CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-31 MIZORAM PARTS fXIIl A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT AIZA.WL DISTRICT P. LALNITHAJ'\GA of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations. Mizoram CONTENTS PAGES F0reword (iii) Preface (v) Map of the District (vii) Important Slatistics (ix) Analytical Note 1-23 (i) Ce,1suS concepts of rural and urban a\eas a~d other terms namely CensJs house, ho.;s~hold, Sc':leduled Ca~tes/Scheduled Tnbes, lIterates, main worker, marginal werker, non-worker etc, (ii) Brief History of the district and the Distri(;t Census HandboJk (iii) Scope of Village Directory, T 0wn Directory Statements and Primary Census Abstract (iv) Physical Asp("~ts !Iig\lights ~:m the chan&es in the juri:;diction of the d~strict during ,the decade includmg Its boundanes and any lmportant event on GeographIc or GeophysIcal aspect (v) Mijor cll1ract~ristic, of the district p:lrticularly in relation to the economic resources . namely forestry, minerals and mining, electricity and power, land and land-use pattern, tenancy, Agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary service, fisheries, inclll~try, trade and commerce, transport etc. (vi) Major Social and Cultural events, natural and administrative developments and misce­ llaneous activities of note during thc decade (vii) Brief discription of places of religio·us, historical or archaeological importance in vil1ages and places of tourist interest in the bwns of the district {viii) Brief analysis of the Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract data based 0:1 inset tables Part A - Village and Town Directory S;:ction I-Viilage Directory 27-119 Note explaining the codes used in the Village Directory Explanatory Note to Village Directory Each Community Development Block, Map Alphabeticallist of Villages Village Directory Appendices (I-IV) to the Village Directory Section II ~ Town Directory t\21-137 Note explaining' the codes used in the Town Directory Explanatory Note to Town Directory Town Directory Statements (I to VI) Part B '- Primary Census Abstract Explanatory Note to the Primary Census Abstract 139-142 District Primary Census Abstract . 143-144 Community Development Block-wise Primary Census At-siract Village Primary Census Abstract 145-157 Urban Primary Census Abstract ". ]58-162 Boundary showing Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Block in Urban Areas 163~180 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 184-185 District Primary C~n,us Ab3tract for Schedulel Tribes 186-187 ( i) FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DeB), compiled by the Census Organisation on be hair of the State Governments, is one of the most valuable product of the Census. The DCB is const­ antly referred to by planJ?ers, a.dministJato~s, academicjans and r~searchers. It is inter-alia. used for delimitation of constItuenCies, formulatiOn of local level and regIOnal plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census .handbook is the only publication Which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto vIllage level for the rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc. The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and Primary Cens\,!s Abstract (PCA) for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the soope of the District Census Handbook was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district, administTative stati&tic.s, census tables and a village and town directory, including Primary Census Abstract. The 1971 District Census Handbook series was planned in three parts~Part A related to village .and town directory, Part B to village and town Primary Census Abstract and Part C compnsed analytical report, administrative statistjcs, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on Pdmary Census Abstract and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was Confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. - While designing the format of 1981 District Census Handbook series some new features along with the restructuring ofthe formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time ~ compa!ability with the 1971 data has al~o been ~ept in ~iew. All t~e amenities except power supply 1U the v.lll~~e have be.en bro~\ght together III ~he viJIage ~hrector.y WIth the instruction that in case an amelllty IS not available III the referent VIllage the dIstance lU broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect, partic\,\larly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It i~ expected to help not. o~l~ in local .area J?lanning b~t regulating the proviliion of goods and serVICes as well So as to mInImISe the regIonal 1mba}ances III the process of developemnt. A few new items ~f information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements ofth: Revised MinImum Needs Programm~. SUch new items .of info~mation as adult literacy centres, pnmary he~lth subce~tres . and .co~m1:lnIty: health worker~ III the vlIIage have been introduced in the village dIrectory WIth thtsobJectIve In mmd. The new Item on approach to the village is to hav~ an idea about the villages in t,~e district ~hich are inaccessiJ;lle. A new column. "total population and numbc~ of households has been Introduced to examme the correlation of the amenities with the populatlOn and lll~mbe!?f househ?lds they serve. ~ddition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenitIes are avatlable and accordmg to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Schedu kd Tribes population to the total population has also made with this view in mind. The formats of the town direct,?r~ ~ave also .been modified to. meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by provldmg lllformatlon on a few new Items. A new statement on civic and other aJ:?en~tie~ in s!ums i~. Class I and Clas~ II .towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with thib objective tn I]:ll.nd. It I~ .expected th!lt thIS Will help the planners to chalk out programmes 011 provision of C1VIC amemtles for the. tmprovement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population In Statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult liter~cy clas~es£centres un~~r e~ucational faciliti~s in Statement V are also added inter-alia with this VIew. A slgmficant addItion IS class of town 1U all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastruct~l.re of am~nities. in urban a~e.as of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of to,,:,ns I.nto conSIderatIon. The addlhon. of the columns on civic administration status and populatIOn lU a few statements also serves thIS purpose. The format of the primary census abstract for the. villages and:towns has been formulated in the light of ch.anges in the economic and other questIons canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census. (iii) (iv) tn order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 District Census Handbook series it has been So designed that Part A ofthc volnmc contains Village and Town Directory and Part B, the Primary Census Abstract of the villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Schedl'.led Tribes Primary Census Abstract upto Tahsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the District Census Handbook a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on Primary CensuS Abstract and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure bas been intloduced to en­ hance its value. The district and tahsil/Police Station/C.D. Block etc., level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been· inserted at appropTiate places, to [urthet· enhance the value of the publication. This publication is a joint ventme of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri P. Lalnith<lng£l, LA.S., the Director of Census Opel'ations, Mizoram, Aimwl on behalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning designing and coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B.K. Roy, Deputy Registmr General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation orthe maps. Data received from Census DirectOIates have been scrntinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters l.mder the guidance of Shri M.M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in this project. NEW DELHI P. PADMANABHA the 26th April, 1982. Registrar General, India PREFACE This is the first time in the history of Mizoram that District Census Handbook has beell published independently in respect of Aizawl District after Mizo District became Union Territory with a Government of its own on January 21,1972. Prior to this, Mizoram was a part of Assam, being one of the several districts. In fact, Mizoram was then known as Mizo District. The District of Aizawl was created after the Union Territory came into existence by raising the former Aizawl Sub-division to the status of a full fl-::dged District without affecting any ch'lnge in the boundaries thereof. Mizoram at the moment has Jnly three districts, namely Aizawl. Lunglei and Chhimtuipui. This is the first publication of the Dist) ict Census Handbook as a result of the 1981 Census and will be follOWed by subsequent publications in respect of Chhimtuipui and Lunglei Districts.
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