B S M i l S - The Central'Post (USPSI ^ . By Hank Kalet ^ ■;, Staff, Writer. V ? . Tlie/2toning;: Board; of Adjustment \ . was- ^setting.,its • strength when /it/, if ybt^ to k«p the pipposedl / ()ypddfield-hpu development ’ iiirider its jurisdiction npt.pass'the ,- ; iapplicatipn/on: to'Tdwnship Cdmmi^^, V tee for Master Elan; reviev/. observers. i/,ssud. ■•.•. ■- ■ ■' ■', ' The board’s 5-2 decision last week V shbekeid magy • audience: - members / i who,/ because' of i, its .magnitude, .. ,.; seenied sure the zoninjg board would . , pass oh the application. ’ ' - , V>:i Board, member Bob Southwick, v /■.who voted to keep the , application, ; : said he felt-the questions raised by the, - /application could be adequately ad4 A dressed by the zoning board, s ,' ‘‘This has dbviously^been a 'very- ' iVlengthy hearing and one that hak beeh >-veiy; heated,’’;he said of tne'Deq.rl9 ' /‘meeting, which lasted'until 1 a.m; the // next morning. ‘-‘And -because of my ' six years’ph this boardi am cdnfidentv S it; is the correct board; to'^ hear this v //application.” jj ;. Board Chairman' Harry Moss dis- ' agreed." j{: “ An application of this size is ■; essentially a re:^ning issue,” he said, v:Monday; ; ‘‘And' the low-^ and mod- efate-incbme affordable housing of-, .j'fered by the applicant is not a special ./.reason that - we should hear the apf /jpUcatibh.’’-..--,!/, // .' Local resident Sol Kramer, who *|^Jives/bh/;a"’ptpper^^^^ the ; / -,- ',.■ } \s . - A ?^ri. ./XiinatureXofj.the/^ t/subdi‘VisibhvjU:rV,where:'.the/pf6^^^ /-.: 5/too.bigj” /h.e/§aid,^.‘‘Transfer.it,to.ti\e . The,-=applicant,- United • Broadway Plahhihg tmd/Tpwnship jmitteeiwho are elected. You are an tract, located between Broadway, appointed/board. Let them make the Miller an'd Friendship roads in the ^‘l\ ‘'>' \ i ' ' ' '( /Photo^'•.^S'. Robert Shptiile^ r-mess. andvthen next,election we’ll get . southeastern portion of the township', ■' ,v '• >v *'the 1Lft\’i'John-F&’tnkopf evra,with them. • j- u j The tract presently, allows for Amencan Legion Post 401 will Tea for two ... and friends . The question of junsdiction had homes bri a-niinimum «Hold a"Ne4''year’s -Ev#i Dini; ongipally been raised by Mark\ Jenny Young, 5, and Megan Young, 3; cuddle with some bear friends during a'bteak'Iri'jh© Mogil, the zomng board s pro- jjiow single-and multi-family use on by-invitation-only Antique Doll Collection Tea Party for children last weekend at the hqme.of fessional plmner, in November. Mr ^ minimum of 6,400 square feet, or Sally Perna on Williams Street in Kendall Park. , '. MogiLwomed that the sheer size of « i . V'the proposed development, if passed, , -, See W poprlcLD , Page-oA lUVUMll. ' ij. , . ' . >s '■■^X-- ^e'$20 perperepn>cost.^,n-l tjiudes a hot J?OTer^dmn^r, p t ^ j ; 'favpis/ schaippa^f, \^drti^tj, ^•‘.toast, music^ Zublatt not d ‘deyelopbr’ DeLucia says By Hank Kalet > J'Thisis’an issue (deciding whether pr not to''' that f e / ‘.‘person who will seiVe the, regarding numerous planning procedures and mation.'call Jos^h'or Vicky at Staff Writer >, represent u particular client) that faces every^" cojtutiunll^rlVvell and help implement the poll- legal questions,” he said ‘‘I’ve been fortunate (908)'329-9^61, Mpnduy attorney,,” Mr. DeLucia said. "Jfi choosing to ' cies wp esTOiised during the campaign and the to hqve Mr. Zublatt assist me in that area ” throu:^<i’jiday ■ftotn 3 to 6:30 a-*- - wrtii;-.hnvp!''-tnV mnrKSRnt,.'!- TmlicieRfirveiheen esnousinu'Since-becoming a- ; •.■ •-Mr,, DeLucia also cited Mr. Zublatt s past .p,m.^ >' ^ ; ‘He hhs been the zoning bpqrd attorhey.'and se^ed bn the Planning Boards’’, he said. eials 01^97^: ch»,c..Hze him „ . -develop.,-, ^ S S C * ” “ reunion is Frj(^ay A' Mr Del ucia was resnondine to Questions will he represent South Bmnswick well? And I ;M r. pe%iacit«^ Mr. Zublatt’s assistance ^ p^Lucia said questions. aboufMr. V^V l> t raised hv South Brunswick residents and The doubt ftat come. Jan. 7 ^(the date jn undera^Wg land''use issues before the Zublatt’s appointment go'ba^ to ‘‘the policy Central Post who questioned M r.'Zublatt’s T o w n s h i p Comnuttee is reorganized) he,will. township ii^-’^aking his selection." implementedbythePIanningB^ardpndTown- jt%^t5-year*reuni9hpo|Fridtiy at “ties” to dev'elopers such as United'Broadway He later added that Mr. Zublaft has a . “‘Many''pwple/have wondered how an ship Committee.'’ ^theJRaundMa Ifot9lji,|tj?ute!!,lt.and* Inc., and the problems those ties might create, ‘‘strong, honest and ethical background”, and 'PhWish ipnclTer has been able to cite case law - See ;'.Ridge .Road.^Mopniduth Jpnc-\ - ' t .ttf ** *r ^t * V-/-#- +». *•»? '.a-. " ' R?r mdie informafioii, wntac^^r Town patrolman answors -Michael Br-ow||-af;;<fO.|)f Marine Corps’ c^ll to duty Kark£il„s iM cM om g /By Hank Kalet ■, "to- that'- .he/Spent: .(wb, ;years;/.bh:./the''i‘.j Staff Writer - -Trenton force. V t ■v^'spiay S J P I r a ‘ / \ ..A South Brunswick police officer years and' fs in, the last year of his .-is jinsure. V^cre he-will be spending : conimitment;.vHej^reviQusly served a the new year. i ,ye^r pf active duty. , ' ' patrolmen-Alan Sondej. is. sched- /. -, '‘ij/have one-year left and‘T guess uled to leave this morning, Thursday, / j-jj be fulfilling it on active duty,” he for the Marine Corps Air Station m ^aid. ‘‘We have a job to dp and I just. Bufqrd,^ S.C., for staging for. a want to do it ahd get back to being a possible trip to the Middle East or gouth Brunswick police officer. ” elsewhere.^ , He aaid he wasn’t really 'y/prried ‘‘We’re going to Buford,” he said., jj^ut being shipped obt because'“the') “ From there I really don’t know., qorps trained'us-well,” though not. Ihere have been rumors that they are £jpwing where he might be stationed leaning'towari^ shipping us out. But has’eaused him some anxiety., , ' ‘ we could go anywhere.” Pti. Sbndej.'a military policeman, said,"‘‘ -‘Last to lmow,''firSt to“ go.’ said that Pnly/MPs from his unit have the worst ; part of all' pf ^this is not ' 4?-’' been activated. , .knowing.” 'p ; / ” 1 don’t know if that means that , He,-said his'.family; Js !'takip& if' '-''"'^^S 'S rS ' they’re going to need me in the desert hgi^ear than he is because,hp “had an',' ‘i r (for Operation Desert Shield) or idea I’d Be going'all along.” ' v’ ■ elsewhere to fill in for someone else ..t-' .7. ' . J j, called to the desert,” he said. "The wntmghas been on^e wdl,r v-f '.ii.9 « # M i vwM-u IV U.W UV.M.AI, amu. jnvasloh to- August,” he V , : PpBee “This IS exactly what they told said;‘';Tt's better thatT’m'going and, me,” he said. ** You re going-to pot ihy younger brother.’! “ • ^ Buford, were not exactly sure for - . The-township is'tiot’ planning' oh SJV .$5S6oteM "f • • how long, but don’t be suprised if . paying-the patrolmin’while while he;;^ : you end up on Oood Morning Anapri-. js on leave.'-A'-coUectiye-bargaining’ '' ca soon.’ ” . agreement with the PpUce Benevolent vSttidenlts’ Kendall Park,portray reindeer during holiday : Ptl. Sondej,' ^ Hamilton resident,, ■ Association^'.(be po'Hce'iinioiiv-v has been with the South Brunswick- *> - •--■j - ^ , Police Department since July. Prior' ' See DUTYi Page 3A ~ 7 i.! r . The Central Post 2A Thursday, December 27, 1990 COMMUNITY c a l e n d a r THURSDAY, DEC. 27 Timber Ponds .developments. Resi­ midnight toast, music by the Denz ■ Golden Age Club of South dents must rake leaves to the curb,, ; Band, and continenlal, breakfast. For Brunswick meets at Community e Emergency Management Coun­ tickets or more information, call Presbyterian Church of the Sand. cil meets at the municipal building, ■ Fifteen-Year Reunion,-South Hills, Cuylcr Road, Kendall Park, 1 Brunswick High School Class of. Joseph or Vicky at (908) 329-9861, Ridge Road,,Monmouth Junction, 8 Monday through Friday from 3 to p.m. p.m.'.'. ■ '■'.■■■ 1975, at the Ramada Hotel, Route 1 6:30 p.m. and Ridge Road, Monmouth June? THURSDAY, JAN. 3 ■ Families Anonymus,'- a support, tjon. The cost is $33 per persdrt. For, group for parents concerned about tlie more information, '.contact Michael TUESDAY, JAN. 1, 1991 ■ Affordable Housing Agency (^iew Year’s Day) ' use of.drugs and alcoholism; meets at - Brown at (908) 297-0594. meets - at the municipal building,. St.'Barnabas Episcopal Church, Sand ■ South Brunswick Public Library Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, Hill Road, Monmouth Junction, 8- SATURDAY, DEC. 29 'is closed. - 7:30 p.m. p.m. For more information,;., call- (609) 683-7849. ■ Storytime for preschoolers ages 3 ■ All South Brunswick: municipal ■ Deborah Chapter meets at to 5, at South Brunswick Public offices, including the municipal Charleston Place, Community Room,; . ■ Storytime for preschoolers ages 3 Library, Kingston Lane, Monmouth Route 27, Kendall Park, 8 p.m. to 5, at South Brunswick Public court, arc closed, There will be no Junction, 11 a.ni. Older children who garbage collection.. - ■ South Brunswick Athletic - As-- Library, Kingston Lane, Monmouth enjoy listening to stories are invited. JunctioUj,_2 p.m. For more infor- ■. The Central Post’s office will be sociation, general.membership meet­ mation,|^1^(908) 821-8224. closed. ing; at the municipal building. Ridge MONDAY, DEC. 31 Road, Monmouth Junction, 8:30 n A Chemlral Magic Show, will b e . (New.,Year!s Eve) . ■ South. Brunswick Community p.m. ; . part of a workshop offered by South' Center is closed.
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