Mecillinam resistance in Enterobacteriaceae urinary tract isolates L Coom1,2, A Deshpande3, A. Speekenbrink2, T Inkster1 1 Department of Microbiology, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital , Glasgow; 2 Department of Microbiology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow; 3 Department of Microbiology, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Greater Glasgow & Clyde Results IntroducVon Method Over the 10-month period a total of 144 mecillinam resistant isolates were The rapid and global spread of mulV-drug resistant Gram-negave bacteria is a treatment of UTI was also analysed. Resistance was verified using EUCAST analysed, Table 1. Repeat samples from the same paent were removed and therapeuVc challenge. E.coli and other Enterobacteriaceae, are important methodology; MIC determinaon was verified with E-test (bioMérieux, excluded. pathogens causing urinary tract infecVon and sepsis. Urinary tract infecVon (UTI) Solna, Sweden) according to the manufacturer's instrucVons. Of the corresponding paents, 69% (100/144) were female. 49% (71/144) and 12% is amongst the most common infecVon seen both in the community and hospital (17/144) of the isolates were taken from in-paents under the care of Medical and sengs. In England alone over 35,000 cases of E.coli bacteraemia were reported Table 1 Mecillinam resistant Enterbacteriacaea analysed Surgical specialVes respecVvely. 43% (62/144) of isolates were cultured from mid- from April 2014 to March 20151. The judicious anVmicrobial management of Organism No. Of isolates stream urine (MSU), 29% (42/144) from clean-catch urine, and 17% (25/144) from Gram-negave bacterial infecVon is therefore essenVal. E.coli 93 catheter urine specimens (CSU). Enterobacter spp 2 Mecillinam (pro-drug pivmecillinam) is an aracVve oral opVon in the treatment Enterobacter amnigenus 1 Of the Enterobacteriaceae analysed, no beta-lactamase resistance was detected of uncomplicated urinary tract infecVon2. Mecillinam acts by inhibiVng the Enterobacter cloacae 1 phenotypically in 60% (86/144) of isolates. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase transpepVdase acVvity of penicillin binding protein-2 (PBP2) responsible for cell klebsiella spp 23 (ESBL) producVon was detected in 26% (37/144) of isolates. AmpC producVon was elongaon and division of Gram-negave bacilli4-7. Resistance is believed to be Klebsiella oxytoca 10 Klebsiella pneumoniae 13 detected in 6% (9/144) of isolates and K1 beta-lactamase producVon was detected secondary to mutaons in gene targets involved in the elongaon process. Morganella morganii 7 in 2% (3/144) of isolates (figure 1). for 6 isolates, an inconclusive phenotype was Proteus mirabilis 12 Recent studies show that mecillinam resistance is associated with highly diverse Serraa marcescens 7 detected that did not meet the interpretaon criteria of Schreckenberger et al. mulV-resistance profiles and imposes a significant fitness cost to an organism Total 144 InteresVngly 83% (120/144) of the isolates displayed resistance to more than 2 suggesVng a low propensity for clonal spread7,8. Figure 1 Beta-lactamase producVon phenotypically detected in mecillinam resistant isolates other classes of anVbioVc, with 47% (67/144) displaying co-resistance to more European surveillance data has indicated that mecillinam suscepVbility of than 3 classes. uropathogens is high at 95.9% with li2le variaon between parVcipang countries previously being noted2,3. However increasing resistance rates have None Conclusions been observed in Sweden in recent years9. UK specific resistance data remains With the emergence of mulVdrug-resistant Gram-negave bacteria mecillinam in largely unknown despite mecillinam being recommended as first-line empirical recent years has shown a promising role for the treatment of UTI. In Scotland, the treatment of uncomplicated UTI by the European Society for Microbiology and ESBL producer Scosh AnVmicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) advocates mecillinam as directed InfecVous Diseases9. therapy for uncomplicated UTI 13. AmpC Aims Previous analysis of Enterobacteriaceae urinary tract isolates by our laboratory in 2012 found no stasVcally significant associaon between mecillinam resistance The objecVve of this study was to determine whether resistance to mecillinam AmpC & ESBL producer and ESBL producVon (p=0.075, Chi squared test). Of the 499 clinical isolates was associated with beta-lactamase producVon in Enterobacteriaceae and if co- tested, 336 (67%) were idenVfied as ESBL producers. Of these 12.2% (41/336) resistance towards other anVbioVc classes was displayed. were Mecillinam resistant11. Analysis of the collecVon of Enterobacteriaceae K1 beta lactamase producer urinary tract isolates in this study detected no associated beta-lactamase Method producVon phenotypically amongst mecillinam resistance isolates. InteresVngly, Inconclusive phenotype the isolates displayed a high level of resistance to the other anVbioVc classes. Mecillinam resistant Enterobacteriaceae urinary tract isolates were analysed over However, the number of isolates analysed was relavely small as VITEK and a 10-month period (September 2014 to June 2015). Clinical isolates were mecillinam suscepVbility tesVng are not rouVnely performed for all urinary tract collected from our microbiology laboratory based at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Table 2 Co-resistance to other anVbioVc classes amongst mecillinam resistant isolates isolates in this laboratory; nor were MIC values for mecillinam determined. We a large teaching hospital which serves a populaon of 560,00 paents. believe that further geneVc analysis is warranted to invesVgate for possible Resistant isolates [n (%)] Species idenVficaon was performed using the automated system, VITEK MS associaon with specific resistance lineages. Organism CIP GENT NIT FOS TEM TMP (Matrix Assisted Laser DesorpVon Ionizaon Time-of-flight, or MALDI-TOf). E.coli 59 (63) 31 (33) 22 (24) 3 (3*) 5 (5) 84 (90) Despite the universal recommendaon and subsequent use of mecillinam as a Determinaon of mecillinam suscepVbility was performed using the automated Enterobacter spp 0 2 (100) - 1 (50) 0 2 (100) treatment opVon in Scotland, local and UK specific resistance data remains system, VITEK 2 or the EUCAST standardised disc diffusion method. A sensiVve klebsiella spp 6 (26) 11 (48) 10 (43) 9 (39) 0 16 (70) largely unknown. This study highlights that a more robust surveillance strategy is result for mecillinam is a minimum inhibitory concentraon (MIC) ≤ 8µg/ml or Morganella morganii 0 4 (57) 7 (100) 7 (100) 1 (14) 5 (71) required to assess anVmicrobial resistance of uropathogens in our laboratory. zone diameter ≥ 15mm. Phenotypic detecVon of a beta-lactamase resistance Proteus mirabilis 3 (25) 9 (75) 12 (100) 1 (8) 0 12 (100) furthermore evaluaon of clinical outcome of mecillinam therapy is required in mechanism was performed for each isolate as described by Schreckenberger et Serra.a marcescens 0 3 (43) 7 (100) 2 (33*) 3 (50*) 4 (57) order to gain insight into clinical failure versus laboratory-reported resistance. 12 al . Co-resistance towards 6 other anVbioVc classes (ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, *SuscepVbility result/MIC not available for 1 isolate. CIP, ciprofloxacin; GENT, gentamicin; NIT, nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin, temocillin and trimethoprim) commonly used in the nitrofurantoin; fOS, fosfomycin; TEM, temocillin; TMP, trimethoprim Funding: Scosh InfecVon Research Network Minor Research Grant Awards 2012 References 1. Public Health England. Escherichia coli (E. coli): guidance, data and analysis. 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