Celebrating The lure of studying all that abroad (like a mile KCC away) offers page7 Tattooing, Marshallese pageS pageJ style page4 Shelters ~it snag "DONOVAN SLACK Staff Writer The recently half-constructed smoking shelters on the side of the library have been dismantled due to violation of frre codes. According to Auxiliary Services Chief John Messina, in order to have a shingled, solid roof, the shelters would have to be further away from the library than originally planned. This pre­ sented a dilemma, however, because the shelters were designed to cover the benches that currently line the sidewalk. The shelters were subsequently KAPI'OLANI redesigned with a trellis-type roof and Messina hopes to have those COMMUNITY erected before the end of April. COLLEGE Student Congress purchased ma­ terials for the original, shingled de­ April 7, 1998 sign and according to Ann Oshiro, VOL 31 ISSUE 23 Collaborating for a aood cause PHOTocouRTESvFsHE Director of Administrative Services, Culinary students joined hands with chefs Emeril Lllgasse, second from left, and Sam Choy, jar right to prepare the administration will cover the cost http://naio.kec.hawaii. of the new trellis roof and use the edu/bosplkapio The Gourmet Affair, a benefit for Big Brothers and Big Sisters held at the Hawai 'i Prince March 20. Guests paid $150 a head to participate in the event. In the photo are Chef Instructor Henry Holthaus, top left,· Lagasse; Chef shingles for building repair in other Instructor Joel Schafer. Front center, Chef Instructor Diane Nazarro. areas of campus. Classes offering Service learning Service learning office set to open option DONOVAN SLACK Staff Writer will be to provide internet access to Here is a list of classes that will students taking social science courses be offering service learning as an Construction was recently com­ pleted on KCC's new Community on-line. Starting this Fall,. Psychol­ option next semester: Anthropology ogy 100 will be offered via the 150-Human Adaptation, Anthropol­ Research and Service Office (CORSO). It has been equipped with internet. "Eventually, we hope that ogy 200-Cultural Anthropology, Bi­ a television, VCR, telephones, and students can complete all of their so­ ology 101 & 130-lntroduction to computers. Housed in Olona 116, cial science core requirements on­ Biological Science, Botany 130- the office will have varied line," said Franco. Plants in Hawaii, functions, according to Bob CORSO will also act as English 22-Introduction to Ex­ Franco, Social Sciences headquarters for commu­ pository Writing, English 100-Ex­ Chair and Service Learning nity-based social science re­ pository Writing, English 102-Col­ . search projects, said Franco. lege Reading Skills, English 198-, Co-coordinator. One of the functions will These projects will be re­ English 200-Expository Writing, lated to a social science re­ English 253-, ESL 91 & 93- English be as a coordinating center for service learning. "In the past, 300 stu­ search methods course (SOCS200) to as a Second Language, Health 120- be taught by Neghin Modavi in lntroduction to Health Profession, dents were participating (in service learning) but only 150 would have Spring 1999. Hawaiian Studies 107-Hawaii/Pa­ Franco plans to staff the office cific, JOURN 150 - Press and Soci­ been oriented before going to their work site," said Franco. "Now, they with volunteers and hopes to have it ety, Linguistics 102-Introduction t9 can come here to sign up, be orien­ open 40 hours per week starting this Language, Microbiology 130 & tated, and be placed." For the frrst Fall. 140-General Microbiology, CORSO was made possible in Philosophy 102-Asian Philoso­ time, courses with a service learning Celebrating the opening of the new Service Learning Center in Olonii option will be identified in the Fall part by the Campus Compact Na­ phy, Philosophy 250-Ethics in are Winston Halapua,front center, and Leena Dwiggins, seated behind schedule of courses. Franco believes tional Center for Community Col­ Health Care, Psychology 100-Sur­ him. Standing in back are instructors Neghin Mondavi, Bob Franco, Bob that KCC is ahead of the curve. leges and its Executive Director, vey of Psychology, Psychology 240- Johnson, Bruce Berg and-Tanya Renner. The second function of the office Lyvier Conss. Developmental Psychology, Sociol­ ogy 100-Survey of General Sociol­ ogy, Sociology 218 & 251-lntroduc­ KHNL visits campus tion to Sociological Problems, So­ to see changed in the UH system?" ciology 257-Sociology of Aging, DONOVAN SLACK Feliciano responded that'be would Respiratory Care, Physical Therapy Staff Writer like to see KCC have Imre autonomy Asstg, Math 135-Elernentary Func­ KHNL Reporter Darren Pai carne from UH and the BOR, that UH be­ tions, Math 103-Interrnediate Alge­ to campus last week in the hopes of come Imre user-friendly, and that the bra. .capturing student sentiment and ideas community colleges actually go on SUMMER SESSION-1998 about the UH funding cuts. The out­ their own and become more entrepre­ ASKCC Printed version of the KCC Sum­ takes Pai filmed were part of a KHNL neurial. Others gave similar re­ Secretary mer 1998 Schedule of Courses is Newsmaker broadcast that aired Sun­ sponses. Rachel available FREE at the bookstore and day. Questions also covered how the Komyate at the 'llima 103 counseling office. Pai interviewed Student Con- students felt that budget cuts would expresses her The WWWeb version of the SOC is gress members Raymond Feliciano, affect learning. ideas to KHNL viewable at Shawn Ford, Donna Lynch and The funding dilemma continues to reporter Darrin http://leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu/-iso/ Rachel Komyate. Questions included pop up in local news and remains an Pai. sched/ "What three things would you like unresolved issue in the legislature. 2 ViewPoint ·ot, By and for You Faculty For'em KEITH KANESHIRO Student government is an organi­ While we recognize tim!'s value In this column, I and a few of my ing what you're sitting on (and I zation OF, BY and FOR you - the to our students, many of whom work esteemed colleagues have devoted don't mean a chair). kindness (read students of KCC. Student Congress and have families in addition to their time to giving you advice on how to "Courtesy" is defined in the "Aloha"). is the legislative body of students, schooling, the Student Congress has succeed in this thing we call American Heritage Dictionary as "1. You know, to care?! Does anyone coming from various registered orga­ taken steps to ensure the wise use "school." 'School? But this time I Polite behavior; gracious manner or remember this? When saying "hi" was nizations, such as "club representa­ of our members' time. To "work want to go beyond the books and lec­ manners. 2. A polite gesture or re- just an expression of humanity and not tives" and at-large members, who are smart" we've instituted an efficient tures and notes and homework. You mark." Doesn't just reading that some kind of threat? Have we become voted in by the student body. Execu­ email list-server to get the news out, got that message by now. I want to definition make you feel good? As so cynical because we tend to be sin- tive members (President, Vice-presi­ make arrangements, and discuss is­ talk about "class." good as it feels to have someone ical? That's why "class" is the subject dent etc.) are chosen from within the sues over email, which allows us to Not the four walls you sit within. show you courtesy, shouldn't it feel for today. ranks of elected, at-large members. meet for only 50 minutes once ev­ Not lower, middle, or upper. Not even better to show courtesy to You see, showing up for class is The Congress of 1997-98 accom­ ery 2 weeks. Also, we work in "task coach, business, or first. I'm talking someone else? Just because the other just the first step. Showing class once plished a great deal on your behalf. force" committees, which allows about that quality of being when person isn't polite, that doesn't ob- you get there is also important if not These students strove to bring the one to three members to work with someone says, "He/she's got class" ligate you to stop being polite your- more so. In fact, you should show greatest good to the majority of the relative independence. Over the or "have some class" or "that's no self (although I'll admit, it's tempt- class even before you get to class. Like student body. They've built a relation­ whole semester you'll probably be class." Do you know class? Would ing to do unto others as they do unto in the parking lot for example. Don't ship with Food Service to improve personally responsible for no more you know it if it bit you on your as­ to you). But that's why it's irnpor- take someone's space if you know food quality while lowering costs than a couple of projects. signment? Well, consider this a les­ tant to show some class. If you start they've been waiting for it. They got whenever possible; lobbied for an There isn't a "Congress Type" of son in "class." doing it, maybe others will pick up there first. And come on, don't try and am!ndment to the withdrawal policy; person. We want students who sin­ Think of it this way, the two ba­ on it and soon we'll all have class. act like you didn't see them. Who you worked with the Math department on cerely want to make a difference, sic elements that make it up are cour· Then perhaps we can all get along kidding.
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