GULBERWICK, QUARFF & CUNNINGSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - MEETING ON TUESDAY 3 DECEMBER 2013 IN THE CUNNINGSBURGH SCHOOL AT 7.30PM AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 29 October 2013* 3. Matters arising from Minutes* . Bad Weather Contingency Plan / Gulberwick School Transport . Quarff Loop Road Speed Limit 4. Police Report 5. Finance 6. Applications for Road Grants* 7. Applications for Grants to Local/District Groups* 8. Da Voar Redd Up* 9. Planning 10. Refresh of the Blueprint Update 11. Clerk’s Job Outline* 12. AOCB 13. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 21 January 2014 *denotes papers attached GULBERWICK, QUARFF & CUNNINGSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 29 OCTOBER 2013 IN THE CUNNINGSBURGH SCHOOL AT 7.30PM PRESENT Dr A Titheradge Mr S Smith Mr R G Feather Mr E MacPherson Mr A Ockendon EX OFFICIO Mr B Fox Mr G Smith IN ATTENDANCE PC Ian Brown Mrs J Clark CHAIRPERSON Dr A Titheradge 1. APOLOGIES Mrs L Johnston Mr J A Nicolson Mr I Jarmson Mr G Malcolmson Mrs T Chivers Mr A Duncan Mr C Smith Dr J Wills Mr P Campbell 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2013 The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 24 September 2013 were approved on the motion of Mr S Smith and Mr E MacPherson. 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES . Coastal Erosion at Mail, Cunningsburgh Nothing to report. Bad Weather Contingency Plan / Gulberwick School Transport An email dated 25 September 2013, from Councillor Peter Campbell, was read and noted. Mrs Clark to contact Transport again to confirm the winter treatment priority routes. Quarff Graveyard Mr S Smith advised members that he had been in contact with Willm Spence, SIC, and he had confirmed that there is are no funds to upgrade the road at this time. However, a member of the Burial Grounds Service will check the gate and cattle grid and monitor the condition of the road over the winter. SIC Roads Improvements List Nothing to report. ASCC Meeting 5 October 2013 Dr A Titheradge and G Feather attended the meeting. Signage at Gulberwick Junctions An email dated 2 October 2013, from Colin Gair, Roads, had been circulated and noted. Mrs Clark to respond and ask if fluorescent or reflective bollards would improve the visibility at the Gulberwick junctions. Job Outline of Clerk This will be discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday 3 December 2013. Proposed Soft Play and Cafe Development in Old Quarff School Councillor Fox to request an update on the status of the proposed disposal of the building. 4. POLICE REPORT PC Ian Brown introduced himself as the new community contact police officer for the Community Council. He briefed the group on the number of incidents since the last meeting. These included speeding offences and motorists driving with no insurance. He advised members that any concerns can be raised with him and he would feed back to the Community Council as required. A questionnaire was completed and passed to PC Brown for submission to Police Scotland. An email and report dated 25 September 2013, from Chief Inspector Angus MacInnes, had been circulated to members and was noted. 5. POLICE SCOTLAND – TRAFFIC WARDEN REVIEW & PUBLIC COUNTER SERVICE PROVISION . Traffic Warden Review A letter dated 1 October 2013, from Julian Innes, Chief Superintendent, Divisional Commander, Highland & Islands Division, Police Scotland had been circulated to members. Members agreed that the withdrawal of the role of the traffic warden does not immediately impact on the areas of Gulberwick, Quarff & Cunningsburgh. Mrs Clark to feed back accordingly. PC Brown described how police officers have the power to issue parking tickets and report more serious offences to the Procurator Fiscal. If a parking issue is reported to the police they will respond to the report and attend the scene. Local police officers are aware of problem areas and these will be monitored routinely. Public Counter Service Provision Another letter dated 1 October 2013, from Julian Innes, had been circulated to members. The opening hours of the Lerwick Police Station will change from 0800-2000hrs to 0700- 0000hrs. Members agreed that the longer opening hours is an improvement on the current service and is welcomed. Mrs Clark to feed back accordingly. PC Brown described how members of the community can get in touch with the police on the central number 101. This number replaces the local telephone number of the station. Calls will be answered in Inverness but routed to Lerwick officers. The emergency number of 999 is not affected by this change. Similarly, if the Lerwick Police Station is visited outwith opening hours there are two buttons to press. 101 will connect to the central response centre and route your query to a local officer. The 999 button will connect you to the emergency services line. *** PC Brown left the meeting at 8.40pm *** 6. FINANCE Mrs Clark verbally reported on the finances of the Community Council. The bank balance at 29 October was £10,440.41. This includes the £3,000.00 grant from the Community Development Fund. 7. APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS There were no applications for grants to discuss. Mrs Clark advised that following the advertisement in The Shetland Times, there had been requests for application forms for financial assistance. The closing date for applications is 20 November 2013. These will be collated and discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday 3 December 2013. 8. PLANNING a) An application by Mr & Mrs A Thomson to erect a domestic attached garage at Skuvegan, Cunningsburgh, is pending consideration. No comments were received. b) An application by Mr & Mrs K Fraser to convert a garage loft at Ingerlea, Shurton Brae, Gulberwick, is pending consideration. No comments were received. c) An application by Shetland Telecom was tabled. The plan is to lay a 20m diameter duct underground and blow in fibre optic cable to form a back up route and improve the resilience of the existing cable between Sandwick and Lerwick. No comments were received. Mrs Clark to feed back accordingly. 9. REFRESH OF THE BLUEPRINT UPDATE It was noted that members had attended meetings in Lerwick and Sandwick regarding the Strategy for Secondary Education in Shetland. Councillor George Smith stated that it is current SIC policy to save £3.68m from Education. Councillors can listen to their constituents and change the policy, draw the money from the reserves or it can be saved elsewhere. Councillors are expected to make a decision on Secondary education provision at a meeting on 13 November 2013. Councillor Smith stressed the importance of only making the decision when the full information has been received. 10. PROPOSED MEETING DATES FOR 2014 The proposed meeting dates for 2014 were approved by members. The dates are: Tuesday 21 January Tuesday 25 February Tuesday 25 March Tuesday 6 May Tuesday 10 June Tuesday 26 August Tuesday 30 September Tuesday 4 November Tuesday 9 December The meetings will be held in the Cunningsburgh School at 7.30pm. these dates are subject to change. Contact Mrs Clark to confirm. 11. ROTARY CLUB DONATION An email dated 2 October 2013 from Andrew Archer, Rotary Club of Shetland had been circulated to members. There is a donation of £100 available to Community Council to pass on to senior citizens groups in their areas. Mrs Clark to contact groups and advise them accordingly. 12. REVISED COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTION PROCESS A letter dated 10 October 2013 from Anne Cogle, Administration, SIC, had been circulated to members. Members had no comments to add. Mrs Clark to feed back accordingly. 13. AOCB . Letter of thanks A letter from the Treasurer of the Sandwick, Cunningsburgh of Quarff Church of Scotland was read and noted. Review of Polling Districts and Places – Consultation A letter dated 4 October 2013 from Jan-Robert Riise, Executive Manager of Governance and Law, SIC, was read and noted. Quarff Loop Road Speed Limit The speed of traffic along the loop road adjacent to the main road was discussed. Mrs Clark to enquire whether a speed restriction could be introduced to slow the traffic. 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3 December 2013. The meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Cunningsburgh School. ----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 9:55 AM 3a Subject: RE: Gulberwick School Bus Routes Jolene, Shurton Brae is a priority 2 but it is one of the last to be done on this route (see attached plan). The gritter starts at 6am in Aithsetter, Cunningsburgh and heads north along the A970, into the Black Gaet and then back along the A970 to the North Gulberwick Junction. Since both lanes of the priority 1 road between the north and south Gulberwick junctions has been treated during the first pass the gritter turns into the junction and does the priority 2 Gulberwick Loop before heading south to Sandwick on the A970. It then does the priority 2 roads in Sandwick, Cunningsburgh, Fladdabister, Quarff and Shurton Brae. I understand that there are school bus routes along all these roads. Treating Shurton Brae after the Gulberwick Loop would result in an unacceptable delay to the treatment of the A970. We would also be prioritising one school bus route over others. The route and the order that it is done in is the best possible regime that we can put in place with the number of gritters and driver/roadworkers that we have available. Please phone or e-mail if your Council has any further queries regarding this matter.
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