
“The fi rst step in Christi an prayer is therefore the surrender of ourselves to God, to his providence. It is like saying: ‘Lord, You know everything, there is no need for me to tell you of my pain, I only ask you to stay here beside me: you are my hope.’” Pope Francis John Shelby Spong Southwest Kansas “We sinned for no reason but an incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved us for no reason but an incomprehensible excess of love.” ― P���� K����� CNewspaper of ATHOLICthe Catholic Diocese of Dodge City www.dcdiocese.org/swkscatholic Vol. LIV, No. 12 Sunday, October 6, 2019 St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus... Diocese releases names of priests, ...knew much suff ering, as seminarians with substantiated St. Thérèse died from tuberculosis at age 24. I ask her intercession... allegations of sexual abuse of children October 1, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters, y whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifi ce, these are my in- I pray for just punishment, remorse, and conversion of the perpetra- vincible arms; they can move hearts far bett er than words, I tors and concealers of sexual abuse. I thank law enforcement, att orneys, Mknow it by experience,” wrote St. Thérèse of Lisieux. She knew judges, health professionals and all who help victi ms of this heinous much suff ering, as St. Thérèse died from tuberculosis at age 24. I ask her crime. intercession as we publish the list of priests and seminarians who have I am grateful to Reti red Judge Robert J. Schmisseur for his careful at- substanti ated allegati ons of the sexual abuse of children. tenti on in auditi ng our clergy and seminarian fi les. I apologize to victi m survivors of child sexual abuse, especially those I affi rm all faithful priests, deacons, and seminarians who are true who were abused by priests and seminarians of the Catholic Diocese of servants of God. It is easy to be discouraged, but we take hope in our Dodge City. You have suff ered from this terrible sin. I beg your forgive- Savior. Jesus is with us, and will strengthen us. Most Rev. ness. I pray our Lord Jesus will give His healing love to you and your fami- I encourage everyone to be involved in our Safe Environment pro- John B. Brungardt lies. We hope in Christ: “… power came forth from [Jesus] and healed gram as we learn and implement ways to keep our children protected. Bishop of the Catholic them all” (Luke 6:19). I appreciate the countless staff and volunteers of this ministry. May all Diocese of Dodge City I off er my assistance to the victi m survivors and their families. If you organizati ons that work with minors rededicate themselves to keeping wish, I will meet personally with you and your support people. children safe. If anyone you know may have been a victi m of sexual abuse by clergy, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, intercede for us as we follow your ex- “I apologize to seminarian, employee or volunteer of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City, ample of prayer and sacrifi ce. Let us trust in our Gentle Savior. Jesus“saw victi m survivors please call local law enforcement, the Kansas Department for Children a great crowd, and he had compassion for them and cured their sick” and Families Report Center, or the Kansas Bureau of Investi gati on. In (Matt hew 14:14). Jesus is revealing our suff erings, healing our wounds, of child sexual additi on to making a report to the civil authoriti es, you may contact the and loving us more than we can ask or imagine. representati ve from our diocesan Review Board for assistance, and he will abuse, espe- also off er the help of our Assistance Minister (all contact info is on our + Bishop John B. Brungardt cially those who website and in the Southwest Kansas Catholic newspaper). Catholic Diocese of Dodge City were abused by priests and Santa Teresa seminarians of del Niño Jesús... Diócesis publica nombres de sacerdotes, the Catholic Di- ... conocía mucho sufrimiento, ya que seminaristas con acusaciones verosímiles ocese of Dodge Santa Teresa murió de tuberculosis a City. You have los 24 años. Le pido su intercesión... denuncias de abuso sexual de niños suff ered from 1 de octubre de 2019 this terrible Queridos hermanos y hermanas, sin. I beg your oda mi fuerza está en la oración y el sacrifi cio, estos son mis nuestro siti o web y en el periódico Southwest Kansas Catholic). forgiveness. I brazos invencibles; pueden mover los corazones mucho mejor Rezo para que los autores de abuso sexual y los que lo ocultaron tengan Tque las palabras, lo sé por experiencia», escribió Santa Teresa de un casti go justo, que experimenten el remordimiento y la conversión. pray our Lord Lisieux. Ella conocio mucho sufrimiento, ya que Santa Teresa murió de Agradezco a las fuerzas del orden, abogados, jueces, profesionales de la tuberculosis a los 24 años. Le pido su intercesión mientras publicamos salud y a todos los que ayudan a las vícti mas de este crimen atroz. Jesus will give la lista de sacerdotes y seminaristas que ti enen acusaciones verosímiles Agradezco al juez reti rado Robert J. Schmisseur por su cuidadosa aten- de abuso sexual de menores. ción al auditar los archivos de nuestro clero y seminaristas. His healing love Pido disculpas a las vícti mas de abuso sexual infanti l, especialmente a Afi rmo a todos los sacerdotes, diáconos y seminaristas fi eles que son to you and your aquellas que fueron abusadas por sacerdotes y seminaristas de la Diócesis verdaderos siervos de Dios. Es fácil desanimarse, pero tenemos esperanza Católica de Dodge City. Ustedes han sufrido por este terrible pecado. Les en nuestro Salvador. Jesús está con nosotros, y nos fortalecerá. families. We pido perdón. Rezo para que nuestro Señor Jesús les dé Su amor sanador Animo a todos a parti cipar en nuestro programa Ambiente Seguro a ustedes y a sus familias. Esperamos en Cristo: «... porque salía de él mientras aprendemos e implementamos maneras de mantener protegidos hope in Christ: [Jesús] una fuerza que sanaba a todos» (Lucas 6,19). a nuestros niños. Aprecio al incontable personal y voluntarios de este ‘… power came Ofrezco mi ayuda a las vícti mas y a sus familias. Si lo desean, me reuniré ministerio. Que todas las organizaciones que trabajan con menores se personalmente con ustedes y la gente que los apoya. dediquen de nuevo a mantener a los niños seguros. forth from [Je- Si alguien que usted conoce puede haber sido vícti ma de abuso sexual Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús, intercede por nosotros, mientras seguimos por parte del clero, seminaristas, empleados o voluntarios de la Diócesis tu ejemplo de oración y sacrifi cio. Confi emos en nuestro Tierno salvador. sus] and healed de Dodge City, por favor llame a la policía local, al Centro de Denuncias Jesús «al ver la gran multi tud, sinti ó lásti ma y sanó a los enfermos»(Ma- them all’ (Luke del Departamento de Niños y Familias de Kansas, o a la Ofi cina de Inves- teo 14,14). Jesús está revelando nuestros sufrimientos, sanando nuestras ti gación de Kansas. Además de hacer una denuncia a las autoridades heridas y amándonos más de lo que podemos pedir o imaginar. 6:19).” civiles, usted puede contactar al representante de nuestro Consejo de Revisión diocesano para asistencia, y también el ofrecerá la ayuda de + Obispo John B. Brungardt + Bishop John nuestro Ministro de Asistencia (toda la información de contacto está en Diócesis Católica de Dodge City Page 2 October 6, 2019 The Southwest Kansas Catholic ‘The Crusader’ and other priests I know Awkward Pauses id you know that a priest who recently Fajardo? wkward Pauses, that’s what Dom Eugene concluded five years of service here is “Through the FMA D Boylan, OSB called them in 1943. known in the Philippines for his martial arts (Filipino Martial Arts), I A He was referring to the “conversation” we might skills, and has even earned a gold medal as a received the Gold Medal have with the Lord on our day of judgment. There National Champion? Not to mention the fact as National Champion in could be some difficulty then, some embarrassment, that he has a nickname designed to strike 1996. I also was award- some awkwardness. fear into the hearts of his opponents! ed the Silver Medal in We might be inclined to say too little then: inclined Did you also know that several years ago, 1998,” he told me. to avoid certain subjects altogether. We will want another one of our priests was piloting As for the pilot flying By Dave Myers to give voice to our life of devotion, here, there, a plane across Afghanistan, and before over Afghanistan? Another Way Editor and elsewhere, of course. But that voice may not departing, had to be stripped of any “Prior to flying in Most Rev. Ronald harmonize with the ways we have neglected God, personal documentation due to the high that part of the world,” explained Father M. Gilmore with the ways we have rejected Him even. That likelihood of being shot down by air-to-air Mark Brantley, a retired officer with the U.S. Bishop Emeritus of voice may end sounding hollow, lips moving, but no missiles? Air Force, “we received a rather detailed Dodge City sound coming out. “That was rather sobering,” he told me. intelligence briefing describing where they We might be inclined to say too much then: to talk And then there is the priest who, before thought air-to-air missiles would be.
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