filosofiur-Teologiuri mimomxilveli Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Humanities Educational-Scientifi c Institute of Philosophy Philosophical-Theological Reviewer #5, 2015 ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti humanitarul mecnierebaTa fakultetis filosofiis saswavlo-samecniero instituti filosofiur-Teologiuri mimomxilveli #5, 2015 UDC (uak) 1+2-21] (051.2) f – 562 F – 52 saredaqcio sabWo: Editorial Board: nikolai dura (rumineTi) Nicolae Dura (Romania) lorenco perone (italia) Lorenco Perrone (Italy) anastasia zaqariaZe Anastasia Zakariadze demur jalaRonia Demur Jalaghonia irakli braWuli Irakli Brachuli valerian ramiSvili (redaqtori) Valerian Ramishvili (Editor) samecniero sabWo: Scientifi c Board: rismag gordeziani Rismag Gordeziani darejan TvalTvaZe Darejan Tvaltvadze baCana bregvaZe Bachana Bregvadze damana meliqiSvili Damana Meliqishvili Tina doliZe Tina Dolidze lela aleqsiZe Lela Alexidze protopresviteri giorgi (zviadaZe) Protopresbyter Giorgi (Zviadadze) dekanozi tarieli (sikinWalaSvili) Archpriest Tariel (Sikinchalashvili) gamocemulia ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis sauniversiteto sagamomcemlo sabWos gadawyvetilebiT Published by the decision of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Publishing Board © ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis gamomcemloba, 2016 © Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press, 2016 ISSN 2233-3568 Sinaarsi sainauguracio sityva INAUGURAL ADDRESS Nicolae V. Dură From “Pro Philosophia” to Nietzschek thinking. Some considera ons as philosophical knowledge is concerned.............................................................................. 9 nikolae dura `proto filosofiidan~ nicSes azrovnebamde zogierTi mosazreba filosofiuri codnis Taobaze ................................. 25 filosofia da RvTismetyveleba PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY Popovici Dănuţ The Church Teaching on Ascension in Cateche cal Exposure a er the Sixth Ar cle of the Creed ......................................................................................................... 26 danut popoviCi eklesiis swavleba amaRlebis Sesaxeb katexizul eqspoziciaSi rwmenis simbolos meeqvse muxlis mixedviT .................................................... 36 Tea TaTeSvili babilonis godolis bibliuri siuJe .......................................................................................37 Tea Tateshvili The Bible Story of the Tower of Babel .............................................................................46 giorgi weroZe ras niSnavs `Tavisufali Teokratia~?! ............................................................47 metafizika METAPHYSICS nodar belqania adamiani aRmosavlursa da dasavlur qristianobaSi ................................. 69 Nodar Belqania The human being in the Eastern and Western Chris anity .............................................82 filosofiur-Teologiuri mimomxilveli, #5, 2015 elizbar elizbaraSvili drois statikuri Teoria upaniSadebis mixedviT ......................................... 85 Elizbar Elizbarashvili Sta c Theory of Time by Upanishads .............................................................................. 89 sergi avaliani ra aris fsevdoabsolutis filosofia ............................................................ 90 Sergi Avaliani What is the Philosophy of Pseudo-Absolute? ................................................................. 99 manana qumsiSvili msubuqi, lamazi da bednieri, Tu saSineli sikvdili ................................. 102 Manana Qumsishvili Death – light , beau ful and happy or scary ................................................................. 111 anTimoz iverieli – Tanamedrove kvlevebi ANTHIM IVERIANUL – CONTEMPORARY STUDIES Arhim. Dr. Policarp Chitulescu Romanian Hiera kons printed by Saint An m Ivireanul ............................................... 114 arqimandriti polikarpe Citulesku wminda anTimoz iverielis mier dabeWdili ruminuli samRvdlo wignebi (Hiera kon) .................................................................................................... 124 demur jalaRonia wm. anTimoz iverielis Teologiur-saganmanaTleblo saqmianobis da saazrovno konceptis analizi .............................................. 126 Demur Jalagonia 0 Theological-Educa on Ac vity and Thinking Concept Analysis of St Anthimos the Iberian ..................................................................................................................... 137 filosofiis Tanamedrove problemebi CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY Valéria Trigueiro Santos Adinolfi Philosophy in Brazil .......................................................................................................139 va le ria tri gu e rio san tos adi nol fi filosofiuri azri braziliaSi ........................................................................ 141 6 Sinaarsi axali Targmanebi NEW TRANSLATIONS giorgi siamaSvili danilevski da misi wigni „ruseTi da evropa“ ............................................... 142 nikolai danilevski evropaa ki ruseTi? ................................................................................................ 144 Nikolay Danilevsky Is Russia Europe? ..........................................................................................................156 andria lauTi marTlmadidebloba da xelovneba .................................................................... 157 Tamar goguaZe marTlmadidebeli RvTismetyveli: xelovnebis aRqma – xidi dasavleTsa da aRmosavleTs Soris ................................................................. 171 Tamar Goguadze The Orthodox Theologian Bridging the East and West Through Art ............................. 172 7 ssainauguracioainauguracio ssityvaityva INAUGURAL ADDRESS PHD PROF. NICOLAE V. DURĂ* From “Pro Philosophia” to Nietzschek thinking. Some considera ons as philosophical knowledge is concerned** The opinion that the theologian can only come to a „second-hand~ Philosophy has not yet vanished from the environment of Philosophers, just as the idea that the philosopher put his ideas forward on some ma ers „in a preven ve manner~1 has not vanished from the theological environment. But, if mutual mistrust persists, what can one do?! In our opinion, we should fi rst of all acquire the knowledge in both fi elds, id est the philosophical and theological fi elds, and only a erwards may we righ ully express our opinion in this regard. In addi on, we should know very well what philosophers say about Theology and what the theologians say about Philosophy. That is why, within the pages of this study, we evaluated in a „sine ira et studio~ manner both the opinions of some philosophers and the ones of some theologians with regard to Philosophy and Theology and, ipso facto, to their contribu on as knowledge is concerned. In line with Plato`s advice, the ones who deal „with Philosophy~ should not only limit themselves to „thoughts and opinions~, which are nothing but „verbal skills not worth being listened to and nothing authen c or that pertain to any sound thinking~,2 but strive to contemplate the essence, namely that „summa ra o~ or „ὁ ὀρθος λόγος~, „that was born before all ages (quae saeculis omnibus ante nata est)~,3 that St. John the Evangelist simply refers to as „Ὁ Λογος~ (the Word), as the Word was in the beginning and „the Word (Logos) was with God, and the Word was God.~ (John I, 1). The same philosopher, who lived in the V-th century before Christ, iden fi ed this knowledge with „Theology~, that is with „… the science of what will be forever …~,4 and, in * Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania) and Member of the Academy of Romanian Scien sts ** Academical Lecture held on 14th May 2015, with the occasion of the awarding the tle of D.H.C. by the University „Ivane Javakhishvili” of Tbilisi (Georgia). 1 See, Iacob Iţhac Niemirower, Iudaismul (Judaism), Hasefer Publ. House, Bucharest, 2005, p. 38. 2 Plato, Politeia (The Republic), III-rd part, chap. 4, transl. by A. Cornea, Ed. Ş inţifi că şi Enciclopedică (The Scien fi c and Pedagogical Publ. House), Bucharest, 1986, p. 292. 3 Cicero, De legibus I, 6. 4 Plato, Politeia (The Republic) …, p. 328. 9 PHILOSOPHICALTHEOLOGICAL REVIEWER, #5, 2015 this regard, some philosophers of our days stated that only such a science could lead us to „the total science~ (Plato), that is to the act „of faith~.1 The last words of Socrates in the dialog in Plato`s „The Republic~ were „the myth has not vanished and could also save us if we believed in it and we could cross the river of oblivion without staining our soul~, which is „something immortal …~.2 In his comment, a Romanian philosopher, Andrei Cornea, stated that „in the case of Plato, one cannot talk about mere oblivion~, suggested by the ancient philosopher through the phrases „the river of Lethe~ or „the river of Oblivion~, „but about something more serious and profound: about a great carelessness towards the spirit, about a feeling of guilt. This is „the stain~ – A. Cornea wrote – that the philosopher refers to and that has nothing to do with mere oblivion~.3 In this respect, carelessness towards the Spirit (soul) is the result of faithlessness and if we do not take „Faith~ seriously, we cannot cross „the river of Lethe~, that is the treshhold of earthly existence to the one of eternity, for which we also need – according to the teaching of Jesus Christ our Saviour – „knowledge~ (In. 17, 3). In fact, according to the Gospel, the achievement of „eternal life~ is condi oned in a „sine qua non~ manner by knowing the Real God and,
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