DRAFT Columbia Street Connector Improvement Plan Winter 2012 WATERFRONT GREENWAY WATERFRONT •• BROOKLYN Acknowledgements Sources New York City Housing Authority The Columbia Street Connector Improve- http://gis.nyc.gov/nycha/im/wmp.do;jsessio ment Plan was created by Regional Plan As- nid=1E2F735AE5CA89217338768B76AD sociation Research Associate Paul Winters, 4AE5? with the assistance of Milton Puryear of the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative and Rob Pirani New York City Department of City Plan- and Rob Freudenberg of RPA. Jeff Ferzoco ning, CB 6 Profile and Ben Oldenburg of RPA supervised http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/home.html design and production. Scott Demel of Rog- ers Marvel Architects prepared the concept New York City Department of Parks and plan and rendering. RPA Summer Associate Recreations Ashley Wolff developed the background www.nycgovparks.org materials for this document. We would also like to acknowledge Ted US Census Bureau Wright of the New York City Department of http://factfinder.census.gov/home/saff/main. Transportation, Nette Compton , Matthew html?_lang=en Smith, Portia Dyrenforth, Marty Maher, and Mitch Murdock from the New York Red Hook Waterfront City Department of Parks and Recreation. http://www.redhookwaterfront.com/_ Special thanks to Brian McCormick and hi.main/index.html Meg Fellerath of Brooklyn Greenway Initia- tive for leading community outreach efforts Image Credits: and organizing the design workshops for this All images are by Brooklyn Greenway Initia- project. tive and Regional Plan Association staff unlessDRAFT otherwise noted. Planning for the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is made possible by the New York State Department of State with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund sponsored by the Office of the Brooklyn Borough President. Contents Introduction 1 Design Vision 2 ➜➜Erie Basin Pier 4 ➜➜Greenstreet Triangle at Halleck Street 4 ➜➜North Columbia Street 4 Next Steps 5 Project Background 6 ➜➜The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway 6 ➜➜Greenway Design Principles 7 ➜➜Green Spaces 7 Columbia Street Connector 8 ➜➜Overview 8 ➜➜Neighborhood Profile 9 ➜➜Demographics 10 ➜➜Nearby Green Spaces 10 ➜➜Site Features 11 ➜➜Management and Maintenance 11 Community Workshop DRAFT 12 ➜➜Participant Questions 12 ➜➜Findings 12 DRAFT Introduction The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway will connect a series of green spaces along its route, from large regional parks to smaller neighborhood open spaces. One of these opportunities to create new neighborhood green space is along the stretch of Columbia Street between Lorraine Street and the Erie Basin Pier. The Columbia Street Connector project will attract Red Hook residents to the Greenway and the waterfront via Columbia Street and the Erie Basin Pier by providing a safer and greener pedestrian and bicycle route. Plans for the Columbia Street Connector will respect the active use of Columbia Street by Red Hook businesses, while also maximiz- ing opportunities for knitting together exist- ing green spaces and other amenities. Upgrades to the Connector corridor will enhance the streetscape by adding vegeta- tion, green infrastructure for stormwater management, safety improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians, new places for community residents to rest and congregate, DRAFT shade structures, and sites for the interpreta- tion of local history. Where feasible, green infrastructure tech- nology will be promoted as a way to sustain- ably manage stormwater run-off that falls on the street while adding new greenery to the streetscape. Such opportunities to create new amenity and solve critical environmen- tal challenges will be pursued for all portions of the route. This book and the public process that it reflects offer a common vision for the future of the Columbia Street corridor through Red Hook. The concepts were developed at a community workshop held at the Red Hook Recreation Center in Brooklyn on April 26, 2011. The workshop provided a forum for local residents to voice their opinions about various aspects of the proposed improvements to the Columbia Street Connector corridor. 1 • Columbia Connector Improvement Plan • Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Design Vision Improving the Columbia Street corridor from The Greenstreet at Halleck Street will be Lorraine Street to the Erie Basin Pier means creat- expanded and transformed into a native meadow. ing a safe and aesthetically pleasing connection for The site will function as a kiosk with directional residents living north in the Red Hook neighbor- signage and neighborhood information. This in- hood seeking to access amenities like Red Hook formation will be visible to pedestrians and cyclists Park, Added Value’s Red Hook Farm, Erie Basin without them needing to enter the site. Park and the Erie Basin Pier. Erie Basin Pier will receive much needed shade Starting at Lorraine Street, new tree plantings structures and new street trees where viable. There and vegetated swales for capturing stormwater will be new workstations for fishermen. Welcome will transform the sidewalk areas on the west signage will emphasize amenities at the pier and side of Creamer, Bay, and Sigourney Streets. At local history. Eventually, rest room facilities and the intersection with Sigourney Street, enhanced water fountains will make it possible to spend safety striping, new directional signage, and a suite longer periods of time along this beautiful stretch of other pedestrian safety features will be installed, of New York Harbor. signaling that this is where pedestrians and bicy- clists can cross Columbia Street safely if they are wishing to access Red Hook Park or the pier. DRAFT DRAFT Credit: Rogers Marvel Architects 2 • Columbia Connector Improvement Plan • Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway 3 • Columbia Connector Improvement Plan • Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway North Columbia Street ➜➜Plenty of plants and trees; TREE PLANTINGS & FUTURE STORM DRAINAGE ➜➜Stormwater green infra- MANAGEMENT structure; ➜➜Directional signage; and IMPROVE AND EMPHASIZE CROSSING AT COLUMBIA AND ➜➜Traffic calming. BAY STREETS CALM TRAFFIC ADDITIONAL STREET TREE PLANTING, RECLAIM SPACE AT Greenstreet Triangle HALLECK AND COLUMBIA AS PARK TRACK & SOCCER FIELDS CONNECTOR SPACE at Halleck Street FUTURE GREENWAY ROUTE THROUGH PARK ➜➜Expanded area; ➜➜Native meadow; ➜➜Directional signage; ➜➜New bike and pedestrian BALL FIELDS CONNECTOR crossing at Columbia St and Sigourney St. ERIE BASIN PARK DRAFTCONNECTOR Erie Basin Pier ON-STREET BICYCLE LANE ➜➜Welcome signage with ERIE BASIN “WELCOME” MARKERS neighborhood history; ➜➜Shade canopies; ➜➜Plenty of plants and trees; ➜➜Rest rooms, picnic tables, and water fountains; BUSINESS EMPLOYEE PARKING BICYCLE LANE ALONG WATER’S EDGE ➜➜Workstations for fishing; and ➜➜Distinct activity zones. CANOPY OR SHADE STRUCTURES More Rip-Rap (More Lost Lines) HEAD-IN PARKING Less Rip-Rap ESPLANADE (Better Fishing) TREE PLANTINGS RESTROOMS / SUPPORT BUILDING FISHING STATIONS Credit: Rogers Marvel Architects 4 • Columbia Connector Improvement Plan • Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Next Steps North Columbia Street Greenstreet Triangle Erie Basin Pier RPA and BGI will continue work- RPA and BGI will facilitate meetings RPA and BGI will seek grant fund- ing with the Urban Forestry and with the Department of Transportation ing to work with community groups Greenstreets divisions of the Parks and the property owner to find a new and local businesses to create welcome Department to identify viable locations street configuration that all parties sup- signage and workstations for the fishing for planting trees on the west side of port. Once all parties approve of a solu- community. Columbia Street tion, RPA and BGI will reach out to local RPA and BGI will seek capital fund- A elected officials IN toTHE help NEIGHBORHOOD secure funding ing to remove expensive to maintain for expanding the Greenstreet into the wooden benches, and create new shade unmapped portion of Otsego Street and structures and picnic tables. This design redesign the space with special plantings. work would include exploratory boring DOT will develop traffic calming tests of the substructure of the pier to options that emphasize bicycle and determine if trees and other planted pedestrian crossing at Columbia and material can survive below grade. We A IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Sigourney Streets.B GREENWAY CONNECTION will also conduct an assessment of the A IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD feasibility of installing rest room facilities and water fountains. B GREENWAY CONNECTION C RED HOOK RECREATIONAL AREA A IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD B GREENWAYA IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTION Cross Sections of Proposed ImprovementsDRAFT to Columbia Street C RED HOOK RECREATIONAL AREA D IKEA PARK CONNECTION AB IN GREENWAY THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTION C REDB GREENWAY HOOK RECREATIONAL CONNECTION AREA A IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD D IKEA PARK CONNECTION E BICYCLE THE WATERFRONT BC GREENWAYRED HOOK CONNECTIONRECREATIONAL AREA D IKEAC RED PARK HOOK CONNECTION RECREATIONAL AREA B GREENWAY CONNECTION E BICYCLE THE WATERFRONT F CORNER OVERLOOK CD RED IKEA HOOK PARK RECREATIONALCONNECTION AREA E BICYCLED IKEA PARK THE WATERFRONTCONNECTION C RED HOOK RECREATIONAL AREA F CORNER OVERLOOK G ESPLANADE AND FISHING PIER Credit: Rogers Marvel Architects DE IKEABICYCLE PARK THE CONNECTION WATERFRONT F CORNERE BICYCLE OVERLOOK THE WATERFRONT D IKEA PARK CONNECTION 5 • Columbia Connector Improvement Plan • Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway G ESPLANADE AND FISHING PIER EF BICYCLECORNER THEOVERLOOK WATERFRONT G ESPLANADEF CORNER OVERLOOK AND FISHING PIER
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