ELIZABETH WILL WEAR $13 Million Asked PRICELESS CROWN JEWELS Rebuilt Seward Presbyterian Executives No Sabres Lost In 3 Weeks To Survey S.E. Alaska By GEORGE McARTHUR Dock Facilities Mission Next Spring SEOUL, Uto — Two U.S. Sabre jet pilots fought a twisting, run- WASHINGTON, UP>—Sen. Mag- SEATTLE, Uf)—National Pres- ning air duel with eight Commun- nuson (D Wash) Saturday en- byterian executives, ministers and ist MIG jets Saturday and said dorsed a budget request totaling laymen will make a cruise to Al- they shot down one in the blazing more than 13V£ million dollars to aska next spring to survey mis- unequal battle. rebuild the Seward-Portage sec- sions. The Sabres picked the fight. tion of the Alaska Railroad and The trip was inspired by last They jumped the eight MIGs at construct a new dock at Seward. year’s convention cruise of the 45,000 feet over northwest Korea. Presbyterian Synod of He announced his support in a Washing- ton, said the Rev. Dr. J. Earl In Tokyo, the Air Force dis- prepared statement after being in- executive of closed two B-29 Superforts were formed by Undersecretary of In- Jackman, secretary Alaskan work for the denomina- shot down by Red night fighters terior Vernon D. Northrup that tion’s board of missions. during the week and that 13 officials of the railroad fear “act- The will leave Vancou- MIGs were destroyed against no ual of life and group peril property” Sabres. ver, 31 on the steam- because of the substandard con- iB.C., May Prince and return But Communist ground gunners dition of the track and roadway. ship George, June 8. Stops will be made at shot down five Allied warplanes, The Seward-Portage line was Metlakatla, Ketchikan, Wrangell, and three planes were lost to permitted to deteriorate, Magnu- Sitka, Juneau, Petersburg, Skag- other causes, presumably mech- son under a which said, plan way and Haines. anical failure. in called for its abandonment The objective is to have Pres- It was the third straight week favor of converting the military byterians leaders study the mis- that the speedy Sabres emerged of Whittier to civilian use. port sionary program of Southeast Al- unscathed from battles with Red The military, however, plans to aska with the aim of providing China’s touted Russian built retain Whittier as an excusively more aid from the states. MIGs. military port indefinitely. " —t Northrup advised the senator that closing the Seward-Portage line now would deal “a body blow SERVICE CLEANERS to civilian activities in Alaska,” 4ih and B Streets School House but added that the line and re- Opposite lated dock facilities in Seward The fabulous crown jewels in the Tower of London “constitute a transportation bot- QUALITY DRY CLEANING A SPECIALTY By ROBERT F. S. JONES tleneck which cannot be elimi- LONDON — Britain’s crown ruby”—turned up again. nated without extensive rebuild- Prompt and Courteous Service jeewls — the most priceless col- Charles had an entirely new set ing.” Mr. and Mrs. Carl lection of precious stones in the of regalia made for his coronation Mickelson, Props. world—are just about ready for a few minor ex- and this—with Phone RED 96 the face lift they get only once ceptions—will be the set used in Sea Club in a generation. the coronation of Queen Eliza- Bering Shortly, royal jewelers, and beth II. Room goldsmiths will be polishing up The regalia is not just a magni- Dining the diamonds and rubies, streng- ficent set of meaningless objects Now THE NOME STORE thening the setting's, making al- —each part of it has a special Open LIQUOR terations here and there to the traditional significance, even DINNERS ONLY WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTMENT glittering crowns and sceptres in down to the color of the stones OF readiness for the coronation of of in the massive Crown England. 4 12 p.m. FINE LIQUORS, BEER AND WINE II next Queen Elizabeth June 2. It's a Neck Breaker The crown stones the crown that is worn jewels—the This is Out-of-Town Orders Handled money cannot buy, although their for only a few minutes—during Carefully intrinsic value has been put at the actual crowning ceremony— around 25 million dollars—have- in a monarch’s lifetime. It’s too n’t always been so well looked heavy to be worn any longer—it after. In the thousand or more weighs 5 pounds — and for the years that English monarchs have rest of the coronation and on been crowned, the regalia has other state occasions a lighter been stolen, pawned, melted crown known as the imperial down—or just lost. state crown is used. Most of the historic regalia— There was a great hullabaloo at the crowns, sceptres and swords the coronation of Queen Victoria, each flashing with diamonds—is when the great jewelled sword of only around 300 years old, which state, symbol of kingly power and is young in the history of Eng- the most valuable sword in the land. Oliver Cromwell and his world, couldn't be found. It re- Commonwealth Roundheads melt- mained lost until after Victoria’s ed down and sold as much as they death, when Edward VII discov- could their hands on after lay ered it tucked away at the back abolished the in they monarchy of a dusty old closet. 1649. Otherwise, Britain’s young Edward decided this sort of DAILY queen might be wearing the same SCHEDULED FLIGHTS I carelessness had gone far enough, crown that Alfred wore when he and ordered the regalia to be was crowned first king of a uni- placed in its present octagonal fied England in 871. glass show case in the Tower of TO SEATTLE AND PORTLAND The Roundheads broke Al- I up London. fred’s crown for scrap together The two oldest parts of the re- with the sceptres, orb and great galia are the spoon with which sword of state. In an inventory the archbishop of Canterbury an- made at the time, Alfred’s crown NOME TO FAIRBANKS BY noints the monarch, and the am- WIEN’S B was contemptuously described as or which contains of “gold wirework set with slight pulla, flask, the oil. FAIRBANKS TO stones and two little balls” and SEATTLE, PORTLAND BY B valued at only 243 pounds^ Somehow Cromwell missed Luckily the Roundheads didn’t these, which date back at least ALASKA AIRLINES STARLINER B do a very good job of destroying 1,000 years. 1111 the regalia and when the mon- The gold ampulla is shaped like archy was restored with King an eagle with outstretched wings Charles II a few years later many to represent imperial domination, Nome’s Only Daily Direct Service To The “Outside” of the precious stones—including and the oil is poured through the the huge fateful “Black Prince’s beak into the silver gilt spoon. ARCTIC OIL DELIVERY Phone—Shop: Black 76 — Residence: Main 52 WE CHECK YOUR TANK REGULARLY Ben Young .
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