Index Page numbers in italics indicate figures or tables, those in bold indicate the pages on which the subject of the entry is defined. Plates are indexed as Plate 1, Plate 2, etc. aardvark 190, 301 American herring gull 34, 34 Abies (fir) 358, 362 American marten 247 abyssal plain 259, 259, 455 American robin 83 abyssal zone 259, 269, 455, Plate 4 American wigeon 38 Acacia 332 amino acids 171 Acer (maple) amphi-Pacific elements 329 A. saccharum (sugar maple) 140 amphitropical distribution see bipolar distribution pollen diagrams 357, 358 Anak Krakatau 218, 219, 220, 223, 223, 224 adaptive radiation 204–208, 205–207, 455 Anas 38 Adelina tribolii 74 Ancylostoma 419 adenine 170, 171 Andeab-Saharan Ice Age 371 Adonis blue butterfly 66, 67 angiosperms 303–305, 303, 304, 455 Aedes mosquitoes 417 biogeographical regions 316 Africa 324–327, 325 distribution 322–323 biodiversity 137 see also individual species Cape flora 327 animals 3–4 Great Lakes 200 domestication 414–415 hominid evolution 399, 460 world maps 10–12, 10, 11 mammalian evolution 301 see also fauna Afrochlus 233 Anolis 340 Afrotheria 302–303 Anopheles mosquitoes 417 agriculture 409–414, 410–413 Anser (geese) albedo 292, 455 A. albifrons (white-fronted goose) 77–78, 77 alder see Alnus A. indicus (bar-headed goose) 37 Aleutian island arc 162 Antarctic Circumpolar Current 276, 308 algae 120, 220, 266 Antarctic Convergence 276 alien species see invasive (alien) species Antarctic Divergence 262, 264 alleles 172, 455 Antarctica allerød interstadial 374, 455 dispersal events 239 Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) 84 glaciation 238 allopatric speciation 176–179, 180COPYRIGHTED, 208, 235, 455 separationMATERIAL of 157–158 Alnus (alder) anteater 301 A. sinuata (Sitka alder) 139 Anthropocene 425–429, 428, 455 pollen diagrams 357, 362, 378 Anthus hodgsoni (olive-backed pipit) 39 alpha diversity 141, 455 antitropical distribution see bipolar distribution altitude and biodiversity 134–136, 135 ants 67, 68 altruism 91 antshrike 211 Amazon rainforest 345–346, 346 aphid biodiversity 128–129 Ambrosia (ragweed) 379, 421 Aphodius holdereri (dung beetle) 55, 55 A. dumosa (white bur-sage) 100 Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse) 384 pollen diagrams 378 apomorphic 188, 455 American coot 39 Apteryx australis (kiwi) 37 American grey squirrel 82 Aquilegia 60 Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach, Ninth Edition. Edited by C. Barry Cox, Peter D. Moore, Richard J. Ladle. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 469 bindex 469 8 Mar 2016 9:51 PM arachnids 93, 120, 121, 335 beard-tongue 174, 174 Araucaria 295, 309, 310, 342, 363 beech see Nothofagus pollen diagrams 364–365 Bellamya unicolor 184 arborescent 455 benthic organisms 260, 274, 456 Arbutus unedo (strawberry tree) 55–57, 56, 383 beta diversity 141, 456 Archaeochlus 233 Betula 377 archibenthal zone see bathyal zone B. alleghaniensis (yellow birch) 140 archipelago speciation 196, 215, 455 pollen diagrams 357, 358, 378 Arctic tern 78, 78 Bidens 203 area biogeography 233–236, 234 biodiversity 5–7, 117–146, 426, 456 areas of endemicity 232, 455 and altitude 134–136, 135 Argyroxiphium (silverswords) 205, 206 dynamic 142–143 arid regions 344, 363, 367, 381–382, 382, 455, Plate 1 and glaciation 132–133 distribution 366, 367 hotspots 136–139, 137, 138 armadillo 301 indicator trends 428 Armenian gull 34 intermediate disturbance hypothesis 141–142 arrow-worms 267 knowledge shortfalls 439–441, 439 Artemesia latitude and species range 133–134 A. frigida (prairie sage) 405 latitudinal gradients 123–131, 123–131 A. herba-alba 98, 99, Plate 1 neutral theory 23, 38, 142–143, 462 A. norvegica (Norwegian mugwort) 53–54, 54 scale dependency 441–442 pollen diagrams 362 species numbers 118–123, 120–122 artiodactyls 301 succession 139–141, 139, 140 Ascaris (roundworms) 417 tropical regions 131–132, 131 ash 358 biodiversity crisis 430–435, 431, 432, 434 Asiamerica 455 response to 435–437, 436 assembly rules 216–218, 217, 455 BioGeoBEARS model 245 association 6 biogeographical regions Asteraceae (daisies) 42–46, 42–45, 201 ancient 291–313 pollen diagrams 378 history 323, 324 Astralium rhodosteum 284 modern 315–352 auroch 415 biogeography 456 Austral Polar Current 262, 264 cladistic (pattern-based) 233–236, 234, 457 Australasia 456 conservation see conservation biogeography Australia 331–334 and creation 4–5 biomes 333 dispersal 458 cold periods 363 ecological 3–4, 6, 19–20, 458 megafaunal extinctions 408 historical 4, 460 Australian bell miner 74 history 1–30 australopithecines/Australopithecus 402, 404, 456 island 208–212, 209–212 A. afarensis 401, 402 ocean see ocean biogeography diet 403 phylogenetic 232–233, 233, 464 avocet 71 biological barriers 37 biological control 82, 456 bacteria 120 biological invasion 429–430, 429 baker’s yeast 410 biological species concept 179, 456 Balanus balanoides 69 biological spectrum 101, 456 bamboo grass 220 BIOME 3 model 113 bar-headed goose 37 biomes 6, 20, 100–101, 101, 103, 456 barnacles 69 climate diagrams 111 barriers 456 coastal 263, 457 biological 37 early 305–311, 305, 307, 308 climatic 37 modelling 112–113 East Pacific Barrier 277, 458 mountain 103–106, 104, 105, 134–136, 135 Mid-Atlantic Barrier 277, 462 ocean 267–268 ocean biomes 267–268 polar 263, 264 Panama Isthmus 272, 277 trade winds 263, 264 shallow-sea environment 276–278 westerly winds 263, 264 bathyal zone 259, 259, 269, 456, Plate 4 see also specific types bathypelagic zone 259, 261, 456 biosphere 120, 456, Plate 2 bats 301 biota 40, 456 altitudinal diversity 136 biotic assemblages 98–102, 99, 101 Bay-Area model 245 biotic diversity 210, 211 Bayesian Island Biogeographical model (BIB) 243, 244 biotic homogenization 430 470 Index bindex 470 8 Mar 2016 9:51 PM biotic resistance 82, 456 mammals 300, 302, 320 bipedalism 402 South America 342–345, 343, 344 bipolar distribution 6, 278, 456 Centropus violaceus 217 birds Cerastoderma edulis 72 biodiversity 123, 131 Cervus distribution 62 C. canadensis (elk) 407 migration 76–79, 77, 78 C. elaphus (red deer) 384, 420 see also individual species cetacea 301 Bison 407 Chamaerops humilis 41, 41, 42 black bear 247 chance extinction 198 black-browed albatross 39 chaos theory 22, 456–457 blackfly 417, 420 Charadrius (plovers) 46–48, 46–49 bloom 263, 264, 456 C. alexandrinus (Kentish plover) 71 blue-green algae 220, 266 C. montanus (mountain plover) 46, 47 bluebird 80 C. viciferus (killdeer) 46, 46 bonobo 35 cheatgrass 85 boreal plants 346–350, 347, 348, 456 Chenopodiineae 362, 378 boreotropical 456 chimpanzee 35, 35 Bos 415 Chinese leaf beetle 82 bottom water 262, 456 Chloridops kona 207 Brassospora 238 chlorophyll 263 Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) 85 chloroplasts 190, 457 Brooks parsimony analysis (BPA) 235–236, 237, 456 chromosomes 170–171, 172, 457 Brugia 417 Chthamalus stellatus 69 buckthorn 83 cichlid fishes 176–179, 178 Buffon, Georges 5, 12 Madagascar 328 Buffon’s Law 5, 6, 456 circumboreal species 34, 457 Bufo 174 Ciridops anna 207, 208 Bulinus truncatus 184 clade support 241 bushmeat 433 clades 118, 188, 457 butterflies 346 cladistic (pattern-based) biogeography 233–236, 234, 457 biodiversity 125, 125 cladistics 188, 188–189, 189, 457 species interactions 66–67, 67 cladograms 188, 188, 189, 258, 457 butterwort see Pinguicula general area 236, 459 geological area 233, 460 C3 plants 63, 64, 456 taxon–area 233, 466 C4 plants 63, 63, 64, 456 Clarkia 60 Cadea 341 Clements, Frederic 21, 90 Calamites 294, 295 Clements approach 90, 90, 457 Campephilus principalis (ivory-billed woodpecker) 122 Cleopatra ferrugina 184 Candolle, Augustin de 6–7, 19, 24 Clermontia (lobeliads) 206–207, 206, 207 Canis lupus (grey wolf) 74 climate change 354–356, 355, 434–435, 434, 436 Cape golden mole 190, 301 short-term 388–390, 389 carbon dioxide and plant porosity 374 climate/climatic 106, 457 Carboniferous 18, 292, 293 barriers 37 flowering plants 304 and biodiversity 434 land masses Plate 7 cooling 386–388, 387 cardueline finches 200 envelope 102, 457 Caribbean see West Indies Eocene–Oligocene 308–309, 308 caribou 76, 77 global patterns 106–109, 106, 108, 109 Carpinus (hornbeam) 357, 358 Late Cretaceous–Middle Eocene 305–308, 307 carrying capacity 195, 244, 456 limits 41–42, 41, 42 Caspian gull 34 Mediterranean area 462 Casuarina microclimate 37, 128, 130, 462 C. equisetifolia 219 Middle Miocene–Pliocene 311 pollen diagrams 364–365 modelling 112–113 Catalogue of Life 447 novel climates 443 Catharus ustulatus (Swainson’s thrush) 78 Oligocene–Late Miocene 309–310 Celastrina relicts 52–59, 53–56, 58, 59, 457 C. argiolus (holly blue) 67, 68, 74 climate diagrams 109, 110, 111 C. ladon (spring azure) 67 climate migrants 429 Cenozoic 323 climax 22, 457 climate 305 climax state 140, 457 flowering plants 303 climax vegetation 22, 457 Index 471 bindex 471 8 Mar 2016 9:51 PM clinal variation 35, 457 Crataegus (hawthorn) 83 cline 35, 457 creation 4–5 cloud forest 134, 457 Creation Science 185, 458 Clovis points 405 creosote bush 100 Clupea harengus pallasi (Pacific herring) 268 Cretaceous 295, 296 coal swamps 294–295 climate 305–308, 307 coast live oak 91 flowering plants 303, 304 coastal biome 263, 457 land masses Plate 7 coconut palm 197 mammals 300, 300, 302 Cocos nucifera (coconut palm) 197 Cretaceous–Tertiary (K/T) Boundary Event 297–298, 309 co-evolution 90, 457 Croizat, Leon 1, 13, 14–16, 15 Colaptes auratus (yellow-tailed northern flicker) 80 crown group 298, 299, 300, 458 collared dove 39, 82 crustaceans 120 Colombo livia (feral pigeon) 429 see also Gammarus Commidendron 199, 200 Cryogenian
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