March brings results Approximately 2500 univer­ naissance, Union Nationale sity students from throughout headquarters. Shouts of “John­ the province marched on the son a Bordeaux”, and “Johnson- Ministery of Education offices Duplessis”, were heard from and the Parliament Buildings the demonstrators, but it is in Quebec City on Tuesday. doubtful if many government VOL. XXXI, NO. 32 FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1968 8 CENTS This mass protest was pre­ officials were on hand to hear cipitated by the disgraceful them. mismanagement of the alloca­ The buses left Quebec at 5.30 tion of student loans and bur­ and were back in Montreal saries this year. around 9.30. It is difficult to New SA constitution will Although students came from say whether or not this demons­ as far as the University of Ot­ tration was a “success” as we tawa to show their discontent will have to wait for action with the distribution of finan­ by the government. boost Council membership cial aid by the Quebec gover­ The reason that loans and nment, the Sir George Williams bursaries have been so slow, turnout was disappointing. On­ small, or non-existent for Que­ ly 100 students from this univer­ bec students, according to go­ sity made the effort to go, al­ and shift balance of power vernment statements to Ri­ though more than this number chard Brunei, Education Vice- have suffered because of lack President of UG EQ , is that by Sandra STOCK of funds. Only two of the four “norms are too rigid to allo­ buses that were hired were used cate money, although there still Council will meet today to give second reading to the proposed new constitution of the Students Association which will give greater power to the faculties. Most noticeable by his absence is six million dollars reserved External Vice-President Jean Sicotte defined the restructurization of council as a top priority was Students’ Association for educational assistance. for this year's executive. Council President, Jeff Chip- The intentions of the UGEQ man, but in light of past perfor­ executive is to step up the At present the executive proposed constitution is rati­ the executive committee’s mance, this was not surprising progress of revision of student hold the balance of power in fied through a referendum. function will be to propose The buses left Montreal at applications, and persuade the decision-making since each T here will be no ex-officio legislation, and carry out the 11.30, and arrived in Quebec the government to lower the faculty has only one represen­ members such as Publications decisions of the Student Legis­ City at 3.30. The demonstration loan ceiling, and make the tative. Under the proposed Board Chairman, and Cultural lative Council (the proposed was noisy but non-violent. The­ bursary-loan system generally constitution, the Arts Faculty Chairman who presently sit new name for Students’ Coun­ re were few police in sight, more flexible. would have five representati­ without voting privileges. cil). and no hecklers, even though After the two hour meeting ves; Commerce, three; Scien­ The new executive posts will In the preamble to the new traffic was stopped for several with UGEQ officials, Mr. Car­ ce, two; Engineering, one; and include President, Executive- constitution, the aims of the blocks along Grande Allee. dinal said that he had asked Fine Arts, one. Secretary, External Affairs VP Students’ Association are de­ Jean Dore, President of them to consider setting up Positions will be changed on Internal Affairs VP Student fined as giving “expression AGEUM, addressed the crowd a joint committee with the the executive committee if the Affairs VP. and Finance VP . to Sir George Williams Univer­ in front of the Parliament Buil­ government which would be In effect, the new constitution sity’s belief in the right of all dings, while representatives consulted about norms and increases the responsibilities of students, as part of their educa­ from UGEQ met with Jean-Guy standards to be applied to the executive members of coun­ tion, to opportunities for per­ Cardianl, Minister of Educa­ next years’ bursary-loan re­ cil in the administrative areas sonal growth and for the deve­ tion, to discuss educational quests. while permitting the represen­ lopment of a sense of individual reform in the province, as well On January 22, a letter was tatives from the faculties to integrity and social responsi­ as the present emergency situa­ sent to Fraser Fulton, Chan­ define the policies which the bility”. tion concerning the loans and cellor of Sir George, by the A ssociation will follow. The primary purpose of the bursaries. Students’ Association reques­ A similar streamlining of the proposed constitution is to de­ In spite of the seriousness ting that the Board of Gover­ Association was undertaken velop a more representative of the cause, a friendly, holi­ nors call an emergency session two years ago to a lesser ex­ student council that will be day-like mood prevailed among to open a student loan fund, tent. This year’s proposed al­ prepared to advance the desi­ the students, and although so­ as the Dean of Students Offi­ terations would entail a comple­ res of the student body before me violence and destructiveness ce, and the Students’ Associa­ te re-definition of the function other governing councils of the had been feared, there were no tion, have depleted their emer­ of council to make it more of university. incidents. After they left the gency funds. Unless there is a policy-making body. This The representatives of the fi­ Parliament Buildings, the pro­ immediate action, several stu­ will be increased through grea­ ve faculties will be chosen by testers proceeded along Grande dents will have to withdraw Jean Sicotte ter executive cohesion since the councils of the individual Allee again, past Le Club Re­ from the university. faculty. This is intended to strenghthen the role of the student legislative council as a co-ordinating body where the interests of the various faculties will be better ser­ ved. The decentralization pro­ cess is strongly emphasized in the proposed constitution with regard to representative expressing the interests of the students who have elected them. At the same time the over-all policy of the association will be stronger. If the constitution is given second reading at today’s coun­ cil meeting it will be read for the third and final time at the following meeting one week from today. A referendum will then be required for adoption. One of the new features of this constitution will be the power invested in individual faculties to levy additional fees as re­ quired. This will eliminate the necessity of the various facul­ ties receiving a budget as dic­ tated by the general students association. Tuesday's UGEQ demonstration in Quebec City attracted 2,500 students from all six universities in the province. 2 / the georgian, January 26, 1968 CO OH, W T 6 D I ®rr id o n t*njw I F J HAD* 6£/N<4 H)6AK,AND Classified S^NTV, flW ili^, OR WOULDN'T OgSlR^D 5V AU m ness... $ want RATES: Classified advertising rates are o 75c for one insertion and $1.25 fpr the A aoloCR AROUND M£. <o u STRONG/I same insertion in two consecutive issues. o The word limit is twenty (20). Cash must accompany all ads. Advertising deadlines CO are 6.00 p.m. for the Tuesday edition on the Friday previous, and Wednesday for the Friday edition at 11.00 a.m. Ads may be submitted only to room 231-3 (in the a Georgian Offices) of the Hall Building. C 3 TYPING AM 1 YOUR TYPE? If you have typing tobe done, I am pick up and deliver. Call 738- 8943. HOME TYPING. Theses: notes: etc. Elec­ Georgiantics tric typewriter. 25 cents per page. 487-1529.- ACCOMODATION 3 1/2 ROOM, MODERN, unfurnished apt. The Sir George Williams collection, sponsered by Dia­ for rent 2045 Bishop St. also furniture for by Marty Chamy sale. 849-3382. Poetry Reading Series will logue at Sir George, OXFAM ROOM for student near university 937-9012 present post John Logan on collected $329. McGill collect­ Evenings. TODAY Friday. Jan. 26. at 9 pm. in the ed $732. The Montreal cam­ WANTED; 3 rooms unfurnished apartment, Art Gallery on the mezzanine. downtown. Also second hand T.V. Call 842- paign collected a total of $10. 6461. local 30, days, or apply room 336. POETRY READING: Poet John Lrogan will recite in the Art Design a Yearbook cover! 809. The deadline for submission Gallery at 9.00 p.m. The public is invited. Hillel House will present FOR SALE of yearbook cover designs is Ronald Nettler from the De­ 1 PAIR Henke Buckle Boots. New ladies Wednesday. Feb. 14, The win­ partment of Islamic Studies size 7 1/2 narrow 1/2 price 45.00 Ask for A- GEORGIAN PLAYERS: The Canadian University Drama Lea­ may 874-2359 between 9 - 5 p.m. gue Regional Festival at Loyola when the Georgian Players will ner will be notified by phone at McGill to lecture on “Islam cohol ONE PAIR of 8 1/2 buckle boots $20.00. one present “Home Free’ by Stanford Wilson and directed by Saul Friday, Feb. 16. The and Judaism Compare Notes”. air of Sohler spyder metallic skis $65.00. size must be 1 lVi by 16 !4 Soth used one season in excellent condition. Rubinek. Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. at F.C. Smith Loyola Audito­ This will be on Friday, Jan. 26. 387-7035: inches. Gnly garnet and gold rium.
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