Protesters Arrested: 6000 Arrest Count January 2012 Bankers Arrested: 0 OCCUPIED THE THACA OURNAL FREE I J Donations Welcome #Occupy Upstate Occupy Albany Arrests every night because local DA won’t prose- cute. So they line up every night after curfew to get their citations as a regu- lar rebuke to Governor. Cuomo. On Dec. 5th, held their General Assembly in State Capital Building in the ‘war room.’ Total, nonnegotiable eviction is set for 12/22. Occupy Binghamton “A Hal- liburton Truck crew came to Bing- hamton to party last night. They parked in a no parking zone, never got a ticket and they were there for like 5 hours? They ripped up one of our signs. The best part was when one of the guys handed me a $100 bill to go away. I ripped it up in his face! I told him that his money can’t buy me or my environment and to go away.” OBGM raising funds for a yurt to house winter-time operations. Occupy Phillip Price Binghamton evicted on Jan 13 under the pretense of public safety concerns and winter weather. world and what it’s given us. We must face our fears. Occupy Poughkeepsie Facing When we deal with others we are confronting all eviction night after night as police Thought and Action those things about themselves (and their parents, and seemed to be waiting for the masses to countless generations before them) they have chosen dwindle; the best time to strike. Dec It is all too easy to relax into our socialization with- not to confront and we, as thinking people, must try 8. After several nights of waiting, City out caring or understanding their origins or ramifi- to ease the burden on those who must deal with us. police went into the park at about 3:30 cations. To perpetuate lies by not questioning them. For our our sake, for the sake of those around us and a.m. and asked roughly eight protest- Because there are some things we feel we cannot deal for the sake of future generations. ers with the movement to leave, ac- with: some of the trials in our lives, some of the We cannot relax. We must recognize that every- cording to city Mayor John Tkazyik. deeply ingrained beliefs we logically know not to be- thing is the result of a system. Nothing is free of Department of Public Works person- lieve, some of the burdens others have thrust on us socio-political meaning. What we think of art, lan- nel then removed tents and other items and we have thrust on ourselves. It is hard to find our guage, relationships, politics, resources, cultures, from the park, he said. “We cannot se- own ways when their ways have been laid out. The technology, economy, food, gender, race, class. It all lectively enforce the law,” he said illusion of truth maintained through shear numbers. comes from somewhere and if we do not know Wednesday morning. Tried and true. But really only tried. And tried again. where, we cannot trust what we think. Occupy Buffalo claims the cozi- Until it becomes The Way. But there are an infinite We must communicate our frustrations, our expe- est relationship with a city and occupy number of ways to think and act. And that is what riences, our conclusions, our hopes, our fantasies, our protest in the country. Historic agree- this is about. Thought and Action. Breaking through stories, be it through images, languages, motions, ment between the City and the occupy ALL the conventions and customs, right or wrong, sounds. This is how we will all learn where our camp signed on December 12 and finding what really is, what really matters, what thoughts and actions originate, why we are us and we can really start to believe and how best to think how to overcome those things we know we should. Occupy Ithaca Permit applica- and act, for ourselves without the weight of society’s Nothing is insignificant if it is real to you. No one tion with city denied on December expectations on our backs. can understand unless we communicate. This is our 9th. Read more at www.occu- Every prejudicial tendency our parents have not contribution to this effort, to the need for Under- pyithaca.org December 7th, over 50 overcome, we must overcome instead. Every lie they standing. Not only for us to be understood, but for protesters, some dressed in orange prison jump-suits and black hoods, believe is every lie their parents gave them and every everyone to understand each other. marched to Rep. Maurice Hinchey’s lie we must not accept. We must try to overcome the Sounds are fleeting but meaning remains. office from Shawn Greenwood/ De- witt Park in opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act and provi- sions which would allow Americans to Antifracktivists be detained indefinitely in military prisons and allow the military to label Occupy DEC the US homeland as a battlefield. This bill has already passed the Senate 91- Hearings Statewide 7 and an amendment which stripped this provision failed 39-60. Many be- The DEC recently held a series of lieve this spells the beginning of Mar- hearings across the state to collect com- tial Law in America. ments on the Supplemental Generic En- vironmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) Occupy Syra- cuse evicted after on Hydrolic fracturing, or Fracking. The 109 days for not First on December 16, held in Dansville, having a permit. was well attended by Fracktivists. Speaker Mayor Miner re- Jane Russell, Town Supervisor Elect from fuses meetings at the Town of Pulteney, said, “In 2009, the time of the evic- Chesapeake Energy thought the people of tion and any time in Pulteney were too poor and too stupid to the future with Oc- Ed Dittenhoffer cupy Syracuse. continued on page 6 Two days after he was slain, it snowed for three days Drone Protesters Shawn Greenwood White glistening angel dust covered everything in sight It was if the heavens themselves had been punctured and bled Tried in Syracuse all over this town 31 Protesters were found guilty of two Somehow we were all responsible for such a disturbing accumulation of events counts of disorderly conduct; 4 were That god was offended and sent death to touch down and remove a soul given jail time. The protest, which oc- curred on Good Friday 2011, was in- Not a day goes by that I do not contemplate the rapid expansion of prisons, tended to temporally blockade Hancock life and death of Shawn Greenwood. February 23, and inmate population, Air Force base outside Syracuse in order 2012 will mark the second anniversary of his death, which is a result of the con- to draw attention to the illegal Drone at the hands of Ithaca Police vergence of interests on the War being conducted by the US. Han- Officer Bryan Bangs. This part of government and in- cock AFB is utilized by the US Military tragic event shook me more dustry that uses surveillance, to repair MQ-9 Reaper Drones. than any loss I have ever expe- policing and imprisonment Among those sentenced were Ithaca rienced, even that of my own as solutions to economic, so- residents Danny Burns who said after father, and great Aunt Beverly cial, and political problems. being sentenced to 4 days in Jail, “My J. Martin. It unraveled my life The prison industrial disproportionately targets children, aged 9, 6 and 7 months, will be and Ithaca as I had come to Black males, as one-third of all young Black males fine (because he is married and has a know it, and all that remained are incarnated or directly under the influence of large extended family),” Burns said. “It’s were depths of sadness and de- criminal justice surveillance. the children of Iraq and Afghanistan spair. The place I had consid- The State of New York operates 67 prisons and that won’t be fine.” Ellen Grady, also of ered home for my entire life one drug treatment campus; in addition New York Ithaca, demanded the maximum sen- became a stranger and I was State has 61 County jails. According to the Sen- tence and Judge Gideon complied. He trapped within, all of our inno- tencing Project, there are 87,990 people incarcer- explained to the court that he personally cence lost. I came to realize, it ated in Prison and Jail in New York State and had learned a lot about the issue as a re- wasn’t innocence at all, but ig- 49,950 people on parole. For every one white per- sult of the protest action, and that it norance. For a city that is considered to be educated son incarcerated, there are 9.4 Black people and would be even more effective if jail time and≠ liberal, the acceptance of violence and death 4.5 Latino people incarcerated. These dispropor- was given the Protesters. came exceptionally well. tionate statistics are due to the fact that areas where Occupy Ithaca activists Clare Grady What made Shawn’s death unbearable was not Black and Latino people live are heavily surveil- and James Ricks were fined and given only losing a friend, and witnessing his loved ones lanced by police, leading to more arrests, and thus community service but received no jail suffer, but a great portion of the community’s re- prison sentences. Black and Latino people do not time. sponse to a course of events that should not have commit more crimes then white people, instead been dismissed so easily.
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