LIFE. VOLUME'1. NUMBER 10. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 17, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. indflr tho combination system it mad* inoney again suffered defeat at the hands of the New MUSIC AND DRAMA. n Philadelphia and Boston. The combina­ York. Tho score: tion company possesses great elements of suc­ Cleveland..............o o o 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 LATE NEWS. cess. The manager selects his play Now York.............. 6 00000000 5 What 1« Going on In the Mimic World and afterwards selects his company Base hits Cleveland. 6, New York 7. Krrora -Footltght to tit, the play. The stock company Cleveland 7, New York C. I'ltchers Dally ami Matters blithered by manager selects his company and than his O'Neill. t Iniplro Bnrnhaoi. For Our Readers. plays for which, perhaps, his people are ill At Boston the Chicago C'-lub suffered a ter­ AT HO'JfE. tilted. The traveling manager rehearses and rible defeat, and with ('orcoran's pitching gets his company perfect, and as they go1 too. Following is the score: The Itaces V.^terJay—The Cumniln Boston.................. iiooo:: 80 0 12 Race--N«wH From All 1'artn. Event* anil Happening* in the ioeul Theatri­ from place to place each new peiTornisMieo, Chicago................ o oooooool i cal World. improves. The resident manager is obliged Base-hits Boston IK: Oliiniign 4. Errors Boston The OUisHtnut ptwet Opera House will re­ change his pieces and run a risk again and 4; Chicago is. Pltobora Wliltuov and Corooran. again of misfits. Besides, the playiife at Umpire Furlong. FKMAI.E RUNNKR*. main closed until June 28th and 29th, when different theatres and amid differing.natural, At Providence the Yankees still further in­ Fleet-Footed I>aiii««ls <;uttlns D«vt» (.>,« Messrs. Klwuierman and Xixon have, ar­ or metropolitan, or social scenes, constantly creased their lead by easily whipping Ue- ranged for the appearance of the famous gives new zest to the performance nud to the. Iroit. The score: Record In lOO-Vuril Dashes. ContitiontaHrnards of New Orleans, Iterformurs notwithstanding Ihe fatigues of Detroit................ 0 o (i 1 o n 0 1 1 3 TKKN-TON. June Hi. The Dramatic Club who will the "road." No. The callow critics aro Providence............ 14101802 x l'J ol the Social Turnverein, of this city, held a present»novel entertainment consisting of Huso hits Detroit {,, 1'rovldence-Jll. Pltchon picnic Friday afternoon. Karly in the mystic drill", tabloux, etc. Miss Lillie Hiu- wrong. The combination system wa*> never Woldmini and Sweeny. Krrors Detroit 10, Provi­ even­ ton and Mr. William N. Uriflith will remain so strong or so popular as now, oibhor in dence 10. nnplrc Lune. ing there were a number of races between atth« Illjoii duringtho supplementary season. England or in thia aoaatrr. girls. One of the races was for a distance of --Messrs. Mixon and Ziinniftrniau coi.tom- - j one hundred yards. The entries were Kate ATHLKT1C VM. KOSK. Winter, Sophie Winter, Mrs. Jacob Opper- pl»tD giving a summer season of light; opera I'lan and Mrs. Thomas Toapp. at, the Ob'Jslniit'Streel, Theatre. Tim New People an: accustomed (o laugh at, tlm tim­ Tlie Itoss dull Kahlly Heal on l>v tbe Ath lotlc When the York liloal Opera Company, which is a very idity -women exhibit at thunder, but the doc­ Cluli. signal to start was given all four hroke away tors know better. No more painful illusr KNIGHT, eagerly. AM the girls were young anil titrong combination, has been engaged. Thu The Athletic Club look a trip ro (.'hest^r pretty, and all vvero dressed in white, Chestnut Street Opera House will open next (ration of this fact, has ever linen givi;ii than Manager of Athlotic B. B. C. yesterday, prior to their \Vcstern trip, and Knasoi), on Sept. 17th, with Da-ly'R 7 20 8, ttiat which was aft'onlpd last Wednesday in with light slip|Mirs. One of them gave out and' then will follovv^ in succession Modjcuka, the deplorable accident which h;is plunged Tbo popular plnytfSithoso excellent likeness In indulged in a contest with the noted Koss about llfty yards from the starting point, but tile Union Hiinaro Dramatic Company, the the family of McKce Rankin in sorrow. Ivfrs. looking right >vt IhjMMer. Is the general innniufcr Club of that place. The latter was evidently theothi rconlestantseonti lined to the goal,.Miss Kankin, who was approaching confinement, ol tho leiitlll)* AlWVlKtIi'li clll'.l. II por-ltloil for K.'iiie Winter lending the way, and winning McL'aull Opera Company, Mrs. Langtry, Ai- which hi* Intellijioiic n UN.: \arled uxperlunei; In ovcrmat.cluxl, as the blue le^'s had no tnuilde by several yards. She mode the hiiiulm'l mm'and lust French Opera JJouftb Troupe, and was extremely weak, nervously and hami bull alUIrs poimllirit n;- him. Ho mis horn in winning. Two thousand people witnessed yarils Henry Irving anil the entire fxJndon Lyrfinm physically, was so affected by a phenomenally uthls city und IH gMMI :! » year.-' old. lie In n in 10;;i seconds. If the Hunt wan cor­ graduate ufiilrurd QiVige, und lir,<t ployed ball the game. Uyan's catching was the feature rectly taken Miss Winters can justly claim Company and scenery,tho Knnna Abbott Opera violent thunclor-elap that she was prema­ with Un) i-Wtli conn< Company.John ilcCullough.lleuryK.Abbey's turely prostrated, and has been dangerously with thut Institution. In of the contest. Crowly excelled at the bat. the tide of the champion I'cmnlo sprinter. Ih.'iau.l 1\73 he icni'i'd hi? career with Hie Captain Slovey did nut play, Crowly and Will there is no doubt that either the timing (irandltaiiauOporaCoinpitiiy with Nils:Issonand ill ever since. At one time her life was des­ Hlilbu und MitrllnKtotti iluh." :i- pitcher. Iu IN7G ho was wrung or the course very much short of Canipauini, Thompson and lllll'H Boston paired of, and-It is only thanks to constant Has taken fium t! I) by th* AthlellCH, Kuijjht taking turns about at lirst base. The Thcatru Company., in a good spectacular care and surgical skill that the elements thu dnj alter Ihe :it by llu.-lun, arid, with score was: 100 yards. Tho only authentic record for a drama, the lloston Ideal Opera Company, which ('oi)llh lll.H c-,1, ho :ted ili{aln«t that utroiitr HOWS. II. II. I'.O. A .K.I ATHLKTtC. U. II. V.O. A HlO-yard race by a girl is that, by Miss Kate murdered Ihe unborn babe did not club. Ills Inn- plt'ehil cniiHeu the Athletics to Hannutu, If. 1 0 u 1 Hlrehnll, If.. :i 2 -i » Durl'.v, ii, sister of Ihe celebrated e'x-i-hampion Lyttou Solhcrn in his father's characters, olalin the mother loo. Mr. RanlUn has boon win a n.itablu vl/ttoi * k' ncxi pluyed two KeiiHund Tuylor, »s.. 0 0 •i o<:rw'y,lb,rf. a 4 a i three-mile runner, at some games given u,t Janauinhok, J. K. Kmmett, N.vtOoixlwinaml reduced to the verge of a, Herious ilinmti hlui- each with Ihe 1 Wen-enter and Detroit Carroll, r... I) 0 2 .'KnlKht,rrib n 1 11 u Washington Heights in 1X7M. Her time was Cdinpany and various other attractions. The stlf by the shocking calamity. ' elubti. Ho in one lxvt.rlsr.hl. lleldani In the .lohinjou, el'. 0 1 0 1 Moynhn, »r>. -J :i l 7 12',., seconds. Walnut has not yet. announced i^« attraction* proK'w-lon, n nil. this, IWK excelllul llllllH-ll'. Up Snyder.iv.'b. o 0 1 O'Hrlen, ah. Ilia to date he hnn lul.Hi but one bull, and even on Shoots, rf... 0 0 0 liillradley. ,1b. a a V 3 Miss Winters' friends, glorying in her sne- for next season, but the manager claims that r<>otlight nickering*. that uiulMid throw out, at .soeoud biipo. Uun'll,ll>,3b., 1 '2 0 :t Corov,, p.......... i o o a, cess, then wagered (hat a barbar, who has they will.be unusually strong. A glance at Hn IK alfo a good bal l.uttoll,^b,p.ton.^b.p. 1l a (i Strloker, ef. 0000 M. 1!. Cur Us has made $1(0,000 ou '-Satu'lof <l riiuner. , local fame as a runner, could not give )nr $ho treasurer's balance sheet shows as that 1'oteu." << ' hittf,i>, 'Jb.lb. 1 o l Hyan,o..... 1 1 7 B ten yurdx in a hundred, lie attempted K, <Lo we were mistaken in stating that the theatre »*. W. Oilehrlst mid Chirlc« M. SohiulU, IIUTO Total..... 4 7 34 11 0 Total.... 12 14 87 lit 8 it, but Miss Winter defeated hiui badly. hail made hut little money Uin past season. boon re-eleotod munlcul directors of the Festival of HIHS.......... ......... 0 00000400 4 fl!).540.42 have been cloarod, exclusive oi' the Athletic............... 01380011 x 12 TIIF. TU«F. ^ >,l>00 paid Mrs. (iondwin. The opening of I'. T. llarniini lost n, $9.000 tent bv Uro In < 'hicairo Karnod rniiK KOKK 1, Athletle 0. Tivo-lmse hltM-- Umber1* Garden was a great success. Fred HlrehMl, Cnxrler, Knight. Moynahan, llradliy. and secured $10,000 north of advertising. How for­ I,nil on barton lions ti, AthleUo :|. Double play I.ntonlH Jockey Clnb'n Knee-.. Wal/. lias taken the direction of (he enter­ tune docs favor this man ! . I Tuylor,Snydcr, KIWs; Kyiiu ami Knight. HUMIK tainment, and the music is of the Speaking of Camtllim an DiixliMi urltie flayK that on bitllK Alhlellu I.
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