1988: This is the Time • • • • • • • • • • THE TIME FOR. • • student life p.6 organization p.24 people p.52 acadernics p.96 sports p. 114 ads p. 146 • • • • • • Assumption High School 1020 W. Central Park Davenport, Iowa 52804 Volume 13 The Starting Time S enior Barb Pranger Juggles her lime as well as candy at the Senior Spaghetti Supper while hos­ tessing a record 1,508 people Onhis way to class, senior Rick B01orquez stops to quench his thirst ® Opening "M 1rror, Mirror ," ask Junior Mike Riley's friends in the courtyard S eniorgirls rally around each other after defeating Junior girls at the Powder Puff football game J unior Kevin Schrad keeps W ith a smile on her face, L istening to Msgr Leo score on the brand new elec­ freshman Melanie Peterson Feeney comment on the true tronic baseball scoreboard . awaits the music to start the meaning of " homecoming " 1s Homecoming pep rally senior Mike Mannan Opening ® Atthe opening school Mass, Fr Paul Deyo addresses the student body R unningto a state berth , the girls Cross Country team takes ott at the district meet T ak1ng time out at the foot­ D uring passing time, junior Thestained glass window in ball game against North Scott Angie Buck anxiously awaits the chapel reflects what we are to get a drink and wipe the the phone to ring all about Academics , Sports, blood of battle ott his face 1s Faith, Friends, Assumption Junior Chris Griffith @) Opening Wh1le showing the possibly fatal effects that drinking and dnv1ng have on people , Junior Scott Klein sits through English class S enior Steve McIntosh pretends to be 1n Star Wars" shooting down fighter planes while having fun with senior Chns Tofanelli's crutches Opening ® o whom it may concern: Please excuse my son/daughter for being absent on Monday, September 28, 1987. She/ He was not feeling very well. Thank you. Sincerely, The Senior Parents." This was ' ' T the message on one of the decorations made by Maggie Feeney, Maureen Mullin and Carrie Cockman that was in the se­ nior halls on Wednesday night Septem- ber 23. This was the senior's favorite sign. Even though Homecoming tradition was changed and the dance was held on Sunday night , all the other events proved that Assumption students had just as much or even more spirit as any other year. But, Beth Schebler expressed , " It was unfair to the seniors because we were looking forward to all of the Home­ coming privileges since our freshman year and they took it away from us." She was referring to the senior skit and tape. Before the bonfire on Thursday night, students , teachers and alumni gathered in the auditorium for the announcement of the queen and her court. The band and the cheerleaders got the crowd psyched up for the game that would be held on Saturday at Brady Street Stadium against West High School. DANCEON The court, which was announced by Father Paul Deyo, con­ sisted of Jenny Feeney, Nicole Huber, Katrina Merritt, Jenny Trilk, Saori Uchino and Homemcoming queen, Sara Broderick. Then everyone swarmed around the bonfire as cheerleaders put enthusiasm in the crowd by chanting cheers. In preparation for the weekend, the Homecoming Mass was SUNDAY, celebrated on Friday by Monsignor Leo Feeney. Many di­ ocesan priests attended to help celebrate Homecoming week and the returned alumni. SCHOOL■ ■ ■ '' I was really surprised and happy , and the memories will last forever.'' Sara Broderick E njoying the pep rally, Homecoming queen , Sara Broderick , sits high on her throne . 0 Homecoming "God grant me the ab1htyto play the best football game that I can," pray team members Col orful streamers provide the backdrop for brightly vested Homecoming Mass celebrants. A,the bonfire, seniors build a pyramid Just for the fun of 11 Homecoming ON MONDAY fayed by the school band, " There is no place like Assumption ... " echoed loudly at the pep rally Friday, September 25. Cheerleading squads boomed cheers and Knight Kompany performed precision dance routines in the P brightly decorated gym. The Queen, Sara Broderick, and her royalty were again introduced , and Sara addressed the school with words of thanks to the seniors and enthusiasm for the upcoming Saturday night game. Changes occurred in that the senior skit and tape which had been performed by senior girls was deleted . Senior Carrie Menke stated , " The skit gave you the chance to get to know other senior girls, who you really didn 't know. Not allowing it or the tape really took away that opportunity for senior unity." Saturday night. September 26, one could feel the excitement in the air, as the football team stampeded across the field. Although the team and fans were psyched up about the game against West, it resulted in a 20-14 loss. At halftime along with usual court presentation , a portrait of Mr. Ray Ambrose, a deceased teacher, was dedicated to the school by the Alumni Assoc1at1on. Sunday the cafe was transformed into an array of streamers and balloons, with the theme, " In the Air To-Knight. " The biggest change was a Sunday night dance from 8-11 with school scheduled the next day. The student council hired graduate Leo Kelley's band, which played a wide range of music from head bang1n' to mellow. Also included in the festivities , although a weekend later, was the powder puff football game at Glen Armil Park, involving senior and junior girls. Seniors outnumbered juniors resulting in an undecided score and were therefore challenged to a rematch the following Sunday, which the seniors won 35-14. Theeleven candidates for homecoming royalty consist of seniors Bridget Glowacki , Carey Betcher , Lisa Arguello , Maggie Feeney, Jenny Feeney, Jenny Trilk , Katrina Merritt , Sara Broderick , Chris Harris, Nicole Huber , and Saori Uch1no. Homecoming B efore their performance at the pep rally, Knight Kompany members Alysann Sieren and Lon Arguello celebrate homecoming Thetheme , " In the Air To-Knight ," reflects 1n the faces of seniors Came Panther and Dave Turner f S eniorJenny Miller hikes the ball for a 35-14 victory 1n the powder puff football game S eniorquarterback Mike Schhcting completes a touchdown pass against West The game ended 1na 20-14 loss Homecoming pirit It is the feeling that goes through you as your team scores, the feeling that makes you proud of school. Spirit is the feeling that was found in abundance through the halls of W earing her historical Homecoming hat, Assumption. Sr. Donna Donovan shows she has become a true Knight over the years. The hat had every Homecoming pin since 1974. ou say red. We say white . let students show school spirit. " Red, white , red, white ." This A special red and white day was ,, y typical cheer was one of held on the Friday before many featuring the Homecoming. A special contest was traditional school colors of held in which the class with the red and white . Students greatest number of students wearing wearing these colors filled red and white would be allowed to the hallway on game days. Players wear jeans on the following Monday. and cheerleaders wore their The freshmen led the school in spirit , uniforms and the rest of the with the Juniors and Seniors student body pulled out favorite following close behind . red and white apparel in a chance Other special days were held to forget about the dress code for throughout the year, as announced a day. Red and white days were by Mr. Tom Sunderbruch , to further used to fire up the teams that increase school spirit. One of these played that night as well as to get was " Jim McMahon" day when O ne Cardinal fan, Chris Griffith , and one the prospective crowd ready to everyone imitated the crazy Chicago Alabama fan, Dan Conroy, add up to two cheer on the Knights . Bears' quarterback by wearing their Knight fans. Many teachers favored red and favorite pair of sunglasses. white days because they felt such Suspender day was another of these days were a good way to promote days. Although less popular than school spirit , and others felt these sunglasses day, it still went over days were needed to let students well. When hat day came around express their individuality. Mr. students and faculty alike dug into Dave Wolfe said the purpose was their closets and pulled out their " to give the students a chance to favorite and in some cases the deviate from the dress code and wildest hats they could find. Hats of show a little more of themselves." all types appeared on the heads of Mr. Tom Lawler, an opponent to students walking the halls of the rule requiring male teachers to Assumption . Some had special wear ties, jokingly asked it he too meanings, however, baseball caps could forget about the dress code were the most popular. The favorite if he wore red and white . day of seniors was jeans day, in Freshman John Purcell felt these which they could wear jeans without days were important to school Fr. Paul Deyo being able to put them unity. He said, " Red and white in the RLC for a change. Paul days are special because seniors Henkhaus said, " these individual and freshmen alike can take part." days provided for each clas·s time to Red and white days were show their class, as well as their added after disappearing two school support. These days fired up years ago. These reinstated days ball players and made them feel were met with great approval from appreciated ." T rad1ng in his football helmet for a fishing students . Senior Chris Wolfe said, hat, senior Mike Schlichting seems confident " Red and white days were greatly about the upcoming game against Burling­ missed.
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