Official Publication of the Notional Collegiate Athletic Association November 23,1992, Volume 29, Number 41 Alexander wins Teddy SwGnmine A. Lamar Alexander Jr., U.S. Also, in order to help schools meas- national scene. As chair of the seeks religf secretary of education, has been ure their effectiveness, he has es- National Governors Association, named winner of the Theodore tablished a program called he led the 50-state education sur- from rule Roosevelt Award, the most presti- “America 2000.” vey, “Time for Results.” I gious honor bestowed on an indi- By Gary 1. Brown While president of the Univer- In 1988. the Education Corn- vidual by the NCAA. THE NCAA NEWS STAFF sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Alex- mission of the States gave Alex- Alexander will become the 27th ander served as a member of the ander the James B. Conant Award When legislation limiting man- recipient of the “Teddy” January Knight Foundation Commission for “distinguished national lead- dated athletics activity to 20 hours 13 during the honors dinner at the per week was adopted at the 1991 on Intercollegiate Athletics. He ership in education.” The author 1993 NCAA (:onvention in Dallas. NCAA Convention, many swim- also served as a member of Presi- of three books, he also chaired Alexander’s national reputation ming coaches across the country dent Bush’s Education PolicyAdvi- President Reagan’s Commission as a pioneer in educational reform felt trapped in the undertow of a sory Committee. on the American Ourdoors. prompted President Bush to select rule that they thought was dc- him as secretary of education in Alexander was the governor of He was an NCAA Silver Anni- Alexander signed to curb abuses in football 1991. Tennessee from 1979 to 1987 and versary recipient in 1987, having and basketball. Alexander favors establishing was the f+.r chief executive of that competed in track at Vanderbilt The swimming community’s He was a Phi Bera Kappa gadu- national standards in English, slate to serve successive four-year University. reaction against the rule was due ate of Vanderbilt and was a law mathematics, science, history and terms. He was chosen by his fellow During the 196Os, Alexander largely to its insistence that swim- review editor at the New York Uni- geography. He has proposed the governors as one of the two mosr served as a legislative assistant IO ming is a different breed of sport versity law school. creation of “American Achieve- effective governors in the nation Sen. Howard Baker and later as an and should be treated as such. ment Tests,” a voluntary nation- and was named by U.S. News and executive aide to Bryce Harlow, Alexander and his wife, Honey, Coaches felt ihat student-athletes wide examination system for World Report as one of 10 “rising the White House Conmessional have four children: Drew, Leslee, students at specific grade levels. political stars of the future” on the liaison. Kathryn and Will. See Swimming, page 24 b Certification, authority lead CEOs’ grouping ThU is the secund in a sews of seven And to further ensure that CEOs artickspreviPwing the lqislution to be are able to play a key role in acted upon at thP NCAA Convention consideration of those prcJpOSalS, January I?-16, 1993, in LMlu~. Thtf all 45 have been designated for instal1mtmtfeature.s theproposak iden- action on Presidential Agenda Day, tified by the ofjcprs of the NCAA set for Thursday, January 14. The Pre.&knlc (;nmmission for inclusion Presidential Agenda Day is a new in the Commission k special kgirhtiue concept approved earlier this year grouping and .s&dukd for uction on as the result of recommendations Ctusi~~tial Agenda Day. from the Presidents Commission Subcommittee on the Role and Amendments rmphasi~ing in- Structure of the (Commission and stitutional control and presidential thr Special Commiiier IO Rrvicw authority-including a proposal NCAA Legislative Procedurt=s. to require certification of Division On that day, the morning’s divi- 1 athletics programs and measures sion business sessiorls and an af- to strengthen the role of chirf tcI noon general session will bc rxrcutivc officers in NCAA legis- devoted 10 those 45 proposals. All lat ive procedures-dominate the together, 34 of the proposals will Woman of the year Presidents (:ommission Grouping bc considered in the division ses- for the 1993 NCAA (:onvention. sions and 11 will be taken up in Catherine Byrne (right), an all-Amencan swimmer-from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, The special grouping-whit 11 the general session. accepts the NCAA Woman of the Year award November 15 from Susan Engel (middb), includes 45 proposals and seven While the grouping includes all president and chief executive oficer of Champion Products, and Judith M. Sweet, NCAA amrndments to those proposals- hut One of the prfJpOS& SpOnSOlpti presi&t. Byrne wm one ?f 10 national finalists for the award, which equally weigh an again will place matters deemed this year by the Presidents Com- of particular interest to chief cxcc- individual’s acaokmic achievement, athletics accomplishmat, and community service and mission and several others sup- utive officers atop the order of ported by the (ZEOs, inclusion of a lea&ship. See related story, page 3. business in the various (:onvention business sessions. See Proposals, page 20 ) W In the News N On deck Briefly Page 2 n A member of the NCAA Student-Athlete Advi- November 30- Division I Men’s Basketball Committee, sory Committee urges the formation of similar December 2 Charlotte, North Carolina Committee notices 2 committees at the institution level: Page 4. December 6-7 Executive Committee, Kansas City, Comment 4 H First-year coaches have led impressive turna- Missouri Championships preview 7 rounds by Division I-A and I-AA football teams December 9 Eligibility Committee, Kansas City, Football statistics 11-12 that are vying for recognition OS this year’s most- Missouri improved teams: Page 10. Eligibility appeals 14-15 December 17 Interpretations Committee, Dallas n Former California State University, Fullerton, Council minutes 16-19 baseball player Phil Nevin is this year’s recipient January 11-14 Council, Dallas NCAA Record 21 of the Golden Spikes Award for the nation’s January 13-16 NCAA Convention, Dallas outstanding amateur player: Page 10. The Market 22-23 Nevin Page 2 The NCAA News November 23,1992 H Briefly in the News n Milestones Kris Russell, in her 12th season as head women’s vo&yball coach at the School recalls University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, notched her 400th career victory Octo- fortunate upset ber 10 against the IJnivt-rsity of Wis- consin, Superior .The Washington and Jefferson College football team rr- When (hllrgr of the Holy Cross pulled corded its 500th vie tory Scptcmhrr I9 off a 55- 12 upset victory over No. 1-ranked with a 35-O defeat of Witlcnrr IJnivcr- Boston College in a football game Novem- sity Canisius (:ollege achieved its brr 28, 1942, ;it Fcrlway Park, TAOone really 200th football victory October 10 in a rdi%Y~ how fhmNl;m rhc otJmJmC Was. 14-12 win over St John Fisher College. Later rhat evening, a fire roared through The 1992-93 academic year signals thr <:ocoanut (irove nightclub in Boston, the 90th anniversary of the Ohio Ath- killing 492 people. Boston College had letic Conference, the third-oldest con- scheduled a victory celebration at the club ference in intcrcollrgiatc iithlCtiCS but cancclrd those plans after losing the behind the Michigan Intercollegiate game. Athletic Association (1888) and the Big More than 25 members of that 1942 Holy Ten Conference (1895) The Gettys- Cross squad gathered November 20 and 21 burg College women’s volleyball team’s in Worcester, Massachusetts, to relebrate victory over Moravian College October the 50th anniversary of the upset Among 3 marked the 300th career win for rhose srheduled to attend were captain coach Doreen DrexeI Jeff Tipping, Edmund Murphy, John Bezemes (who men’s soccer roach at Muhlenberg Col- scorrd thrre touchdowns and threw for lege, recorded his 1 OOth career virtory another), John Grigas, and College and September I!) in a 4-l defeat of Drew Pro Football Hall of Fame indlJcwe George University. Connor. Nick Gaudioso, men’s soccer roach Thr team was introduced during half itL Carnegir Mellon University, notched time of the Holy Cross-Fordham Llniversity his IOOth victory Sepvmber 19 whrn game November 21. the Tartans defeated the LJnivcrsity of Chicago, 3-l . Denison IJnivrrsiry fool- Role model in LA ball roach Keith Piper won his 200th game on his 71 st birthday Orroher 10 Chris Smith, a senior football player at 100 reasons to celebrate when the Big Red held off Earlham the University of the Redlands, did not College, 29-24.. Philadelphia College gow up in the calmest and most serene of Pete Waite, head women’s volleyball coach at Northern Illinois University, of Textiles and Science men’s soccer places. He survived the often mean streets enjoys a victory ride from Kori Schauer (left) and Amy Foulke after recording coach Lew Meehl won his 100th cam of south central Los Angeles, but hr hasn’t hix 100th career victory October 17 in the Huskies’ win over Wright State reer game, 2-0, over Georgetown Uni- forgotten those hc left behind. University. Waite reached 100 victoties fasterthan any coach in Northern versity October 14. Smith is active working with troubled Carol Howe-Veenstra, women’s vol- Illinois hirto7y. ternagers, both in the Redlands area and in leyball coach at the College of St. downtown 1.0s Angeles. Benedict, registered her 200th victory “I enjoy working with young kids,” he October 14 over Concordia College, said.
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