AmericanMineralogist, Volume64, pages 369-375, 1979 Newdata on hungchaoite,the second world occurrence, Death Valley region, California RtcHnRoC. Eno, Jluss F. McAlr-rsrER ANDG. DoNeln EsrnI-urN U.S. GeologicalSuruey Menlo Park, Califurnia 94025 Abstract Hungchaoiteoccurs with ginorite,mcallisterite, sborgite, sassolite, nobleite, ulexite, and, wheregypsum and ulexiteare abundant,with kurnakovite.inderite. and mcallisteritein surficialmatrix as productsfrom weatheredcolemanite and priceiteveins in late Tertiary rocks. Hungchaoiteis triclinic,space group PT;a :8.811(1), b : 10.644(2),c : 7.888(l)A;a : 103"23(l)',0 : 108o35(l)', 97.09(l), unit-cellvolume 666.2(l)Aa;Z 2[MgO.4BrOs.9HrO].Euhedral, tabular {100} to equant,colorless, untwinned crystals, up to 0.5mm, showl7 forms.The strongest lines in theX-ray powder pattern are, in A: 6.71(100), 3.3s6(92), 5.36(85 ), 4.093(78), 4.079(64), and 7.I 4(59). Hungchaoiteisoptically(-):*:1.445(2),0=1.485(2),7:l.a9}Q)(Nalight);2Il": ( -66.. 15(4)";r u,distinct; Xlta: +28",2Lb = 437",Y4 c = Good{lll}and {lll}and imperfect{010} cleavages. Hardness 2Yz. G (meas)1.706(5), p (calc)1.705 g cm-s. Hungchaoiteis metastablewith respectto inderite and mcallisteritein solution. Dehy- dration data are given. Introduction of DeathValley National Monument. The first local- ity is about 50 m southwestof the road in Twenty Hungchaoite,MgO.2BrO3.9H2O, was first de- Mule TeamCanyon, 2,140 m N25'W of U.S.mineral scribedby (1964a,b) Chu et al. from salinelacustrine monument40 on Monte Blanco(McAllister, 1970), sedimentsat an unspecified localityin Chinawhere it andis in thesoutheastern part of the Meridianclaim. reportedlyoccurs as fine-grained materialassociated The secondlocality is about 550m S30'E from the with ulexite,hydroboracite, and szaibelyitein gypsi- firstand is on the SouthMeridian claim. The third is feroussediments. It is identical in its chemicalcom- on the Hard Scrambleclaim (Erd et al., 1959,Fig. 1), positionand physicalproperties with the compound about l0 km southeastofthe first localityand 3 km MgO.2BzOr.9H2O, first synthesizedby Nikolaev N72oWof Ryan. and Chelishcheva( 1940). The hungchaoiteoccurs in a surficial sponge We presentdata here for the secondworld occur- formed by weatheringof fragmentalbasalt around renceof this mineraldiscovered by McAllister in the veinsof priceiteand colemanite.The basaltunit is in Death Valley region, (1970). California The larger lacustrinedeposits in the lower part of the Furnace sizeof the crystalsin the California occurrencehas Creek Formation that was assignedsomewhat in- enabledus to characterizemore completelythis min- conclusivelyto the earlyPliocene (Clarendonian) by eral and haspermitted the determinationof its crystal K. E. Lohman(in McAllister,1970, p. 6) on thebasis structure(Wan and Ghose,1977). of diatoms.The formation,which reaches a thickness of about 2,100m, extendsupward into clearlythe Occurrence(J.F.M.) middle Pliocene(Hemphillian), according to Loh- In the FurnaceCreek borate area hungchaoite has man. In a stratigraphicsequence measured (McAllis- beenfound at three placesin the northeasternfoot- ter, 1976)from the underlyingArtist Drive Forma- hillsof theBlack Mountains. The localities are on old tion acrossTwenty Mule Team Canyonsoutheast of patentedmining claims of the U.S. Borax& Chem- the Meridian localities,this basaltunit is about 300m ical Corporation,which are now within the boundarv abovethe baseof the FurnaceCreek Formation and 00/03-004x / 79 / 0304-0369$02.00 369 ERD ET AL.: HUNGCHAOITE Hungchaoite on the Hard Scrambleclaim, in con- trast to the other localities, occurs in a surficial aggre- gate that containsmuch gypsum and ulexite,at veins of priceite and colemanite. It is closely associated with kurnakovite, inderite, and mcallisterite,and is within a few meters of an assemblagecontaining riv- adavite, mcallisterite, ulexite, gypsum, and con- spicuousquantities of thenardite and mirabilite. Eu- hedral crystalsof hungchaoite(specimen no. JFM69- 5-5G7) for this report are from the Hard Scramble Y I locality. Three other specimensfrom the same gfab sample show the following mineral relations. (l) Nodules of hungchaoitecoalesce on a gypsum-kur- Fig. l. Tabular r,unl.nuoit. crystal in isometric p.B.rp".tiu", 1e; Standard orientation (with axial cross); (B) Viewed along Y nakovite intergrowth on corroded vein colemanite. Computer drawing by K. L. Keester using the computer program The oppositeside of the colemaniteis encrustedwith of Keesterand Giddings (1971). finer grained inderite and ulexite. (2) An irregular veinlet of hungchaoite penetrates an aggregate of about 100m abovethe colemanite-ulexite-probertite gypsum and weatheredbasalt on a core of coleman- ore zone. ite. Fine-grained inderite was depositedon a some- veinlet and Although the rocks enclosingthe priceite and co- what corroded surfaceofthe hungchaoite gyp- lemanite veins are of late Tertiary age, the hung- as nodules next to nodules of hungchaoiteon chaoite and associatedminerals around the veins are sum. (3) Ulexite, inderite, and hungchaoite occur Holocene and still form in the presentdesert environ- separately in nodules or crusts on an aggregate of grained ment, as shown by the fragile, ephemeralnature of gypsum and kurnakovite. Clots of very fine at- puffed ground in which the hungchaoiteoccurs and mcallisteriteare in a matrix of weatheredbasalt by encrustationsof some of the minerals on man- tached to the aggregate. made surfacesin prospectand mine workings (Erd et al.,196l,p.562; McAllister,1961, p.8300). Boron of CrystallograPhY the hungchaoite,which was releasedfrom weathered Morphology priceite and colemanite, apparently migrated much earlier from bedded ulexite in the ore zone. Hungchaoiteoccurs as euhedral to anhedral,tabu- Hungchaoite on the Meridian claim was collected lar {100}to equant,untwinned crystals (Fig. l) up to (specimenJFM58-l-8C) from a small pad of puffed 0.5mm in largestdimension. The formsobserved are ground that was not in contact with any of the ex- listedin Tablel. A numericaldescription of thehabit posed veins of colemaniteor priceite. Anhedral and developmentis providedby column D of Table l, subhedral hungchaoite or exceedingly fine textured whichlists the normaldistance of the form from the ulexiteforms commonly l- to 2-mm clots in a porous, origin.These data were obtained by Dr. KennethL. scarcelycoherent aggregateof montmorillonite and Keesterusing a computerprogram (Keester and Gid- residualanalcime. Gowerite. nobleite.and mcallister- dings,197 l) which exactlysimulates the realcrystal ite are very minor constituents. On the South (Fig. I ) andthus allows quantitative determination of Meridian claim, hungchaoiteoccurs with more abun- relativegrowth velocities.Although D valueswere dant boron minerals(although very minor ulexite),in not determinedfor six forms(Table l), they are all puffed ground of clay and analcime, down a moder- smallerthan k {011}and haveD valuesin excessof ate slope 1.7 m from the nearestexposed colemanite 1.400.The crystalmorphology indicates that hung- vein. The closelyassociated minerals in irregularclots chaoiteis triclinicpinacoidal. Furthermore, both nat- or nodules,generally less than 5 mm in diameter,are ural etchpits and thoseproduced by attackof cold ginorite, mcallisterite, sborgite, sassolite,nobleite, water show paired facesin accordwith centricsym- and ulexite. Other borate minerals thus far identified metry. from gowerite, the South Meridian locality are ward- X-ray data smithite, and aristarainite. The aristarainite is the second known occurrence (McAllister, 1976) after Unit-cell dimensionswere determinedfrom pre- Salta, Argentina (Hurlbut and Erd, 1974). cessionphotographs (Mo radiation,Zr filter) of ERD ET AL.: HUNGCHAOITE 371 Table l. Angle table and morphological data for hungchaoite Triclinic; pinacoidal I a:b:c=0.8278:l:0.7411 o= 103.23t, B= 108.35', y=97.09' PotQo,to=0.8778:0.7079:1 ^=73" l5', p = 68'54r,r=77" 3Sl pof 0.9672, qo,= 0.7800, xo,= 0.3362, yo,= 0.3179 D* * Tabular Equant 001 46" 361 )Ao 501 68' 54' 73" l4l l . 000 0. 800 b 010 0" 00' 90' 00r 77" 35' 73" r4l 0.800 0.800 1 100 77" 351 90' 00 77" 351 68" 54' 0.125 0.125 f 410 89' l3' 90' 00t l1' 38' 89' l3' 72" 001 0.765 0.765 ' n 2ro 100" 55 90" 001 23" 201 100' 55' 75" 491 0.525 0.525 M rl0 t2l" l2l 90" 001 43" 361 I2I" 12' 83' 36' 0.4s0 0.450 | k 011 77" 021 48" 57 68" r5 ' 43" 521 29" 221 ]. 400 q 011 143' 58' 29" 4Sl 78" 321 ll3'59' 40" 251 not determined ' v 10r 67" 4Ll 54' l0 37" 00' 72" 041 31' 54' not deternined l0l -79" 451 37" 441 119' 02, 840 38' 50" ' 08, 0.97s 0.800 r l1 l0l" l4 52" 33'l 43" 20,, 98" 54' 41" 5l ' 0 . 950 0. 750 -63" z 414 221 34" 741 ll5'55' 75" 24' 47" 58' not deternined -50" x 212 35' 38" 13' tI2" 29' 66" 52' 47" 07 | not determined -34" u lll 271 47" 091 105" 54' s2" 45' 48" 16' 7.230 1.050 -13' S 131 57' 68" 23' 97" 261 25" 321 580 l5r not deternined p -737" 111 461 42" 091 723" tll 179" 47 | 66' 55' 0.975 0.975 -157' ' L2l 14 57" 331 l19" 05' 141" 05' 80" 37' not deternined *Values calculated from unit-cell paraneters showr in Table 2. **Distance from the origin. Determination by K. L, Keester singlecrystals from the Hard Scrambleclaim (speci- thesedata is 2.242g cffi-3,which is unlikelyfor a men no. JFM69-5-5G7).These data were refined by dimorph of hungchaoiteof specificgravity 1.703(5) least-squaresanalysis of the X-ray powder data and (Table2). Furthermore,Wan and Ghose(1977, p. areshown in Table2 comparedwith thoseobtained ll4l) have ques(ionedthe validity of the crystal from the syntheticcompound, MgO.2BrOs.9HrO. structureproposed for this phaseby Abdullaev and The crystalstructure of hungchaoitehas beendeter- Mamedovon the basisof ". .a numberof impos- minedby Wan and Ghose(1977) using our crystals sibly short (<2A) oxygen-oxygencontacts. ." On from the Hard Scramble occurrence.They show the other hand, Eyubovaet al. (1967)give X-ray hungchaoiteto be Mg[B,O'(OH)n].7HrO.Tung powder diffraction data for synthetic MgO.
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