THEME: ENT disorders Childhood ENT disorders Claire Harris When to refer to specialists Claire Harris, MBBS, MSc(Public Health), BACKGROUND Ear, nose and throat (ENT) are among the commonest reasons for attendance in GDipCD, is Director, GP Liaison, Research and general practice. Acute problems are managed by the general practitioner, but chronic and Education Unit, Royal recurrent conditions are often referred for surgical intervention. Tonsillectomy and insertion of Children’s Hospital tympanostomy tubes are two of the most frequently performed paediatric surgical procedures Melbourne, Victoria. in Australia yet rates of admission vary across geographic areas and socioeconomic strata. Referral patterns and criteria for surgery vary widely. OBJECTIVE This article reviews the natural history of some common childhood ENT conditions and the evidence of effectiveness of traditional surgical interventions in order to address the question: ‘When should GPs refer to an ENT surgeon (or conversely, when should they not refer)?’ DISCUSSION Recurrent and chronic ear and throat conditions in children will usually resolve spontaneously. There is no good evidence of long term benefit from surgical interventions for several common ENT conditions. General practitioners need to weigh up the disadvantages and risks of the surgery with the likely benefit to the individual patient. ar, nose and throat problems are very a patient for specialist opinion when the diagnosis is common in general practice, and the acute not clear, or when atypical or worrying features gen- Emanagement of most of these conditions lies erate some cause for concern. Individual cases must appropriately within the domain of the community always be determined on their merit. practitioner. However, when these conditions become complicated, recurrent or chronic, referral Sore throat to ENT specialists for surgical intervention has been Throat complaints are one of the commonest pre- common practice. By considering the natural history senting symptoms in general practice, second only to of some common childhood ENT problems and the cough.6 Acute sore throats are most frequently viral current evidence related to surgical management we or idiopathic, and in the majority of cases it is not can address the question: ‘To ENT or not to ENT?’ possible to distinguish viral from bacterial sore - when should GPs refer to specialists? throats on clinical grounds alone.5 In children under The acute management of sore throats and sore three years only 5-10% of sore throats are bacterial, ears is written about extensively elsewhere. These and in the 4-13 year age group approximately one- conditions are the subjects of several Cochrane third are bacterial.5 Most guidelines recommend reviews,1-4 and numerous comprehensive best prac- analgesia and attention to fluid intake as first line tice guidelines have been published. Australian therapy for acute sore throats, with antibiotics used guidelines are available in the National Prescribing only in high risk patients or severe cases. Service publication Antibiotics for sore throat, sinusitis, otitis media and acute bronchitis.5 Acute sore throat and airway obstruction The purpose of this article is to provide signposts In a small number of cases acute sore throat can for referral - to highlight the circumstances that are be a medical emergency. Infectious mononucleo- best managed in general practice and outline the sis, peritonsillar cellulitis, quinsy or severe indications for surgical intervention. Of course it is tonsillitis can result in airway obstruction requiring always appropriate for a general practitioner to refer urgent hospital referral. Epiglottitis should also be Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 31, No. 8, August 2002 • 1 n Childhood ENT disorders — when to refer to specialists Table 1. When a sore throat is a child’s life.7-9 These recommendations are outlined in medical emergency Table 2. Most authors agree that the symptoms should have been present for at least a year, the Stridor episodes are disabling and disrupt schooling, and Respiratory distress there is no sign of remission. Five episodes per year Drooling have been included in this general guide, however, Inability to swallow authors vary from three episodes per year for a Trismus (inability to open mouth fully) minimum of two years to seven episodes per year.7-9 Children who have infrequent episodes with Table 2. When to consider referral for tonsillectomy minimal morbidity, even if they recur over several years, should not be referred for tonsillectomy. Recurrent sore throats (all criteria) Bilateral large tonsils are also not an indication for • Sore throats are due to tonsillitis referral, although asymmetric enlargement may be • Symptoms for at least a year of diagnostic concern. Although rare, the possibility • At least five episodes in one year of malignancy should be considered in those with • Episodes are disabling and prevent normal functioning persistent, progressive asymmetrical enlargement.10,11 • Sustained or increasing morbidity Chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis Possibility of malignancy eg. lymphoma Chronic tonsillitis is persistence of symptoms over • Persistent/progressive asymmetrical enlargement a prolonged period, some authors define this as • Quinsy one month, others as three months. Referral may also be warranted here for diagnostic purposes. considered as a differential diagnosis. If breathing difficulty is present, attempts to examine the throat Tonsillectomy should be avoided. Symptoms that indicate urgent In the past, tonsillectomy was used as a panacea referral are outlined in Table 1. for repeated sore throats, respiratory infections, poor appetite, behaviour problems and other Recurrent sore throat assorted ills. Although the approach has become It is not unusual for children to present with several much more conservative in recent times, huge vari- episodes of ‘sore throat’ each year. This could be ation in practice patterns are seen within Western due to a number of conditions (tonsillitis, pharyngi- countries suggesting inconsistent use of criteria for tis, laryngitis, sinusitis, etc.) from a variety of causes surgery.7,12-14 These differences are thought to be (viral or bacterial infection, allergy, exposure to due to practitioner, rather than patient, character- irritants such as cigarette smoke, idiopathic). istics. In Australia for example, Adelaide has more In addition, children in the preschool age group than twice the rate of admission for tonsillectomy will routinely have large (or even very large) as Canberra and there is widespread variation tonsils, adenoids and cervical glands. This is not across geographic areas and socioeconomic strata.15 related to infection or other pathology, but part of There is insufficient evidence from controlled trials the normal growth pattern of lymphoid tissue. to comment on whether tonsillectomy is an effective Both of these common findings can lead parents intervention for chronic or recurrent tonsillitis.16 The to ask: ‘Should he have his tonsils out doctor?’ It is procedure itself is not without risk - primary or sec- not unreasonable to expect that removing the ondary haemorrhage and respiratory distress and tonsils will reduce the number of episodes of tonsil- obstruction are recognised complications. The patient litis - but if the recurrent sore throats are not due to undergoes general anaesthetic and is likely to have tonsillitis there will be no benefit. pain, vomiting and fever postoperatively. The family The natural history of recurrent tonsillitis is for has financial costs and lost work and school time. the episodes to become less frequent with time, but there is little epidemiological data to assist our deci- Sore ears sion making for individual patients.7 Clinical Acute otitis media (AOM) is one of the most indications for tonsillectomy have been developed common infectious diseases in childhood. Almost based on the illness having a significant impact on the one-third (62%) of children have had at least one 2 • Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 31, No. 8, August 2002 Childhood ENT disorders — when to refer to specialists n episode by their first birthday and 83% by age otoscopy or tympanometry. three.17 For children older than two years, evidence Persistence of middle ear effusion after AOM is based guidelines suggest analgesia and fluids for very common. Seventy percent of children still management of the acute episode, with introduc- have an effusion at two weeks, 40% at one month, tion of antibiotics if the child deteriorates or is not 20% at two months and 10% at three months. improving within 48-72 hours. Younger children Since the natural history is for this to resolve spon- should be reassessed within 24 hours. taneously in 90% of cases within three months, no intervention is needed up to this time.5 Acute otitis media with perforation Prevalence of OME is high, with effusions Acute perforations of the tympanic membrane present in 10-20% of children at any one time, the usually heal spontaneously without hearing loss and highest recordings being in late winter and early do not require referral for surgical management. spring.20 Cure is achieved by growth of the child and However, if the perforation is still discharging after there is a sharp drop in prevalence after age six. six weeks, aural toilet should be performed, a swab Deafness is usually the only symptom of this taken and the appropriate topical antibiotics com- condition. Otitis
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