0(" . r I I PERMlNENT MISSION OF MOROCCO TO THE UNITED NATIONS New York Ref'. NU/7'47 18 October 1963 The Secretary-General 1 United Rations New York, N.Y. Sir, By' order of' His leJesty Hassan II, King of' Morocco, I have the honour to tranami.t to you herewith the text of the message which His MiJesty the King bas sent to His Excellency Mr. JAbmed Ben Bella, President of the Democratic and Popular Republic at Algeria, 1n consequence of the armed attack carried out on 18 October 1963 by the Algerian armed forces against Moroccan territory at the place called KSAR ICB. Accept, Sir, the assurances of' my highest consideration. ( Signed) .&billed Taibi Benbima Permanent Representative of )k)rocco to the United Rations ( SEAL OF THE mRMANENT MISSION) ' j ••• .. .l 63-22817 gws -2- Text of the message addressed by His lokjesty Hassan II, King ot Morocco to His Excellency Mr• .lbmed Ben Bella, President of the Democratic and Popular Republ.ic of AJ.geria Your Excellency, While talks were being held with the representative of your country on the distressing occurrences at BASSI BEIDI\ and TINJOUB, and while the Itt>rocco-Algerian delegation was trying to find a means of ending the armed conflict before it could spread to other areas, and thus stopping the bloodshed between two brother nations, whereas those talks were intended to enable our two Governments to establish a procedure for settling the frontier dispute 1 an official report bas Just reached us fran the province of OOJDA.. According to this report, the Algerian a~ bas infUtrated into the territory of this province and violently attacked the post of ICH, fifty kilometres north-east ot FIGUIG. The auxiliary forces garrisoned in this post 1 numbering scarcely more tban thirty-five men armed with simpl.e individual weapons, -were the object of a premeditated invasion by numerous units ot the .Algerian a~ equipped with heavy arms and powertul destructive weapons. Other reports also announced that the Algerian air force bad raided Moroccan territory and bombed the area of TIN.DRARA (also in the province of OOJDI. ). It should be noted tbat the points attacked by the Algerian A:rrsly bave never been in dispute. The aggression wb1.ch these regions b&ve Just suff'ered theref'QI:'e appears to be a premeditated act intended to transform frontier incidents into a generalized conflict. As the points attacked are about a thousand kilometres distant from BASSI BEIDl and TINJOUB, this aggression cannot be linked to any developaent of the tension created by a frontier incident. We therefore strongly protest against all those actions 1 and draw your Excellency •s attention to the disastrous consequences which they are bound to bave. Since you bear the chief responsibility for Algeria 1 s destiny and tbe future of its people, you cannot possibly bave failed to measure the im;pact of these acts and calculate all their consequences. j ••• .... , · 63-~17 gws -3- Tbe direction in which Algerian policy appears to be turning, as shown by these acts of aggression, is certainly not likely to create an atmospbere favourable to the aol.ution of the problems through negotiation and direct discussion. We urge the Algerian leaders 011ce again to rise above motives of sentiment and dominate their passions. Those lea.ders ought for t heir own sakes to remember tbat 1 wbatever passions sway them, our present and future generations are bound not only to DBintain peaceful relations among themselves but also to strive towards fraternal co-operation in order to buil.d our c4IIDOJJ. future. This twentieth century of ours 1 founded on courteous relations 1 1a governed by international charters which oblige all self-respecting States to abolish al.l recourse to violence. This being said, z.i:>rocco is ready to confront wbatever DBY befall., and to Deet every situation with all appropriate DBans. I am, Sir., yours very truly., (Signed) El Hassan Ben M:>ba•d Ben Youssef .... ; PERMANENT MISSION OF MOROCCO TO THE UNITED NATIONS 1 757 THIRD AVENUE New York NEW YORK 17, N. Y. Ref: NU/747 le 18 octo bre 19 63 t ' :J.. :Nbnsieur le S ecretaire General de !'Organisation des Nations Unies NATIONS UNIES New York, N.Y. Monsieur le S ecretaire General, D 1ordre de Sa Majeste Hassan II, Roi du Maroc, j'ai l'honneur de vous ex:> rnrnuniquer le texte du mes­ sage que Sa Majeste le Roi a adresse a Son Excellence :Nbnsieur Ahmed Ben Bella, President de la Republique Al­ gerienne Dernocratique et Populaire a la suite de l'agression cornrnise, le 18 octobre 1963, par l'arrnee algerienne contre le territoire marocain au lieu dit KSAR ICH. Veuillez croire, Monsieur le S ecretaire General, a !'expression de rna tres haute consideration. Representant aupres des I PERMANENT MISSION OF MOROCCO TO THE UNITED NATIONS 757 THIRD AVENUE NEW YORK 17, N.Y. " Texte du message adresse par Sa Mi.jeste Hassan II, Roi du Mi.roc a Son Excellence Monsieur Ahmed Ben Bella, President de la Republique Algerienne D emocratique et Populaire". Excellence, Pendant que les entretiens se deroulaient avec les delegues de votre pays au sujet des douloureux evEmements de HASSI BEIDA et TINJOUB et que la delegation Mi.rooo ~Algerienne s 1 effor~ait de trouver une solution susceptible de mettre :fin au conflit arme a:fin d 1 eviter son extension a d 1autres r9gions' mettant ainsi un terme a !'effusion de sang entre deux pays freres alors que ces entretiens devaient permettre a nos deux gouvernements d 1arreter une procedure pour ·la liquidation du contentieux frontalier, une information officielle vient de nous parvenir de la province d'OUJDA. S elan cette information, l'armee algerienne s 1est in:filtree dans le territoire de cette province ou elle a e:ffectue une violente attaque centre le paste de I CH 8. 50 kilometres au Nord-Est de FIGUIG. Les forces auxiliaires en garnison dans ce paste, et dont le nombre ne depasse guere 35 hommes armes de simples amnes individuelles' ont ete l'o bjet d 1une invasion premeditee par de nombreuses unites de l'armee algerienne' equipees d 1armes lourdes et d 1un puissant mate­ riel de El estruction. "' . - 2 - D 1autres enseignements annonvaient egale­ ment que 11aviation algerienne a effectue un raid au-dessus du territoire marocain et a bombarde la region de TIND­ RARA (dans la province d'OUJDA egalement). II convient de remarquer que les points attaques par 11armee algerienne n 1ont jamais fait 11objet de contestations. L 1agression dont ces regions viennent de faire l'objet apparait done comme entrant dans le cadre d 1une action premeditee destinee a transformer des incidents de frontiere en un conflit generalise. Les points attaques etant distants d 1un millier de kilometres de HASSI BEIDA et TINJOUB, il est impossible de lier cette agression a une quelconque evolution de la tension creee par un incident frontalier. Nous elevons done une energique protestation contre taus ces agissements, et attirons 11attention de votre Excellence sur les consequences facheuses qui ne manqueront pas d 1en resulter. En votre qualJ.te de premier responsable du destin de !'Algerie et de l 1avenir de son peuple, il est impossible que vous ne mesuriez pas la portee de ces actes ni n'en calculiez toutes les consequences, L 1o rientation que la politique algerienne semble prendre et qui · ~ traduit par des actes agressifs n 1est certainement pas de nairure a creer une atmosphere favorable a la solution des pro blemes par la voie de la· negociation et du dialogue direct •. Nous exhortons une fois de plus les responsables algeriens a se mettre au-dessus des conside­ rations d'o rdre sentimental et a do miner leurs passions. Ces responsables se doivent de considerer que quelles que soient les passions qui les animent, nos generations presentee et futures ant pour obligation non seu­ lement d 1entretenir entre elles des relations pacifiques, mais aussi d 1oeuvrer dans le sens d 1une cooperation fraternelle pour edifier notre avenir commun. .. -. 4' - 3 - Notre XXeme siecle, fonde sur les rapports de courtoisie est regi par des charles inter­ nationales qui obligent taus les Etats qui se respectent a bannir tout recours a la violence. Ceci dit, le l'vhroc est pret a faire face a toute eventualite et a a.ffronter toutes les situations par taus les moyens adequats. Croyez a notre consideration. , S 1gne: El Hassan Ben J\tbhamed Ben Youssef. • -t 1 - 1 • H v 0 t 1 1 • • •• 1 •• •1 1 1 • • 1 • ... t • • • u • • ni 1 il t 1r - i KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Foreign Affairs PERMANENT MISSION TO THE UNITED lATIONS 8-ti •V.adisuu Ate11oe, 14few'furk 17, rq. t. Text of the message addressed by His ~ajesty Hassan II , King of Morocco to His Exce lle ncy M-. Ahmed Ben Bella !"'resident. of the D emocrat.ic and I"'opular Repubtic of .Algeria on Od.ober 18, 1963, following the violent agression by the Algerian forcee against the Moroccan poet of K S AR I CH. , Excellency, While discussions were taking place with the Representatives of your country regarding the painful incidents of HASSI BEIDA and TINJJ"OUB and while the »Morocco - Algerian Delegation was trying to find a solution capable of en­ din the armed conflict. in order to prevent its extension to other regions and thus put en end to the bloodshed between the two sister countries, and while these discussions were meant to ena­ ble our two Governments to work out ways to eUminate the fron­ tier dispute, we received official information from the OUJOA Provitnce.
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