Page 2, Thursday, April 13,2006 News for Southern Colorado County, Texas — The Eagle Lake Headlight MEMBER THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT Advertising and News Deadline: 5 P.M. Monday Single Copy Price : 50* 2006 (USPS 163-760) Produced and Subscription Rates Second class postage paid P.O. Box 67 - 220 East Main Distributed By: Colorado County (including Lissie & Egypt) $15.50 at Eagle Lake, Texas TU CITY OF EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS 77434-0067 Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton & Austin Counties $17.00 TEXAS PRESS 979-234-5521 • Fax: 979-234-5522 Lynda Beal 'James Sweet Other Texas Residents $18.50 Address Corrections ASSOCIATION email: [email protected] Carol Cardenas • Doug Beal should be sent to P.O. Box 67 Published Weekly-Every Thursday Outside of Texas; Inside U.S $20.00 Wendi Myers Eagle Lake, Texas 77434-0067 The Eagle Lake Headlight reserves the right to reject, edit or omit editorial content and/or advertisement for any reason in order to conform to the paper's policy. Foreign Rates Available By Request TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION Groups Take Sides On Sharp-Perry Tax Plans Before Session State f Capital AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry pro- sociation of Manufacturers, Texas pressed concern that the proposed bill sion to withdraw from the race and residence in Virginia. duced a list of 23 state trade asso- Association ofRealtors, Texas Credit language for the tax plan leaves room resign from office would not affect Salaries to count toward 65% ciations and other groups signaling Union League, Texas Chemical Coun- for tax rates to creep higher. the state's prosecution of the former The work of Texas public school support for the tax law rewrite he cil, Texas Forest Industries Council, Keffer and other House members U.S. House majority leader on state librarians is considered classroom produced with the help of former Texas Industrial Areas Foundation have said they would like to see the felony charges of money laundering instruction. comptroller John Sharp over the last Network and Texas Motor Transpor- state's $4.3 billion budget surplus used and conspiracy in connection with the Education Commissioner Shirley few months. tation Association. to offset a like amount of property redistricting. Neeley said librarians' salaries will The Texas Legislature will con- And, Texas Oil & Gas Association, taxes until the 2007 regular session Gov. Perry said he would not call a count toward the total funds school sider the rewrite in the special session Texas Restaurant Association, Texas of the Legislature convenes. special election to replace DeLay on districts must devote to classroom in- convening April 17. Perry and the Leg- School Alliance, Texas State Associa- DeLay pulls out of House race the November ballot. The Republican struction under the "65 percent rule" islature are under a state Supreme tion of Firefighters, Texas Taxpayers Tom DeLay, R-Sugar Land, on district executive committee will field imposed by Gov. Perry last year. Court order to put a fair taxing system and Research Association, Texas Trial April 4 ended his re-election bid for a replacement candidate. School districts have three years into law by June 1. Lawyers Association, and Wholesale the District 22 congressional seat The Houston Chronicle reported to comply with the rule, which phases Perry's list of tax-plan supporters: Beer Distributors of Texas. and said he would resign from public DeLay will be eligible to receive a in increasingly higher portions of the HIGHLIGHTS American Forest and Paper Asso- Perry said their support shows "a office in June. federal pension of nearly $67,000 per budget that must be spent on class- By Ed Sterling ciation, Automotive Parts and Service clear consensus is emerging, momen- DeLay's decision came with a year in retirement. room instruction. Association, Association of Chemical tum for our plan is growing, and vic- pending U.S. Supreme Court ruling DeLay said he planned to take up Industry of Texas, Greater Houston tory for taxpayers and schoolchildren regarding the Texas redistricting plan Partnership, Hispanics for Opportu- is on the near horizon." He said the he spearheaded in 2003, and as federal nity, and Progress and Education. entities represent 3 million Texans. ethics investigators continued to scru- Also, Non Profits for Tax Fairness House Speaker Tom Craddick and tinize DeLay's activities and those of Let's Look Back. - Texas, Texas Airline Association, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst have not certain of his associates. Texas Apartment Association, Texas come out in support of the plan. Travis County District Attorney Association of Builders, Texas As- Rep. Bill Keffer, R-Dallas, ex- Ronnie Earle said DeLay's deci- 24 & 48 YEARS AGO April 8,1982 School students placed at District UIL 39, of Eagle Lake passed away of Dr. Harold Griffin was elected by contest at Blinn College on March 26. injuries received in an auto accident Eagle Lake Community Hospital as Joel Medina, Kevin Bendy, Domi- in Houston on April 1 bringing great the new Chief of Staff for the 1982-83 nique Isenhower, Jennifer Mat- sadness to relatives and friends in the j year... thews, Renee Balas, Valerie Benge, community. Reggie Brisco was elected to Darlene Stancik, Laura Appelt, April 10,1958 a new 3-year term on the board of Sally Strube and Naylia McTear... Miss Rose Ann Miller, Chapter trustees for Rice Consolidated In- The College of Natural Sciences Sweetheart of the Garwood Future dependent School District and two a The University of Texas named 439 Farmers of American Chapter, daugh- incumbents; Bill Appelt and Billy students to the 1981 fall semester ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller of Hefner were returned to office for new honor roll. Among them from this Garwood, is a contestant in the Dis- 3-year terms... area: Cum Laude Ampla Et Magna, trict IV FFA Sweetheart contest to be Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meitzen Judy Beth Bunge, daughter of Mr. held in Brenham on April 15... welcomed a baby daughter, Brooke and Mrs. James L. Bunge Jr. of A successful drill on the Mosbach- Lauren on April 3... Garwood... er No. 1 Lehrer well five miles west Friends in the community learned Navy Interior Communications of Garwood has produced pure oil at with regret of the death of Mrs. Joe Electrician Fireman Andrew L. a depth of around 6600 feet... (Mary) Anders of Schulenberg, the Hewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac James Wylie Dodson, 36, formerly mother of Mrs. VJ. (Elizabeth) Kana Hewitt of Eagle Lake participated of Bellville, is assuming duties as of Eagle Lake and a sister of Mrs. Ada in exercise "Team Spirit 82" in the city manager for Eagle Lake. He is Ward, also of Eagle Lake. Republic of Korea... filling the position left vacant since Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Waligura Kim Wunderlich won second the resignation of J.M. Johnson last of Garwood announced the arrival of place in the shot put at the league October... their first child, a daughter, Shanna event and advanced along with all first Voters of Eagle Lake re-elected Kay born March 30 in Wharton... and second place district winners to Louis Muzny Jr. to his second 3-year Nita Kay Dye and Michael Ev- the Region III Track meet to be held term to the school board and the citi-' erett Crow joined with their parent's inBrenham... zens voted in two new trustees, Ray- in announcing their engagement and Kenneth Bluntson a 6'6" senior mond H. Waddell and Paul Powers approaching marriage on July 17, at Rice High School was named to the for their first terms on the board... 1982 in Bear Creek Baptist Church in All-State Basketball Second Team... Miss Elizabeth Seaholm, daugh- Houston... Kenneth Sims, ail-American foot- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Seaholm, ' Final rites were held at Greater ball player for the University of Texas was complimented with a Be-Bop Mt. Olive Baptist Church on March Longhorns, will be the featured speak- party on her ninth birthday Thursday, 29 for Mrs. Leona Walker Powell, er at the annual all-sports banquet at April 3... ' Affectionately known to friends as Rice High School on May 3... K-Lu Carroll and Doris Mc- "Nina"... Jerri Clipson and Cindy Rodri- Creary placed third in senior girls' The following Eagle Lake Middle guez proudly displayed the medals doubles, Walter Jones and Johnny they won while participating in the Nash won third in the boys' doubles doubles championships in the District and John Behrens won third in the 22-3A girls tennis tournament held in boys' singles in the tennis matches in Sealy... Kary last Wednesday. Rice Consolidated Bond Election Thomas Hall (Tommy) Pate, Election Day County Commissioners Early Voting Continued from front page --Approved a resolution designat- to establish a 45 mph speed limit on ; May 13 May 1 - May 9 ing May 4 as a National Day of Prayer Kainsteiner Road in Precinct 3 for 9:10 7:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. and allowing the Ministerial Alliance a.m. on April 24. 8:00 AM -4:00 PM to use the courthouse square at noon -Were advised of a $12,000 dona- Eagle Lake Junior High on that day. tion by Fred and Linda Westergren to @ Rice CISD Admin. Bldg -Approved a proclamation recog- defray part of the cost of paving County Garwood Elementary Early Voting Available only Mon.-Friday nizing April as Child Abuse Prevention Road 214 in Precinct 2. Commissioner Sheridan Elementary Month. Herbie Helmcamp, said the road,;; -Recognized April 9-15 at National located southeast of Weimar, is about Telecommunicator Week. a mile long. He said total cost to pave -Granted permission to use the the road would be about $30,000.
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