02-05March 2017 Communiqué n°1 UCI TECHNICAL OFFICIALS Commissaires Panel appointed by the UCI SHAFER Randall USA President GASTOU Catherine FRA Secretary ARCILA ECHEVERRI Hector Fabio COL UCI Commissaire DIEDEREN Thierry BEL UCI Commissaire GRIFFITHS Greg AUS UCI Commissaire JUDEZ Peter SLO UCI Commissaire Commissaires appointed by the National Federation ABBOTT Dot USA ABBOTT James USA ALLEN Heather USA PELLEGRIN Robert USA SMITH Cyndi USA URFFER Sallie USA WU Jeff USA UCI Staff, Classifiers, Delegate & Doctor BELMAHI Mohamed MAR UCI Para-cycling Commission President BIFRARE Christopher SUI UCI Para-cycling Coordinator LARDIERI Tiziana SUI UCI Track and Para-cycling Events Coordinator BARBEAU Louis CAN UCI Technical Delegate SALAH Moin USA UCI Official Doctor ARINO GARCIA Juan Manuel ARG Doping control Officer SOULARD Hélène CAN Doping control Officer URIBE Humberto MEX UCI Timing Expert MOORE Terrie CAN UCI Chief Classifier AGUILAR Claudia MEX UCI Classifier BURKE Stephen CAN UCI Classifier CHUN Robert USA UCI Classifier GIRARD Annick CAN UCI Classifier NOOIJEN Carla NED UCI Classifier SASIAIN Andree ARG UCI Classifier THE COLLEGE OF COMMISSAIRES 01.03.17 Page 1/1 Competition Programme / Programme des Compétitions Thursday 2nd March / Jeudi 2 Mars 14:00 - 17:40 W B 3 km Individual Pursuit Qualification F B 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:28:00 M B 4 km Individual Pursuit Qualification H B 4 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:14:00 W C-2 500 m Time Trial Final F C-2 500 m Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:05:00 W C-3 500 m Time Trial Final F C-3 500 m Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:05:00 M C-1 1 km Time Trial Final H C-1 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:21:00 Opening Ceremony Cérémonie d'Ouverture 0:04:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:18:00 M C-2 1 km Time Trial Final H C-2 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:35:00 M C-3 1 km Time Trial Final H C-3 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:35:00 W B 3 km Individual Pursuit Final F B 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 M B 4 km Individual Pursuit Final H B 4 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:24:00 Friday 3rd March / Vendredi 3 Mars 13:00 - 17:40 M C-1 3 km Individual Pursuit Qualification H C-1 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:21:00 M C-2 3 km Individual Pursuit Qualification H C-2 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:35:00 M C-3 3 km Individual Pursuit Qualification H C-3 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:28:00 W C-5 500 m Time Trial Final F C-5 500 m Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:05:00 W C-4 500 m Time Trial Final F C-4 500 m Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:07:30 M C-5 1 km Time Trial Final H C-5 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:21:00 M C-4 1 km Time Trial Final H C-4 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:38:30 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:24:00 W C-2 3 km Individual Pursuit Final F C-2 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:07:00 W C-3 3 km Individual Pursuit Final F C-3 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:07:00 M C-1 3 km Individual Pursuit Final H C-1 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 M C-2 3 km Individual Pursuit Final H C-2 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 M C-3 3 km Individual Pursuit Final H C-3 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:36:00 Saturday 4th March / Samedi 4 Mars 10:00 - 11:20 W C-4 3 km Individual Pursuit Qualification (i.r.) F C-4 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualification (év.) 0:14:00 W C-5 3 km Individual Pursuit Qualification F C-5 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:14:00 M C-4 4 km Individual Pursuit Qualification H C-4 4 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:28:00 M C-5 4 km Individual Pursuit Qualification H C-5 4 km Poursuite Individuelle Qualifications 0:21:00 13:00 - 15:45 W C-4 3 km Individual Pursuit Final F C-4 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:07:00 W C-5 3 km Individual Pursuit Final F C-5 3 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:07:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:12:00 M C-4 4 km Individual Pursuit Final H C-4 4 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 M C-5 4 km Individual Pursuit Final H C-5 4 km Poursuite Individuelle Finale 0:14:00 W B 1 km Time Trial Final F B 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:28:00 M B 1 km Time Trial Final H B 1 km Contre-la-Montre Finale 0:28:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:24:00 W C1-3/C4-5 10 km Scratch Race Final F C1-3/C4-5 10 km Scratch Finale 0:15:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:12:00 Sunday 5th March / Dimanche 5 Mars 09:00 - 11:45 W B 200 m Sprint Qualification F B 200 m Vitesse Qualifications 0:20:00 M B 200 m Sprint Qualification H B 200 m Vitesse Qualifications 0:17:30 M/W C1-5 750 m Team Sprint Qualification H/F C1-5 750 m Vitesse par Équipe Qualifications 0:24:30 W B 200 m Sprint 1/4 Final 1st heat F B 200 m Vitesse 1/4 Finale 1ère Manche 0:20:00 M B 200 m Sprint 1/4 Final 1st heat H B 200 m Vitesse 1/4 Finale 1ère Manche 0:20:00 W B 200 m Sprint 1/4 Final 2nd heat F B 200 m Vitesse 1/4 Finale 2e Manche 0:20:00 M B 200 m Sprint 1/4 Final 2nd heat H B 200 m Vitesse 1/4 Finale 2e Manche 0:20:00 W B 200 m Sprint 1/4 Final 3rd heat (i.r.) F B 200 m Vitesse 1/4 Finale 3e Manche (év.) 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint 1/4 Final 3rd heat (i.r.) H B 200 m Vitesse 1/4 Finale 3e Manche (év.) 0:10:00 13:00 - 16:40 W B 200 m Sprint 1/2 Final 1st heat F B 200 m Vitesse 1/2 Finale 1ère Manche 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint 1/2 Final 1st heat H B 200 m Vitesse 1/2 Finale 1ère Manche 0:10:00 M/W C1-5 750 m Team Sprint Final H/F C1-5 750 m Vitesse par Équipe Finale 0:10:00 W B 200 m Sprint 1/2 Final 2nd heat F B 200 m Vitesse 1/2 Finale 2e Manche 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint 1/2 Final 2nd heat H B 200 m Vitesse 1/2 Finale 2e Manche 0:10:00 W B 200 m Sprint 7th - 8th Place F B 200 m Vitesse 7e - 8e Places 0:05:00 W B 200 m Sprint 5th - 6th Place F B 200 m Vitesse 5e - 6e Places 0:05:00 W B 200 m Sprint 1/2 Final 3rd heat (i.r.) F B 200 m Vitesse 1/2 Finale 3e Manche (év.) 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint 1/2 Final 3rd heat (i.r.) H B 200 m Vitesse 1/2 Finale 3e Manche (év.) 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint 5th - 6th Place H B 200 m Vitesse 5e - 6e Places 0:05:00 W B 200 m Sprint Final 1st heat F B 200 m Vitesse Finale 1ère Manche 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint Final 1st heat H B 200 m Vitesse Finale 1ère Manche 0:10:00 M C4-5 15 km Scratch Race Final H C4-5 15 km Scratch Finale 0:20:00 W B 200 m Sprint Final 2nd heat F B 200 m Vitesse Finale 2e Manche 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint Final 2nd heat H B 200 m Vitesse Finale 2e Manche 0:10:00 M C1-3 15 km Scratch Race Final H C1-3 15 km Scratch Finale 0:22:00 W B 200 m Sprint Final 3rd heat (i.r.) F B 200 m Vitesse Finale 3e Manche (év.) 0:10:00 M B 200 m Sprint Final 3rd heat (i.r.) H B 200 m Vitesse Finale 3e Manche (év.) 0:10:00 Award Ceremonies Cérémonies Protocolaires 0:30:00 01.03.2017 1/1 02-05March 2017 Communiqué n°3 Liste des Nations / Nations List AUS Australia Australie AUT Austria Autriche BEL Belgium Belgique BRA Brazil Brésil CAN Canada Canada CZE Czech Republic République Tchèque DOM Dominican Republic République Dominicaine ESP Spain Espagne FRA France France GBR Great Britain Grande-Bretagne GRE Greece Grèce IRL Ireland Irlande JPN Japan Japon MAS Malaysia Malaisie POL Poland Pologne RSA South Africa Afrique du Sud RUS Russia Russie SVK Slovakia Slovaquie SWE Sweden Suède USA USA United States 20 PAYS / 20 COUNTRIES THE COLLEGE OF COMMISSAIRES / LE COLLEGE DES COMMISSSAIRES 01.03.17 Page 1/1 02-05 March 2017 Communiqué n°4 OFFICIAL ENTRY LIST Bib UCI ID Name Class Team Pilot Pilot UCI ID MB Total entries :9 1 10014996786 MURPHY Kieran MB AUSTRALIA GLASSPOOL Lachlan 10007763014 2 10008872753 AVILA RODRIGUEZ Ignacio MB SPAIN FONT BERTOLI Joan 10015349828 3 10011088902 BALL James MB GREAT ROTHERHAM Matthew 10007894972 BRITAIN 4 10008434738 FACHIE Neil MB GREAT MACLEAN Craig 10001564411 BRITAIN 5 10010034430 GORDON Martin MB IRELAND BYRNE Eamonn 10009101816 6 10011089609 RIZAN Muhammad Afiq MB MALAYSIA RASOL Muhammad Khairul 10009185274 Afify Adha 7 10009901963 TIUTIN Leonid MB RUSSIA SPIRIN Artur 10005748242 8 10022359389 GUSTAFSSON Jorgen MB SWEDEN STREIJFFERT Marcus 10022604216 9 10008547906 TRIPLETT Chester MB USA PEDONE Stephen 10015853319 MC1 Total Entries : 6 10 10011089104 THOMPSON Darcy MC1 AUSTRALIA 11 10008487783 ZIRKL Andreas MC1 AUSTRIA 12 10009650874 WILSON Ross MC1 CANADA 13 10008533556 MENDEZ FERNANDEZ Juan MC1 SPAIN Jose 14 10009369271 KEY Todd MC1 USA 15 10009655625 LISTER William MC1 USA MC2 Total entries : 10 20 10010030184 CHERNOVE Tristen MC2 CANADA 21 10008500517 KOBLASA Ivo MC2 CZECH REPUBLIC 22 10008531435 ECKHARD TIO Maurice Far MC2 SPAIN 23 10009919646 LACROIX Francois MC2 FRANCE 24 10011110928 PAPANGELIS Nikolaos MC2 GREECE 25 10009920454 AIZONO Kentaro MC2 JAPAN 26 10011089508 KAWAMOTO Shota MC2 JAPAN 27 10049933055 AMIZAZAHAN Muhammad MC2 MALAYSIA Adi Raimie 28 10008522240 GILMUTDINOV Arslan MC2 RUSSIA 29 10008544771 KEITH Aaron MC2 USA MC3 Total entries : 11 40 10008466565 NICHOLAS David MC3 AUSTRALIA 41 10008488894 BOSMANS Kris MC3 BELGIUM 42 10008490312 SCHELFHOUT Diederick MC3 BELGIUM 43 10008532243 GRANADOS ALKORTA MC3 SPAIN Amador 44 10008535071 SANTAS ASENSIO Eduardo MC3 SPAIN 45 10049933257 MOHAMAD SYAZWAN MC3 MALAYSIA Roshdi 46 10009901256 ODENDAAL Juan MC3 SOUTH AFRICA 01.03.17 Page 1/3 02-05 March 2017 Communiqué n°4 47 10008522139 BATUKOV Sergei MC3 RUSSIA 48 10008523250 OBYDENNOV Alexsey MC3 RUSSIA 49 10008541337 BERENYI Joseph MC3 USA 50 10008544872 KIMBALL Jason MC3 USA MC4 Total Entries :11 60 10009650369 BRIDGWOOD Kyle MC4 AUSTRALIA 61 10052769596
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