Here come the Holly Days — See debut Hillsboro Downtown special section inside FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2013 • THE HILLSBORO LEADER IN NEWS • WWW.HILLSBOROTRIBUNE.COM • VOL. 02, NO. 41 • FREE Citizens blast WalMart plans Road in Hillsboro, not much peared to be overwhelmingly Controversial has changed in 10 years. against the concept. “The Hillsboro population On Nov. 13, more than 100 The project, called Sequoia Hillsboro store citizens turned out for a Hills- Village, is proposed to go on the rejected WalMart several proposal draws boro Planning Commission pub- corner of West Baseline Road years ago, and I hope we lic hearing that stretched more and Southwest Cornelius Pass do so again.” dozens of protesters than four hours. The commis- Road, which is currently an un- sion called the meeting to take developed greenspace with doz- — Peter Davies, Hillsboro resident By DOUG BURKHARDT testimony on a proposal to cre- ens of giant sequoia trees. The The Hillsboro Tribune ate a mixed-use development overall development would anchored by a 50,000-square- spread across 25.7 acres and, in Greg Hathaway, a partner When it comes to the com- foot WalMart “neighborhood addition to the WalMart store, with Hathaway Koback Con- HILLSBORO TRIBUNE PHOTO: DOUG BURKHARDT munity’s views on WalMart market,” and as had been the would include a 242-unit hous- Vernon Mock, a strong critic of WalMart’s development plans, locating on Cornelius Pass case in 2003, the public ap- ing subdivision. See WALMART / Page A2 displayed his viewpoint right up front at a Nov. 13 public hearing. HILLSBORO TRIBUNE PHOTO: DOUG BURKHARDT A crumpled wheelchair rests on the wet pavement Monday morning as offi cers with the Forest Grove Police Department take measurements at a fatal accident scene near the intersection of Pacifi c Avenue and Mountain View Lane. Wheelchair- bound man dies in crash John David Hacker hit by driver from Aloha Toys on By NANCY TOWNSLEY The Hillsboro Tribune A wheelchair-bound Forest Grove man died early Monday morning after being hit by a motorist from Aloha. John David Hacker, 55, was attempting to WHEELS cross the 3900 block of Pacifi c Avenue — but not in a marked crosswalk, police said — just after 6 a.m. He was heading north, toward Best Western University Inn & Suites, when a HILLSBORO TRIBUNE PHOTOS: CHASE ALLGOOD sports-utility vehicle driven by 68-year-old Donald Watts struck him in the middle of the highway. ■ Rich Verchow, Hacker had been a resident of Forest Grove Firefi ghters, bikers team up leading the way as Rehabilitation and Care Center, 3900 Pacifi c this year’s honorary Ave., said Mark Firmani of Vancouver-based Santa Claus (above), Prestige Care, parent company of the local to give kids a happier holiday offers a friendly care facility. wave as The vehicle that hit Hacker was traveling By DOUG BURKHARDT motorcyclists, odds are they’re on motorcyclists roll westbound in the left-hand lane, said Forest The Hillsboro Tribune their way to contribute to a wor- out to escort a Grove Police Capt. Mike Herb. Its right-front thy cause. Maybe they’re even truckload of toys bumper was damaged in the collision, and de- Who can forget those cheesy playing Santa Claus. going to the Elks bris was strewn across the highway. but classic biker gang fi lms That was the case last Saturday Lodge. Hacker died at the scene. His broken wheel- from the 1950s and 1960s with as about 95 motorcyclists, many of chair rode back to the Forest Grove Police sta- titles such as “Wild Angels,” whom are members of ABATE of from the Hillsboro Fire Station on to support the Stan Johnston Me- tion in the trunk of a patrol car around 10:30 “The Born Losers” and “Angels Oregon — an organization that Northwest 229th to the Hillsboro morial Toy Run, an annual event a.m. Monday. from Hell.” promotes motorcycle rights and Elks Lodge on Northwest Quata- that provides toys to those who But times have sure changed. education — rumbled down Ever- ma Road. See FATALITY / Page A9 These days, if you see a group of green Road on a nine-mile route The two-wheelers were rolling See TOYS / Page A2 TriMet will TriMet eyes safer buses, trains have a full 60 miles of MAX tracks to Farlane faced accusations Oregon Department of Trans- sions. “Our skilled mainte- maintain Offi cials say that poor maintenance was portation inspected the trains nance employees work hard when the maintenance is an endangering public safety. and tracks the next month. It every day to ensure that our Portland to In February, Amalgamated issued a report saying there system is maintained and oper- Milwaukie emerging priority Transit Union President Bruce were no safety problems, and ating as it should.” Light Rail Hansen issued a news release only routine maintenance was But just last week, McFar- Line opens. By JIM REDDEN with photographs that he said required. lane abruptly announced he The Hillsboro Tribune showed unsafe conditions on “The inspection supported was reorganizing the agency to PAMPLIN MAX trains and tracks, includ- the fact that our MAX system is place a greater emphasis on MEDIA GROUP PHOTO: Earlier this year, TriMet ing a cracked rail and corroded safe,” McFarlane said after JAIME VALDEZ General Manager Neil Mc- switch boxes. In response, the ODOT announced its conclu- See TRIMET / Page A8 A&E A4 Commentary A6 Classifi eds A12 “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to deliver balanced ......................................... ........................... ............................ news that refl ects the stories of our communities. INSIDE Weather .................................. A4 Education................................ A7 Business ............................... A15 Thank you for reading our newspapers.” Calendar ................................. A5 Obituaries ............................... A9 Sports ................................... A18 — DR. ROBERT B. PAMPLIN JR. OWNER & NEIGHBOR On view at: October 10, 2013 – January 5, 2014 www.omsi.edu/sherlock National Sponsor: Major Sponsors: Supporting Sponsors: The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes was developed by Exhibits Development Group and Geoffrey M. Curley + Associates in collaboration with the Conan Doyle Estate Limited, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and the Museum of London 448929.100213 A2 NEWS The Hillsboro Tribune Friday, November 22, 2013 WalMart: Public hearing continued to Jan. 8 ■ From Page A1 boro’s denial of a permit for a night,” Hathaway explained. WalMart “superstore” at the He said the proposed same location a decade ago WalMart would be much small- nors LLP, a Portland law fi rm shaped WalMart’s new plan. er, and the overall project foot- representing WalMart’s appli- “That project was denied, and print would also be smaller. cation, opened his remarks by that denial decision has shaped “It had to be smaller and a noting that the city of Hills- the proposal before you to- mixed-use development for a better fi t in the community,” Ha- thaway said. “We believe this Thanksgiving Pies! proposal complies with the standards the city set out. Praline Pumpkin or WalMart can comply with all 429113.112213 the conditions of your planning Apple-Quince Pie staff.” Enjoy by the slice at the Cafe, or That did not mollify those in order whole pies to pick up. the crowd at the Hillsboro Civic Call to order: 503/649-4643 Center, who raised a multitude of objections to seeing a WalMart located in the area. More than two dozen speak- 7575 SE TV Hwy, Hillsboro OR 97123 ers blasted the proposal, and www.reedvillecafe.com | 503-649-4643 urged the seven members of the city’s planning commission to deny WalMart’s request for a permit. SNOW TIRE Brian Roberts, vice president CHANGE OVER of the planning commission, Starting at first called for project propo- Citizens at last week’s public $ nents to come forward and tes- hearing on a proposed WalMart 40 tify for a maximum of three development look at a presentation All 4 mounted and minutes. No one spoke in favor and crowd around maps and charts balanced.John Mendoza Most Cars. of the project, so opponents describing the plan. About 100 Locally Owned at this Location for 35 Years! were given their turn. people turned out for the Nov. 13 We take pride in providing our customers with the latest products and unprecedented Vernon Mock, a citizen wear- hearing at the Hillsboro Civic Center. service - be it Tires, Brakes, Shocks, Struts, Batteries or Alignment ing a T-shirt that read “Never HILLSBORO TRIBUNE PHOTOS: DOUG BURKHARDT shop WalMart!” was emphatic $OO6HDVRQ5DGLDO $OO6HDVRQ5DGLDO in his opposition. traffi c. 5%5 5%5 1(;(152$',$1$7 “I am totally against this. For- “I think the traffi c would be 5 STARTING AT STARTING AT STARTING AT ty percent of WalMart workers atrocious,” Emmons said. “And $ 95 $ 95 $ 95 are on government assistance, WalMart is not being a good 43 Each 59 Each 149 and I don’t like paying that neighbor when they are build- Each when the owners of WalMart ing three- and four-story build- FREE MOUNTING FREE MOUNTING FREE MOUNTING Balance, Stems && Disposal Extra. Offer Offer expires expires 11/30/13 11/2/13 Balance,Balance, StemsStems && Disposal Extra.Extra. OfferOffer expiresexpires 11/2/13 11/30/13 Balance, Stems && Disposal Extra. Offer Offer expires expires 11/30/13 11/2/13 are billionaires,” Mock said. ings in our backyard.” Stop by and see us, you’ll be glad you did! “WalMart employees’ wages are Other speakers pointed out minimum wage, and they short that WalMart stores are usual- HillsboroAmericanTire.com people on their hours so there is ly open 24 hours a day and the Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm 943 SW Baseline no medical and no vacation mall would create a large Sat 7:30am-4pm +LOOVERUR hours.” amount of light pollution.
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