HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING - 1996 BREYFOGEL CHAPEL OF UNITED THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DAYTON, OHIO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1996 MINUTES , .,· ··,· THE ANNUAL MEETIN.G of the HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (HSUMC) was held on Monday, November 18, 1996 at 1:30 p.m. in the Breyfogel Chapel of United Theological S~minary (UTS), Dayton, Ohio, with C. Faith Richardson presiding. This was the eighth annual meeting, the start of the eighth year of the Society. ATTENDANCE was registered showing 40 persons present. THE 0PENING PRAYER was offered by Charles Finney, Secretary~ GREETINGS were brought by Mike Nickerson, President of UTS. REGRETS were received from Charles Yrigoyen, Jr., General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH) whose absence was due to the meeting of the Joint Training Event in the Northeast Jurisdiction at this same time. THE LIFE AND MINISTRY of Richard O'Neil was celebrated. He had been a member of the HSUMC as a delegate to the BOARD from the GCAH. Greetings and condolences were directed to his widow, Janet. THANKS for their hospitality and for the program celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB) were expressed to Jim Nelson, the event coordinator, to UTS and to the Center for EUB Heritage. THE MIN.UTES from 1995 meetings were considered. The BOARD had approved the MINUTES of its August 25, 1995 meeting. Correctio;I)S were made in the ABRIDGED MINUTES of the August 26, 1995 Annual Meeting which were printed in the April 1996 Issue of METHODIST HISTORY. These are in the third paragraph on page 197, next to the last line, correcting 1996 to read 1997 and in the last line on that same page, correcting 171. 7 to read 271.7. MOVED BY COMMITTEE, APPROVED: THAT the complete MIN­ UTES of the 1995 Annual Meeting as duplicated and distributed by the 261 262 Methodist History Secretary (not the above cited abridgment) be approved as the official com­ plete record of the 1995 Annual Meeting. REPORTS WERE RECEIVED on the actions of General Conference (GC) held this past spring in Denver, CO. The letter directed to the delegates (Page 4, 1995 Annual Meeting MINUTES) was well received with a favorable response. The GC gave favorable consideration to the request for the District Superintendents to continue to be centrally involved in Constituting Church Conferences (Page 4, 1995 Annual Meeting MINUTES). The Petition requesting that the GCAH "support" the work of the HSUMC (See page 3, 1995 Annual Meeting MINUTES) was amended to read "shall endorse and encourage." This wording was selected to avoid any appearance of fiscal responsibility. Two new Heritage Landmarks were elected, e.g., First United Methodist Church, Johnstown, PA, site of the organization of the EUB Church in 1945 and the Wesley Foundation at the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, the first Wesley Foundation. The work of archives and history is to be retained at the annual conference level even though conferences are per­ mitted to restructure themselves. Members of the HSUMC present in Denver met for a luncheon fellowship. THE REPORT FROM the Board of Directors (BOARD) meeting held on Friday, November 15, 1996 was given by Finney. They, too, had celebrated the life and ministry of Richard O'Neil, had considered the minutes from 1995 meetings and had heard reports of GC actions (See above, these MIN­ i UTES). The BOARD heard a letter read from Susan Warrick, former Assistant l: General Secretary of the GCAH thanking the HSUMC for the $100 gift given toward the production of a training video for Local Church Historians. The BOARD heard that HSUMC membership stands at 651, e.g., 520 indi­ vidual, 48 family and 35 institutions for a mailing list of 603 units. Concerns were debated over the mailing of HISTORIAN'S DIGEST. These were resolved in the proposed budget (See below, these MINUTES). THE BOARD heard from the new delegate from the GCAH, Gerry Reiff, reviewed the nomination process for the election of officers for the next qua­ drennium, considered the investment policy of the HSUMC, the bonding of officers and an audit of the Treasurer's books to come at the conclusion of her term. Gary Ferrell was unanimously reelected Editor of HISTORIAN'S DIGEST. The developing details of the 1997 Annual Meeting in Boston, MA were reviewed and suggestions made for possible locations for the 1998 meeting. THE TREASURER, Thelma Boeder, reported for the calendar year 1995, showing a beginning balance of $9,912.48 with income of $15,275.36, a total of $25,187.84. Expenses were $238.15 for the Sections, $2,559.62 for the Annual Meeting, $8,159.74 for METHODIST HISTORY, $1,272.29 for HIS­ TORIAN'S DIGEST, and $1,749.66 for Promotion and Administration, for a total of$13,979.46. This left a balance of$11,208.38 on December 31, 1995. Minutes 263 THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the first nine months of 1996 showed income of $4,650.03 for operating funds of $15,858.41. Expenses were $2,493.49 for METHODIST HISTORY, $926.32 for HISTORIAN'S DIGEST, and $1,009.23 for Promotion and Administration, for a total of $4,429.04, leaving a balance of $11,429.37. A more accurate reflection of the current sit­ uation shows that all 1996 METHODIST HISTORY obligations totaling $9,408.61 and all the HISTORIAN'S DIGEST obligations totaling $1,445.14 have been paid. THE BUDGET for 1997 was presented from the BOARD. MOVED BY COMMITTEE, APPROVED: THAT the following is ap­ proved as the 1997 budget: INCOME; $15,900.00. This is based on 636 mailing units@ $2?.00 per unit. EXPENSES: Sections $ 800.00 Annual Meeting 2,500.00 METHODIST HISTORY 9,400.00 HISTORIAN'S DIGEST 2,000.00 Program and Administration 1,200.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $15,900.00 THE HSUMC received a gift in memory of Richard O'Neil. This gift is greatly appreciated. THE SECTION ON COMMISSIONS AND SOCIETIES report was given by Lois Yost. A questionnaire is to be sent seeking ways in which societies may be encouraged. THE SECTION ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH report, prepared by Artemio Guillermo, was read by Finney. They prepared a list of ongoing re­ search projects and asked that this list be published in the next issue of HISTOR­ IAN'S DIGEST in order to secure wider dissemination of the information. THE SECTION ON GENEALOGY report was given by Fern Christensen. The book, sponsored by the Section, ''The 1996 Directory of Annual Confer­ ence Archives of the United Methodist Church in the U.S.A." is now reac.J.y for distribution at $4.00 each. O'Neil bad started the project; it was completed by Helen Long; and recognition is due Mary Bakeman for putting the book on computer. Bakeman was elected Section Secretary. The Section's program on Sunday night was given by Julia Dagenais on a pioneer woman United Brethren in Christ preacher, Lydia Sexton. Sexton was a chaplain at a peni­ tentiary in Lansing, Kansas. THE SECTION ON LOCAL CHURCH HISTORY report was given by Bradley Sue Howell. Lorraine Ester Pierce is doing research on the changes which take place in the ethnic churches. A request was heard from the floor 264 Methodist History requesting information at the next Annual Meeting on Martin Luther King, Jr. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE was named: Mauzel Beal, Chair, Louise Morrison, Stephen O'Malley, Kenneth Rowe, and Stephen Yale. THE NOMINATIONS/ELECTION PROCESS was listed: The process begins at this meeting-the Committee Chair provides the Editor of HISTO­ RIAN'S DIGEST with 1h page biography of each candidate (two candidates for each of the four offices) by March 1, 1997-By March 15 these biogra­ phies are published in HISTORIAN'S DIGEST together with a mail ballot. These ballots are to be mailed to the GCAH by April 30, 1997. By June 1 the Editor is notified of the election. By June 15 the GCAH informs the newly elected officers. The installation Service takes place in Boston, MA during the 1997 Annual Meeting. PREPARATIONS FOR THE 1997 Annual Meeting were explained by Mark Conard, Vice President. This will be held October 3 through 5 at the Boston University School of Theology, Boston, MA. The HSUMC, local annual con­ ferences and the Northeastern Jurisdiction Commission on Archives and History are co-hosts. It will be in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Anna Howard Shaw. The program will include papers on Shaw, on the ordination and ministry of women including retention. It could also involve papers about other Methodist churches, especially African-American Methodist churches. The keynote address will be given by Bishop Susan Murch Morrison. THE BOARD is seeking opportunities to combine the 1998 meeting with another significant event in the life of the church. THE EXPECTATION is that the GCAH will sponsor a convocation during 1999 in conjunction with which that year's annual meeting could be held. THE EDITOR OF HISTORIAN'S DIGEST, Gary Ferrell, was introduced. THE GCAH REPRESENTATIVE to the HSUMC, Gerry Reiff, reported on the reorganization of the GCAH and of its staff. She reported that they, too, had recognized the life and ministry of O'Neil. New publications include the Church Historian's edition of GUIDELINES FOR LEADING YOUR CON­ GREGATION: CARING FOR YOUR CHURCH'S HERITAGE. Also newly released is the video for Local Church Historians, MEMORY AND MIN­ ISTRY: CARING FOR YOUR CHURCH'S HERITAGE; this may be ordered for $13.75 from EcuFilm-810 Twelfth Avenue, South-.
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