COMPLETE RADIO PROGRAMS AND HIGHLIGHTS FOR TODAY CHICAGO FREQUENCIES. WAAFFred Niles, news. WLSVanguard of Victory. NV-G-N-120 WAIT-820 WSBC-1240 WAVES 1VBBMMeet the Missus. ON SHORT NV09C-4S.9 VIS-890 WCRW-1240 Lisieneriehoice WMBIReligious news. w 53C-15.1WENR-890 WEDC-1240 W87CI6.7liVAAF-950 W.:HBO-1280 Variety and Comedy WJJDParade of Stars. LONDON. WI ND-800 WCFL-1000 W G ES-1390 5:30 a. m.W-G-NThe Farm hour, with Holland Engle. 2:45W-G-NThe Lead-Off Man. The following short wave programs from may be heard over GSC, WILL-530 WAII3I-1110 WHFC-1450 8:00 a. m.WCFLBreakfast club, with Don McNeill, M. C.;Jack W.T.113Down Argentine Way. London CRC, 11.68 meg., WIZJulian Bentley. news. 9.58 meg.. 31.32 m.; WMAQ 070 W33 D-1 I 00 WJ WC-1520Baker, tenor; Nancy Martin, contralto, and the Three Romeos. WBBNI-730 WJOB-1230 WMAQRight to Happiness [N]. 25.68 tn.: 5:I5 p. Harry's A. B. C. club; safety lessons. W1113MVictory Matinee. 7:30 p. m.WMAQDough, Re, Mi; musical quiz, with Pert Kelton, 9:15 p. m.London Calling. W-G-NItarold Turner, pianist. 9:30 p. m.Front Line Family. news. MORNING mistress of ceremonies; Radcliffe Hall, and Paul, Lavalle's orchestra. WS9CNews bulletins. 4:45 p. m.Latest Handley, comedian. 8:00 p. rn.WBBMMischa the Magnificent, with Mischa Auer. W51CLatin Moods. 5:00 p. m.Tommy (Central war time.] 8:00 p. m.WJWCMoney Bags Quiz; University of Chicago station. W67CThree o'Clock Matinee. 5:30 p. m.War review. [AI] indicates NIBS. [N] NBC. [C] CBS. 9:00 p. m.WMAQKay Kyser's Koliege, with Trudy Erwin, Julie Con- WENRClub Matinee; news LB]. 5:45 p. m.News reports. 6:30 Calls from London. way, Dorothy Dunn, Harry Babbitt, Sully Mason, and Ish Kabibble. 0WJWCMarch on the Axis. p. m.Canada and IBJ Blue network. Marches. 10:00 p. m.IV-G-NThe Answer Man, with Albert Mitchell, WIND, WCFL, WAITNews. 7:00 p. m.Democracy talk. 5:30W-G-NThe Farm hour. WAAFWednesday serenade. 7:30p. m.War Production WBBMThe Treasury program. Drama WJJDThe Song Shop. 7:45 p. m.Europe in Chains. news and WLSSmile-a-While program. 9:45 a. m.W-G-NLinda's First Love, with Arlene Blackburn. WMAQBackstage Wife, ser. [N]. 8:00 p. m.Headline views. WJMBreakfast Frolic, 6:30 p. m.WCFLThe Lone Ranger; a letter from.Donald M. Nelson, WHFCMusic Appreciation Time. 8:35 p. m.Irlsh Guards band. 45WBBAIFarm and Factory hour. 9:00 p. m.Something Going On. WPB chief.On WENR at 8 p. ' 3:05-11159CLet's Go Latin. p. m.News bulletins. WCFLCheerful Little Earful, 9:95 7:00 p. m.WMAQThe Adventures of the Thin Man, with Les Damon3:15W-G-NAqueduct Park race WIND, WAIBINews reports. 10:30 p. m.Radlo Newsreel. NVIIBMSunrIse Salute, Gibson. and Claudia Morgan in "The Mad Plaid Coat Murder Maze." 'MOOWaltz Time. NVSBCThe Italian Musical Clock. 7:30 p. m.WBBMDr. Christian, starring Jean Ifersholt. W51CIvory Skirmishes. SYDNEY. This Week, 8:00 p. m.WMAQThose We Love, with Nan Grey, Francis K. Bush. W67CSinging Strings. 11:25 p. m.In Australls WAIAQNews reports. 31.3 m. 1&_WMAQAgricultural news. man, Donald Woods, Dix Davis, and Ann Todd. 1VB1.151Victory Matinee, guest. VLQ6, 9.58 meg., %%INDThe Yawn l'atrol. 8:30 p. m.WMAQMr. District Attorney; "A Slight Case of Arson," WJJDCurrent news. MOSCOW.' RKE, WLSMorning devotions hour. with Jay Jostyn, Vicki Vola, and Len Doyle. WCFLConcert Melodies. 5;20 p. m.Broadcast In English. 36.9 m. WGESDoliars for Victory. 8.1 meg., WAITGood Morning program. 9:30 p. m.WBBMThe 22d Letter, drama of inhuman Nazi activities. in English, RICE, WMAQStella Dallas, serial [N]. '7:30 p. m.Comments WAIBIStintisc songs. 4. 1VINDSports Edition to 8.1 meg., 36.9 01. 60W-G-NSerrire Men'a Serenade. Music NVLSThe Ridge Runners. 8:30 a. m.WJJDConcert Hall; Chabrier's "Espana." 3:30W-G-NAfternoon Serenade. W.I.MFamily Bible League. NoonWAAFSymphonic hour; Gian-Menotti's "Amelia Goes to the W59CUp to Tempo. WMAQNews reports. Ball" and Bloch's Concerto for violin and orchestra. W51CAccordion Ripples. W51CWaltz Time. W67Accent on Song. W67CMasterworks of Music. WAAFFarm Folks hour. 6:00 p. m.W-G-NWendell Hall, the Red Headed Music Maker. We Love [N]. W.JJDThe Music Hall. WMAQThose tbW-G-NToday's Best Music. 7:00 p. m.WBBMNelson Eddy, tenor, with Nadine Conner and Ranger. WAAFNeighborhood Call. WENRThe Lone WISErvin Lewis. news. chorus and orchestra directed by Robert Armbruster, the MagnIflc't[C]. WMAQLorenzo Jones. ser. [N]. WBBMMischa WMAQAll Out for Victory; news. 0 Ben Bernie prog. 9:00 p. m.WBBMGreat Moments In Music; excerpts from "Martha," 3:45W-O-NLen Salvo, organist. WINDNews; WCFLNews with Dorothy Sarnoff, Suzanne Sten, Jan Peerce, and Robert Weede. W51CRoyal Yugoslav orch. reports' Bags Quiz. 9:30 p. m.W-G-NThe Rhythm Front, with Wayne Van Dyne, ro- 1V67CLife and the Land. WJWCMoney mantic tenor, and the W-G.N dance orchestra, directed by Robert Trendier. 1VMAQWitider Brown, ser. [N]. WIIFCPolish Barn Dance. 10:05 p. in.WINDSymphonic hour; DeFalia's "Love, the Magician" W-G-NLowry Kohler, songs Mi. 8:I5WM.White Sox vs. Wash'ton. and Mancinelli's "Flight of the Lovers." W59CNews bulletins. 8 :20:-.WINDMelody Moments. 10:30 p. m.WCFLMusic Lovers' hour; highlights from Giordano's W51CConcert Reveries. 8:30W590Preston Sellers, organist. 1" Andrea Chenier" and Charpentier's "Louise." W67CMasterworks program. W51CSerenatn. Special Events WENRBuelah Kerney. WMAQMr. District Attorney[Nl. 0,WMAQWhen a Girl Marries [N]. WBBMW. Aver111 Harriman [C]. 12:05 p. m.IV.G-NA Man and His Army, with Capt. Wayne King, spe- WBBMIPsewives Pro'tive len. WSBCJewish Dramatic guild. Speaking. - cial service officer of the United States army. WJJDSports Slants. WINDMusically 12:20 p. m.W-G-NMary Aftlick interviews Mrs. Walter R. Kirk and WILLNo Business with Hitler. WENRCapt. B. Rick'backer 03]. WIND, WCEL. WAAFNews. Mrs. Howard W. Fenton on the Passavant benefit circus. 8:15Wli9CSketch Hook. WHFCArnas for Victory. WINDDr. Schacher. 6:30 p. m.WBBMThe Midwest Mobilizes; "Work of Handicapped WJOBRockin 'n Rhythm. Gerhard In the War Effort," with Lieut. Comm. R. J. Twyman and Garrett S. Church. WJWCSymphony concert. .4 :O5W59--Pause for Music. In 7:30 p. m.W-G-NFootball; Army vs. Lions; Jim Britt, Bob Elson. 8:55WEERMolasses 'n January 4:15W-G-NAfternoon Serenade. 8:30 p. m.WENRAddress by Capt. Eddie V. Rickenhacker at. a meet- W5ICConbert Classics. W49CModern Masterpiece. WENRNews Here, Abroad ing of the San Francisco chamber of commerce. [13). W5IAQPortla Faces Life [NJ, 8:30 p.m WBBMW. Averell Harriman, United States lend-lease ad. WINDNews reports, WEDCGovernment program. Kyser's WMAQKay Kollege IN]. ministrator in London, speaks at Russian War Relief banquet on his recent 1,VJJDDugout Dope. WBBMGt. Moments in trip to Moscow. WCFLKay Kyser's orchestra. Muslc(CL 9:15 p. Sanders and Guy Savage, with description of, WENRrrS Tely; Call to Act'n. WGESItalian hour. engineers and anti-aircraft batteries in action at the Army War show. WINDSports Edition to 5, 9:15W-G-N-111. Sanders and O. Savsge. of Bands. 10:00 p. m.W/VIAQArchbishop Samuel A. Stritch discusses forthcom-4:30W51CSpirituals. NVINDCavalcade ing observance of the Holy Name hour. WJJD, WCFLSox vs, Wash'ton. WENRNat'l Radio Forum MI. 10:30 p. m.IV-G-NNews, with Jack Brickhouse interviewing Mrs. Wil- WBBAIFly for the Navy. 9:30W-G-NThe Rhythm Front OIL liam T. Luddy [mother of Barbara Luddy] of the communication corps of WENRJose Bethancourt's hand. WINDNine-Thirty Edition. WBBNIThe 22d Letter the interceptor command, OCD, Los Angeles. WMAQElizabeth Hart Presents. [C.I. 9:45WINDThe WAAFThe Treasury Chest. Headliners. WHFCMarch of Health. WENRNews reports. 10:30W-G-NLen Salvo, organist. I4:45W-G-NWvid Clieskin's orch.[M]. W-G-NThe Answer Man. WBEIMBright Horizon, ser. [C]. News Broadcasts W51CWaltz Musical. Gaieties. MUDFrances Allen. comm. W1313MBen Bernie show [CI. I WMAQMost Rev. S. A. Stritch. WMAQAgainst the Storm MORNING. WENROff the Record; news. WENRRuss Morgan's orchestra. W-G-NIterord Reveille. WBBNI, WLSA House in the Country. 7:00W119/18 :15WLS 10 :00W3J D WMAQThe Bartons, serial [N]. CW51CConcert WEDCNews. WBI3MNews of the World [C]. Symphonic 1VAITAmerica Ms/aches On. 7 :00W LS 8 :30-1VBBM 10:00WIND 1VA1TRace results. WINDNews; hour. NVMAQNorman Ross hour. S :40WMA Q 10:30WIND 7 :()0WCi" 10:15W-C-NClaicago at Night. WINDNews; Polish-Amer. prog. WIND, WilFCNews. 7 :00W1ND :45-11".0-N 30 :45WLS W-G-NSwing It Show. WISAlex Dreier: news [N]. WAAFJamboree. 7:15W-6-N 8:45WIND 11 :001V- (1-N WhileNews bulletins. WBBMSalute to Victory. Conway, news. 0 WCFLEddie Dean. 7:1 9 :Ili IIVA AI :00WC F1. 1V5ICMusical Pickup. NVMAQCleve WAAFThe Breakfast Express. 9 :16WCFI. IL :00WIND 7 :45IVJJD WENRTotten on tv67C, WIND, WAAFNews. Sports. WILLConcert Airs. 10:15W-G-NABE Messages. ;00W41N 9:25W-6-N ii :15IVM AQ - WCFLWin. Hillman. news [B]. WMAQDavld Hamm, serial rm.8:00WIND9 :65IVLS1 i :30W-G-N WENRSea Hound, drama [B]. WEDCHollywood News. WJJDBreakfast Frolic. WBBMAunt Jenny's Stories [CL 8 ;00WBVIE WMAQBargains in Bonds. WCFLRainbow trio. WmBIMorning Worship. WLSErvin Lewis, news. AFTERNOON. WCRWOdds and Ends. 10:30W.G-NJack Brickhonse, news. wcEs_George Jaworowski. WINDDance and Romance. 32::00W-6-N :15IV- (1-N4 230WCFL WMBIHaven of Rest. WGESAll-Slavic program. WJWCSacred Heart. WCFLMelodies program. D 2 :00WCFI.4 :110WA A F WBBNIDonald McGibeny. news. WCELMusic Lovers program. 4 :55W EN R 12 :00WIND 2:00WIND WILLMusic of the Masters.
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