r, RENT. IIEA1. ESTATE—FOK KAI.E. COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. ANNOI M KMKNTft FINANriAU | REAL ESTATE—FOR *1 Holism—North ••• BRITISH ADMIRAL thereof, and all objections thereto or 9th District, Sokol Hall. 1245 So. 13th Personal*. I Ileal K*tate loan*. 14 Apartments—I nlurnislied. claims for damages must be filed in the St. RALE—A new all modern Lrtwm C’lerk's office on or noon 9th District. Vinton School. 21st and Industrial home MONEY TO Loan FnR County before THE SALVATION ARMY 1.»» imor« Ave. »4 1»0. Deer Park Blvd. On first and second mortgage*. LOOK AT THESE VALUES. bungalow 44311 BURIED AT SEA of the lOtft day of December. A. D., 1924, solicit* your old clothing furnltura. mags 4904 10th Comenlus School. 16th We outright for cash 3 rooms 1240 S 15th SI.I * 00 1360 down KK. , or said road will be opened without ref- District, zlnes. We collect We distribute. Phone buy 3 225 Cedar H»9IW. Portsmouth, England, Oct. 23.— erence thereto. and William Sts. JA. 413& and our wagon will call. Call Existing mortgages and land contracts. rooms. St.!'?■£“ II J.' Itf'I’K ^ <*« » *»UV and »>H 11th and 5 rooms. 1201 Pacific St FRANK DEWEY. 11th District. Lincoln School. and our new home. 2<>9 N 13th St Prompt Action. .}1M0 Without ceremonial of any kind, the Inspect Grace St. part modern. I 0-2 N-8 County Clerk. Center Sts. H. A. WOLFE CO., 5 rooms. 2018 4R34 n 40TH 8T—elx-room 12th District, Bt. Joseph School, 16th “1 2 3 2 6 7 !» •582 Saunders Kennedy 3160 5 rooms, flat. 2128 N. 16th cash Crelgh. 608 Bee JA. 0200. ashes of the late Admiral Percy St.Jy5 00jlo 8300 and Center Sts. 5511772” Bldg_AT 5 rooms. 2834 Parker St.M6 | Scott today were consigned to the LEGAL NOTICES. 13th District, Drug Store. 1528 Vinton FARM LOANS. NO COMMISSION. 6 rooms: garage, all modern. 3404 1 a™- loans. 9* deep 20 miles from shore whence they fit. 40-yr. Nebraska farm 5% per •r St.140.00 House*—SoutTi. Descendant of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 14th District. Fire Eng. Houso. 20th liost and Found. 1A cent Interest, without commission; write PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Originator ol had been conveyed by a British and Spring Sts to Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank. Lin* "Wbera Omaha Rents.” Sealed bids will be received at the of- and Farnam Sts. 81XTH WARD. LOST. coin, Nebraska. W K. Barkley. prea't. AT. 0844. 17th Practical destroyer. fice of the County Clerk at Ne- 4206 So Attractive, Feud Shot Dead Wahoo, 1st District. German Home, on or near Lincoln look Kentucky braska, October 31, 1824, until 11 o clock October 19, Highway, AND fi PER CENT MONEY. If you want an up-to-date bungalow, 13th St. between Omaha and one spare 5Vi Thla la of brick A. M and at that time publicly opened Gothenburg, Loans on Omaha Improved property at at 1007 South 83rd St. Over Election ADVERTISEMENT. 2d District, Edward Rosewater scheoi, marked “Pankonln A Son*. extra and read for Platte River Bridge Con- tire. Covornlng lowest rates. 188.00 WINTER—870 SUMMER—Six fire and stucco, six rooms, tiled bath, Wrangle. 13th and Phelps St a. Please Dr. W. _ struction, fills and Incidental work on Grant. Nebraska." notify FRANK H. BINDER. rooms in good condition; cloee to school lavatory, oak floor# and finish, flreplsca 3d District, garage. 3701 8. 24th 8t. D. Neb. the Omaha-Wahoo road southeast of the Jensen. Grant, 823 National. JA. 2581 and car. 2903 Jackson St. J. L. HIATT and bookcases. Lot 92x118, with i-csr W. Oct. This For 4th District. 4024 So. 24th St. City for Bluefleld, Va., 23.—Another Try of on Section line betwen CO. AT 9900. This Is a dandy; see me village Yuian 6th District, Garfield School. 16th and LOST—Black case between Glenwood and NEB. FARMH Karate. violent death haa been recorded Sections 26 and 36, Township 16 North, OMAHA HOMES— EAST price and term*. In "H" Bt Omaha, containing load. Reward $5. REAL ESTATE CO 9 East of the 6th m. Federal 28d O’KEEFE REALTOR. the Range p. 6th District, So. Side High school, Union Bus Dept. Bank JA 2715 3328 California: ur-to- family history of the notorious Aid No. 236-A. The total Apply 1015 Omaha Nat’l Bldg SHIRBEY Ante. Project length and "J” 8ts. 6-room apt. with 6-room accom- Hatfield clan of of Is 1.12 miles. 18th and LOST—Red female hna date C. A. West Virginia and Improvement 7th District. Hawthorne school, Irish setter, dog; SECOND mortgages or contracts pur modation. Newlv decorated Janitor»erv- Grimmel, Bride to consist of Thre sections as fol- Missouri Ave. black collar and chain. Liberal reward. 620 Flrat Na 413u. Omaha National Bank. JA. 1616. Kentucky. Recalling the days of the chased by Tukey Company, Ice, <76. Garage if dealred. HA. lows: 8th District, Jungmann School, 20th Call WA. 0882. tlonal Bank. JA. 4223. FIELD CLUB D18TRICT. Tug river fued between the Hatfield SwollenJBIands 8 100-foot low riveted trusses, 20-foot and "O" Sts. FOR RENT—Six roomi. all modern, brick LOST—In Rialto theater of 10-21-24, newly decorated; roadway 20-ton capacity 9th District, garags. 6134 S. 24th 8t. night SIX per cent loana on Omaha residences located cloae to achool. car line Beautiful 6-rm house, and the McCoy clans, veteran offi- People who have enlarged glands brown fox choker. Reward. Call AT. 2398 E. H Mat. one block 3 100-foot low riveted trusses, 20-foot 10th District, Brown Park School, 19th Cash on hand Prompt service. -eaaonable rent, referenda required Te) f.O-ft. corner lot. paving paid: or KE. 3532. right, with cials of were In- ought to know that by freely apply- roadway, 20-ton capacity. and “U" Sts. Lougee. Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. 5670 Af’er d o'clock. WA 1200 to car and school Priced Mingo county today IA Mr. Pitkin, 1 100-foot low riveted 20-foot 11th Madison 17th and easy terms. Evening*, call ing Emerald Oil the can truss, District, fiQhool. GERMAN police dog lost: full bred, wolf DELAY r* vestigating the killing of Alex Hat- dally gland 20-ton Madison Ave. 6U AND d PER CENT—NO APARTMENTS and flats for rent. ! HA. 764ft or Mr Rowley, K 0206 roadway, capucity. gray, female. Reward. WA. 0865. 646 Omaha Nat l Bldg be to a head and all the are: SEVENTH WARD. GARVIN BROS., .1. PALMER CO. AT 8*80 field, the lateHt of his line to feel the brought Approximate quantitiee W. _ loo cubic dry excavation. 1st district, drug store, 3602 8. 24th Bt. Res) Estate Management Speclsllsts METCALFE COMPANY, of a bullet. germs and poLsonous secretions dis- yards I WILL buv mortgages and contracts sting 930 cubic yards wet excavation. 2d district, South Lincoln school, 27th Neb 202 H. lHh 8t. AT. >418. A rT°MORII,FiV Corkln, 948 Om. Nat’l Bldg.. Omaha, CHOICE four-room flat, steam heat one ground Floor, son of the man who started charged and destroyed. 11,600 lineal feet piling and F St*. Alex, (alternate-Wood, hlork car 450.00. Not fixed-oxer bed- Steel and 3d district, garage. 4526 8. 24th Bt. 1100 to $10,000 loaned; prompt service to the the heal Concrete). for Sale. li 6923. * 98 far-famed feud of years ago, was Furthermore, opening will 345.3 cubic yards Mass Concrete Class B. 4th district, city hall. South Side. Automobile* F D, Wead & D, H. Bowman, wead Bldg. roomi. HA. Houses—WMI 33d and the an surely and and without leav- 360.2 cubic yards Mass Concrete Class A. 6th district, fire engine house, TRU8T COMPANY. victim. During argument speedily real estate mortgages and con. PETERS 471.5 cubic yards Architectural Con- K Sts. CITY’ "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” over the Hatfield Is ing an scar. People who 6th district, 6302 8. 80th St. tracts bought Larson. 104 N. 16th St coming election, unsightly crete, Class A. AT. 0644.17th and Farnam fits Close-in Duplex 7th district. Highland school, 27th and 2054 FARNAM and attic e*eh said to have called Thurman Cham- desire this treatment should secure a 116,101 pounds reinforced a eel. Farm Loans on West. Neb. and N E. Colo' Six dandp r*oms floored Jefferson Sts. and four-room apta vestibule and tll« 16,332 pounds extra structural steel. Kluke Investment Co., Omaha. ONE. two three side, full basement, tile a "liar.” told officials two-ounce bottle of Emerald 8th West Side 82d and farms. eteat bers Chambers original 2,572 square yards gravel surfacing. district. school, NASH UPTOWN STORE 185 bath, nearly new. excellent condition, U Sts. AGENCT. that he struck Hatfield with his fist, Oil (full strength) and use as directed. 12 each 100-root low truss superstruc- t0DRAKE RENTAL and south front corner lot. 61 feet wide, 9th district, South Franklin school, 40th 45 walking distance from tures complete in place except floor and Chevrolet Coupe (new). Money to Loan. and up one block to car, a It is a concentrated and 1 Sts. STEAM heat, 4-room apta.. $30 between whereupon the latter drew pistol, very preparation wearing surface. Studebaker Light Six (A-l). fit retail business center, located 10th Corrigan school, 89th snd close In. O. P. Stebhlne. 1510 Chicago Price re- of and a small lasts a 185 square yards willow mattress. district, Nash Sport (A-l). Farnam and California streets and In a struggle for possession quantity long X Sts.
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