PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 23,1H62. lot. 7. THURSDAY MAY PORTLAND, MORNING, 21, 1868 Terms $8.00 per annum, in ad ranee. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS tapublished CARDS. M N KOIIS. Jlny Traiaiug L> IM,W ear. Ko. 1 PrlnteMr MISCELLANEOUS. __WANTED fSOELLA l>...ap-liirr. £W*T day, (Huuday pled.) at ___ Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. DAILY PRESS. Doveu, N. H„ May 18, 1868. N. A. PsoraiEl<>*• FIRST CLASS FOSTER, J. o. LOVE JOY, No, 5. To the Editor of the Press: I Kitua:—Eight Dollar* a year in advance. Wholesale CoMDiinsiuu Dealer la PORTLAND. May training came off here last week. The MT Single copic* I ceuta. SIMILIA 8IMIL1BUS CUBANTDR. day was and and more Cook Wanted l I glorious everybody too la at the IMPEACHMENT THE MAINE STATE PRESS, puMiabed Cement and was out to witness the exercises. Dover has aatue morning at $2.00 a year, Lime, Plaster, a 21,1868. place every Tbnraday private family. C od wages will bo paiil to Thursday Morning, May three u vat u van* «*. companiesuin all the of war My in a*I !I!{ Coinmcreinl St., and Furniture Gone Doivn I INolio wi 11 recommended. Humphrey’s Homceopathic Specifics, panoply Gone Up, to and Apply from the most arrayed” this year was ex- Rati h or Advert kino.—One in* li ot in PROVED, ample experi- The l.ntc May training *|«ce, ... MAINE Npring. PORTLAND, * STEWARD OF UNION CLUB. HAVEence, si?i entire success; Effi- to be length ot column, comtiiutcaa “aquare.*' HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF 19 till Simple—Prompt- pected unusually well observed. May cient, and Reliable. They are the Medicines $1.50 per aquarc daily Unt week. 7ft cent* per May only It must be confessed that the month of May The 2-dtf_ perlectiy io use—so Straliord|(iuards, Thomas week after; three ina-riiuiu. or lens, $1.00; coutinu- adipted popular simple that Capt. Curr'er, mistakes cannot he made in so has not been so full of “ethereal mildness as one of the oldest and ug every oilier day alter find *ifk, 50 irtit». W. H. PENNELL A Boarders Wanted. using them; harmless finest in New CO., as to bo free trom 1 corps Eng- II ail litre* inner lion* or danger, an so ctllcicnt as to be al- M|uare, lew*, 7ft ceiitt: one or three cell I lemon can be accommodated reliable. it has often been in years past. 1’he winter land, made a fine appearance. The Guards week. $1 00. SO teuia r week alter. rjflWO ways They have raised the liiglieM com- |** I wilh rooms and board in a private Dude iiea*l of Gas and Steam Fitters ! family oppo- mendation from all, and will always render satisfact- was so severe that almost everybody have on their rolls the names of $2.00 per wiuure site the Park. Addtess A. 1*. REED, ion. prophe- many promi- week ; three iiiM-rti u« or |*er lew*, $1.50. l'a»ion FURNITURE! Post Oilico B.»x 1953. sied an and no doubt this nent citizens, members in days gone The Si x* I a i. No. JM Portland. early spring, proph- by. Noi K Ejt, $L‘.'ft per aquare lor the Ural Wreil, Reference Cts. WHICH WE SHALL SELL WITHOUT REGARD TO COST TO MAKE ROOM FOR MANUFAC- required. maytGtt No. 1 Cures Ec vers, 25 Granite State \V. W. iDM-riloit. and 25 eenta per M|U:irc lor each miUc- Congestion, Inflamations, esy was based upon the old saying that one Zouaves, Capt Milne, at TURING PURPOSES. 2 Worms, Worm-Fever, 25 qut inauiliou. filt«*«l with lor st< am or Worm-Colic, were “out” in their uniform. Pipes Gas. 3 Colic or 25 extreme follows another. Almost every one dashing They Adveitlaementa ine rted in the “Maine State in a w or kin mlike in (Srcal CJKNTER TABLES. Wanted. frying Teeihingot infan's, Water, luauupr, and .-alisia* tion I'UARBTIE SKIN, Variety, 4 oi or as Pkkv* (w htch ba> a cirt smart Diarrhoea children adult*, 25 are, their name indicates, a Zoo Zoo compa- large ulation in every part warranted. dti I.OUNKES, COII.URKN’A CARRIAGES, salesmen; salary liber 1. Apply at 5 feels confident that he is as a judge ot ol Hr* tor rnayl Dy*eutcry, Gripimr, Hillious Colic, 25 good anil Slate) $1.00 per t-quare lor brut inaeriiou PARLOR SUITS,, And all othn-hinda of Furniture, TWO N. E. NOVELTY C'J., <>y Middle St, 6 ny arc a crack corps drilling like Aud 50 centa Cholera-IVIorbusNausca,Vomiting,25 the weather as and he milituire, per aquare for each aubwqoent iw*er one any body else, perhaps S3 ERIE AN we are bound to close out WITHIN THIRTY CHEAP! ., Up liiglit. 7 Co 25 veterans as tiou. & GRIFFITH?, Which DAYS, Also a Cough*, ds, Bronchitis, they are, most of them being partner with 200 or $300 capital. 8 is. There are none of us weather-wise. maylGtt Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceache 25 very brave of the I* 9 II boys recent war. eudaches,Siek-Headache, Vertigo,25 The winds where list and we hear LA8TERERS, 10 blow they The Dover ia!$U«E$$ CAHO*. TIBBETTS A TENNEY, Wanted! Dyspepsia, Billious Stomach, 25 Light Battery, Capt. F. F. Davis, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL “11 Mup|ir« **e«J or painful 25 their sounds, and that is all we know about CLASS COAT at 3 Free Street. Periods, is the old Dover a MAKERS, “12 Whites, too Periods, 25 Artillery reorganized into FIRST A. E. WEBB. pronise them. The in the have been STUO 'O & MASTIC Cor. and Sts. ^ 13 t difficult people country whose drill and WORKERS, Congress Washington May lb-dtf roup, Cough, Breath ng, 25 light battery appearance made May 20-dlw “14 Malt 25 Bonnell & Pelham. NO. 0 SOUTH ME. ~ RihcunijErvsipelas,Eruptions, prophesying all winter that the roads iu the a fine ST., PORTLAND, 15 Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains, 25 impiession. ■ NGI.'MGISIt’S AND t if Prompt attention paid to all kinds of .lobbing i6 Fever A Ague, Chill 50 spring would be exceedingly muddy and con- The Stratford Guards wero AIICIIIThrm. Wanted tt Fever, Ague, accompanied by in our line. Iniinediately 17 blind or apr22dtf bleeding. 50 tinue so a time BE NOT BECEITEdI At the old stand and tried otiicc “18 longer than usual because the Chandler's Band of your whose music Opthalmy, and sore or weak eyes, 50 city To Parties about to liuild. 351 1-2 CONGRESS 19 I'oturrh, acute or cronie, Influenza,50 ground was fiozen so deep. It is very seldom was excellent and added to its reputation here. ~WL 1a, THE TIME IS COMING when hundreds will regret, as many now do, STREET, “20 hooping Cough,violeni Coughs,50 STEVENS, Between Oalc and that the frost the so The Guards visted the farm in the morn- Plana, Specifications and Estimates Crreeu Street*, 21 AMh in a, Oppressed 50 penetrates ground .deep City made, and State DIO with the Great Breathing, Building* Superintended by Agent that they NOT insure ! Gins 22 Ear Di*charges,Impaired Healing,50 as it did last aud the toads be- ing, fired at target, returned to the dined Employers ! Men ! Boys! “23 winter, yet city, OKO. H. Mer-*fula,enlargedGlands,Swellings, 50 at the New Ansel PELHAM, Architect. Agents! 24 Oenernl I)ebiliiy,Physi alWeakuess/O came settled much sooner than most people Hampshire House, kept by Office Canal Union Mutual Life Insurance Everybody! National Bank Building, Middle st. Co., U%VJB STILL 25 Dropsy, and scanty Secretion- 50 Tucker, whilom of Portland, the popular con- HAS KKMOVED TO LIVE,” 26 sickness expected. And how happened it? That Portland, April 20, 1868. d2ui ^eamckuc**, from riding, 50 ductor and excellent host. No. 1 Aturdivaul Life Insurance having spared no pains in advertising, &c., 27 Gravel, Everybody says so St. Mutual K.idiiey-Disea*e, 50 he a more asked than Block,(IOO Exchange we have the may question easily Company. AND daily arriving by St John boats, 28 Nervous Seminal and what 11 Debility, everybody says—must be so. 636r*0ffice Hours to 12 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. and from all quarters, large numbers of first rate answered. One is certain. The OF ISTEW Cuil** ions, Involuntary Dis- readily thing In the TRUE & April 3-<l&wtf YORK, Provincial and American Gills, and are confident afternoon Chandler and Cole of the WOODMAN, CO., charges 1 00 more the and in that we can upply a l persons Girls for ground is fiozen the deeper the soil Importers Dealers The Pioneer Life Company of this Couutry, Established iu 1843. wanting any ‘•29 More Mouth, Canker, 50 Portland baud (and we say it confidentially) respectable employment. “30 Urinary Weakucs*, 50 will be loosened as the frost comes and were M. JP. We have rbe custom now of more wetting bed, out, each picseuted with a beautiful FRANK, than 1500 Fami- ‘31 Ea in fill (Period*, with 50 bouquet Dry Goods, 100 &c.. in this Spasms, the more it will Woolens, lies, Hotels, city and throughout “32 at 100 readily absorb the moisture some ladies “at the South End.” Assets all Cash. New Muttering* Change of Life. by And 8inall and Counsellor at rearly $26,000,000 England.and guarantee satisfaction. “33 St.Vitus’ in Wares, Attorney Law, KpilepMy,Spasms, Dance,100 it. Perhaps the settling of the roads 1 lie Zoo Zoos w. re Particular attention paid to supplying 34 early accompanied by the Corner of middle and Pearl SECURITY is the consideration in Life Insurance.
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