"^1 ....... , i l 1 • A ? ‘ . - -J j 'J TI '■ 1 1 ^ • ■ -r,-JS ■-C Good miaorning M u r t it a u g h r e j e c: t s s c hl o o l QuestItions Today>fot^s|ist:_ _______ ___ Mostly cloudy wilhith ia chance o f show- about deathc ers and thundcrshowciwers. Highs near 55. Lows near 40. W est wi:w inds 10 to 15 mph. P a g e A 2 i^ n e r g i;e f ; H iH anseniT a p pir i o v e s aw^ait]tman By Brad Bowlin y By Phil Sahm Times-News writer K Timcs-News writer M U R T A U G H -V o ters herhere have reject- Court rules agaii;ainst counties Investigators wont cd a proposed school district consolidation TW IN F A L L S '- Inv County officials frcttlotted o ver M onday’s to question an "acqacquaintance" of with neighboring Hansen, 27C Supreme Court rulingng that loca! govern- Leslie Chouinard in thei: 31-year-old ments can't limit whwhere haulers take This is thc sccond consolicolidalion attempt woman's strangulationion death Friday. trash. tcto fail in Murtaugh sincc 198C Edward "Eddie"■ Aguilar;A{ 31, was P a g e B I ^ Voters in Hansen favoredred the measure, supposed to speak wiiwilh policc about 257-88, b ut approval o f a majinajority o f voters . Chouinnrd's death,, butbu did not show Adjudication gn^ u p meets ''in both districts was required Ifor to pass! up for an interview,. TwinT\ Falls police • Tuesday’s vole means a long-running -CJclccliveTim Millers:crsaid. A newly appointedted committee will feud ovc)vcr how to re- meet today to discussuss new water laws ' ■ Chouinard QM p la c e lhIhe Murtaugh died Friday by I passed by the 1994 Idal[daho Legislature. T hree district’s:t’s 77-ycar-old P a s e B Z strangulation in_ C reek high schochool likely will her Washington ___ continue. Park Apart- SuppodMders of consol-' ment. >■ B l . idation1 cocontended join- M o n d a y , ■ - . - ing Ihehe two small Twin Falls On the block school didistricts would County Prose- pave the way for a school}1 fcbond election cutor G. Rich- Cassia County is gelgetting ready to sell ^ that would pay for a new join school with- H H M 'ard Bevan filed the Cassia Memorialial Hospital, which out overburdcningproperty-ta(-■tax payers. charges against w ill be replaced a hospitalho! under con- But consolidation foes in;insist thc Mur- someone, but struction. taugh community can pay)ay for its own had the court A g u ila r school without adding signif’nificantly lo the file scaled, property tax burden. meaning thc informalioalion cannot yet be Murtaugh voters have rcjrejected school m ade public. bonds to pay for a ncwjchoho.ol.twicc_in..0 jh c ^ ___' Bevan wpuld not3t ssay T u esd ay if A giiilar'ls'chargc'd’wil’with'ChoTiiriafd’s P‘past tw o years. Niiggets-Jazz Four o f the five Murtaughgh :School Board M M H death. "W e’re wantingting him for qucs- tioning," Bevan said.1. d a chancc to elimi- mmembers and thc school supciipcriniendent op- liie Ulah Jazz had a Aguilar was bclicvcd:ved to be in town the NBA playoffs posedp< consolidation w ith Hanj nate Denvef from th' Monday, Miller said.J. largin than what Tuesday. “It was a little wider marg H e and Bevan woul<ould not elaborate P a g e D I ‘ w we expected,” said Galen1 MMyers, a vocal on how Aguilar andd CChouinard were Slsupporter of consolidation. acquainted. Return of a coaciach .But the percentages indicatecate anti-consoli- Aguilar stands 5 feetfee 9 inches'tall, dation forces do not have thethc votes to push The Dallas Maveric:ricks decidcd Dick [T w e i^ s 190 pounds and has dark hair, through a bond issue for a nevnew high school, ■■ M otta w as the solutionon to1 their problem s. ^ a moustache and browrown eyes. Anyone Myers said. ^ ' who knows Aguilar’s’s wwhereabouts can A bond issue requires 66.7 percent voter -call Miller al the TwiTwin Falls Police approval. Only 61 perccnt >voted against Department - 736-221C'216 - or Ihe Twin consolidation T uesday night. Falls Crime Stoppers;rs IHotline at 736- But school board Chairnlirmon Michael 2218. Bland said ih c vote was nott ununexpected. ' Persons providingg irinformation can Cooking with twitwo ^• "That’s about where our)ur support has Murtau{ugh High School stuclentmt Justin Stanger adjustjste^ so g ^ sign fol- remain anonymous. Here's a couplc whcvho cook together - beenb< all along,” hc said. Manjlany pro-consoli- lowing] •a rain show er'th^ soaklaked student pickets acracross from tho Mur*. • contentedly. C ity H all T u e s d a y 'a fto mm i o o n . dation poopjc had said they:y vwould get be- • to u g h C _______________, .} • ' ^ w C j -------------“hin S d “a ”3chooH>ond*cffort*irt-if-the-m erger ------------------- mmeasure failed, he added. * fear thc statest will itcoi^emn their old,)ld build- B lan d , 4 8 , gngrew up in Murtaugh andr^Glffltans isopen— Redpe exchangege Now that the votc’is over,r, ththc district w ill in g and eeliminate the district al)o(logether, graduated fromn scschool-herc. M iirtaugh students to disp< . Readers share theirir ifavorite meringue gogc on with thc business off inimproving cur- forcing Ni spcrse to "Consolidationion is not a new issue. It was riculum and. making cducatcation better in Hansen,-V-Valley, Burley and Kimbcrlj:riy. an issue when 1I vwas in high school,” he re-^family b(books to p p in g . Murtauph. Bland ^ id . But Blailand said lhat is unlikely, • ^ called. ________ P »flO -C 1 _______M J.- -TheAssodBted Press___ The issue of what to do< nenext hkcly will----- Until’ththe' state 'makcs~prqvi5ionsIS to-help“t And-xhirfuror■onivcrthc-most tecerir ai-- be discussed at the next board,boi meeting, small dististricis upgrade their facilitiilities. it’s tem'p't will leaveivc scars on the community, W A SH IN G TO N —- HiHow much is your June 13, he said. not goinglg to dictatc what local distriitricis do. Bland said. president worth? • Some consolidation suppor “This is not goigoing to go away," he said. porters say they he said. A t most, President ClinlonClin had assets of ' Who’ll lead coununty?' I 596,000 to S266.000 last;asl year, far less than firsl lady Hillary RodhanIham Clinton's hold- makes a recommen- Today’s editorial ma I ings o f at least S 5 16.00000 toti S1.05 million. dation in one of two) TTw in Falls County Here-■ arce Magic: Valley school returns1 Thc figures comc from•om the Clintons’ an-, ‘ commissioner races. sure form for 1993, P a s e A B TheTl Times-News S200.000lO supplemental levy passosed with • Jerome Schochool D istrict’s Taylor Brownn nual financial disclosure 156 “yes”>” votes to 51 "no” votes, won thc Zone 2 rracc wiih 72 votes to beatIt w hich w as released Tuesdlesday. Several loca! school dislH(jtricts held con- • Filerr 5School District Zone 2 incuicumbcnt Lyndcn Mowerver, with 65 votes, andd • • It shows that the first■st ffamily voluntarily tested School Board clecHonsms T uesday, and Dale C ooron edged C.C. Ramsey 65*64-64. Leonard Bay,.witlwith 48 voles. transferred most of theitheir holdings inlo a tutwo districts held levy votes.s. • Goodiiding County School Districirict Zone • Kimberly ScSchool District Zone 2 in-1- blind trust midway threthrough the year to Here are the results: 1 incumbebent Craig Muchow got 965 vvotes to cumbent Jamess ^Wright won with 68 voles, avoid potential confiictsicts of interest. The Senators on theegrill g • Cassia County School1 DDislrict voters beat writeite-in candidate Jay Thurbcrber who beating Vic Mel)lelynk, who got 6 votes. Inn couple's 14-ycar-old. daidaughter, Chelsea, T had assets estim ated at1 tiebetween S23.000 to stioned the senators approvedap two levies. A S625625,000 supple- got 6 votelies. And incumbcni Clairerc M ajor iKe Zone 3 racc,;c, write-in candidate Oliver T he w itnesses questi< I- Sl 40,000. _ crim e-ridden neigh- menialni' levy for general scho<:hool operations g ol 46 voirotes 10 beat Nancy Rasmuslussen in B ibby >vithdrcw:w and conceded to incum- as youngsters from crii T he'rcport docs providevide a glimpse at the boriiQods talked aboutut ithe violence they gotgc 1,061 “yes" votes to 404 "no" voles, thc Zone5 5 race. benl Karen A ndcrdcrso n .. t Zone 1 • • Miirtau^ SchoolSc District Zone 2 in-1- perks of officc that comi:ome with the presi- know and asked whatlat their lawmakers AiAnd a S3PP.000 facilities:s Ilevy was ap- ln_thchc-Valley School District 2 ...--------^-----------------------pr•provedrrccciving 1,039 "yes”es” votes to 420 race, Pete;le Shawver got 24 votess l(lo beat cumbcnl Mike: BBland won with 60 votes, ' dency; Clinton reportedcd ireceiving gifts of arc doing about it. paintings, jewelry, ties,s, aathletic shoes and P « 9 e A 3 . "no”"n votes. Also, Zone 3 incincumbent Neal Roy Wyat'alt, 13 votes, and R on Ro£logers, 2 beating Dana Silviiilvcrs' 41 votes. •lySll.OOO,, ■ .................................... JcJeppesen won with 33 votes,cs, beating Bur- votes.-In,tir,the Z one 3 racc,-incumbentmt David— « cRichficld-2o-Zone-5 incumbent Sharon-n- Olher item s w onh nearly S ton Nagle, who got 23 votes.s.
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