IHr'sssB -- 3 $ ' . THE WASHINGTON HERAJJD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1914. THOUSANDS OF ALIEN WAR BY SAILORS, U. S. CHARGES THE DAY DAY SPECIAL' SALE Fifty Years Ago. THE NEW MEN'S SHOP G Street, Tvre Doers East of EkvetKh GoYemmeat WUJ Treat Them at Jm-- or . New York WASHINGTONParis Deport Them 1M4-Af- . sigranti ad Azatt 5, ain! Farrajit Led a Fleet of'Weod. aad Ire SUt GUARANTEED Later On. Part At Farts at the Eatramce of Me6Be Bay, aa Forced tke SwresWUr government Is con- Todays List Tke mmmm Sale ef Tha United States of tie Confederate Ironclad Ram Teaae Scese la tke Hear Electric or - fronted with the problem of dealing with Tub, Silk Shirts $2.00 foreign sailors who are at- Naval EugaEmeat of tie War. H 'thousands of t $5 and $6 Shirts... ,...$2.90 tached to- - the trans-Atlant- io ships tied Gas &9c cp on this side of the Atlantic as a result (Written expressly for The Wasblntf on Herald.) $1 and $1.50 Shirts'.... Lace Curtains war. of the Fifty years ago toclar Admiral David "Damn the torpedoes! Four bells t 50c Silk Socks 26c Immigration Commissioner Tstumpf. of U. Farracut led a fleet of wooden amps. Capt Drayton, go ahead!" $1 and $1.50 Union Laundry Baltimore, came to Washington yester- convoyed by monitors, past the forts at Capt, Ferclval Drayton, commanding Presents Many Attractive Savings.N ana xorcea Suits 50c day and discussed the matter with Sec uif entrance of Mobile Bay, the Hartford, needed no second order to i. the surrender of the Confederate iron put bis ship at the head of the column. Poros-Kn- it Under- retary of Labor Wilson. There are ap--J 50c Irons, 12.50 a Renaissance, Scrim, clad ram Tennessee, which engaced mm nrelc Djetl with Blood. 19c Quny, Novelty Net, Fancy proximately 12,500 such sailors oa the Inside the harbor. wear With the screw of the Hartford going 50c ,and 75c. "Athletic The most convenient and and. other fine Curtains, in plain white, ecru, and some Atlantic seaboard. It was stated. The This was the heaviest naval enrage speed ahead, engine Hamburg-America- n two full and the of Line Issued orders mentment in the war. It consisted of her consort reversed, to aid her in turn- Underwear. 29a economical way to do the fancy colored effects particularly good for bedrooms. that all their men be discharged and paid parts, distinct in character, the first be ing, laundry ironing. wanted passing; the flagship passed around the 25c Athletic Underwear. 8c off. The Baltimore commissioner ink the of the forts, the second Brooklyn and took the lead. to know what should be done with these the engagement with the ram.-Eac- h last- $4. and $5 Bathing Heavily nickeled Electric The Guy and Renaissance Cwtahw, aliens. ed about two hours. As the Hartford steamed across the or Gas Iron with com- accomplished line of torpedoes her officers could hear Suits ....$2.50 He was Instructed to .deal with them On this day Farragut a plete from as Immigrants, and to charge the usual feu that at the beilnntng of the war a thumping under her bottcm that told $1 Silk Athletic Under- attachments war- Priced $1.50 ta $14.00 Pair, J4 per capita against all who were would have been held Impossible, in tak-In-c them the ship waa passing directly over ranted for three tax one or agents wear 55c years admissible. There doubUess wiU be many his wooden ships In daylight past a more of those of death. an exceptional Are Regularly Marked from $2.25 te $22.50. deportations later on.' but Secretary Wil- heavily armed fort at close range. His At that moment the scene on her deck $2 Silk Athletic Union value. government will be prior experience In passing on Choice, $2.50 each. son announced this the forts was sickening even to men hardened to Suits $1.05 Tney in edge, edge iasartiaa, tad biassed style, exceptionally lenient with the sailors. the Mississippi had established a prece- sights of bloodshed and war. ire aid phk edfa Those who are to be deported, together dent however, that he believed could $1 and $1.50 Silk Lisle presence "Shot after shot came through the and ia eicepBentHy food Uric. with those who do not wish to remain be safety followed; white the side." writes Lieut. John C. Kinney, an Underwear 50c Dulin& Martin Co. fourth Boat O at. here, will be distributed among the Im of four monitors In this case was count army signal officer, who was on the migrant detenuon houses at New xorx. ed on to give his fleet enough added ship, "mowing down men, deluging the $1 Leather Belts 50c Pottery, Fomlala. Chlaa, Clas. Philadelphia, Boston, ana Baltimore. strength to offset the greater strength SUver. deck with blood and scattering mangled Pajamas: Jtt. It is understood here the foreign steam' of the Mobile works. fragments of humanity so thickly that $3 $1.10 Of the Many Different The Last Lot of the ship companies already have Issued or- Popular history presents on a glowing It was difficult to stand on the deck. 1215 F St, 1214-1- 8 G St ders to discharge all men on their ships page the scenes of August 5, 1SS4. In Mo- The bodies of the dead were Kinds of Tumblers Summer. on this side who are not attached to the bile Bay. On that day, Farragut. al- placed in a long row on the port side, colors. Each ship carries men of many ready famous, became a national hero, while the wounded were sent below. "Here are two Interesting values tor nationalities. the luster of whose name time could A solid shot coming through the THE PALAIS ROYAL AHUSEMEHTS, the euminer season. $5 Couch Hammocks not tarnish. - bow struck a gunner In the neck, com- CALL MEETINGS. pletely body. One A. LISNER DAILY HOURS: 8:15 TO 5 G STREET Colonial Ice Tea Ttmblen, SOCIALISTS One Incident alone. In Tour hours severing head from Qui Will not be obtainable again crowded with stirring events, fixes him poor fellow lost both legs by ipedaL 76c dor. District Socialists have been asked to In tha popular fancy as the personifica- a cannon ball; as he fell he threw up when this present small number anti-w- ar attend an open-a- ir and Jean tion of valor, the Ideal of the sailor in both arms just In time to have them THE BYJO Plain Thin Blown Glau Tumblers, is disposed of. Those who have Jaures memorial meeUng at Eighth street battle; the Incident of the old sea fighter carried away by another shot." berland. Admiral Farragut ordered him Tit derUa own ncat-ft-- W avion In ghQ Opus Aug. 17, 1914 special, 43c dor. and Pennsylvania avenue at 8:S0 o'clock. lashed In, the rigging exclaiming, Far above the carnage on the deck taken to the Naval Hospital at Pensa-col- a. tlu. now tad than, bought and many others know will surgeon Trttlnf ocr Tuxea tad A similar meeting be held at the "Damn the torpedoes'." as he ordered his stood Farragut In the port main rigging, The skill of a Federal With bint fa.Uahlcrcs rata noor-- O at the quality. 1G33 mur that tb ftma Under Strictly White Miaaje- We don't believe it home of William V. Mahony, W halted lines ahead and led It himaslf to which he waa lashed, directly under saved the prisoner's leg. which , was Wert terred anxn better "Ia CtoIm." - has ever been equaled at the street. Anacostla. A Socialist picnic will across sunken mines In his path. the main top, In which stood the pilot. grievously wounded by a steel splinter. rae&L F&raeriy tie Majestic be held in Llbby Park, Petworth, from Farragut was surprised when he learned At times he reached up and pressed the In order to send the wounded by the Tben. Fkmsnt's fleet for a fllbt tu showing Toilet Sets price. until midnight. pilot's shortest route to Pensacola, Admiral Far- With CTtTTthi&x Uot and trim. Niatk SL aad Pcbbs. Are. Our of 430 o'clock this afternoon that this made him a hero with the pub foot with his hand to attract his By O'Donoghue will speak lic, saying. some trifling attention. ragut was obliged to ask permission of the brrtilax light of an Jcjpt mora. is equal to everx cjemand, and Good, heavy khaki canvas, The Rev. Martin "How curiously Th Admiral took as In. Don't Fail ta See the Tweaty at the picnic while E. E. Rogers and Miss Incident catches the popular fancy." His Anxiously watching the ships amidst the commander at Fort Morgan. Gen. row, com- pass That waa a and thinta ettw hot. Broadway the quality is far above the strong metal spring and Jeanette Gershanlck will speak at the exclamation about the torpedoes was less the smoke astern. Farragut saw the R. L. Page, to permit a steamer to Era wa awept U9 wall. Beauties. out flag 'nothtbc average. To convince you of fortable mattress. Pennsylvania avenue meeting. In keeping with his character than a column gradually straighten out. The the channel under of truce. The Whc&ct Uorsan'a anna fall on na blazed, A Mnscal Comedy Stock of 35. line In a letter he had written his wife on passage of the channel was soon as- request was granted. Whiia th "Barn Uj fronting all. this see our $3.95 Set, which he eve of the battle: "I am going Into sured.
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