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SCHEDUlE OF GRANTS DESIGNATED:". " . " ments rep'Qitt¥d on"by" Arthur Andersen & Co: . MADE .By THE FOUNDATION' Baru, Oscar and Clara $ 2,000 Nqw in oU'.53rd Yea, Thursday, October 13. 1977 - 3 ;. ...... ".,,c' .• ...... '.' ; ·.·~'s: FOR THE YEAR ENDED Berg. Samuel R.Fund 10,000 ,STATEMENTOFTRlJSTPOs1TION December 31,1976. Cosman,Meyer and Ri~a, Fund 2,000 December ~1, 1976 DESIGNATEDFlom, Jack, Memorial Fund 1.060 TRUST ASSETS ,. '.. , . Galpern, Sam and Dorothy, Fund 1,625 Technion Head Here; Oct. 2& Rose Dora'Baru Memorial Scholarship Gilfix, Samuel Fund 2 000 . CASH IN BANK $ _ .1,337 INVESTMENTS, at cost I.L. Peretz Folk School $ 50 Hochman; 0 '500' tle of Jerusalem, and later at 348,922 Talmud Torah . 50' the southern front. He held a OFFICE EaUIPMENT 181 JaCk H. Flom Memorial _ Kravetz. Rabbi, Fund . 30.000 number of senior staff positions , . LAND ~T MIDDLECHURCH, MANI:rOBA, . Katc!1ur, Rose.. ..} in the Israel Army, primarily [at nominal value (Note 1)] Y.M.H.A. CQmmuhityCentre 75 as Chief of the Ordnance Coq>s . Levin, Dr. Samuel Robert . i Total trust assets . 'Samuel H. Fund ) (1954-1962), where he was fee 350,44~ Gilfi~ Levin. Dr. David Robert " 4,559 .' sponsible for significant advance­ Jewish National Fund Morantz, Sydney L. and Pearl, Fund 15,000 TRUST CAPITAL 50 ments in Israel's military. capa­ . Neaman, M9rris, Memorial Fund 11,025 bility. In 1962 he returned for CAPITAL BY INITIAL SUBSCRIBERS. Oscar Hochman Scholarship Fund Herzlia Academy Secter. Gwendolyn & Joseph Fund 100,000 further post-graduate work at , . , (less organization costs) 25 M.I.T. He. was promoted to the 6.804 Sho.re,M~K.and MOlly, Fund', 30.000 ~ r~ DONATIONS ro THE FOUNDATION Rabbi Kravetz Foundation rank of Major-General, upon his I • Simkin, Jean and Blackie. Fund 36,811 return, in 1964. Designated $272.570 Rabbi' Kravetz Foundation 2.500 \ ' Winnipeg Jewish Community " In 1966 he was named Deputy , ... Undesignated 54,973 327,543 Dr's Levin - KatChur Fund Council . 20,000 Chief Scientist or the Defence Total trust capital 334,347 ' Combined' Jewish Appeal Esta blishment, and, in 1968 ,~ '. - _.. : ' '_J." 200 REVENUE FUND BA.'LANCE TOTA~[)ESIGNATED FUNDS· 272,570 became chief of logistics. a I" Rosh Pina Synagogue 25 f per accompanying statement 16.094 Pioneer Women" yNDESIGNATED: position he held until 1972. To this ,/ 50 . 10· post, too, he 'brought strong em­ . Anonymous , ,Total trust capital Morris Neaman MemoriarFund $ 50 phasis on scientific research and , f· and revenUe fund. Camp' Massad Andersen. Arthur & Co. 800 development. I. $350.441 300 .Golden Age Club Aronovitch. Mr. & Mrs. E.J. 2.000 He served·as chairman of .the STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND 200 government's Corrmiittee on Jewish Child & Family Service Bokofsky. Dorothy 250 DISBURSEMENTS AND REVENUE FUND FOR THE ~ f:entury 21 Apparels Ltd. Manpower Requirements for Y.M.H.A. Community Centre 1,000 .Engineering Industries, which YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1976 600 Chamish,l Gwendolyn and Joseph Secter Fund 145 becamc known as the Horev RECEIPTS: Cherniak.Estate of J.A. Committee. It submjtted a com- Jerusalem. Foundation of Canada 250 Interest $ 21,438 1,000 Cherniak. S.M., a.C. 100 . prehensive report, which formed' Camp Massad the basis for projected planning Revenue from Middlechurch land. net 2.672 250 Copp, David and Mooa, Fund 500 Luncheon Beit Hapletot, 250 Danzker. Mr. & Mrs. Mark if! the field of technological man­ 30 1,500 power. He is also chairman of the Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate 25d Drache. Mrs. Sam 24,140 25 Committee on Higher Education Chai Dance Group 250 Duboff, Estate of A. DISBURSEMENTS: . 600 in Israel. Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra 150 Fishman. Estate of Connie General Horev is married, with Advertising 100 : 763 Royal Winnipeg Ballet Company 150 Gerstein'Family a son and a daughter. His son is Audit 500 ;.; 600 Manitoba Opera Society - 100 Gladstone. M. ~ a graduate of tl)e Technion's Bank Charges 1.000 f . • """ . faculty of mechanical engineering. 40 Winnipeg Art Gallery 100 Gilfix. Leslie ; MAJOR-GENERAL IRES~) AMOS HOREV Founders Event 300 2,793 Hebrew University of Goldberg, Morris. .~ ,., . president~ Te~hni~il ~stitUte . GIDEONPATT Printing and Stationery 248 Jerusalem' 100 Fashion' ShOw... :' 1.000 . ' ". Israeli minister of housing and collstruction Luncheon Halprin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 10,060 Major-General (Res,) Amos . tinguished career in the Israel . 101 Gwendolyn and Joseph Sector Halprin andWerier INote No.1) Horev, who will be in Winnipeg "Defenc'e Forces, with which he Life Insurance Premiums 126 at Rosh . Pil1t;1 270 Community Centre in Safed Halprin and Werier on Oct. 26, became president of was associated. since the early Israeli Cabinet·· Minister's Timely (Karen Hayesodl 3.845 . the Technion-Israel Institute of days of its inception, During his 4,815 1,000 Halter, Sydney G .• a.C. 1.150 Technology, in Haifa, in October, ,military .service he made many Visit for Bonds Dinner Oct. 15 Excess of receipts over disbursements 19,325 Board of 'Education, Winnipeg Hurtig, Estate of 1973. The first Israeli-born Presi- major contributions to the strengU!­ The apparent critical juncture REVENUE FUND BALANCE, January 1, 1976' Jewish Community Council 500 Shirley Lorraine dent in the Technion's 50 year ening of Israel's security, through. It js expected that Mr. Patt's 13.494 500 in Israel and American relations remarks wilt reflect the current B'nai B'rith Camp 100 Kay, Mr.. and Mrs. S.F. history, he is considered to be the application of scientific and . , 32,819 2.500 is reflected in the concern and thinking of the Israel government Winnipeg H~brew School 100 one of the foremost experts on technological methods. LESS. Distribution of grants 16,725 Kimmel, Estate of Rubin J. 255 · response of the Winnipeg Jewish and the temper of his fellow Ramah Hebrew School Israel's economic development.. He was educated at the Mass- community to the forthcoming REVENUE FUND BALANCE, 100 Leipsic, David S. 28 both in civilian and military achiisetts Institute of Technology, Israeli citizens. Bar lIan University 250 Miles. S.R. visit of a high level member of 'Special Urgency' , December 31, 1976 $ 16.094 100 spheres, He will be guest at a where 'he was awarded B.Sc. apd National Council of Prime Minister Begin's cabinet,. "It is this situation which lends ""icay, Faye 350 membership reception of· the the M.Sc, degrees in Mechani­ His Excellency Gideon Patt, the Jewish Women Canadian Technion Society, to be cal Engineering. His last military special urgency to this year's NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 250 MitChell, Mr. & Mrs. Alex 500 minister of housing and construc- Ort held at 8:30 p.m. at the Shaarey post was as chief scientist of the Israel bond campaign," a DECEMBER 31, 1976 250 Margulius, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 4,000 · tion. Contemporary Dance Group Zedek Synagogue., Israel Ministry of Defence. spokesman for the Israel Bond 1. LAND AT MIDDLECHURCH, MANITOBA 100 Morantz.Sydney L. 100 · The Israeli Minister is the Committee observed. Winnipeg Theatre. Centre A week after he took office the Born in Jerusalem in 1924, Gen. guest of honor and key speaker at The land 'consisting of approximately 283 acres 100 Neaman, Morris 1,000 Yom Kippur War broke out and Horev received his secondary "The partnership between . ~ . , University of Negev a special dinner of the 1977 Israel Nitikman, Linhart & Co. General Horev was immediately school education there. He par­ Israel and the Jews of Canada,' .., was gifte~ as a Founders' gift by the, following: 1,100 Bond Campaign, to be held (Beer Sheva) ." . NovaSecu·rities:Ltd. called back into army servi~e. ticipated in numerous activities United StatllS and other countries " i' 250 Saturday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in 5Ol*. Joseph Halprin For six weeks, he did vital work of the 'Haganah' in the 1940s, that had it/! roots in the founding J8jm aDd 8!ackie 'Simkin 'FUnd (jn'memory of the Steinbergs) 1,000 Beth Israel Synagogue, 1007 Sin­ 25% Samuel Werier . as special assistant to the deputy during the era of illegal inunigra­ clair St. of the Israel Bond Program; has Joseph WOlinsky Collegiate Oretsky, Samue.l C. 455 600 chief of staff. tion. In the War of Independence, Mr. Patt is considered among flowered into a powerful and 25% Abe Werier 'Winnipeg Hebrew School Peltz, Mary and Izzy . General Horev has had a dis- in 1948, he took part: in .the bat- prnducth'c for'ct'. '. The net income from the land is reported on 455 the most influential voices in. the ". Ramah Hebrew School lin memory of Parentsl 500 \ 195 Begin Cabinet, which is now con­ \ a cash basis. The land is leased to Parkdale Pirotton N.H. 500 "It has grown in strength with , I. L. Peretz. Folk School 195 . fronted with the. difficult task of each new crisis and each new Dairy Farms. Limited for a five year period ex­ Regal Bedding Ltd.
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