April 7, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7845 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AURORA TOWNSHIP-REVENUE health unit brings skilled nursing care DIAL-A-RIDE SHARING AT WORK to the Aurora Township area. Aurora Township dial-a-ride began The school nurse unit conducts door-to-door transportation for town­ HON. TOM CORCORAN vision testing as part of health screen­ ship seniors and the handicapped of OF ILLINOIS ing, assessment, education, and direct any age in 1976. Medical and thera­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care in 13 parochial schools. peutic transportation is prioritized. Dial-a-ride aids those who are unable Thursday, April 7, 1983 At the health center a venereal dis­ ease clinic and laboratory provides pa­ to use public transportation and e Mr. CORCORAN. Mr. Speaker, re­ tient services, counseling, referral, and allows them to remain independent cently, general purpose and special treatment. The health center also pro­ and free of institutional care. purpose agencies in Aurora Township, vides medication, innoculations, and Dial-a-ride is the only revenue-shar­ m., put together for my review a com­ physical checkups to low-income chil­ ing operation to originate in and be pendium of reports on their uses of dren. High-risk pregnant women, nurs­ operated by Aurora Township. Reve­ general revenue-sharing funds for nue sharing, totaling $386,000 since both governmental and private agen­ ing mothers, and high-risk infants re­ 1976, supports a 9-passenger station cies. ceive supplemental food, nutrition wagon, two 9-passenger vans equipped I am extremely impressed with their counseling, and followup care through with wheelchair lifts, and a 15-passen­ successful use of revenue-sharing the U.S. Department of Agriculture ger minibus. A total of approximately funds, and wish to share with my col­ WIC program, which the visiting 150,000 units of transportation has leagues how a well-administrated pro­ nurses association administers. been delivered. gram of revenue sharing can provide Aurora Township revenue-sharing funds, distributed yearly, total EASTER SEALS REHABILITATION CENTER essential services to many people in The Easter Seals Rehabilitation need. $301,000 to date. Loss of revenue-shar­ Center provides therapy to physically, If we could get the same kind of ac­ ing funds will cause curtailment or developmentally, speech, and learning countability with money at the Feder­ abandonment of many of these life­ disabled residents in the Aurora Town­ al level as Aurora Township has pro­ supportive programs which are in­ ship region. The revenue-sharing vided on general revenue-sharing creasingly necessary. funds, I believe we would not only funding to Easter Seals since 1976 have better accountability of the use COMMUNITY CONTACTS, INC. totals $60,000. Funds are used to main­ of Federal dollars but would provide Community Contacts, Inc., originat­ tain and expand services that equip better services to our people as well. ed in 197 4 as a project of the Aurora the handicapped with basic living Federal revenue sharing allocations area United Way. It was designed to skills. Examples are walking, adult made by the Aurora Township board plan for and meet the needs of area therapy, including stroke rehabilita­ have resulted in the furtherance of seniors. tion, speech therapy, and parental the programs as described in the fol­ One of the programs, the county­ tranining. lowing: wide homemaker program, developed Without funding, including revenue from a detailed study of senior needs. sharing, Easter Seals faces the pros­ KANE-KENDALL MENTAL HEALTH CENTER pect of curtailing or terminating its The Kane-Kendall Mental Health Community Contacts helps 90 Aurora seniors remain independent residents programs, thus sharply limiting the Center in Aurora houses administra­ number of clients served. tive and outpatient services for 1,500 in their own homes providing light mentally disturbed adults and children housekeeping aid, meal preparation, SPECIAL OLYMPICS from southern Kane and Kendall and assistance with personal care such Northeastern Illinois special olym­ Counties who cannot afford private as bathing and shampooing. pics brings sports training and compe­ psychiatric services. Since 1975, Aurora Township reve­ tition to over 1,200 athletes of all ages It also maintains Opportunity nue-sharing funds allocated to Com­ and all degrees of disability. Athletes House, a live-in facility for recovering munity Contacts have totaled $68,547, participate or compete in basketball, male alcoholics, and the Candle Day which the agency has used for educa­ track, gymnastics, swimming, riding, Care Center, where mental patients tion, planning, and program develop­ snow sports, wheelchair events, soft­ ball, soccer, tennis, and bowling. Win­ learn living skills in preparation for ment. return to community life. ners compete against other Illinois Total Aurora Township revenue­ SECOND HORIZON CENTER special olympics athletes at State sharing funding since 1973 amounts to The Salvation Army's Second Hori­ meets. $582,130. zon Center is a drop-in senior facility. Aurora Township's revenue-sharing Mentally and physically handi­ Senior activities include crafts, recrea­ contribution of $1,170 to the North­ capped area residents receive training tion, nutrition, legal aid, counseling, eastern special olympics helps defray in educational and living skills at the educational, and employment aid. The transportation and participation costs Kennedy Rehabilitation Center. nutrition program supplies seniors for 60 local athletes. Aurora Township contributed $250,000 with a daily hot meal, as well as deliv­ MARIE WILKINSON CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER in revenue-sharing funds to construc­ ery of meals to the homebound. An av­ The Marie Wilkinson Child Develop­ tion costs. Aurora Township's dial-a­ erage of 80 hot meals were served ment Center provides day care for pre­ ride program transports 25 township daily in fiscal year 1981. school children from low-income fami­ residents to the center daily. From 1976 on, Aurora Township rev­ lies, so parents can become or re­ VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION OF AURORA enue-sharing contributions totaled mained employed, or enroll in training Because the city of Aurora has no $60,000, which was used to support that will lead to jobs and removal health department, the visiting nurse homemaker home health aid, and from public assistance rolls. The devel­ association has assumed health de­ more recently, the Second Horizon opmental program includes supervised partment responsibilities. The home Center. play and developmental learning, as e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 7846 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 7; 1!!83 .. well as hot meals, oral hygiene, and work program independently and - MU..tl'ARY PERSON OF' THE, . parent conferences. reward participants with a privately YEAR AWARD Aurora Township's revenue-sharing funded outing. contribution since 1977 has been CENTRO PAN-AKERICANO HON. JERRY LEWIS $20,000, which the center has used to Centro Pan-Americana works for the renovate the building it occupies, and socioeconomic welfare of Aurora's his­ or cALDOJUnA to pay a cook's salary, and maintain panic residents who do not use the ex­ IN THE HOUSE OP R.EPRESD'rATIVES services. The center has lost nine slots isting social-service network because of Tuesday, APril s. 1983. through funding cutbacks, and faces linguistic, cultural, or other barriers. additional service cuts if revenue shar­ Aurora Township's revenue-sharing • Mr. LEWIS of California. · Mr. ing is reduced. Speaker, on April 9, 1983 an inaugural contributions to Centro total $57,377. banquet will be held in Victorville to PEOPLE I'OR CHILD CARE Centro uses revenue sharing to expand People for child care is an after­ and maintain information and refer­ honor the Military Person of the school program for children of low­ ral, family counseling, and labor rela­ Year. This event represents the culmi­ income parents who are employed or tions services, and to promote commu­ nation of efforts by the Civilian-Mili­ who are involved in preemployment nity integration of the growing His­ tary Affairs Committee. training. panic population. The Civilian-Military Affairs Com­ mittee <CMAC> was formed with top One hundred and fifty children from WOMEN AGAINST RAPE kindergarten through fifth grade are representatives from the five military The hotline is an important liaison bases: Edwards, George, China Lake, transported by bus to three sites device for Fox Valley Women Against within the city of Aurora. At the sites Fort Irwin, and Barstow Marine Depot Rape. Besides giving rape victims and and local city governments or unincor­ they receive snacks and are occupied their families access to immediate with arts and crafts, physical educa­ porated areas such as Apple Valley. counseling and emotional support, the The purpose of this fine group is to tion, reading homework help, field line keeps the agency in direct contact trips, music, and recreational games. promote mutual cooperation between with both Aurora hospitals, area the military bases in my district and The agency is establishing a basic cur­ police departments, and other agencies riculum for all grades, and interacts their civilian neighbors. This event re­ that might be involved. Aurora Town­ flects the degree of cooperation this with teachers, students, and parents to ship began funding Fox Valley Women strengthen the program. group has achieved. The spirit of this Against Rape in 1981 with $8,000, group, once again, reaffirms our faith Aurora Township's revenue-sharing which keeps the hotline in operation. contributions to people for child care in the spirit of selfless community have amounted to $30,016 since 1976. DRUG ABUSE CITIZEN'S COUNCIL service. Funds were used to expand day-to-day The Drug Abuse Citizen's Council of The Military Person of the Year operations and helped open new sites. Aurora area works to prevent and Award will affect about 34,000 military Most recently, funding aided the pur­ treat drug abuse among children and personnel, not counting the support­ chase of a bus.
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