.numb. 50 941 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1945 Additional Land taken for Road-diversion in connection with the SCHEDULE Wellington -New Plymouth Railway (Turakina - Okoia Devia­ APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 1 rood 12·5 perches. Mon) Being Lot 2, D.P. 4900, and being part Section 4. Situated in Block XXXV, Clutha Survey District (Borough of [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Balclutha) (Otago R.D.). (S.O. 9448.) A PROCLAMATION In the Otago Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 121785, deposited in the N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power orange. and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road-diversion in connection Seal of that Dominion, this 19th day of July, 1945. with the Wellington -New Plymouth Railway (Turakina-Okoia B. ROBERTS, Deviation). For the Minister ,of Works. Gon SAVE THE KING ! SCHEDULE (P.W. 20/14/1.) APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken for road-diversion : 2 roods 15·5 perches. Being part Ruatangata lB 4c 2 Block. Situated in Block XII, Ikitara Survey District. (S.O. 20467.) Land taken for Housing Purposes in the City of Christchurch In the Wellington Land District; as the same is more particu­ larly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109397, deposited in [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon A PROCLAMATION coloured red. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of Seal of that Dominion, this 19th day of July, 1945. New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described B. ROBERTS, in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for housing purposes; and F.or the Minister of Works. I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the thirtieth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five. Gon SAVE THE KING! SCHEDULE (P.W. 19/579/4.) APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :­ A. R. P. O O 36 . l LB · R 1 S · 2 2 3 20 . 8 J emg parts ura ect10n 8. Land taken for Post and Telegraph Purpose8 in the Borough of Situated in the City of Christchurch (Canterbury R.D.). (S.O. Balclutha 7587.) In the Canterbury Land District; as the same are more parti­ [L,S,] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General cularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 121246, deposited A PROCLAMATION in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon edged red. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of July, 1945. Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in W. E. PARRY, the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for Post and Telegraph purposes; For the Minister of Works. and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the thirtieth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and Gon SAVE THE KING ! forty-five. (P.W. 80/6.) A 942 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 50 Declaring Land acquired fo1· a Government Work, and not required Road closed in Block VIII, Otamatea Survey District, Rodney County for that Purpose, to be Grown Land [L.S,] 0. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION N. pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I Cyril Louis Norton Newall, I me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis proclaim as closed the portion of road described in the Schedule Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New hereto. Zealand, do hereby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act, 1924. SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed : 3 roods 5·8 perches. SCHEDULE Adjoining Allotments 96, S. 97, and S.W. 98, Parish of Oruawharo. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : Situated in Block VIII, Otamatea Survey District (Auckland 1 rood. R.D.). (S.O. 32687.) Being Section 39. Situated in Block VI, Kawatiri Survey District (Nelson R.D.). In the Auckland Land District ; as the same is more parti­ (S.O. 190/58.) cularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 121751, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon In the Nelson Land District ; as the same is more particularly coloured green. · delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 67811, deposited in the .office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Given u~der the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of July, 1945. of that Dominion, this 20th day of July, 1945. W. E. PARRY, W. E. PARRY, For the Minister of Works. For the Minister of Works. GoD SAVE THE KING ! GoD SA VE THE KING ! (P.W. 20/1024.) (P.W. 34/3991.) Portions of a Public Reserve set apart for Road in Blocks VII, X, XI, XIV, and XV, Egmont Survey District, and Blocks II and III, Kaupokonui Survey District [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and I authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the portions of public reserve described in the Schedule hereto are hereby set apart for road; i:tnd I do also hereby declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the thirtieth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five. SCHEDULE Approximate Areas of the Situated r Situated in Pieces of Public Being in Survey Coloured on Plan Reserve Block District of set apart. I A, R. P. VII 34 0 0 J Section 35 and L Part Egm.ont National Park VII, X, XI, rEgmont Red. and XIV 'J . JXIYandXV 42 0 0 Part Egmont National Park .. "'\_III Kaupokonui" } Blue. 29 0 0 Part Egmont National Park II and III (Taranaki R.D.) In the Taranaki Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 94173, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 19th day of July, 1945. B. ROBERTS, For the Minister of Works. GOD SAVE THE KING ! (P.W. 38/356.) Land set apart as an Addition to a Borough Endowment Consenting to the Raising of a Loan of £3,000 by the Westland Catchment Board and prescribing the Conditions thereof [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION 0. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by subsection ORDER IN COUNCIL I nine of section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Cyril Louis At the Government House at Wellington, this 18th day of Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New July, 1945 Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that from and after the Present: date hereof the land comprised in the piece of closed road described His ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN OouNcIL in the First Schedule hereto, being land intersecting the endowment HEREAS the Westland Catchment Board (hereinafter called for the Corporation of the Borough of Greymouth described in the W "the said local authority") proposes, pursuant to the Second Schedule hereto, shall be deemed to be added to the said provisions of section thirty of the Soil Conservation and Rivers endowment. Control Act, 1941, to raise a loan of three thousand pounds (£3,000), to be known as "Administration Loan, 1945" (hereinafter called FIRST SCHEDULE " the said loan "), for the purpose of paying administration expenses : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the WESTLAND LAND 'DISTRICT Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and RESERVE 1859 (formerly closed road), Block IV, Hohonu Survey consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in District : Area, 3 acres and 5 perches, more or less.
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