• " .t ' " ' " ' " ' • . °'" " + . ~ .timBre= Officials mute on forest licence deal as West Fraser takes over Tay-M assets satisfy Tay-M's outstanding creditors. A portion of the purchase • NOEI]TIERN BC~WINTER GAMES The official word isn't expected for a couple of days but it appears as though West Fraser Timber and the Ministry of Forests have cut price, therefore, has been allocated to cover all claims not disputed by Tay-M, and provisions have been made to examine any cla/ms m a deal on the Tay-M forest licence. H m J According to information from West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., the that are disputed by Tay-M. Minister of Forests has approved the purchase of the Tay-M Forest Products forest licence by West Fraser Timber and Enso Forest Any creditors who have not filed a claim have been asked to Products Ltd. effective Nov. 1, 1990. The sale is conditional on contact West Fraser controller, Gerry Miller, in the Vancouver West Fraser and Enso allocating a portion of the purchase price to office prior to Oct. 31. • ~' • ~. • 1 • • ~ ,.: .. " " =_ .( WEDNESDAy.Y, :OCTOBER. 24, 1"990 -ar'.-~m~n[.,J~L • ~ Vol~" 6; "Issue ' No.' ......43 : . Vi ctr~r ~. a "~USU IX4 . ......: . Phone 635-7840 Fax 635-7269 I Thornhill urged to incorporate by Tod Strachan dispute that fact for years, The offer the board will be con- The Kitimat-Stikine Regional sidering this weekend comes from District board of directors will Minister of Municipal Affairs have an interesting question to Lyall Hanson. Hanson says he ponder when they meet this welcomes the idea of"restructur- Saturday in Kitimat. Should they ing" local government in Thornlfill proceed with the amalgamation of and offers some money to support Terrace and Thornhill? Or how that position, up to $40,000 for a about the "twin cities of Terrace study. and Thornhill? "The ministry would be pleased If the first course of action were to assist you in preparing a restruc- taken, it would probably make ture study," Hanson states in a Terrace the largest City in the letter to board chairman Jack Tal- Northwest... although mayor Peter Lester of Prince Rupert might ~ Continued on page A2 u Aircraft missing f A Transprovlnclal Airlines twin-engine Piper Navajo bound from Bronson Creek to Terrace is missing and is presumed to have crashed. As of press time yesterday, the name of the pilot and three passengers aboard the flight have not been released. According to Capt. Tony Jones of CFB Comox, leader of the search effort in Terrace, the aircraft left the Bronson Creek airstrip at 1:50 p.m. Monday and was due to arrive in Terrace at about 3:30 p.m. The last communication with the pilot was about 10 minutes after his departure from Bronson Creek. The pilot was presumably following the Iskut River valley towards the Highway 37 corridor and reported weather conditions in that area at the time were a 3,000 foot ceiling and snow showers. The Bronson Creek airstrip is located about 110 kilometres northwest of Stewart and about 330 Idlometres northwest of Terrace. The airstrip serves a number of mining interests in the area, primarily that of Cominco's SNIP gold properties. Jones says the "preferred" flight path of the aircraft would have been east from Bronson Creek, following the Iskut River valley to llighway 37, south to a point about 20 kilometres north of Cran- berry Junction, southwest to a point near New Aiyansh following the Nass River, and south from Aiyansh to Terrace. lte says a Buffalo aircraft from CFB Comox followed that route Monday 17 night in a preliminary electronic search but was unable to detect any signals from the Navajo's emergency locator transmitter. A source at search headquarters in Victoria adds that a satellite survey of the area also failed to detect a signal from the aircraft's emergency location transmitter. A search for the missing aircraft resumed Tuesday morning with two helicopters from Northern Mountain ltelicopters, two commer- cial aircraft from Transprovinclal and one private aircraft, bow Last Wednesday the Ladies of the Royal Purple held tl~elr tourm annual m, Tasmon snow. =ne cloud and rain in the area yesterday morning made a full scale 50 enthusiastic and graceful models were employees of the Terrace Co-op or family members of ,search difficult, but by noon two armed forces helicopters and the Co-op employees. The youngest model was two years old. Fashions were provided by the Terrace Buffalo had Joined the search. Afternoon weather conditions were Co-op, and the Glass Slipper Bridai Boutique. Many of the fashions modelled were made by Co-op basically unchanged, however, and as was suggested by Jones employees or spouse s with fabdc from their fabric department. Hair styling was by Rhonda's Hair earlier in the day, under those conditions the helicopter search Q0signs. 1 offered them the best chance Of success. ~ i i • . ,--. A2 Terrace Review-- Wednesday, October 24, 1990 ./ I Thornhiil ~-) ",. ' Continued from page A1 stra. "l too believe that it is oppor- ; government structure. In this way tune to examine the best form of residents would beable to assess 4535 Greig Avenue, Terrace, B.C___LV8_GI_M7 local government for such an ur- • the full implications, fiscal and banized area." He continues: "We otherwise, of both self-government can provide you with 100 percent and sewers." of the cost of a restructure study, Perhaps after this weekend, then, Subscription Order Form up to a maximum of $40,000. Our the regional board will be asking actual commitment would be Terrace city council if they would 1 year- $39.00 dependent upon the development like to expand their boundaries... Cheque I-1 Money Order I-] Master Card I-I Visa of terms of reference and the just a little. Please send a subscription to: results of a call for consultant Card No., Name proposals." '"" ':" If you don't know Hanson says any restructuring Address ,, , Expiry Date process should be "locallyinitiated what's going on, Postal Code Mail or bring this form to: and directed" and recommends the -~-things goon Phone, formation of a "restructure com- •Terrace Review without .yOu. Seniors in Terrace and District $30.00 4535 Greig Avenue, mittee" to oversee the study pro- Seniors outside of Terrace and District $33.00 ceSS. Out of Canada $100.00 Terrace, B.C, V8G 1 M7 Additional assistance offered by Terrace and Thornhill residents only: Subscdbe before Nov. 30 and receive a FREE. • Hanson includes transitionalassis- read the subscription to Close up TV magazine. tance or per capita grants, road maintenance assistance,road capi- Terrace Review tal assistance and police cost assis- lance. The idea of amalgamation isn't new. I-Iazelton regional district director Pete Weeber made a motion last May that called for the ... : .. amalgamation of Terrace and . -..~ Thomhill. The motion was J seconded by the Terrace city regional board representative, alderman Bob Cooper. Thornhill is big enough to stand on its own two feet, Weeber told the board. And with the a sewer project pending, he said he had "~ ~ii~~ " ~ .V decided that amalgamation or incorporation might be the best way to go...-it would relieve the regional district of a municipal governing role they were not set up to provide. We should note here that Weeber didn't exactly use the word "amal- gamation", but that,s the idea that :" has been tossed around for years ' because it just might make more sense economically than incor- porating two separate cities. Still, Weeber was strong on his point that Thomhill should be incor- porated and under the control of G RAN D OPENING ....., i.:: local residents. "We're running a municipality by remote control here," he told the DAY, OCTOBER 27 : board. "And we're not in that business. It's high time they CFTK ON LOCATION :; started controlling their own des- tiny." At the time, ThornhiU director Free BalloOns & Face Painting . .... T ........ Les Watmough agreed with Weeber but he didn't appear too V" Complimentary Coffee' ;:-: ,, ,~,,.,. , ......, ~' optimistic. After all, this. was an annual motion and nothing has ~' G= an t12 ' CIOW R wthCostumesI• • .......... • : :, ...... ':~.~,.~.=.,,,.~-, :~, ~>~...•~ = , .... •', ....~ ,: ever happened on one of these " • : .-" ~." :2" ' Year Round• . Costume Rents ...... _. , ,~-," : . , ,';.. , motions before. "It's going t0be a long, long time," he was quoted as (over 1.00 to. choose from): ...... .:-.- --~- '.. ,-~,"~-" saylng~ And board chairman Jack Taistra also seemed to agree. He ~. Free Character Deliveries 'til Halloween i:!i~/;:~':/! :;i. said there were two. other prioritie s ~- "FLORALOONS".Free for the first 100 CustOmers. that needed to be dealt with first; Shames Mountain and the MK Bay Marina. But last May Hanson apparently didn't share that View. He was GIANNT 500 hinting at some type of change • .7" "then~ In a letter to the regional board, Hanson said his ministry BALLOO RELEAS was in the process of finalizing a recommendation on the funding of the Thornhill sewer project but AT 2:00 P.M. "r . added, "It concerns me that a large organized area located immediately i • adjacent to the City of Terrace DON'T MISS IT! lacks local self-government. 3237~ Kal0m: Street: 635-6312 "I believe now is an opportune Terrace, B.C: ,, time for a locally initiated and directed examination of local / • ,... .. , ,. + J ~.+.. ., . ,.. ..... .,..; L.,, IW : • Terrace Review-- Wednesday, October 24, 1990 A3 Big+ ++pushfor port development A comprehensi~,;e port develop- ment study for Kitimat and the Terrace-Kitimat corridor ¢ announced by the B.C. government in June is entering phase two. The second phase will include preparation of detailed engineering studies for the proposed project and will be done by Sandwell, the same company that prepared the phase one feasibility and market surveys.
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