PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID TULLAHOMA TN Vol. 64, No. 19 Arnold AFB, Tenn. PERMIT NO. 29 October 9, 2017 AEDC integral role in readying NASA Cassini spacecraft for launch This still is from a short computer-animated fi lm that highlights Cassini’s accomplishments and Saturn and reveals the science-packed fi nal orbits between April and September 2017. (Courtesy photo/Jet Propulsion Laboratory) By Deidre Ortiz mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in by the following summer, so it was a very tight sched- AEDC Public Affairs Washington. However, AEDC and its test engineers ule,” he said. “There also was a need for altitude test- also played an important role in the successful launch ing and our J-4 Rocket Motor Test Facility had the ca- On Sept. 15, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft collided of the Cassini. pability for that.” with the atmosphere of Saturn, thus ending its 13-year According to Zak Mohyuddin, an engineer at Ar- Mohyuddin explained that the program posed mul- tour of the planet, as well as ending an historic era in nold Air Force Base, AEDC test teams conducted test- tiple challenges, including safety, environmental, lo- the exploration of the solar system. ing of the second stage engine of the Titan-IV rocket, gistics, contracting, procurement, design, fabrication The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative known as an LR-91 engine, which launched the Cas- and crew training, among the few. project of NASA, ESA (European Space Agency) and sini in October 1997. “The highest concern was propellant safety,” he the Italian Space Agency. Jet Propulsion Laboratory “AEDC was fi rst approached about the test of LR- (JPL), a division of Caltech in Pasadena, manages the 91 in August 1995, and the tests had to be completed See CASSINI, page 3 You and your family are fast asleep Protect the Power: October when the smoke alarm sounds: is Energy Action Month By Nick Hibdon Do you know what to do? AEDC Energy Program By Jim Evans lic about the critical importance October is Energy Action AEDC Fire & Emergency of developing a home escape Month and Air Force leader- plan and practicing it. The Ar- ship is heading up a “Protect Consider this scenario: It’s 2 nold AFB Fire Department is the Power” Campaign. o’clock in the morning. You and working in coordination with Power is a critical asset for In addition to protect- your family are fast asleep when the National Fire Protection As- both Arnold Air Force Base and ing the mission by protecting you awaken to the smoke alarm sociation (NFPA), the offi cial the community alike. Nearly the power, Arnold has imple- sounding and the smell of smoke. sponsor of the Fire Prevention everything we do revolves mented numerous projects to What do you do? Week for more than 90 years, to around power, from normal accomplish the mission more If you and your family don’t reinforce those potentially life- day to day conveniences like effi ciently with goals of reduc- have a plan in place, it could saving messages. Fire Preven- using a microwave or keeping ing energy consumption and jeopardize your safety or even tion Week is Oct. 8-14. your house cool in the middle cost to the tax payer. At Arnold, prove deadly. “Home escape planning is of summer to more large scale $23 million was spent on utili- In a typical home fi re, you one of the most basic but fun- efforts like the operation of a ties in Fiscal Year 2016. may have as little as one to two damental elements of home fi re manufacturing plant or large However, $4.5 million worth minutes to escape safely from safety, and can truly make the AEDC test facilities. of Energy Savings projects the time the smoke alarm sounds. difference between life and death Now the question becomes, were also executed, including That’s why home escape plan- in a fi re situation,” said Lorraine “How do we protect the pow- a variety of facility improve- ning is so critical in a fi re situ- Carli, NFPA’s vice president of er?” The Air Force’s approach ments. These efforts alone pro- ation. It ensures that everyone Outreach and Advocacy. is simple. Power is required to vide nearly $750,000 in annual in the household knows how to In support of Fire Prevention execute the mission of protect- savings. The efforts included use that small window of time Week, Jim Evans encourages all ing this great nation, so pro- will collectively have paid for wisely. households to develop a plan to- tecting the power is required to themselves in roughly 6 years. “Developing and practicing a gether and practice it. A home ensure its ability to do just that. Fiscal Year 2017 has also home escape plan is like build- escape plan includes working To align with Air Force pri- been full of energy efforts, to ing muscle memory,” said Jim smoke alarms on every level of orities, Arnold Air Force Base include the development of an Evans, assistant fi re chief of the the home, in every bedroom, and and other military installations Energy Savings Performance Arnold Air Force Base Fire De- near all sleeping areas. It also around the world have formed Contract. The proposed ef- partment. “That pre-planning is includes two ways out of every Energy Assurance Planning fort includes a base wide LED what everyone will draw upon room, usually a door and a win- Teams aimed at exploring en- conversion, adding insulation to snap into action and escape as dow, with a clear path to an out- ergy resiliency and renewable to the steam trench distribu- quickly as possible in the event side meeting place (like a tree, energy sources that could pro- tion system, and upgrading the of a fi re.” light pole or mailbox) that’s a duce enough power to continue HVAC control system for nu- This year’s Fire Preven- safe distance from the home. critical missions during power tion Week theme, “Every Sec- NFPA and the Arnold AFB outages. ond Counts: Plan 2 Ways Out!” See ENERGY, page 5 (NFPA image) works to better educate the pub- See ALARM, page 5 AEDC notice issued to employees Team AEDC Spotlight: Data analysis is top priority about water fountains to AEDC Flight Systems Combined Test Force …Page 3 …Page 4 2 • October 9, 2017 Arnold Air Force Service and Sacrifi ce Base By Col. Scott Cain Whether it’s the Kindel Memorial, the F-4 AEDC Commander Phantom sitting outside the gate, or simply driving to work on Wattendorf Memorial Capt. James Kindel served at AEDC Highway, there are reminders all around us from 1961-1964, in what was then the De- of those who have served before us, some velopment Division. who gave the ultimate sacrifi ce. Second, I A mechanical engineer and trained Air think about what we do for those after us. Force B-47 pilot, Kindel was recalled while That could be one of our fellow Airmen who at AEDC to fl y the O-1 Birddog as a forward fl ies into combat tomorrow with an AEDC- air controller in Vietnam. Flying low and developed and tested system or that could be Col. Scott Cain slow over Vietnam on Dec. 14, 1965, small our children who live free because they still Commander arms fi re brought down his O-1 and killed are guarded by the most technologically ad- him instantly. Kindel was the only AEDC of- vanced Air Force in the world on its 100th Jason Austin fi cer killed in action in the Vietnam War. birthday in 30 years. This is why we serve at Chief, Brig. Gen. Lee Gossick, then commander Public Affairs AEDC, and Kindel reminds me of that every of AEDC, dedicated the circular drive in day. front of the AEDC headquarters in honor of We’ve all made a choice to serve in Kindel on June 8, 1966. As you enter that AEDC, whether in uniform or in the gov- Cynthia Rivera circle, there is also a small memorial in ernment or as a contractor. All of us serve, General Manager, memory of Kindel, and that is where I met and our nation is counting on us to develop a National Aerospace his family in August. technologically superior force for all of our Solutions Kindel’s wife, daughter and two sons, services. High Mach Staff: plus their families, returned to Arnold to Although the Kindel’s didn’t tell me this remember a lost husband and father. They directly, I know that they are counting on us Kathy Gattis, NAS Executive Editor arrived at the memorial holding back tears, to remember our legacy and to defend our and I thanked them for his service and the nation with the knowledge that we have a Raquel March, family’s sacrifi ce. I also told them that when proud heritage, steeped in sacrifi ce. I have NAS Editor I turn that corner every morning I’m greeted no doubt we’re up to the challenge. High Mach is published by Lakeway Publishers, Inc. a pri- by Kindel’s memorial, and it reminds me Editorial Note: Information gathered vate fi rm in no way connected why we serve at AEDC. from “Moments in History: Kindel in AEDC with the U.S. Air Force, Arnold First, when I turn that corner, I think of History,” Air Force Test Center History Of- Kindel Drive Monument (U.S. Air Force photo/ Air Force Base, Arnold Engi- the legacy of those who have gone before us.
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