Index AMPAL—American Israel Corporation, Alberts v. State of California, 37n 437 Albrecht, A., 291 Aaron v. Cooper, 45n Alcorn A. and M. College, 56 Abbady, Isaac A., 530 Aldanov, Mark (Landau), 256 Abbreviations, list of, 419-20 Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, Aberg, Einar, 280 422 Abrahamov, Levy, 388 Alexandria Yachting Club, 397 Abrahams, Sidney, 245 Algerian National Liberation Front, 345, Abramov, Alexander N., 323 505 Abrams, Charles, 74, 77, 79 Aliyah, 355 Academy for Higher Jewish Learning, All-American Conference to Combat 425 Communism, 516 Academy of Languages (Brazil), 505 Allen, James E., Jr., 97 Acervo, 408 Allen University, 59 Acheson, Dean, 25, 26, 207, 213 Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Achour, Habib, 349 Research, 290 Acker, Achille van, 257 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 152, 256, L'Action Sociale par l'Habitat, 252 350, 354, 359, 364, 365, 398, 399, 504, Aczel, Jamas, 336 517 Adams, Theodore L., 122 Alliance Israelite Universelle Teachers Adams Newark Theater v. Newark, 37n Union, 365 Adenauer, Konrad, 288, 289, 306 All-Russian Congress of the Workers of Adkins v. School Bd. of City of Newport Art, 321 News, 67n Allschoff, Ewald, 301 Adler, Adolphe, 474 Almond, J. Lindsay, Jr., 92 Adler, H. G., 290, 301 Alpha Epsilon Phi, 432 Adler, Peter, 297 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 432 Adult Jewish Leadership, 458 Alpha Omega Fraternity, 432 Agudah News Reporter, 458 Altmann, Alexander, 301 Agudas Israel (Great Britain), 243 Amalgamated Meat Cutters v. NLRB, Agudas Israel World Organization, 208, 29n 283, 312, 405,425 Amanecer, 407 Agudat Israel, 334, 380, 479 Amateur Athletic Union, 188 Agudath Israel of America, 150, 155, 318, America-Israel Cultural Foundation, 425 142n, 154, 154n, 156, 169, 174, 436 Ahdut Avodah, 379 American Academy for Jewish Research, Ahdut Haavodah-Poale Zion Party, 380 161, 176, 422 Aide aux Israelites Victimes de Guerre, American Association for Jewish Educa- 261 tion, 124, 126n, 142n, 157, 160, 176, Aiken, George D., 42 187, 426 Al Hamishmar, 376 American Association of English Jewish Alabama Ku Klux Klan, 107 Newspapers, 423 Alabama Pupil Assignment Law, 44 American Biblical Encyclopedia Society, Alabama State Public Service Commis- 161, 423 sion, 86 American Committee for Bar-Ilan Uni- Albeck, Chanoch, 480 versity in Israel, 436 Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 143, American Committee for National Sick 158, 160, 163, 169, 178, 432 Fund of Israel, 436-37 533 534 INDEX American Committee for the Weizmann American Jewish Press, 462 Institute of Science, 154n, 169, 174, American Jewish Society for Service, 434 437 American Jewish Tercentenary Commit- American Committee of OSE, 424 tee, 176 American Conference of Certified Can- American Jewish Times-Outlook, 461 tors, 426 American Jewish World, 457 American Council for Germany, 504 American Jewish Year Book, 458 American Council for Judaism, 123, 157, American Judaism, 116, 458 421, 509, 518 American Legion, 38, 214 American Examiner, 458 American Medical Center at Denver, 159, American Federation for Aid to Polish 169, 176, 434 Jews, 432-33 American Medical Center at Denver, Na- American Federation of Jews from Cen- tional Council of Auxiliaries, 434 tral Europe, 433 American Memorial to Six Million Jews American Federation of Labor-Congress of Europe, 423 of Industrial Organizations (AFL- American and European Friends of ORT, CIO), 85, 104, 214 424 American Financial and Development American Labor ORT, 424-25 Corporation for Israel, 147 American Mercury, 109 American Friends of the Alliance Israelite American Nationalist, 112 Universelle, 424 American ORT Federation, 424 American Friends of the Hebrew Univer- American Physicians Fellowship, 437 sity, 169, 174, 437 American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel, American Friends of the Middle East, 207 154n, 437 American Fund for Israel Institutions American School for Archaeology, 388 (see America-Israel Cultural Foun- American Security and Freedom, 514 dation) American Technion Society, 154, 154n, American Hebrew (see American Exam- 169, 174, 437 iner) American University of Beirut, 398 American Immigration Conference, 104 American Veterans Committee, 208 American-Israel Economic Horizons, 458 American Zionist, 458 American Israeli Lighthouse, 437 American Zionist Committee on Public American Israelite, 461 Affairs, 157, 437 American Jewish Archives, 161, 427 American Zionist Council, 156, 437 American Jewish Archives, 461 American Zionist Council, Youth Depart- American Jewish Committee, lOOn, 104, ment, 437 156, 158, 161, 176, 178n, 207, 209n, Americans for Progressive Israel, 437 217, 253-54, 339, 351, 352, 360. 363, Ami, 254 421, 530, 531; annual report, 499-520 Amiti£ Judeo-Chretienne, 251 American Jewish Congress, 104,142n, 143, Amministrazione Aiuti Internazionali, 156, 158, 159, 161, 170n, 176, 421 278 American Jewish Congress, Women's Di- Amsterdams Joods Mannenkoor, 268 vision, 198n, 421 Anderson, Clinton P., 41, 42 American Jewish Historical Society, 161, Anderson, John, Jr., 85, 91 176, 423 Anglo-Jewish Association, 241, 504, 517 American Jewish History Center, 161, 428 Anglo-Saxon Federation, 111 American Jewish Home, 458 Anne Frank, 307 American Jewish Institute, 423 Annedore Leber, 294 American Jewish Joint Distribution Com- Annual Survey of Overseas Developments, mittee QDC), 99, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 174, 174n, 199, 248, Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 252, 255, 266, 268, 269, 272, 273, 275, 50, 80, 104, 143, 158, 167, 176, 179, 276, 277, 278, 281, 284, 298, 300, 304, 209n, 421 305, 311, 312, 330, 352, 353, 354, 364, Anti-Jewish agitation, 105-12 409, 424 Antwerp Centrale, 261, 262 American Jewish Journal, 456 Aonde Vamosf, 410 American Jewish Outlook, 461 Apelbaum, Malka, 410 American Jewish Periodical Center, 427 Aptekar, Herbert H., article by, 180-85; American Jewish Physicians' Committee, 181n 437 Arab League, 270, 395 INDEX 535 Arab League Information Center, 207 Asten, Austria, 312 Arab Palestine Refugee Office (APRO), Ata textile plant, 386 no Atlanta, Ga., Bureau of Jewish Educa- APRO Newsletter, 110, 111 tion, 136 Arab Party, 380 Atlanta Jewish Children's Service, 165 Arab Refugee Dilemma, 506 Atlantic City, N.J., Jewish Education Arab Socialist Resurrection Party, 395 Commitee, 136 Arazi, Tuvia, 414 Atlantic Pact, 279 Arbeiter Zeitung, 307 Atwell, William H., 64 Arcand, Adrien, 233 Aubrey, Pierre, 254 Arcavi, Isaac, 407 Aufbau-Reconstruction, 458 Arce, Walter Guevara, 414 August Thyssen Huette, 287 L'Arche, 253 Augustus v. City of Pensacola, 92 Arden House Conference, 519 Auriol, Vincent, 247 Ariel, Joseph, 258 Austria, 302-12 Argentina, 402-08 Austrian Red Cross, 309 Argentine Jewish Congress, 404 Avery v. Wichita Falls (Tex.) Independ- Argentinian-Israel Council for Cultural ent School District, 65n Exchange, 406 Avnon, Zvi, 283 Ariav, Haim, 389 Armstrong, George W., 112 Bacal, Israel, 342 Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 219, 220 Bach, Willi, 292 Aroch, Arie, 410 Bachad Organization of North America, Aronovitch, 319 437 Artom, Emanuale, 276 Baeck, Leo, 242, 244, 298; appreciation of, Aryan Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 478-82 107 Baghdad Pact, 215, 218, 507 Arzt, Max, 120 Bailey v. Louisiana State Bd. of Ed., 54n Askeu v. Benton Harbor Housing Com- Baker, Belle, 474 mission, 76n Baker, Josephine, 251 Asociadon Mutual Israelita Argentina de Balaban, Barney, 209n Buenos Aires, 403 Baltimore Hebrew College and Teachers Aspects de la France, 250 Training School, 138n Assault on American Citizenship, 510 Baltimore, Md., Board of Jewish Educa- Assises de Judaisme Franchise, 256 tion, 136 Association for the Establishment of For- Bamberger, Bernard J., 120 eign Refugees, 248 Banca Cooperativa Ebraica, 277 Association of Florida Klans, 107 Banks v. Hard, 45n Association of Friends of Jewish Youth, Banner of Truth, 112 260, 261 Banon, Jacques, 362 Association of Jewish Chaplains of the Bar Ilan University, 155, 387 Armed Forces, 426 Bardach,319 Association of Jewish Community Rela- Bardeche, Maurice, 250 tions Workers, 421 Bargash, Si, 362 Association of Jewish Nazi Victims in Barnard, Elmo C, 107 Sweden, 281 Barnes, Roswell P., 121 Association of Jewish Youth (England), Baron, Deborah, 389 199 Baron, Salo W., 530 Association of South Carolina Klans, 107 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 434 Association of Superintendents of Large Barouch, Andre, 350 City Schools, 513 Barth, Aaron, 389 Association of Synagogues in Great Brit- Barton v. Sentner, 36n ain, 242 Baruch, Franzisca, 531 Association of the Bar of the City of New Bass, W. A., 61 York, 26 Bauduit, Harold, 73, 74 Association of Yugoslav Jews in the Baudy, Nicolas, 254 United States, 433 Baum, Victor J., 84 Association pour le Retablissement des Baumgarten, Harry, 529 Institutions et Oeuvres Israelites en Baxt, Roland, 185n France-A.R.I.F., 425 Bazri, Afif, 395 536 INDEX Beaver (Bluefield, West Va.) High School, Bibliography, American Jewish, 463-73 68 Bieber, Hugo, 529, 530 Beckett v. School Bd. of City of Norfolk, Bielinsky, Moishe, 321 67n Biernat, Hubert, 294 Beekman, Anneke, 260, 265 Birmingham, Ala., Board of Education, £eer, Max, 301 44 Behind the Plot to Sovietize the South, Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, 242 112 Birnbaum, Uriel, 268 JJehrens, E. Beddington, 245 Biro, Ludwig, 306 Beigin, Menahem, 372, 379 Birobidjaner Shtern, 317, 324 Bekkai, Si, 356, 357, 363 el-Bitar, Salah, 218 JBelgium, 257-62 Bitiaron, 161, 176, 458 Beling, Eva, 300 Black, Hugo L., 31, 33, 37 Belkhodja, Hassen, 345 Blake, Eugene Carson, 59 Pelkin, Simon, 237 Blanchard, Myron B., 186n Bell, Don, 109 Blank, Theodor, 289 Bell v. Rippy, 64n Blau, Amram, 388 Bellairs Golf Club, 240 Blaustein, Jacob, 207, 209n, 518, 519 Bellefaire, 165, 183 Blessing, William L., 112 Ben Barka, Mehdi, 356 Bloom, Harry, 374 Ben Eliezer, Shimon, 146n Blossom, Virgil T., 45, 46 Ben Gurion, David, 200,203,209,210,211, Blue Cross, 165 379, 380, 381, 388, 518 Blumel, Andre, 256, 316, 322 Ben Israel, Menasseh, 267 Blunt, Sir Anthony, 238 Ben Salah, Ahmed, 349 B'nai B'rith, 143, 158, 169n, 209n, 241, Ben Yahmed, Bechir, 345 259, 434, 479 Ben Youssef, Sidi Mohammed, Sultan B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, 114, 161, of Morocco, 345, 347 426 Benazareff, David, 362 B'nai B'rith Messenger, 456 Benjamin v.
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