1892. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2943 a bill granting to her a pension-to the Committee on Invalid ing to the American standard of purity in art; which were re­ Pensions. ferred to the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). Mr. WARWICK: Petition of J. B. Baltzly, and many other He also presented resolutions .adopted by the Vessel Owners citizens of Wooster, Ohio, against opening the World's Fair on and Captains' Association, of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for the Sunday, and against the sale of liquor on the grounds-to the passage of the bill to transfer the revenue-cutter service from Select Committee on the Columbian Exposition. the Treasury to the Navy Dapartment; which were ordered to lie By Mr. WILLCOX: Paper in regard to self-registering instru­ on the table. ments for New Haven-to the Committee on Agriculture. He also presented the memorial of Harry Suplee and 40 other Also, petition of Mansfield Post, Connecticut, marking the citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., remonstrating against the passage battle lines at Gettysburg-to the Committee on Military Affairs. of the Faulkner, Caine, and Teller bills to provide home rule for Also, petition of citizens of Meriden, Conn., for closing the Utah Territory; which was referred to the Committee on Terri­ World's Fair on Sunday-to the Select Committee on the Co­ tories. lumbian Exposition. Mr. McMILLAN presented a petition of the city council of By Mr. WILLIAMS of Illinois: Petition of Isaac Nelson-to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.1 praying for the early completion of Fort the Committee on Military Affairs. Brady; which was referred to the Committee on Military Af­ Also, papers in claim of William F. Sotory, of Jefferson County, fairs. TIL-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. He also presented a petition of the iron ship building compa­ Also, petition of Daniel Briant-to the Committee on Pensions. nies of the Great Lakes, praying for the early and complete abro­ Also, petition of JohnJ. Yahne, for relief-to the Committee gation of the traaty of 1811 with Great Britain; for legislation to on Invalid Pensions. construct a 20-foot channel from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic, Also, petition of Nancy Drigmore, widowof WilsonDrigmore, and for the repeal of section 4.136 of the Revised Statutes, gran,t­ of the Black Hawk war in 1832-to the Committee on Pensions. ing a registry to forejgn-built vessels under certain conditions; By Mr. WILLIAMS of North Carolina: Petition of J. Van which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Lindley and others, of Guilford County, N.C.., to prohibit the He also presented the petition of Joseph L. Hudson and 77 opening on Sunday of any exposition where United States funds other citizens of Detroit, Mich., praying for the passage of legis­ are expended-to the Select Committee on th-e Columbian Expo­ lation for the relief of Theodore Memger, of Detroit, 1\:lich.; sition. which was referred to the Committee on Patents. By Mr. WILSON of Washington: Resolution of Chamber of He also presented the petition of Alanson Niles and 42 other Commerce of Ta~oma, Wash., asking Congress to give the States citizens of Flushing, Mich.; a petition of the Methodist Episco­ certain unsold public lands for public parks-to the Committee on cal Church of Flushing, Mich.; a petition of t4e Woman's Chris­ the Public Lands. tian Temperance Union of Bear Lake, Mich., .containing 313 in­ Also, petition of the Chelan Board of Trade and citizens of dividual signatures; and petitions of the Woman's Christian Chelan, and also citizens of Chelan Fall~, Wash., for the early Temperance Union of Lapeer and Belding, Mich., p1·aying that completion of the Nicaragua Canal-to the Committee on Rail­ the World's Columbian Exposition be closed on Sunday and that roads and Canals. ·the sale of intoxicating liquors be prohibited thereat; which were Also, petition of Maple Grove Grange, No. 45, of the State of referred to the Committee on the Quadro-Cent.ennial (Select). Washington, for pure food-to the Committee on Agriculture. He also presented the following petitions of Sherwood Grange, Also, two petitions of citizens of Whatcom County, Wash., Patrons of Husbandry, of Michigan: praying the passage of House bill401, relatingtoimmigration­ Petition praying for the enactment of legislation for the en­ to the Select Committee on Immigration .and Naturalization. cour!Jkement ol silk culture-referred to the Committee on Ag­ Also, petition of 21 citizens of Skagit, Wash., for the enactm-ent riculture and Forestry. of the antioption bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. Petition praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent gambling in farm products-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Petition praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining lard and imposing a tax thereon-order-ed to lie on the table. SENATE. Petition praying for the passage of a bill to prevent the adul- ' A ·zs 1892 teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. T UESDaY, P't't ' • Petition praying for the free delivery of mails in rural dis- Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. tricts-referred totheCommitteeonPost-OfficesandPost-Roads. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Petition praying for the passage of a bill making certain is- EMPLOYES OF SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. sues of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-to the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- Committee on Finance. tionfrom the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, inclosing, Mr. DAVIS presented resolutions of the 1\linneapolis (Minn.) in response to a resolution of the 24th ultimo, a list of subordinates Board of Trade, favoring an .appropriation for a survey and esti­ emploved in that institution on March 1, 1892; which, with the mate of the cost of opening up communication from the Great o1 C . Lakes to the sea for vessels drawing 20 feet of water, and also accompanying papers, was referred to the ommlttee on Civil indorsing theeffortsof Senator DAVIS to secure the construction Service and Retrenchment, and' ordered to be printed. of aship canal from the Great Lakes to the seacoast; which were PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. referred to the Committee on Commerce. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented the petition of J. H. Gar- He also presented a petition of citizens of Coldwater, Ohio,- man and sundry other citizens of the United States, relative to praying for the passage of Senate bill 641, to adjust the pensions the proposed loan to the World's Colunbian Exposition on con- of those who have lost limbs or the use of them or have addi­ dition that the same be closed on Sunday; which was referred to tional disabilities; which was referred to the Committee on Pen- the Committee on the Quadro-<Jentennial (Select). - sions. He also presented a petition of citizens of Marion, Iowa, pray- He also presented a petition uf the Chamber of Commerce of ing that the World's Columbian Exposition be closed on Sunday; St. Parul, Minn., praying that an .appropriation ha m.a.de fo1· a which was referred to the Committee on the Quadro-Cen~nnial survey of a practicable line for a canal to unite Lake Superior (Select). and the Mississippi River at the Twin Cities~ which was referred Mr. WILSON presented a petition of the First Congregational to the Committee on Commerce. Church, of Cresco, Iowa, praying that the World's Columbian He alsopresentedrasolutionsof the:Minneapolis(Minn.)Board Exposition be closed on Sunday, and that the sale of intoxicating of Trade, indorsing resolutions passed by the Board of Trade of liquors be prohibited thereat; which was referred to the Com- Aitkin., Minn., requesting such change in the plan of oonstruc­ mittee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). · tion of the Government dam at Sandy Lake1 Minn., as will per- He also presented a petition of Division 226, Brotherhood of mit the free passage of steamboats in and out of th.a.t lake; which Locomotive En~ineers, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, praying for the pas- . were referred to the Committee on Commerce. sage of Houseblll7512, to promote the safety of railway employes Mr. PLATT presented a memorial of citizens of York County, and travelers; which was referred to the Committee on Inter- Pa.; a memorial of citizens of Cambria County, Pa.; a memorial state Commerce. of citizens oi Montgomery County, Pa.; a memorial of citizens Mr. QUAY presented petitions collected by the National of Montgomery County, Ohio, and a mem{)rial ol eitizensof Sen­ Woman's Christian Temperanee Union, of Pennsylvania, signed eca County, Ohio, remonstrating against the passage of the by 399 members; petitions of 38 congregations, organizations, Faulkner, Caine, and Teller bills to provide home rule for Utah and meetings held in Pennsylvania, embracing about5,750 mem- Territory; which were referred to the Committee on Territories. bers, and the petition of G. M. Sloan and 394 other citizens of Mr. DOLPH presented a memorial of citizens of Oregon City, Allegheny, Pa., praying that the World's Columbian Exposition Oregon, remonstrating .against licensing the sale of liquor in be closed on Sunday; that the sale of intoxicatingliquorsbept·o- Alaska; which was referred to the Committee on Territories. hibited thereat, and that the art departm-ent be managed accord- Mr. SHERMAN presented the petition of Perrin H. Cardwell, . :.. 2944 CQNGRESSION .AL RECORD-SEN.ATE. APRIL 5, of Canton, Ohio, praying that he be allowed compensation for Mr. CAMERON presented a petition of the Woman's Chris­ • certain property taken for the use of the Union Army at ·Knox­ tian Temperance Union of Dempseytown, Pa., containing 230 ville, Tenn., during the war; which was referred to the Com- signatures; a petition of the Woman's Christian .Temperance mittee on Claims.
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