DOCUMENT RESUME ED 22.5 542. IR 010 547 TITLE Project Profiles. A.I.D; St4pies in Educational' Technology and Development Communications: INSTITUTION Agency for-International Development (Dept. of State), Washington, p.c. Clearinghouse on Development Communication. , SPONS AGENCY Agency for International Development (Dept. of State), Waqpington, D.C. REPORT NO (No English ISBN available).; ISBN-0-89492-048-0 (Spanish); ISBN-0-89492-049-9 (French) 'PUB DATE . Jul 82 NOTE 396p. , PUB,TYPE -Reports - Descriptive (141) Multilingual/Bilingual , Materials (171) LANGUAGE Eng1ishi French; Spanish' EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Agriculture; Audiotape Recorders; *Audiovisual Aids; Case.Studies;. CommunicationsSatellites; *Community Development; *Developing Nations; Family Planning; Health Programs; *Instructional IMprovement; Mass Media; *Radio; *Rural Developmentp Television; Videotape Recordings IDENTIFIERS Printed Materials ABSTRACT -These profilei contain brief case studies showing how communication media are successfully.used to support-development projects in a variety of fields end international settings. Projects , . listed eMphasize agriculture, health, nutrition, population, education (primary and middle grades, adult, and distance), and, integrated development. Project descriptions are presented in a uniform, two-page format listing target audience, objectives, media, donori/sponsors, duration, -contacts, project descriptiOn, results, points of note, and references. The English version contains 72 profiles, while the French and:Spanish language versions,contain oily 45 project profi,les. The index in the English-langua,ge version i3 arranged in chart form, listing proiects by sector,-country, title, media use (audiovisual aids, audiocasSettes, correspondence, film, folk,media, interpersonal, ,print, radio,.two-way satellite, and television), and sponsor/financing (AID participation, international donors, national government, and self or local financing). Names and addresses have-been updated to show current'contact data. (LMM) ***********************k*********************************************** -* ; Reproductions Supplfied-by EDRS are the best that can be made * from.the original document. ********************************************************************** . Project rofilesUS. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONALANSTITUTE QF EDUCATION 'EDUCATIONAL RESOUPICE.S. INFORMATIOI4 :OENTER (ERIC) 11"This' document has been reproifucedas *AID. Studies in Educational received from the Pekson dr organizatipn originating CU Technology and Developthent . tvIMor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. "4- Communications PointS of view or opiriions stated in this docu In ment do not necessarily represent official ME. Lt position or policy. U. S. Agency for international Deve/opment ev Office ofEducation/ CZ Bureau for Science and Technology LW Washington, D.C. 20523, U.S.A. Prepared by Clearinghouse on Development Communication . -1414 22rid Street, N.W Washington, D.C. 20037, U.S.A. .(202) 862-1900 'w1Vvrrer. 4,1zia ACADEMY FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOREWORD , Project Profiles are written and published by the Clearinghouseon Development Communication. These brief case studies show how communication media are successfullyused to support development projects in 0 a varietY of flelds:--igriculture, hath:nutrition,- population, education, and integr'ated developMent. For the reader's convenience,we have kept the project descriptions brief, in a uniform two-page format. Names and addresses appearing as "Contacts" have been updated,where possible, within thpast yearso that readers may otain current data from theeindividuals. , Prof& Profiles 'are indexed according to sector focus, use of media, and country. A translated series of Profiles is also available from the Clearinghouse in French, Spanish, and Arabic. We welcomeyour corn.- ments on the usefulness of theseProfileS, your suggestions for future improvements, and any information you may have on communication projects that could-be included in a future Collection of case studies. I( July 1982 s-4.4 Of ,,,,, Al.,' .. v,,, % % Coimtry . j;'," /IV' AFr 1 .:' .ir. ; ,- Ikr6 Fel irlf4,71-ireA k.,gL'.:- /1407,;',,, ,...-, iil 7-,,i1Ah , -4ii 'i:,v7,41 EA ;r f.X3Z1 Botswana C11111111111C11113111111111111:11:1111 :`.. India, *' tLV4Zekt:i'VZ,k' Z4e7-A.o: tV6411PR, , Lg. Taeg4 ',A?; EimA 244;40W,,111) 1,4j, Ozotto,t;. 'otrit4t Vc..7,t &Alt, - - I, t %,74 ,+1 ," At. , 14"%ifit Zen 6C'Otra4; r ''')2.2& - 4.4 Education & `71, 44.r - 'tan4r Human' Resources . Bafigladesii. 1:111.11111111151113PA 1Y415. 1"/,,nC:4 `4144,;,,, id6A o o41 o, . - : :4511.4 toW4-*1' " *- o ',ZIP CA '4; 4. tt y.7/0,, . 1,14 ' ArrIff,1 , 1; St1 g4 1; ';/ttT (5-1.41,; t./.41,: 02,36, 44741,'OA t443 41",..44",7tO' 1111111131131311111111111111111111111 cinxr flpt$ ;Iri17`r , el, N'27..t., , ' AtiV 4, . A . I A , , , ,, . .Albrair Air-Am./1W , A. 7,-W11474,r7d7r4fC'f "e'Z' , ,,z. -,';',_' c: ,'' 1.4 . '''',,O;'' ki-4^2ti - ;A`' I'M Aqi gib ',Lf,,15',', A2 ',Y.4 "-;044; 6xt '!eif.;tA '', Honsiuras 111111101CIIIIIIMIEllid rf,;,1 In, '.if''rtl,',:.,:,A'',.*',,":4:,,:t ,,,,± ' 'q '-' - ".--. 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ISDUUUUIINIIDIE;/I'sIi124 .411' k a M:ig,14,ii ik?:'.!' fl!ii: P.IvA Li, . s 4"14- . , 1 is Aro-, .% -LAmirmIir .1 AGRICULTURE ASSISTANCE TO RURAL BROADCASTING - 0 k Afghanistan TARGET AUDIENCE: Farmers in the Afghan provinces of Wardak,,Logar, Kunduz, and Herat (approx- imateli 17,500 people) OBJ ECTIVES: To improve rural broadcasting as a means of supporting rural developrnent ac- t, tivities and to tesNhe feasibility of establishing in Afghanistan a communication syStem involving radid, cassetfes, and farmersfeedback OEDIA: Radio, tape recorders and cassettes,and interpersonalcomrbunication DONORS/SPOI41SORS:Fdod and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Afghanistan's Minis- tries of Agriculture and Education; Australia's FFH/AD; and Radio Afghanistan DURATIO Initiated-in-19734mpi.ernented_in-1976;_ftse I. terminated in977; Phase II pend- ing CONTACTS: Trevor L. Stockley, Rural Broadcasting_Specia6t, Ministry of Agriculture, Afghanistan; AbdUllah Naik, General President of theExtenskin Department, S.Y. Radio A MiniStry ofAgriculture,Kabul,Afghanistan; Wasiq; Director, Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Fazel Rahim, Deputy Minister for Agriculture; Kabul,- Afghanistan I7ESCRIPTION: The Assistance to Rural Broadcastirig Project took shape in 1-973 following meetingsin Afghanistan of govern- ment officials with the Chief of FAO's Development SupportCommunications Branch. The project was designed to reflect the Afghan Government's desire to keep farniers apprised of improvements inagriculture and livestock-pro- duction techniques and to make them aware. of the existence and availability of credit, equitable means of dis-ir tributing irrigation' water, and the possibility of forming farmers' cooperatives. By thetime the polifical and logisti- ,_ cal-obstac-les-to implementation had dissolved, 1976, the prbject had acquired a seconddimension that of a communication support system for the national land reform_ then progress. Abandoning early plans to establish. and then to test the, feasi bil ity of a rural radio forum in Afghanistan, the project directors decided that a communication system involving radio, cassettes,and farmers' feedback would meet local needs better than the. conventional radio forum could.Accordingly, tape recorders and one hundred .
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