AreraKc Daily Net Preas Rno The Weather For the Week Ended Foreenat of D. 8. Wentker Bnrenn Dee. 81. IMO Cloudy, ehaBO# of Ucht. onow 13,314 lute tonl(lit.er early Suiidny. Vow Vi to 80. Aundsy' partly eloody. Bfember o( the Audit Hlfh near 40. Bureea of OIrciiIntion' Manche$terr-r-A City of Village Charm yof.. LXXX, NO. 136 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1961 (Claaalfled AdTertt«in( on Paso 8) PRICE nVE CENTS 7 th Polaris 7eath Sentence Denied State N ew s Sub to Join Castro Court Holds/?om ««?«/) Fleet Today Verdict on Morgan UAC Notes Portsmouth, N. H., March 11»(/P)—The^Navy today pre­ Havana, March 11 (/P)— 50% Cut in pared to commission a $200 Military authorities said to- million Polaris Missile sub­ ( ay no verdict has been Net Income marine— one of the most reached in the military trial powerful fighting machines of American adventurer Wil- East Hartford, March 11 ever built—as a pacifist iahi A. Morgan and 13 others (iT*)—A sharp decrease in net group threatened to board accused of conspiring against income— more than 50 per illow New Strength, her in a campaign for total the Castro giovemment. A cent—is reported by United disarmament. military tribunal was report­ Aircraft Corp. for 1960. ■ This afternoon's colorful and ed last night to have sen­ The company's annual report traditional ceremonies, turning tenced him to death. yesterday said the 1960 net income hreaten Peace Plan the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln over But defense attorney Jorge was $13,868,996 sis compared with to her crew,; were limited to 2,000 Luis Carro said this morning he $28,638,353 the previou.s year. •elect spectators at the Porta- TTie I960 Income was equivalent had been advised the tribunal had By JOHN AoiDERICK mouth Naval Shipyard. not yet returned its verdict in the to $1.95 a share of common stock Even though the general pub trial, which ended yesterday. Carro oulstsmding. down from $4.25 a Vientiane, Laos, March 11 (JP)— Leftist Pathet Lao forces, 11c was not admitted to the base, announced last night Morgan and share in 1959. Sales also decreased showing a new strength that threatens peace plans, sent Navy and civilian police 'kept a his aide, Maj. Jesus Carreras, had in 1960 to $987,879,119 from $1, government troops fleeing in two directions today from a close watch on municipally owned been sentenced to be shot and the 080.980,782 in 195,^. (Pierce Island, just .acroes the wa­ same Information appeared in all The report said research and dis- showdown battle for the Sala Phou Koun road junction. ter from the berth where the Lin­ government papers this morning. velopment programs were pri­ TRfe rebel assaults drove government defenders eight miles coln was tied up. Pacifist groups Nevertheless, military authori­ marily responsible for the net in­ north to the, high ground of neighboring §ala Pou Keng- In recent months have tried board­ come decrease. ing expeditions from canoes and ties said no decision had been Other royal troops abandoned the strategic Toad completely rowboats in other places.. reached but that one might be an­ near Muong Kassy, 22 miles south. The NeW England Committee nounced later today. ‘iVeir Norwalk* The junction controls,the north-south highway in central for Non-Violeht Action, a pacifist The earlier accounts said Mor­ Norwalk, March 11 —Local I ao s and lies less than 100 miles north of Vientiane and only organ iaztion, told officials it gan, a 31-year-oId soldier of for­ 4nd federal officials will turn out 40 miles south of the royal seat of Luang Prabang. planned acts of “civil disobedi­ tune, had ben convicted of treason. Monday to watch a wrecking Ball ence,” including an attempted These accounts continued: signal the start of the “New Nor­ The PatheL Lao guerrilla action apparently stalls the gov­ ix>ardtng of the intermediate mis- Morgan's Cuban defense lawyer walk” by tearing down of some of ernment’s intended invasion drive into the Plaine des Jarres, ■ite-firing undersea craft. pr5mptly filed an appeal. He said the old. the rebel stronghold lying eastward along Queen Astrid The committee also announced •‘hope is not lost" and that his ex­ With the start of clearance work riighway. \ " Its Intention to begin, immediate­ pects “good results.” But military on the city's Wall-Main renewal Loss of a big stretch of the road ly after the commissioning, a 340' appeal courts rarely overrule sen- project. Norwalk will at last have from the administrative capital of anile, 3-week “walk for peace’ something to show for an urban Vientiane to Luang Prabang Is the Chiang Troops from (Portsmouth to United NS' (Continued on Page Nine) WILLIAM- A. MORGAN renewal program that has long government's biggest military set­ tlons headquarters in New York. been bogged in the usual mire of back since January. But system­ One source of possible friction paperwork, mostly federal. atic destruction by government Capture Laos was apparently eliminated yester­ Three different parties have troops made the route useless to day when a church youth group Not Candidate^ Bars Drrdt been in power since the city decid­ the advancing rebels.— from nearby Somersworth can­ ed on a partial face-lifting several The government said the north­ Border Towp^ celed plans to picket the pacifits years ago. Redevelopment has ern sector around Sala Pou Keng been a major issue in elections for was holding firm, with royal artil A spokesman said they acted on several years, with the “ ins" say­ Rangoon, Burma, MarcA'^ll"'' police advice. lery in command. The fighting near Spokesman for CNVA said the Nixon Closes Door ing reasonable' progress was being Muong Kassy was said to be guer­ (fP)—Chinese Nationalist Irro^lars made and the "outs " charging that rilla style, with no heavy losses oh rampaging the Lashlo /District ular drinks group planned civil disobedience to the program was going nowhere. "help dispel public apathy about either side. near the Laos-Burma )>6rder havs One impatient land owner Vientiane reftiained quiet, though the arms race” and “ mobilize our scrawled the inscription “Redevel­ captured the town o^Mang Sang, plea that any and all nations On California Race rumors flew through the capital. opment—Bom Oct. 1955, died Oct. There was no public announcement The Nation report^ today. should initiate disarmament Im 1955 " on the walLof a building in The English /langruage dally mediately.” of the setback. Royal military the Wall-Main project area. sources said the outcome would be newspaper said/ a police outpost Mayor Patrick J. Greene of Sacramento. Calif., March 11 “I refer not only to the con- It is expected to vanisi^ before wa,s completely routed bv more Richard M. Nixon said last night tests for house and senate but to dbubtful for a few days. neighboring Dover, where some the wrecking ball in the near fu­ Heai^ V7inli,'"which turned" the 1 than 200 gv^frillas ’Hiursday. Re- pa(^ists congreat^ two weeks he will not nin for the job of gov­ the gubernatorial races particu­ bellious ernor of California next year.. ture. road into a virtual swamp in the .irmese Shan .tribes- ago, said they are part of larly in the major states of New Members of the Norwalk Rede­ men repq/tedly joined the Chinese He urged California Republicans York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi­ last two days, also halted govern­ movement that "slowly but surely velopment Agency are confident ment airlifts in the area. in thei^"attack. cuts the Jugular vein nourishing today to launch a talent search for gan and California.” that the land will be in demand. new faces in the 1962 election cam­ The strong rebel offensive came The/Natlon said border towns the American way of life." He said he is confident Cali­ TTie agency has received, inquiries paign. This is Douglas William Johnson, 50-year-old unemployed janitor, after leaders from two rival Lao­ alre^y occupied by these guerril- fornia R^ublicsms can re-elect from several developers. Including la^/were now being straffed by "I am confident that we can win Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel, elect a after he made his decision about $240,000 in cash yesterday in tian factions met In Cambodia and (OoBttmied on Page Nine) a standing offer from one to take put forward a program for stabil­ Burmese Air Force fighter planes.. f a sweeping victory in California," governor and other state offices over the whole project. Los Angeles. (AP Photofax). he told the Republican State Cen­ and increase the GOP strength in izing Laos.' ObservTsnrsatinbs -two- ?Ther*<3h4neae are remnants df"' tral Committee. the legislature find in Congress, —former neutralist Premier Prince" Chiang Kai-shek forces who stay­ "But I have a word of warning. The Republicans in recent years New Firm in Danbury Souvanna Phouma and the govejii- ed behind when he fled to Formosa. Congo Leaders We cannot win by assuming that Danbury, March 11 (Ah—Dicto­ Canvas Bag, in the Street ment strongman, Gen. PhWml The mlnitsers of Burma's five have lost control of both houses Nosavan—were drawn into /(heir the present governor will inevit­ of legislature, the congressional graph Products, Inc., manufactucr autonomous states attended a spe­ ably fall on his face and be a push­ er of acousticon hearing aids and talks by mutual fear the,, Com­ cial cabinet meeting last night. delegation and all but two state­ munists would take over the coun­ Fail to Agree over." wide offices.
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