Welcome COWL Class of '61 Anniversary VI iX, No. 1—EIGHT PACES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., OCTOBER 9, 1957 10 CENTS A COM Renovations Changes Announced Made At P.C. Various innovations in the college facilities bear witness to In P.C Administration the rather extensive program of The Very Reverend Robert renovation undertaken by the President in 1950. He received J. Slavin. O.P., President, has administration during the past the honorary degree of Doctor announced the following ad• summer Involved in these al• of Laws from Providence Col• ministration changes: terations, the major purtion of lege in 1945, and of Doctor of which effects only resident stu• The Very Reverend Vincent Education from Suffolk Uni• dents, were five campus build• C. Dore, O.P., Academic Vice- versity in 1952. He has served ings. President, has been appointed numerous city, state, and fed• In a move designed to enlarge to the newly created post of eral commissions. He is also a the existing provisions for res• Dean of the Faculty. Father member of the American Asso• ident students, the role of Don• Dore had been the Dean of ciation of Deans as well as nelly Hall has been modified the College for the last twelve other educational associations. from that of faculty quarters to years. He is a native of New The Reverend Joseph L. student residence hall An addi• Haven, Connecticut, and was in Lennon, O.P., succeeds Father tional room on the second floor the first graduating class of Dore as Dean of the College. of St. Joseph Hall was also open Providence College in 1923. He Father Lennon is a native of to student occupancy. was ordained a priest at Wash• Providence, and graduated from Providence College in 1940. He Formerly the dwelling of one ington, D. C. in 1928. and re• later received his M.A. and of the college caretakers, the ceived his MA. from Catholic PhD. in Education at Notre Gatehouse has also taken on a University in 1929, and his Dame University. He was or• new function. The stone edifice, S.T.Lr. in 1930. He was then ap• dained in 1947. and has been a located near the southeast cor• pointed to the Sociology De• member of the Providence Col• ner of the campus, now serves partment at Providence College lege faculty since 1949, in the as a small dormitory. and has remained here ever since. Department of Education. A large storeroom adjacent to He is a member of many edu• the cafeteria has undergone a He was named Dean in 1945, cational associations, a contri- transformation to a fully and appointed Academic Vice- (Continued on Page 7) equipped dining room. The new dining hall is used by all resi• dent students assigned to The Very Reverend Robert J. Slavin, O.P., congratulates Alumni Hall for either of the Francis Cardinal Spellman on receiving honorary degree. two noon meals, thus reducing COWL Starts Twentieth Year the strain on cafeteria facilities at those times As Newspaper For Undergraduates Harkins Hall has also been the scene of changes as last With this issue, the Cowl spirit and loyalty. Our columns year's site of the lay faculty enters into its twentieth year will ever graciously receive the lounge on the first floor is now of publication. The first issue words of the Administration, utilized as a classroom The of• was published November 16, and we will ever sponsor the fice of the Dean of Discipline 1935. Except for two years dur• plans and principles it sets can likewise be found in a new ing the war, the COWL has forth." Thus, through the location at the front of the been published regularly here years (he paper has played an at P.C. In the first issue, the second floor corridor. important part in the affairs of paper was dedicated to. and put the college. It has served as a under the patronage of Saint liason between the Administra• Albert the Great, an illustrious tion and the students; it has member of the Dominican or• Vin Made New der. publicized the various organi• The COWL exists, "Primarily zations and events of the Publicity Agent to serve the student body, not campus Furthermore, it has simply as a news organ, but served as an outlet for journal• Vincent Cuddy, who has held more fundamentally as a means istically minded students. It is the post of Athletic Coordina• to foster and intensify an en• perhaps the greatest organ of tor since 1955. assumed the thusiastic Providence College publicity the college possesses. added role of Sports Publicity for the college with the open• ing of school last week. The Bishop McVinney celebrates Mass of Holy Ghost in Alumni Hall. appointment was made by the administrative office early in New Additions To Faculty September. Serving Providence in the athletic capacity is an old-hat Announced By Father Slavin October Devotions Begin, venture for Mr. Cuddy. In ad• dition to the co-ordinator role, Fifteen additions to the Prov• ated in 1944 from Providence he was at the helm of the idence College faculty have College and ordained to the Opportunity Open For All Friars basketball fortunes from been announced by the Very Dominican Order in 1950. He 1949-1955. Reverend Robert J. Slavin, O.P., did graduate work in drama at By Syl Marrone is very generous in its bestowal President. Yale University, and has been of indulgences upon the faith• Mr. Cuddy's recent promotion Spiritually speaking, October The Rev Cornelius P. Forster, with the Blackfriars Guild in ful attending October devo• actually is the culmination of a is synonymous with devotions O.P., returns to the History De• New York City since 1953 tions. A single attendence at life-time of interest in the ath• to Our Blessed Virgin Mother; Joining the Sociology Depart• these services merit for an in• letic world. partment after a year of special and echoes of the recitation of ment is the Rev. James M. Mur• dividual an indulgence of seven While attending Naugatuck, studies at Fordham University, the rosary fill the air. phy, O.P., a graduate of P.C. in years, plus a seven-times-forty- Conn.. High School he earned and six months of research Devotions to Our Blessed the class of '42, who received days reprieve from Purgatory. nine letters in basketball, base• work at Oxford University and Lady were constituted for our the University of Paris. his M.A. at Notre Dame and own benefit, but how many of We students at Providence ball, and football. As an All- The Rev. Thomas L. Fallon, his PhD. in Sociology at the us are struck with the light of College are fortunate to be able Stater in three major sports O.P., returns to the Theology Angelicum in Rome. Ordained seeking prayerful conference to adjust ourselves to such a Mr. Cuddy was the most herald• Department after completing in 1949 he has been a pro• with the Mother of God? Catholic environment. Also, we ed and recruited in Nutmeg advanced studies in Theology at fessor of sociology at St. Mary October devotions were built are able to further or begin de- Schoolboy circles. Immaculate Conception College, of the Springs College in Colum• on a strong foundation. Pope votjuns to the Mother of God However, he elected to stay Washington, D.C. bus, Ohio. Leo XIII in his encyclical letter during October by attending at home and display his athletic Added to the Philosophy De• entitled "Supremi Apostolatus." convenient nightly services at prowess at the University of Dominicans who are new• the Grotto of Our Lady. The partment are the Rev. John P. issued on September 1, 1883, Connecticut where he attained comers to the PC. faculty in• devotions commence at 7:45 Gerhard, O.P., a Providence na• decreed that from the first day a phenomenal record that has clude two additions to the p.m., and the services consist tive. He is a graduate of P.C, of October until November 2. never been seriously threatened. English Department: the Rev. of recitation of the Rosary, Robert L. Walker. O.P., who and holds an S.T.L., S.T.Lr. He the entire Catholic world shall, Mr. Cuddy played end, guard, Litany of the Blessed Virgin, took his PhD. at the University has been on the faculty of in all chapels, churches, and the and outfield respectively in the prayers to Saint Joseph and of Michigan and taught at Bos• Mount Mercy College, Pittsburg, like, dedicated to our Blessed three major sports and earned Saint Thomas followed by Ben• ton College before entering the Pa. Also, the Rev. John M. Mother, perform services es• nine letters, a feat that only ediction of the Most Blessed Dominican Order; and the Rev. Egan, O.P., S.T.L., who is a pecially for Our Lady. five other UConn. athletes have Sacrament. Robert A. Morris, O.P., gradu• (Continued from Page 7) The treasury of the Church (Continued on Page 8) THE COWL. OCTOBER ». 1*5"J jected upon entrance into the cafeteria, we can find no definition, of music or art. which might charitably be applied. Tell Me Your The scholar might contend that the current vogue of sustained rhythm and harmonic homogeneity is as — Troubles - musical as the lays of the skops or any other semi-bar• By Ophelia Pulse barians, but the fact remains that such music is cultural• ly below the standard proper to a civilized society. One Hello there record heard ad nauseam eructating from the mechanical W • 11 , I viscera of the cafeteria juke-box consists of approximate• promised last |te>-«.in.cntaf Jamse Heap ly three and a half minutes of raucous chant (which Paul Grady S* year that I'd lata E 1 James Sheahan.
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