Destinations: Denmark Brief historical introduction Although the brick messengers from Lippe-Detmold do not mention Denmark before 1847, nevertheless Denmark is mentioned already eighty-four times as a destination in the Lippe passlists for migrant workers from 1778-1832. Probably most will have worked in Schleswig-Holstein – at the time part of Denmark - but also Copenhagen is mentioned four times, Seeland two times, and Amalgesund (Sundby on Amager?) once. So we may conclude that already before Karl Pape’s trip the Danish Kingdom was not unknown in the Principality of Lippe-Detmold. Interestingly enough, in the years 1794-1796 a Brandmeister named Hans Adam was engaged at Hvolgaard estate brickwork (Langskov Sogn, Hedensted Kommune; owner 1784-1814 Anders Winding Hansen Kruse), heading a gang of at least 3 workers. Although Adam is a common family name among Lippe brick workers, we have not been able to identify this Hans Adam as a brickmaker from Lippe. On December 12th 1847 Karl, son of Ziegelbote Pape, visited brickmakers from Lippe-Detmold who worked in Liimfjord on the mill of the Swedish consul Rygaard. He made his journey by steamer from Kiel to Apenrade, Kolding, Horsens, Vejle, Aarhus and Aalborg and he took the opportunity to conclude contracts with some notable millowners for the ensuing season 1848 (L 77 A 4723, fol. 117-122). For the years 1848 until 1875 the data are detailed and abundant. Although afterwards they become rare, around 1900 the last seasonal brickmakers from Lippe have gone to Denmark, it seems. The format of the information In the sources the destinations may be indicated from very broad (like Denmark) to very detailed, like the name of an estate, including that of the factory owner. The information is organized according in the following chapters: - Factories without specification of Amt - Northern Jutland - Southern Jutland - Schleswig - Danish Islands Each chapter is subdivided into: - Amt - Each Amt is subdivided into parishes (Sogn), all in Danish alphabetical order - Within the parishes follow the brickworks, visited by brickmakers from Lippe-Detmold: The information per factory is presented in the following order: jles - Data from the database “Danske Teglværker (parish, mill owner, literature), by Verner Bjerge with corrections by Jørgen G. Berthelsen - Data from “Fabrik og Industritabeller 1855” (parish, mill owner, location of mill, mention of brickmakers from Lippe-Detmold or Germany). - Data from Ziegelbotenlisten: destination, mill owner, serial number, size of gang, function (1=Brandmeister), year, family name of brickmaker, christian name of brickmaker, place of residence of brickmaker. Sometimes there are more gangs per mill. NB Unfamiliar destinations or mill owners are underlined; BM=Brandmeister (head of the work gang). Sources: Rigsarkivet in Københaven: “Fabrik og Industritabeller 1855” Verner Bjerge, database “Danske Teglværker” at www.tegl.info.dk. Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen, Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Detrmold: Ziegelbotenlisten 1847-1969 ( L 77 A 4717-4721) and additions from L 77 A 4723 and 4727. Archiv der lippischen Landeskirche in Detmold: Konsistorialarchiv Rep II Tit. 65 Nr. 4 (1650) Acknowledgements This list of destinations ist he outcome of an intensive cooperation between the authors of this site (Piet Lourens and Jan Lucassen) and Verner Bjerge in Horsens (Denmark), as well as Jørgen G. Berthelsen in Rungsted and Torben Vestergaard in Cathrineholm (who provided the information on Hvolgaard). jles Factories without specification of Amt Juetland 31 6 1 1850 Neese Jobst Hoerste Norkercken Petersen 18 4 1 1851 Diekhof Henr. Billinghausen jles Danish Islands Frederiksborg Amt Blovstrød Sogn Bloustrød Kro Teglværk (Trap 1.1.84 + 4.2.83 + Jø.Be. Katalog). Owner 1855: N. Seierø. Blostrod Ag. Seijrod 27 9 1 1869 Steinhage K. Siekholz Borup Sogn Svenstrup Teglværk ()? 1855: Borup, Københavns Amt, Kammerherr Capitain Neergaard, B. Schrøder? Borup M. Jacobsen 35 6 1 1852 Kirchhof Fr. Heiden Roeskilde A.M. Jacobsen 31 23 1 1853 Niewald Barth. Heidenoldendorf Borup R. Juergensen 8 5 1 1858 Fasse Fr. Hoerstmar Dråby Sogn Christiansminde / Jægerspris Teglværk (Trap 1.1.122). 1855: Dråby, Kongen / Niels Gortz / Verwalter Lützow, Jægerspriis. Christiansminde H.S. Hoeck 5 4 1 1852 Stellbrink Fr. Lage Christiansminde H. Hoeck 41 3 1 1853 Wallbaum Herm. Pivitsheide Jagerspriis Hilmers 83 3 1 1854 Wahrweg S. Billinghausen Helsingør Købstad Klostermosegård Teglværk (Trap 2.3.10 + 3.2.22 + Bayer 1885 + Jø.Be.Katalog). Owner 1846-about 1885: Georg Friedrich Dithmer. Mosegaard G.T. Ditmer 14 25 1 1859 Bax Chr. Stapelage Helsingoer G.F. Dithmer 20 24 1 1860 Glietz Fr. Breitenheide Helsingoer G.T. Dithmer 10 20 1 1861 Neese Heinr. Hoerste Klostermosegaard G.T. Dithmer 29 20 1 1862 Neese Heinrich Hoerste Helsingoer G.F. Dithmer 44 16 1 1863 Neese H. Hoerste Helsingoer G.T. Dithmer 29 12 1 1865 Neese Heinr. Hoerste Klostermosegaard G.F. Dithmer 29 12 1 1866 Neese Heinr. Hoerste Klostermosegaard G.F. Dithmer 28 27 1 1867 Neese Heinr. Hoerste Klostermosegaard G.F. Dithmer 31 20 1 1868 Neese Heinr. Hoerste Klostergaard G.F. Dithmer 25 20 1 1869 Wilkenlau W. Hagen Nøjsomhed Teglværk (Trap 3.2.22 + 4.2.32 + Jø.Be.Katalog + Div.). 1855: Helsingør, B. Larson, Nøisomhed. Noisomhed B. Larssen 34 17 1 1858 Toelle S. Steinegge Noisomhed B. Larson 32 11 1 1865 Masholt Aug. Oerlinghausen Noisomhed B. Larsen 30 10 1 1866 Masholt Aug. Oerlinghausen Noisomhed B. Larsen 26 26 1 1867 Klutmann Cph. Hoerste Noisomhed B. Larsen 32 12 1 1868 Kleinegees Chr. Hoerste Noisomhed B. Larsen 26 9 1 1869 Jobstmann Ad. Muessen jles Sofienlyst Teglværk (Lerindustrien 4/10 1934). Owner 1855-1859: Regimental Surgeon Kølpin Ravn. Lorentz Andreas Dithmer bought it in 1859. Sophienlust Bahnson 24 5 1 1852 Wiese E. Muessen Sophialijst L.U. Bahnsen 52 4 1 1853 Koester Chr. Billinghausen Helsingoer L.A. Dithmer 25 15 1 1860 Wind Heinr. Schoetmar Helsingoer L.A. Dithmer 29 11 1 1861 Windt Heinr. Schoetmar Sophienlijst L.A. Dithmer 30 13 1 1862 Masholt August Oerlinghausen Helsingoer L.A. Dithmer 18 10 1 1863 Masholt Aug. Oerlinghausen Helsingoer Joh. Stradell 3 10 1 1851 Fuhlhage Heinr. Lage Lowisenlyst - - - 1 1872 Becker Einlieger Stapelage Hillerød Sogn Frederiksborg Teglværk (Industritælling 1829). Friedrichsborg Fr. Schmidt 51 3 1 1858 Kuhlmann Chr. Billinghausen Hornbæk-Hellebæk Sogn Hellebæk Teglværk (O.J.Rawert 1850 + Trap 1.1.79). Hellebeck Hoffmann 27 6 1 1867 Steinhage Karl Siekholz Jørlunde Sogn Sundbylille Teglværk (Bayer 1885). Owner about 1855-before 1880: Friedrich Heinrich Carl Bröker. Friedrich Heinrich Carl Bröker (Istrup 21.08.1831-Copenhagen 29.12.1898) moved 1851 from Copen- hagen to Slangerup and leased there a brickwork. He married 14.11.1854 in Slangerup Johanne Marie Henriksen. He 1860 he lived in Sundbylille. Friedrich Heinrich and Hermann are his brothers. Frederiksund Carl Broeker 37 8 1 1857 Finke H. Brakelsiek Frederiksund Carl Broeker 49 9 1 1858 Bracht W. Erdbruch Simpelijlde C. Broeker 19 7 1 1859 Bracht W. Erdbruch Frederiksund Carl Broeker 5 9 1 1860 Bracht Wilh. Erdbruch Frederiksund Carl Broeker 21 7 1 1861 Deppe Conr. Mossenberg Simpelilde Carl Broeker 32 8 1 1862 Deppe Conrad Mossenberg Frederiksund C. Broeker 7 7 1 1863 Deppe Conr. Mossenberg Fredericksund C. Broeker 23 7 1 1865 Deppe Conrad Mossenberg Simpelijlde K. Broeker 21 6 1 1866 Deppe Conr. Mossenberg Simpelilde C. Broeker 17 8 1 1867 Deppe Crd. Mossenberg Symbelite Karl Bröker - - - 1872 Dreves August Blomberg Karlebo Sogn Nivågård Teglværk (Trap 4.2.82 + Jø. Be. Katalog). Owner 1847-1856: Waldemar Engelsted. 05.11.1858. Christoph Bax from Stapelage went to Synnestved at Nivaagaard with 27 brickworkers as he did already in 1857. The owner applied for suspension of payment, but the brickworkers got their money (L 77 A Nr. 4727, fol.175-188a). Owner 1856-1859, 1859-1872: Alfred Hage. Owner 1872-1923: Johannes Hage. jles Nivaagaard Sijnnestved 16 32 1 1859 Bax A. Stapelage Nivaagaard Consul A. Hage 27 32 1 1862 Pothast Carl Talle Kopenhagen Consul A. Hage 50 24 1 1863 Jasper H. Henstorf Nivaagaard A. Hage 9 19 1 1864 Harack Fr. Langenholzhausen Nivaagaard A. Hage 32 16 1 1866 Broeker Herm. Graben Nivaagaard A. Hage 24 20 1 1867 Broeker Herm. Graben Nivaagaard A. Hage 43 15 1 1868 Broeker Herm. Graben Nivaa A. Hage 28 15 1 1869 Broeker Hm. Graben Niwoo - - - 1 1872 Bröker Einlieger Stapelage Niverød Teglværk (Trap 3.2.68 + Bayer 1885 + D.H. og I. 1936). Owner 1848-1856: Niels Nielsen. Owner 1856-1857: Christian Hjortholm Lund. Owner 1857-1861: Daniel Luplau Grandjean. He lived in Leerbjerggård (Asminderød Sogn) Owner 1861-1862: Joachim Mathias Wildau Owner 1862-1868: Carl Ferdinand Basse. Owners 1868-: Carl Ferdinand Basse and Christian Pedersen. Leerbjerggaard D.L. Grandjean 32 15 1 1858 Busch Conr. Langenholzhausen Leebergaard Grandjean 1 22 1 1859 Sondermann Fr. Meierberg Hirschholm Proprietair Grandjean 11 14 1 1860 Sandermann Fr. Meierberg Hirschholm Grandjean 7 10 1 1861 Sandermann Fr. Meierberg Nivaaroed Capitain Basse 28 8 1 1865 Kufus Heinr. Linderhof Nivaaroed Capitain Basse 33 9 1 1866 Kufus Heinr. Linderhowe Nivaaroed F. Basse 41 22 1 1868 Bremer Heinr. Pivitsheide Nivaa Ch. Petersen 29 20 1 1869 Bremer Hr. Pivitsheide Nieweröd - - - 1 1872 Bremer Einlieger Stapelage Sølyst Teglværk (Jø. Be. Katalog). Owner 1856-1857: Jørgen Olsen. Owner 1857-1860: Ernst Aarsleff. Owner 1860-1869: Julius August Haste. Owner 1869-1890: Fritz H. Friedrichsen. Copenhagen Aarsleff 31 18 1 1858 Harack Fr. Langenholzhausen Copenhagen Aarslef 6 26 1 1859 Harrach Fr. Langenholzhausen Soelijst Grossirer J.A. Haste 28 14 1 1862 Knie Simon Uflen Helsingoer A. Haste 40 20 1 1863 Johannsmann Frd. Muessen Helsingoer A. Haste 33 22 1 1865 Johannsmann Wilh. Holzcamp Soelijst J.A. Haste 31 18 1 1866 Bremer Heinr. Pivitsheide Soelijst J.A. Haste 25 29 1 1867 Bremer Heinr.
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