Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 3-5-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 05, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1982 Volume 67, Issue 112 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 05, 1982." (Mar 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. By Bell 1IoIMI.. 1I' Fanner said he felt the agreed that we didn't want to Final purchase offers have S&IIfI Writer church doesn't detract from the accept." been sent to property owners appearance of the downtown Farmer said that the city's who have not agreed to sen tI. About 250 people in a meeting area. 1be block on which the offer to purchase was "far short the city. of the Walnut Street Baptist church is located has been of the value of the building," but The cO!lvention center is Church congr~gation voted classified al a redevelopment he would not disclose either the planned for the block bounded unanimously to reject an offer district by the city. amount of the of;er or the value by Walnut and Monroe streets by the city of Carbondale to Church attorneyr delivered a of the building. and University and Illinois Church ptU'1:hase their I&nd for the letter to city officials Thursday The church has been located avp.nues, with a city pIlrking proposed downtown convention ~ining the decision. City at the comer of University and garage to be constructed bet­ • center. Manager Carroll Fry was Walnut streets for the past :'9 ween Walnut and Elm streets, At its m~ting Wednesday, unavailable for comment on the years. facing Illinois Avenue. rejects the congregation also instructed church's decision. Relocating the congregation Less than a third of the 2!i church attorneys to do The property is being pur­ by building a new church would offers the city sent out three everything possible to keep the chased -and cleared with funds cost Walnut Street Church wef'ks ago have been accepted. city from condemning the received throuib an Urban between S4OO.000 an<: S5OO.-:1OO city offer church building. o,evelopment Action Grant more than the city's offer. A city "quick take" ordinance According t(l the Rev. Arthur from the federal Department of Farmer said. passed in December permits Farmer. pa!tor. the Housing and Urban Ilf>velop­ The city ~Ians to hegin the city to condemn the congregation clearly does not ment. eminent domain proceedil_@ on pr~rty and clear the ;'te want to be forced to reJocate the "We did not feel tili: offer was March 12 agamst property While questions .. bout the church from the downtown vaJid, and so we rejeded it," owners who have not sold their amount of compensation are area. Farmer said. "We were all land to the city by that time. resolved in court. 'Daily 'Egyptian Gus !lay~ the city may ~ot be Friday. March 5. J!J82·Vol. 67. No. 112 ~S(}lIlht·rrllllif1oi.'i Unin">rsity abl~ to find a lawver with clout In high places &0 match the churcb·s. -------in9Pocus--------------- Appeal routes for academic changes asked By 00., Heumpr body glVlng advice on SCaR Writer University policy 01' as a committee activated onlv in The Graduate Council times of financial emergency ..,.....y neammeDCled lUt an A third recommendation WM . appeal proeedure be added to that the administration's role in u=e A~dewic Priorities TaR the rankin8 process and t'le Fon:e,.n. luidelines for determining The council also passed a which academic programs are resolution supporting graduate central to the Univprsity's and professional students in n.ission be defined. their opposition to being Members of tile council also dr9IIPed from the Guaranteed suggested that the possihility of Stuaent Laan program. consolidating departments at The academic priorities times of financial trouble be report would establish a included \0 the report's standing committee m taculty guidelines. members from aU coUeges and In presenting the resolution of schools to advise the president support for graduate s ..ldents m and the vice president for the loan program. acting Dean academic affairs on the ranking John Jackson told the council ol academic JII'CIII'IIms in times that 622.000 graduate and ol fina~ial duress for the professional students will toe University. The ranking wou.ld eliminated from t~e GSL be a Ioull for deciding which program nationally if President programs might be (ut back or Reagan's proposE:d cutbacks E'.liminated. are approved by Congress. This The purt?OIM! of the committee is over 50 percent of the 1.2 is to give faculty a voice In the million such students in the decision-making process when United States. At SltJ-C. 741 the administration reduces or graduate and profe"sionai eliminates academic programs, tltudentl are currently according to Joan O·Brien. a receiveing GSL·s. Jackson task force member. repor':Pd Alternatives to the '!Ommittee In t,ther action. the executive would be to either aUow the committee announced the administration to decide schedule for the 1982 Graduate without faculty opinion which Council elections. Nomination academic JII'CIII'IIms would be baUots will go out to faculty ufected by any change in the March 22. The election will S&liff ...... ., Midlael Marnae University's financial situation, begin April :'. 01' The council also ~ssed it TIle IepMarJ MfIuteM&II Fa.. lallft a die Ilea allie Ie ac· 8Cl"OSS-the-board cuts in an lie" _ SeliUJen ............... academic programs regard1ess resoluti.;o suppori,og the c.-.er pedI_ ., ....... laille ., ......e" CUI"'•• """"" ..MI ... lela .. die ....jed conct'pt uf the Morris Dewell. ne l2-yar4111 .......tIer .. OR ., ....,. •• F.......... _ Pap 5. ol \heir relative importance tn one another and the University, FellowJhip Program wbich O'Brien said. Preside!!t Albert Somit an­ The council voted to have the noun~ed last week. The executive committee write a Graduate School can now begin Iranian arrested for cafeteria fight letter to the UniVersity raising money for the program. An Iranian student ap­ Ghanbarnajad WD cilarg1!d from Jackson County Jail after president recommending ad­ pIlrenUy involved in a fracas m in reiatiGll to the Fet> 10 i'l ~ 10 percent of the $1,000 ditions to the report's In other action, the executive the Student Center' cueteria eident, police said. They guidelines. adopted a proposal to add a Feb. 10 has been arrested and deetined to name the victim of A student whe saw the fracD The council recommended statement to the Graduate Catalog saying that graduate c~rged with battery. the battery. 011 Feb. 10 had said thal the filbt that the committee guidelines Nosrato Ghanbamajad. 216, The police report, 1ii<hich ~ between a pro- and an include an a~ procedure by students takin, 400-level 417 S. Graham, WD arrested by contains the names olll5 otber anti-Khomeini group, who were which the committee could j::ourses OpeD te both un­ dergraduates and graduates SIU~ security pollee at his ~. is still be~ f'DIIliDed seated at adjacent tables in the question administration nsidence 011 a wanant iIIIued by CJemona, who ..... a decide if ~feteria. decisiolls. The council also can be r.quired to do eIdra by Sta~e'l Attorney J~hn any more charges will be :;'our SlU-C security police recommended that the role of work for graduate eredit Clemoos Thursday rr :mtDI. pristIed. police saId. were called to quell th&t the committee be more clearly subject to indfvidual in: police Mid. - Ghanbarna jad was freed tUturbance. defined, either' 81 a permanent structors' cbcretDt_ ICC approves Conrail sale Wews GRoundup---: Bv Kt'nt Shelton the proposed agreement bet­ preserved in the area between Cont'i("pd spnalor SO.YII hp's inno(,pnt siAff Writer ween the rail systems. Kingsburg and Mo..... t Carmel. According to David Carle, However, many ~onrail WASHINGTON IAPl - Sen, Harrison A. Williams Jr .. D· The Interstate Comrr.erce Simon's aide, Southern bad workers will lose their jobs N.J., took tht~ Senate noor Thursday to proclaim his innocenct Commission Thursday notified proposed to buy the milea~.: becau.'1e of th/! sale, according of any crimt~ or impropriety and vowed to fight "this l' .S. Rep. Paul Simon that it bar regardless of the fact that it was to Carle. preposterous recommendation I be expelled." approved the ~urchase of the not in the original abandonment Carle said that Simon "I could have made it easier for you by resigning," the 23· Southern Illinois Cairo 3ranch remains "deeply concerned" vear Senate veteran told his colleagues. but that "would have rail line by Southern Railwavs pr=~~c had no further dif­ about the loss of Conrail jobs been a betrayal of the t1"15t placed in me by the citizens of New from ConsolicU>~ed Rail Coip ficulties \l;th S~.uthern's b.d of and will continue to press Jersey in four C!lections." The a"i':-~-,aJ followed an 54.6 million fOT the 12-mile line Southern to pick up laid-off Williams vehemently declared his innocence despite his amendment fubmitted bv between Mount Carmel and just workers on its new system as conviction on conspiracy and bribery charges stemming from Conrail and Southern last week outside of ('alro. Carle said. conditions allow. the FBI's Abscam undercover investigation to eliminate 4.S miles of tra("k Simon said that Southern Carle said that Southern has between Kingsburg and Mount !!oould be able to begin service maintained in its discussions HitlhU'o.l' hid.rYlflin/l prohp expands Carmel.
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