E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1999 No. 76 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING and my children. I have a son and called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE daughter-in-law who today still wor- GEORGE V. VOINOVICH, a Senator from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ship in his church and have been great- the State of Ohio. clerk will please read a communication ly impacted by his ministry. Pastor The PRESIDING OFFICER. This to the Senate from the President pro Floyd has a national television min- morning we are privileged to have with tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. istry and has touched lives all across us a guest Chaplain, Dr. Ronnie W. The legislative clerk read the fol- this country. It is a great privilege Floyd, of the First Baptist Church, lowing letter: today to have him in our Nation's Cap- Springdale, AR. itol ministering to us in the Senate. U.S. SENATE, Pastor Floyd. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, I thank the Chair. I yield the floor. Washington, DC, May 25, 1999. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- PRAYER To the Senate: pore. The Senator from New Hamp- Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of shire. The guest Chaplain, Dr. Ronnie W. the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby f Floyd, First Baptist Church, Spring- appoint the Honorable GEORGE V. VOINOVICH, dale, AR, offered the following prayer: a Senator from the State of Ohio, to perform SCHEDULE Let us pray together. the duties of the Chair. Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. Holy God, I thank You that Your STROM THURMOND, President pro tempore. President, the leader has asked me to Word says in Romans 13:1, ``For there make a couple of announcements this is no authority except from God, and Mr. VOINOVICH thereupon assumed morning. those which exist are established by the chair as Acting President pro tem- The Senate, of course, will resume God.'' I am thankful the authority pore. consideration of the defense authoriza- granted to these Senators today has f tion bill, and under the previous order not been granted simply by their con- the Senate will debate several amend- stituencies but, most of all, that au- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING MAJORITY LEADER ments with the votes on those amend- thority is given by You. ments occurring in a stacked sequence Therefore, O God, the responsibility The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- beginning at 2:15 today. Therefore, Sen- is so great upon these men and women pore. The Senator from New Hamp- ators can expect at least three votes today. Every decision that is made has shire. occurring at 2:15 this afternoon. It is such a great impact all across the Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. the intention of the majority leader to world. President, I yield to the distinguished complete action on this bill as early as So Lord, I ask for the Holy Spirit of Senator from Arkansas. possible this week, and therefore Sen- God to empower these leaders in their The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ators can expect busy sessions each day decisionmaking today. May the Word pore. The Senator from Arkansas. and evening. of God be their source of authority. Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. President, I I thank my colleagues for their at- May the Lord Jesus Christ be the only thank the Senator for yielding. tention to this matter. One they desire to please. May the peo- f f ple they represent in this country, whether rich or poor, male or female, DR. RONNIE W. FLOYD, GUEST RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME or whatever race they may represent, CHAPLAIN The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- be the beneficiaries of godly, holy, de- Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. President, I pore. Under the previous order, the cisionmaking today. take a moment to express my apprecia- leadership time is reserved. O Father, America needs spiritual re- tion to our guest Chaplain, Pastor Ron- f vival, reformation, and awakening. So nie Floyd, Pastor of the First Baptist God, in the name of Your son, Jesus Church, Springdale, AR, who led the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- Christ, we close this prayer, asking Senate in our opening prayer today. TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 You and believing in You to send a Chaplain Ogilvie was gracious enough The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- spiritual revival to our Nation that to allow Pastor Floyd to lead us in pore. Under the previous order, the would change lives, renew churches, re- prayer. Senate will now resume consideration store and refresh family relationships, Pastor Floyd has been a dear friend of S. 1059, which the clerk will report. provide hope to every American and, of mine for many years; he has had a The legislative assistant read as fol- most of all, give You glory. Amen. tremendous impact upon my family lows: · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5889 . S5890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE May 25, 1999 A bill (S. 1059) to authorize appropriations The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Congressional investigation of Pearl for fiscal year 2000 for military activities of pore. Without objection, it is so or- Harbor that followed by the Roberts the Department of Defense, for military con- dered. Commission. In the 50 years since then, struction, and for defense activities of the (The remarks of Mr. SMITH of New Mr. Hanify has carefully followed all Department of Energy, to prescribe per- sonnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Hampshire pertaining to the submis- subsequent developments on the Pearl Armed Forces, and for other purposes. sion of S.J. Res. 25 are located in to- Harbor catastrophe and the allocation day's RECORD under ``Statements on In- Pending: of responsibility for that disaster. troduced Bills and Joint Resolutions.'') Roberts/Warner amendment No. 377, I would like to quote a few brief para- to express the sense of the Senate re- AMENDMENT NO. 388 graphs from Mr. Hanify's letter of last garding the legal effect of the new The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- September, because it eloquently sum- Strategic Concept of NATO (the docu- pore. Under the previous order, there marizes the overwhelming case for long ment approved by the Heads of State will be 30 minutes of debate, equally di- undue justice for Admiral Kimmel. Mr and Government participating in the vided, with an additional 10 minutes Hanify writes: meeting of the North Atlantic Council under the control of the Senator from The odious charge of ``dereliction of duty'' in Washington, D.C., on April 23 and 24, Texas, Senator GRAMM, relative to the made by the Roberts Commission was the cause of almost irreparable damage to the 1999). Roth amendment No. 388. Mr. ROTH. I yield 5 minutes to the reputation of Admiral Kimmel, despite the Warner amendment No. 378 (to distinguished Senator from Massachu- fact that the finding was later repudiated Amendment No. 377), to require the setts. and found groundless. President to submit to the Senate a re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- I am satisfied that Admiral Kimmel was port containing an analysis of the po- subject to callous and cruel treatment by his pore. The Senator from Massachusetts. tential threats facing NATO in the superiors who were attempting to deflect the Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I blame ultimately ascribed to them, particu- first decade of the next millennium, strongly support this amendment, with particular reference to those larly on account of their strange behavior on which will at long last restore the rep- the evening of December 6th and morning of threats facing a member nation or sev- utations of two distinguished military December 7th in failing to warn the Pacific eral member nations where the com- officers who were unfairly scapegoated Fleet and the Hawaiian Army Department mitment of NATO forces will be ``out of for the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that a Japanese attack on the United States area'', or beyond the borders of NATO by Japan at the beginning of World was scheduled for December 7th, and that intercepted intelligence indicated that Pearl member nations. War IIÐAdmiral Husband E. Kimmel of Wellstone amendment No. 380, to ex- Harbor was a most probable point of attack. the United States Navy and General Washington had this intelligence and knew pand the list of diseases presumed to be Walter C. Short of the United States service-connected for radiation-exposed that the Navy and Army in Hawaii did not Army. have it, or any means of obtaining it. veterans. This amendment gives us an oppor- Subsequent investigation by both services Wellstone amendment No. 381, to re- tunity to correct a serious wrong in the repudiated the ``dereliction of duty'' charge. quire the Secretary of Defense to pro- history of that war. Admiral Kimmel In the case of Admiral Kimmel, the Naval vide information and technical guid- and General Short were the Navy and Court of Inquiry found that his plans and dis- ance to certain foreign nations regard- Army commanders at Pearl Harbor positions were adequate and competent in ing environmental contamination at light of the information which he had from during the attack on December 7, 1941. WashingtonÐadequate and competent in the United States military installations Despite their loyal and distinguished closed or being closed in such nations. light of the information he had from Wash- service, Admiral Kimmel and General ington.
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