© Mark Godfrey El Cajón Bonito. Refuge for Fresh Water Species ANTONIO ESQUER - May 13 – 17, 2013 REQUEST TO THE MEETING Recognize as a priority re-take the procces to declare the El Cajon Bonito as Wildlife Refuge OBJECTIVE – To ensure official protection of native fishes and their pristine habitat including other important aquatic and terrestrial species JUSTIFICATION REMARKABLE NATIVE ICTIOFAUNA CONTRIBUTE TO PROTECT FLORA AND FAUNA (Key, priority, rare, restricted, etc) REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES SIERRA MADRE OCCIDENTAL CORRIDOR DESCRIPTION • Cajon Bonito is the most important stream of Sierra San Luis in the northeast corner of Sonora State in the Apache Highland Ecoregion & Rio Yaqui Basin • CONANP RPC managed by Ajos Bavispe Preserve • Área: 64,595.8 has (159,620 Acres) • Flora: 119 to150 species (41 fam), • Birds: 170 species • Mammals: 72 species (carnivores) • Amphibians: 25. • Salamandra tarahumara (Ambystoma rosaceum) • Sapo Verde (Anaxyrus debilis) • Rana de las Chiricahuas (Lithobates chiricahuensis) • Rana Tarahumara (Lithobates tarahumarae) • Reptiles: 7 species • Fishes: 18 species • Threats: • Cultivo de peces(*), • migrantes, • ranching CONSERVATION TARGETS Family Scientific name Common name Status in Distribución en el País Mexico Cyprinidae Agosia (Rhinichthys) chrysogaster Mexican longfin dace A No endémica Cyprinidae Cyprinella formosa Beautiful Shiner A No endémica Cyprinidae Cyprinella ornata Ornate Shiner A Endémica Catostomidae Catostomus bernardini Yaqui Sucker Pr No endémica Ictaluride Ictalurus pricei Yaqui Catfish Pr No endémica Poeciliidae Poeciliopsis occidentalis Yaqui Topminow A No endémica Varela y Hendrickson, 2010 A= Threatened Pr= Under special protection OTHER IMPOTANT SPECIES Species Scientific name Umbrella Key Flag Indicator NOM-059 UICN CONANP Mamals Black Bear Ursus americanus X X X P LC X Jaguar Panthera onca X X X P NT X White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus X X - LC North American Porcupine Erethizon dorsatum X P LC Pronghorn Antilocapra americana americana X X P LC X Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus X X - LC Mountain Lion Puma concolor X X X - LC Castor Castor canadensis X X P LC Mexican Gray Wolf Canis lupus baileyi X X X E LC X Birds Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis X X A NT Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii extimus X E LC Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos X X A LC X Aplomado Falcon Falco femoralis X X A LC Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus X X Pr LC Yellow warbler Dendroica petechia X - LC Yellow breasted chat Icteria virens X - LC Common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas X - LC Song sparrow Melospiza melodia X - LC Elegant Trogon Trogon elegans X - LC Summer tanager Piranga rubra X - LC Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis X X A LC Anfibians Eastern Tiger Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum stebbinsi X - LC Tarahumara Frog Lithobates tarahumarae X - V Chiricahua Leopard Frog Lithobates chiricahuensis X A V CONSERVATION HISTORY • Research • Planning (Apache Highland ) • Land aquisition (Cuenca Los ADVC Reserva de la Ojos) Los Ojos Biosfera Janos • Ecosystem services • Justificative study • Re- introduction of Mexican Gray Wolf Propuesta Área de Refugio Cajón Bonito THE PROCCESS • Justificative study was sent to CONANP • Review show gaps of information • The process still in this point • Need to fill this gaps or re-make it • It is important to re-take this proccess by CONANP, DGVS, TNC, Cuenca Los Ojos and other actors in order to decree the fish refuge. .
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