1 1 l'j > \Ji * — J T V XXMUXA Vt* *iiv***i Vj Ol An. ■ ■ ---- lagft | SIX__ THERE THEY GO BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES— By EDGAR MARTj\ Goering Doffs His Medals FAVORS | BISHOP HPff 'CfLO\Cf“TtO TOELS 1 Y\OPt 'XWLV OOW ^0\V\ \.OOVd OOViKi I'M 60\W6 xo Bv\hyoo TO W SWJKVfc waxt w ewAt. t\v\ei RADIO v^f\9 yoo 09 | WO MWCV\ |-/:sr-~\:^, ^ ,E£» VN ‘MERCY’ DEATHS oo\c\<. cwom1. i1 9\t ViWO SESfc WMFD WilBioftM 60^^ 60 NOTTINGHAM, England, f\ViO|TOWi\6VKV, 14*0 KC May mo v\v g&\- I 20.— (AT —Bishop Ernest William m? Church of f1 MONDAY, MAY 21 Barnes of the England Altar. 7:3C—Family advocated Euthanasia, or Clock. today 7:45—Musical for defective 8:00—News With Martin Agronsky. easy death, children 8:15—Musical Clock. and medically controlled steriliza- ine 8:30—Blue Correspondent* Around tion to lessen what he called the World. “scrub population.” 8:45—Rosa Rio. _ 9:00—The Breakfast Club With Don “Fairly often we hear of a child I McNeil. being born pitiably defective in 10:00—My True Story. mind or and of the 1 10:25—Aunt Jemim* Show. body parents'1 10:30—Let’s Dance. relief when it dies.” the 71-year- 18:45—One Woman’s Opinion. old of Birmingham told the — bishop in Hollywood Tom 11:00—Breakfast annual Cooperative Congress. Brenamen. ADVENTURE CALLS 1 11:30—Gil Martyn, News. “I am convinced that in such WASH TUBBS— and Boys. I 11:45—Jack Berch cases Euthanasia should be per- Manor. WINS AND HIS DAUGHTER, FOR SlKANS I'VE GOT TO LOCK OVER AN EXPERiHEsiT WE'RE 12:00—Glamour mitted under «meA« WITH CORDIAL PR. (SINCE WE START TRyinis and Home Makers. proper safeguards. AFTERNOON... THE TIBETAN B0RP5R...TRAVEL ISN'T PLEASANT 12'30—Farm ^ TJgtTA .STRETCHES THRU THE \ TOMORROW, DAD-LET'S MAKE CR i=Dy 1 1:00—Baukhage Talking—Whites Equally, from a Christian stand- SAFE OP THERE, BUT RITA iS SET ON GOINS,TOC WE'RE ENJOYING IT, TOO, CAPTAIN 1 p- I 1:15—Musical Interlude. point, as I see the matter, there is faiRANPI HAVE V : 1:25—New*—Wilmington Star-News. \ EAST... 50RRV WE WON'T BE HERE PAPS Uc no objection to medically c ntrol- REEN OVERSEAS 1 1:30—Rex Maupin and Orchestra. TIME, l IN CHENSTU TO SHARE THE REST I S»'CH WILD and Banta. led sterilization. FOR SOME 1:45—Herman 1 DOUBT TALES about I B. Kennedy—News. SUH, AND 2:00—John “We in England have avoided it. m crazy 215—Ethel and Albert. IF yOU REALIZE Salesman those problems, but they are prob- \ TO SEE WHAT 2:30—Johnny Thompson, Song HOW MUCH THIS the World. lems for our national ITS 2:43—Blue News Around which, wel- in youR REALLY Morton Downey. visit 2:00_Songs by fare, we must ultimately try to HOME MEANS 3:15—Devotional Hour. solve.” 3:30—Ladies Be Seated. v TO US 4 00—Time Views the News. He said bad racial stock was a 4:15—It’s Murder. growing source of anxiety to 4:30—Reports from Aorotfl. thoughtful men in every 4:45—Hop Harrigan. country 5;0O—Terry and the Pirates. where western civilization pre- • 5:15—Dick Tracy. vailed. Ranger. 5:30—Lone In the of cattle, 6:00—Kiernan’s News Comer. development 6:15—Orange Crush Serenades. he declared, herds breeding at Interlude. sooner or 6:20—Musical _ random later develop 6:2.3—News—Wilmington Star-News. Irnpa BY NEA SERVICE. INC, y U'^T. MJ1EGJJ. S. PAT. OFE*A “scrub cattle.” Under harsh social 6:30—Ten, Two Four Time. 6:45—Treasury Salute. conditions of other centuries, he 7:00—Headline Editions. added, defective children were not GASOLINE ALLEY— WITH MUSIC Gram Swing. 7:15—Raymond able to survive but today, with hu- 7;*3$_So You Want a Farm. 7:35—Let’s Dance. mane social services, problem chil- LET ME POT HIM S8| ROlK-A-S^c BAS'* r\ THE \_ Lv of the Evening—Ted Malone. dren to HIS WON'T H5 THE 8:00—Top grew up create problem live 1 HINA. UNCLE IN CHIB, IVHEM BOUGH 8BSA<i'' 8:15—Johnson Jubilee Singers. nice cue folk’s ■T IBS, g families, and jgfrrs YOU, MIZ WALLET.’ =?- -YOU TUMBLE <EP 8:30—Blind Date. “consequently a ■ CLOSE TOGETHER, SO tVE mil IS A GOOD Jgg W scrub was jfj P^ p nn—Man From G-2. _ population appearing 1 Bands. ■ CM GO BACK nrJ SPORT TO LET OS S:30_Victory Paradt of Spotlight and war intensified the Teller, process.” ANPfOXTH.Jji TAKE THE CAR, ! g;55—Coronet Story Dr. Barnes said science g Chest. did not 10:00—Spice know (, 10:30—Reunion U. S. A. enough of the laws by which 11:00—17. P. News. bad or good qualities were in- herited to lay dowm adequate rules OVER THE NETWORKS for improving the qualities of racial MONDAY, MAT 21 stocks. “We Eastern War Time P.M. know,” he added, “thaf are due Changes in programs as listed mental defects are inherited and networks made to corrections by some improvement in present ten- late to incorporate. text dencies could be made 5 45—Front Page Farrell Serial—nbc by steriliz- To Be Announced 05 mins..I—cbs ing our feeble-minded.” Capt. Midnight, a Sketch—blu-east blu Hop Harrigan in Repeat—other Once the most decorated man in Germany, Reichsmarshal Her- Series—mbs-basic out such an Tom Mix Serial and decorations from his uniform agreement, there is 15 Mins.—nbc mann Goering strips his medals 6:00—News Report for no in which we can Time—cbs his as a at an American detention camp way hope to Quincy Howe and News during processing prisoner on soon as a achieve a lasting German settle- Walter Kicman and News—blu-easi in Augusburg, Germany. He is expected to go trial ment without to Repeat of the Terry Serial—blu-west war criminal. having stay in Chick Carter. Detective Repeat—mbs -—-———- Germany forever and ever We DR. BOBBS— ELLIOTT and McARDLE Serenade: Sports—nbc By 6-15_America's must be able to withdraw' i Carroll Sings, Orchestra—cbs some Jimmy time with the Repeat from Dick Tracy-blu-west knowledge that -AND IF YOU ARE l— WHAT EXPERIMENT UA SIMPLEL Stria! Superman’s Repeat—mbs-west Germany is as well guarded in the (YOU'RE LATE/] 1 Moore in Songs Show—cbs TARDY IS SCHEDULED 6 30—Sallv west as she- will be in DOCTOR- ONCE ONE-DOCTOR of Jack Armstrong—blu-west Today and Tomorrow undoubtedly MORE-J J—i Repeat ti)e east the Soviet Union and L YOU MAY Hou=e of Mystery Repeat—mbs-west by PREOSELY CONSIDER f THIS-!-THOSE TEST 6-45—Lowell Thomas A: Newscast—nbc its Allies. Only France, made and Commentary—cbs WALTER LIPPMANN THIRTY SECONDS OUR ASSOCIATION AT J TU3ES- World News By strong again and given a compel- '~T~^ Kav Armen with Songs—lu-basic reason to remain LATE-YOU WILL THEM Cept Midnight in Repeat—blu-west ling strong, can i£3WASH Mix Serial—mbs-west Repeat of Tom When he wes asked about the mean to get what they may decide be the sentinel of the west. Club—nbc-basic REPORT HERE ALL-CLEAN! 7:06—Como’s Supper want. The inability of Britain and f A. ji { -✓ Radio Show—cos meeting with Marshal they \ Js_- j‘ Jack Kirkwood’s proposed • * • AT SIX ^ y Ac Overseas—blu France to reach agreement is due News, Commentary Stalin and the President, Mr. HERE-Ji Fulton Lewis Jr., Comments—mbs The confusion among the West- no doubt to many causes. But AFTERjCr I 7 15—War News from the World—nbc Churchill said: “It would be very ern nations is due to the lack of unnderlying them all is the old Hedaa Hopper from Hollywood—cbs odd if such a long, fierce war end- French determination to keep Raymond Gram Swing Comment—blu an agreement between Great Brit- DR BOBBS IS ABOUT T<0 Mutual Musical, Short Concert—mbs ed without settlement even weak and the old British any ain and France about the west- Germany START HIS FIRST DAYS WORK 7:30_Music of the Three Suns—nbc among the victors.” But it is fair ern frontiers of There tendency to think that no power Bob Hawk and Quiz Show—cbs-basic Germany. | With THE great dr.stdne- to also that with France ab- on the Continent must be too I Dancing Music Half Hour—other cbs say is an added difficulty about Syria at- Lone Ranger’s Drama of West—blu sent it would be very odd to and Lebanon in the Near East. strong and none must be too weak. HAM..._ Adventures—mbs Buildog Drummond tempt any settlement of the Gar- But this is and could No task of American diplomatcy is 7 -45—Kaltenbom and Comment—nbc secondary man more important than to overcome 6:00—Cavalcade of America Play—nbc question. surely be adjusted if France and be on Ger- Franco-British Vox Pop by Parks and Warren—cbs For France will still Britain coud agree about Ger- this disagreement I Ted Malone’s Overseas Show—blu many’s western frontier long after If could by bringing about a settlement in News Comment—mbs many.
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