally nothing is known about their invertebrate faunas. of widespread species due to a relatively young age of In the present paper, the first results of a comprehen- Arctic landscapes and harsh environmental conditions sive study of species diversity, density and activity of [Brochmann et al., 2003]. Yet, life there requires pro- spiders undertaken on the Shokalsky Island (73ºN) sit- found morpho-physiological and ecological adaptations uated in the Kara Sea are provided. Spider species [Danks, 1981, 2004]. The invertebrate fauna of Arctic collected during this survey belong to the families islands is rather specific because its formation differed Linyphiidae (13 species) and Tetragnathidae (one); all from that of mainland faunas [Gislason, 2005; Alsos et of them are known from the adjacent continental re- al., 2009; Coulson et al., 2013]. To date, species com- gions. Compared to faunas of small islands in the Bar- position of only a few Arctic islands and/or archipela- ents Sea, the araneofauna of the Shokalsky Island is gos, such as Greenland [Marusik et al., 2006; Böcher impoverished, which is due to the homogeneity of its et al., 2015], Svalbard [Coulson et al., 2014], Wrangel habitats and colder climate. Island [Stishov, 2004; Novichkova, Chertoprud, 2015] and Ellesmere Island [Leech, 1966; Brodo, 2000], have How to cite this article: Nekhaeva A.A. 2018. been inventoried to certain extent. Available faunistic Spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the High Arctic data from other Arctic archipelagos in the Palaearctic Shokalsky Island (73°N), the Kara Sea, Russia // Region (e.g., Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, No- Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.27. No.4. P.367–372. doi: vosibirskie Islands) are fragmentary and/or based on 10.15298/arthsel. 27.4.14 the materials that were mainly obtained during the ini- tial period of Arctic exploration at the end of the 19th – РЕЗЮМЕ. Небольшие арктические острова — the beginning of the 20th centuries [Økland, 1928; это труднодоступные территории со специфичной Holm, 1973; Marusik et al., 1993; Coulson et al., 2014; фауной. Хотя многие из них входят в состав запо- Tanasevitch, 2017a,b]. ведников, данные о составе их фаун беспозвоноч- All the aforementioned regions are large and isolat- ных, по большей части, отсутствуют. В настоящей ed terrains, whereas the majority of Arctic islands are работе представлены первые результаты комплекс- rather small and have a much lesser habitat diversity. ных исследований разнообразия, плотности и ак- Yet, islands located near the mainland are influenced тивности пауков, выполненных на острове Шокаль- by a greater species expansion from the continent [Bolo- ского (73° с.ш.), расположенном в Карском море. tov, Shutova, 2006; Nekhaeva, Nekhaev, 2011; Bara- Виды пауков, найденные в ходе исследования, при- nov, Nekhaev, 2017]. However, special faunistic stud- надлежат к семействам Linyphiidae (13 видов) и ies in such islands are extremely rare in the Arctic and Tetragnathidae (1); все они известны с прилежащих were carried out mainly in the Barents Sea region континентальных регионов. Аранеофауна острова [Makarova, Makarov, 2006; Makarova et al., 2010; Шокальского обеднена в сравнении с фаунами не- Nekhaeva, Nekhaev, 2011; Nartshuk, 2014; Makarova больших островов Баренцева моря, что обусловле- et al., 2015; Marusik et al., 2016]. Little is known но однообразностью местообитаний и более холод- about invertebrate faunas of the extreme north of Sibe- ным климатом. ria and especially of islands in Siberian seas because of 368 A.A. Nekhaeva Fig. 1. Map and a view of the studied area. A — map of northern Eurasia with the Shokalsky Island (marked with a star); B — map of the Shokalsky Island, with the location of field station of the Gydansky Nature Reserve (circle); C, D — salt marshes; E — sedge-moss tundra, F — moss-cottongrass bog. Рис. 1. Карта и обзор изученной территории. A — карта северной Евразии с указанием места расположения о. Шокальского (звезда); B — карта о. Шокальского с указанием места расположения кордона Гыданского заповедника (круг); C, D — соленые марши; E — осоково-моховая тундра, F — мохово-пушицевое болото. their poor accessibility [Novichkova, 2016; Novichko- southern part of the Kara Sea, NE of the Yamal Penin- va, Chertoprud, 2017; Tanasevitch, 2017b]. sula (полуостров Ямал) in Arctic Russia (Fig.1A). It This paper presents results of the first survey of a is separated from the Yavai Peninsula (полуостров spider fauna of the High Arctic Shokalsky Island (73ºN) Явай) by the Gydansky Strait (Гыданский пролив) situated in the Kara Sea (Western Siberia), being part which does not exceed 5 km in its width. The island of the Gydansky Nature Reserve. No earlier spider and the adjacent waters are part of the Gydansky Na- record from that island has been published to date. ture Reserve. The island is ca. 30 km long and ca. 20 km wide, its total area is about 495 km² [Rebristaya, Material and methods 2002; Gorchakovskiy, 2015a]. It is flat with the maxi- mal elevation of about 10 m above sea level. The Sampling area ground is composed of permafrost and subterranean The Shokalsky Island (остров Шокальского, ice. An average annual air temperature is –10 °C to Shokalskogo Isl., Schokalsky Isl.) is situated in the –12 °C. July and August are the warmest months with Spiders of the Shokalsky Island 369 an average temperature of +5 °C. The mean duration of A total of 1606 specimens was collected, of which the frostless period is 55–70 days [Kalyakin et al., 786 adult specimens were identified to species. The 2000]. nomenclature follows WSC [2018]. All the studied The island is situated in the northern part of the material will be deposited in the Zoological Museum arctic tundra subzone of the tundra belt [Yurtsev, 1994]. of the Moscow State University, Russia (curator — Its vegetation is dominated by mosses and herbaceous K.G. Mikhailov). plants (especially grasses, sedges, cottongrasses), while The evaluation of local species richness was per- lichens are not abundant [Rebristaya, 2002]. Maritime formed in PAST Version 3.15 with the non-parametric halophilic vegetation (viz., Puccinellia phryganodes species richness estimator Chao2 [Colwell, Codding- (Trin.) Scribn. et Merr. and Carex subspathacea Worm- ton, 1994; Hammer et al., 2001]. Spider density and sk. ex Hornem.) occurs on beaches along the entire dynamic activity were calculated with considering ju- seashore [Rebristaya, 2002]. Island ecosystems are not venile specimens. transformed by human activities, providing suitable sites for nesting of many birds and/or for goose moult- Results ing, with the highest bird densities being observed in river valleys and deltas where they intensively feed Thirteen species of Linyphiidae were identified [Gorchakovskiy, 2015b; Dubrovsky et al., 2016]. among the collected material (Table 1). A juvenile Pachygnatha specimen apparently belonging to a new Sampling and sample processing species (Azarkina and Marusik, pers. comm.) was also Terrestrial arthropod fauna was sampled from 1st collected. The taxonomic status of Masikia aff. indis- to 23rd August 2016. Samples were taken from the SW tincta found during this study is yet unclear and re- part of the island around the field station of the Gydan- quires further studies, as there are visible differences in sky Nature Reserve (Fig. 1B). A number of different the shape of its male palpal tibia and the conformation but the most characteristic island habitats were studied of its embolic division and epigyne from true M. indis- (Figs 1C–F): viz., the tundra with Carex spp., green tincta (Kulczyński, 1908). Thus, altogether 14 spider mosses, Dryas sp. and Salix spp. (Fig. 1E); the bog species have been recorded, with this figure being equal with Poa spp., cottongrasses and Sphagnum spp. (Fig. to the estimated species richness: Chao2 = 14±2. 1F); the surroundings of Arctic fox’s burrow which are The species number in the studied habitats varied distinct by a variety of herbaceous plants; heath com- from three to nine (Table 1). The highest species diver- munity dominated by Dryas sp.; shore algae drifts; and sity was observed in the tundra and the third (highest) three types of the salt marsh communities (Figs 1C, D; sea marsh level. The most common and abundant spe- salt marshes are dried land areas of sea costs covered cies occurring in almost all the studied sites were M. with halophilic vegetation, which are formed on alluvi- aff. indistincta (270 specimens), Erigone psychrophila al deposits and are subject of regular underflooding by (178) and Hilaira glacialis (163). The former two spe- sea water
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