pc J WASHINGTlWf I THE HERD THE BEST ALL THE D D SPORTING SECTION I AMATEUR SPORTS t I IN THE SOUTH AND GOSSIP f WASHINGTON D C SUNDAY JULY 4 1909 Browne abd Delehanty all have played here some with the Red Sox and the I NATIONALS NEW PITCHER IN ACTION I others across the tracks They are prime NJVFIUNALSLOSE TWO favorites CANTILLON PASSED UP- Ed Tubby Spencer has quit the Red Sox He wentiaway saying that he was gob to join the California outlaw TO BOSTON RED SOX League Tubby GESSLER AND on the bench President Taylor has wired THOMAS the Oakland Club net to play him r Tubby should have taken another think before he leaped Jesse Tannehill Wild and Hit Herr at Critical OY YOUNG HT FORM Washington Manager Hat a Fie Change to Veterans Classy Twirling Responsi- ¬ Stages Altrock Groom and Gray Naps ble for Victory Over Tigers I Strengthen Club and Now Fans re Cleveland July 3 Old Cy Young pitched airtight ball against the cham- ¬ Unable to Stem Tide in pion Detrolts today and Muttln lost Ida Demanding Shakeup and second game Easterlys two bed throws Second in the ftret inning were responsible for Game Detroits lone run The Naps bunohed a Winning Teen bits on MulHn In tile fifth driving him t from the box Cant Bradley benched himself in favor of Pairing Score CtoHfead R H O A B OMrak RHOAt- Boston MasS July 3 Jiggs Donohue ltd the troop of Nationals T 25 S MIdsert fit 1 1 2 1 1 BEET Ib 1 1 9 1 1 6 BrWILLI h1 z out onto the Hutitington avenue grounds this afternoon confident of SLrf t i 9 elcMwfart ef l la- 1 r e 1 51 Z CobIt d 1 i1 2 I- A general shakeup for the Nsaoiais is bound Jo crop out before as U 1 Z 4 1 1 IROMHMk U 1 1 winning leaSt one of the matches in the scheduled 1al 1 t at doubleheader d 9 1 1 0LeIn I 1 msxiy more games hare been played Tbere is considerable dead wood Ball 1I 2 S I i2341 However the hopes of Jiggs were blasted because the Bosons were on I 3b 1 1 jTcaaiaH e 1 S 1 t 1 Yews 1 1 2 1 p I 1 that needs cutti g away and joe Caatoa cannot afford towait much the job all the time copping out in the first session by 6 to and snaring i Wwhk i i i I 4 TsUto 112271 310 Je > i t I t- icnger br ore wiekfiog 3iC ax the second match 5 to i j TMste 11 9111 1 Aster a disastrous series ia the Capital with Boston the Nationals Our old and esteemed colleague Jesse Tannehill who was sent to Batted fir OLeary fa atath tmtog Cfaratas- e 1 e S o e e d- took to tie road last Taesday and opened fire OB the New York Yankees thefiring line in the first game was wild as well as ineffective at critical DhsitN l e 1 1 1 141 dTwtaK Wa Thrterty TBMA A- with the result as erciybody knows that Yaekee guns raked CantiUons stages Three runs were scored by Boston as a result of ° two vild MMbIIbMhMu Steles bMwBMblidBa O been ac biu ell r n Stevdc ably Yewe- craft tore aad aft Our brave heroes got away with only one game out pitches fay the former Red Sox favorite He remained on the job S b7 > 1 sy Warts L BMM es kdhOC- Yewc 1 off L Uanliai Haat OMMDj of five 4 fI nt Lat however Yesterday in BostonXhe Red Sox gave the Natiooais a double Opposed to him in the opening miil was Southpaw Wolter who r TWO POE ATHLETICS beating hktiag T dull Aitrodc Gray and Groom hard Boston hay was apparently after a strikeout record He had fanned eight of tie Take the Ulelilandem Measure in been a thorn ia the Nationals side all season and up to date the locals sixth came and he blew up Nations when the Easy Style have won only three games out of three series This losing streak las Ryan to the Rescue jfo New York July 3 The New York by Alaerfeaas wept down to a ctotMe defeat got to be Sopped hence the shakftup Passes to Street aid Jesse ioBowed HOVLIK Milan being Jilt broaght in Ryan whO AMERICAN LEAGUE tile Bnlieulalphia Athletics taking the Acel4lcatJl Bart HIgh compara- Dig twirler signed by Manager Cantlllon week from Peoria club Se I pitched until eighth when there were laeasttre of the to last of Three is too true Accidents + the League it alas has two men on bases and things looked bad YESTERDAYS RESULTS tlveiy easy style Scores Err crippled tile tear jut whoa It appeared for the Red Sox Arellanee was seat in- FIRST GIRL to have struck Its much prophesied gait CANTCLOtf M MBS UMPIRE Boston C Washington 4 PIIIk R1l O dy Kew Tort R O to save the game He did 14 11 aad both CaatlUoo tad Owner BaR LOSS OF HRST GAME The Nationals poked out tea bits is the Boston 5 I Washington 1 v Ga 1 s 1 IL 1 4 2 ENTER BOTH REVENGE FOR OLD ELI Moves albto capable awa out 1 USlid ORES date = 1 111 2 hac l i Cave Ib t first game while the Sox got to Jesse Philadelphia 7 New York 0 M 1 t <f aooattag J uasinliia material Two 8 I11IC for f one being peach D mTM 9 Jt 0 1 PiMBitn if t t 1 s Bssiea July to tar twelve safeties a Philadelphia 3j New Yogic 2 Bdvr 1SS < 1 m t mm have been rajeeatly signed aa oat by which dropped iota Bury 1 1 1 1 SjiSi 3D J aMcaer ettfletaer WSHfaua Peet Editor of a homer Stahi Cleveland 4 Detroit 1 r r1 S 4 II felier and a The irtlnK long- e t Onyttg e t t 1 S t The n the left field bleachers one of the 0- Moisu p 2 p I4I t- hoe shown a reCrMIIbtc tendency I VaaklBste Herald St Louis 4 Chicago t t Pctomacs of Washington to Down Crimson Tossers LaIIftIt I Ball For a CIa worst de est hits ever wade on the grounds Ittata Ttttahl slarailS- to hit sad lochs lie a flxture The kirk the SltSlill ei l Hi yea ever saw I In the second game the Nationals were GA31BS TODAY heipidl 1 S e 1 e 1 l Be Seen in Philadelphia Final Game pitcher BoYD lam yet to twirl his first PcrrlHe put in I AreWanee wr Yd- I tI 3Cv ci le oat of the awe aJleI held to four safeties by whom I I gasse the Twebwe w W feo OoOt- ehesgc Coaeuy at his mercy at every Cleveland at Chicago htoC Ilrilf Laps lop ODe of to short Taa- had them etaexn lIINe te bM FGl OIIHD Berra When the ax it shoald aff seven In- rig nelsMl to deist tYnglault to of the proceedings during the Detroit at St Loads asmri MdrBr Vtefeea 1 by Mowo 4 BMW oa- PROBABLE oatfltMer aad at least two pitchers red S PICKED AS WINNERS VAN 7EEGK SWATS THE 1I11k1t lest as a Weilpitched nings he officiated Handsome Nick talkOff Rein off Marian a DwU plv- BAIL Ooocsa Browne aad Delehaacy should be SEANDQTG Kasjht to dberfeU CapuM Mnai K anl by AJtxeck TaMRekWji wets touched up for fourteen hits Groom OF TILE TEA3O m plfms they are abJIt two wild Tto of BMM 1 boar tad mlmHu At- bent out of the adt e W ti XKSS relieved him finishing ou the seventh LPrt1 5 W L Pet mss Caatflkm piles lei te fe r ia the Do4vlL 45 S4 to do tluiasfiw justice ftts p1iI1Io 3f 1>3 IIMS SBCOND Chances t gene and beat BJU Dolly Gray took the mound In the eighth lIIW TerihS II GARB Expert Think Well of of Retire rem th Box in the Barly praloab alive SiD this strata of agaku aad BM M II 9 47 St La 6 4 PmOr R H O A X I Xrw YOlk K H O A B I am atdfl ea the 9 pea4ed t Unip lie Troubles Again OMKad 31 WMtrtngtM K 1 1 1 Crews SexwleHM looking NIL tug list 9 JK a 9 JB3 Hdfteg t Jf 1 S the Local and Tout Them bat Proves a Veritable the toss are for to TeD The comedy sketch team Perriae and ef R as Danfferonj = iHtiMkd- CTILLO om 1YIS311 v t12121 i t t Contenders Carl Demon with the Stiolc When He s OLoughHn were present and the for-¬ Threebase hitHooper Home runStahL rf 1I 1 11 RI ipliihia ta a sptrte- I i to Honors the attii ft sat Base on ballsOff Wolter I oft wr rf flit I rfd1 1 Mueller Picked Win in I Placed ia tike Outfield Hirst Win second Tanne 1 > It mer chased McBride oat of the hill 1 Struck By 7 Outs i t 4 K t i t i t tasBOsaR the writer brfhW that CaB oat Wolter by 1 S 6 1 X Event for Junior Sculls GotkaMi 3Tany disputing lath a f Atutto Ja t t S t in for Yea- talus coapte stood IItt1ftD Heralds Boston correspondent for a dose at by Tanne ta tips l bed a of gajpe Double e Borer M 1211 s t t I 1 t- Ion McBride to Street to Ulll 1 1 > tarr I was acid to set hrtouch with Manager second Tanzwtiin wept out to the right I O t f t i 9 babe the Ant I Tee could Messrs lrM 1 1 1 t te- la ire garden ttogla b being shifted into short- Perrtae and 1la TIme of CoostDRR A 1 I 1 by Lake sad sent back the folkncras tele- game 2 hours end S minutes AUandaace Q epusd lIST ThOMd6 5eleaed Pttt gram which to 8tf explanatory changing with Conray later Tannehill IjJjMft fofck TUS 5 tl Total t fi SM 3 STATISTICS OF CRBWSJ- y 4t Jay 3v w teak was aad wile new IB asBytas pod ban D MC IK 1MeI one rN burl G sO R made a pair of neat catches but also SECOND GAME span the sirs ts day w a udIIe trio for two Pin KsAssaaos Tbomav was r r Denied BOSTON O A E PapMWpMt ONIOE BKffil- tory HjiirJi t n Wirirtn ton timid misjudged a couple of drives that devel a a R T e yck tSlllltial-1 1 9 e for th Tale varsity bssthan else wads a free ageat by tbe Plttsburg dub 4 1 t 1 2 1 I WIiIIIIIL Asa JIIIItt Boston Mass July X is oped laic long hits Gardner Sb 1 Ton base ll Harvard baatoa hi teataaaiBg to play Washington There ab 4 1 2 t MUThOMa O CtfdaK OHctec- 1 Iasbeor3 5 111 belie a aad isatod la fas Speaker MffaM o soiutely no truth the nnnor thaSt Gee The First Game ef 4 1 a 0 9 Dads TfenwtM Ml Ttattr SUM 2 Ksfcw > err 191 1R5vs utile Fate OaenMii by a sere of Jots ether ek of foresight was in trot strr fc If 4 1 3 St CMnbs t kf Jfurtac 1 a Qata L lleaer is e be traded or sold Wh we 1 t 1 i 291 the heavy hitting Boston scored first the first iaateg of Wagner ss 4 1 2 1 aw a Stet ascarlag pee Gessier 1 1 2 ltrea MIIsjf eoa of C- 4 lsenyurN lei M 111- might have consdered a ¬ 1 Umqine K bluer f Not ago at Aaterfeea League when be trade for Gee the first game McConnell doubted ad Ib 4 3 li I I S Mnm ai aad SIiIIIIIIII
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