' f fAQt TWENHr.F6UR ; /, THtnWDAY. MAY ta, ' t . Average Daily Net Prem Ron .X Far the Week Ended The Weather The following new officers ware legislative session and some of tke May 17, 1958 Pereeaat ef 0 . B. Weather Buesiau elected at ,the meeting of the Jetstone Urges Brook project and Mrs. Xotherlaa About Tow n accomplishmenta she felt the,:Re­ Woman to Read Ordutt gave a report o f the last Jaycee Wives held last night at publican party hag made. She em- eouncll meeting. The group voted Center Congregational Church: * 12,710 dear, eelder tealght, front like­ , ICw Btitara SmlUi, dauf hUr of Rainm akin^ Law phaslud the incre'aaed aid ^ towns PTA Unit Again to donate the proceeds from the Mr. tnd U ii. Oval SmlUit 12S Main Mm . William Wagner, president; for education, the -expanded pro­ fieaiitffiif... itteaiber o f the Audit ly. Lew la the 9ta. Saturdiky meet­ play last week to the Luta Junior ly anany, root. High la the 96a. Bt., and a aophomora at Albartua Mrs. John Smayda, Vice president; Hartford, May M <P) — The gram for Institutional care and the Museum. Mrs. Barbara Mitchell Bureau ef OIrenlatiea Mafnua College,' ffew Haveii, la Mrs. Rudolph Rlcclo, secretary; new taw regulating adopUons. She Mrs, Normand Richard waa-.ra- Manchpsbn^-^A City o i Village Charm chiOrman of ^ ^ * ^ u to -to b a c c o urged support for the constitutional eleoted president of the Robert­ extended her thanks for the a memlMr of the aiTMigement com­ Mrs. Arthur Colby, treasurer. All Brownie flag Which was presented CERANIVMS mittee for Uie Commencement members are InviUd to attend the groweM ornnlMtlon says that amendments to be voted on In the son PTA at the annual meeting held last night at the School. to the troop last week by the PTA, ■ y l>rom weekend next weekend. inaugural dinner on June 4 at 8:30 some OoqnMticut' farmers have fall, among them the dual job ban VOL. LXXVII, NO. 199 (TWKNTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. c6 n N„ FRIDAY, MAY 2.1. 1958 (Chwalfled Adverttalng on Page 18) provision. After thanking^ members for Mrs. Handley’s fifth grade won PRICE FIVE CENTS p.m. at jthe Roiemont Restaurant been using a rainmaking technique, the attendance banner. Refresh- *nte Luther League of the Eman' but keeping their activities secret In discussing unemployment their help and co ^ ra tio n Mrs, compensation, Senator . Finney menu of cake and coffee were nel Lutheran Church will hold Ita Mr. and Mrs. B, J. Munson, 368 Julius W e t s t o n e said these Richard presented the other new. stressed that only one state hag a ly elected officers. ’They are Ray­ served by Mrs. MHchell and Mrs. annual youU banquet Saturday at Porter St., and their son and farmers have been forcing rain on Dorothy Baldyga and their hoe- S:80 p.m. at the church. Youth of daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. law with more liberal benefits than mond Colpitts, first vice presi­ the quiet because they are afraid .Connecticut, She stated that she piUlity committee. the Tear awarda will be given. The Robert B. Munson, have Ijeen at­ dent; Mrs. J. Edward McKeever, la. U.S.I¥6vidcd Allies of damage suits. will not be a candidate for the of­ Rev. Arthur J. Laraon of the Mla- tending the annual meeting and 2- He: two top meteorologists, and second vice president; Mrs. Er­ day seminar of the New England fice of Secretary of State due to nest Unders, secretary; Mrs. Clif­ alon Church. Uilfor^, will apeak the state’s agriculture commis­ pressure of business. on the theme "Now la the Time." Retail Confectloneta at East North-- sioner,' urged support for rain-’ ton Rlnes, treasurer: and Mrs. Public .Records LABOE VABimnr o n ■ f field. Mass., this week. Refreshments were served fol­ Mary Ann Handley, teacher repre­ anizes making legislation before g state lowing thq meeting by Mrs. Harlan rLOWERS, TOMATO PLANTS, Billion in Arms Aid Tonight la the deadUne for ai- legislative council subcommittee. sentative. PTA Council delegates PLANTS, Etc. Taylor aiid Mrs.' Jack Mercer, co- are Mrs. Richard, Mrs. Florence Marriage Lkseaae curlng tlckeU. for the Mancheater The meteorologists, Dr.-Thomas chairm6ir of the' hospitality com­ Leo Paul Belvai o f Berlin and Lithuanian Coop chicken barbecue New Bids Askt^ F. Malone, research director of mittee: Mrs. John S. O. Rottner, Woods, principal; Mrs. Edyiha Joan Celia cy r of 90 Jarvis Rd., to be hold Saturday at, Uthuahian Cffin and Mr. and Mrs. William Hishlairf y t the ’lYavelers Ins. Co., and Law­ and Mrs. Victor Johnson poured, May 81, Church of the Assumption. •17 Higfclaad St In Last Six Months Hall on Oolway St. Ticketa may On Hearing Room rence R. Maher of the federal Olcavage. ,Bolldlng Permit t>e obtained at the hall. weather bureau at Windsor Locks. ’ At the business meeting Mrs. James Blanchfleld, alterations to Commissioner Joseph N. Gill and Woods reported on the L y d a l l house at 81 White S t, |1„400. The town has advertised a sec­ Que^n Hopefuls W ash in gton , M ay 28 (/P)— f e t to about •iv.two.ooo.ooo with Police Chief Herman O. Schendel Wetstone said Connecticut should ime, Pefies about $644’ mi.Uon being spent in ond time for bids on the project sanction rainmaking operations. President Eisenhower report- la In Saybrook f»* iy attending of enlarging the Municipal Build­ tile last six montlu of 1967. the monthly meeting of the Con- ’They cautioned, h o w e v e r , Not in Parade «d today that nearly |1 billion Among the economic aid proj­ ing hearing rooms. against expecting any spectacular neeUcut Chlefa of Police Asan. The Bilids on the project which include in weapons and military ects he cited were ower dams In chief la also acheduled to go to results from this comparatively 'Ther^ may be 76 trombones in South Korea. Formosa anu 'Turkey, putting in an accoustical ceiling new technique. equipment were shipped to - ,Norwltdi tomorrow aa- a member in ' the hedring room and cutting the Memorial Day parade, but highway, development in Vietnam, there will probably be no beauty overseas Allies during the last of a detective aergeant promotion a new door exit on the- west side six months of 1957. anti a railroad Improvement plan Reform Bid De GauUe’s panel queen contestants. and in India. o f the building, will be receive<i Reporting to Congreaa on the It was reported prematurely that, HALE'S Self Serve Meat Dept; New projects undertaker, he re­ until June 6. Republican Ladies semi-finalists in a contest at Sper­ Mvernment’s foreign aid program, A c<4leetl6n of SO dolls, all their The specifications on which bids .he said that .the new deliveries ported, were aurveya of th* Bl-,e By Pflimlin R eturn to clothes and jewelry handmade. wUl are being invited are the same as ry’s Glen would ride in the parade. Nile River basin lii Ethiopia, the Hear Mrs. Finney But this announcement came aa ^boosted to $17 billion the amount be on display at Janet’s Hat Shop, those on which the town failed to tg military aid given friendly Coun­ start of an international airport 017 Main St., all next week. Mrs. receive afiy bids in April. the rseult of a misunderstanding in Alghaniatan, technical surveys K between a member of the Mem­ tries aince lUSO. Mary Zelenka and Mrs. Anna Building Inspector Griswold ib e Women’s Republican Club of Amm 45 per' cent of the latest of development plans in the Sudan Faces Test Msinchester held its annual meet­ orial Day Committee and promo­ and an engineering study of a Oluhoaky, both o f Glastonbury, Oiappell said the four contrlictora ing last evening at the Manchester ters of the contest. •hipmAqa went to the Far East, have spent'over 20 years making who to<H< oiit specifications the EuropeaiV,countriea got 30 per cent radio-telephone system in .Nepal, F*arl.«i. Mity 2.1 i/P)—The X tlUB Country Club. Mrs. Raymond The committee will take up the and other Ureas the remainder. ‘ 1" reviewing Atlantic Pact de- Aljfier*, .May 23 (/P)—Vfhii this collection. Among the dolls on last time did not submit bids be­ Schaller, president, welcomed the ' French National Assembly ac­ di^lay will be an original Shirley mattre when it meets Monday, but Weapons thcluded tanka, artll. i fense piogres.s, Eisenhower noted amounts to a revoli^onary cause they were unable to get members and guests on behalf of consensus is that the inclusion o^ iple dolL price estimates from suppliers on lerj', armored\yehirlea. ammuni- that some mlllury supplies prevl- ceded today to a reqiue.<tt from government for .^l^eria was the club and turned the meeting the contestants would be inappro­ Uon, rommunlcatfcma equipment, oualy promised ’A’ea' Germany Premier Pierre Pflimlin for some items. * over to Mrs. John Bowen, -program priate. ; Set up today iiT defiance of . — .^..^d Club will meet ships and Jet aircraft. But RIaen-! were delivered to help arm dlvl- - urgent consideration of con-| chairman, who introduced the main hower said weapons alone will not sions the Bonn government has Paris. It was established by tomorrow ;at-» p.m. with Mrs. Bet­ Lightning bolts strike 40 to 60 speaker Sen. Florence Finney of .stitutional reform.s aimed. At: ty Soblskf, m ToUand St., East Fifteen hundred -new primary proride adequate aerurlty, fbr free promised. a civilifin^military junta set times a year within the average Greenwich.
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