Indian J. pure appl. Math., 39(2): 123-135, April 2008 °c Printed in India. ON ORLICZ SPACES OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS MANJUL GUPTA¤ AND SHESADEV PRADHAN¤¤ Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 208 016 , India e-mail: [email protected]¤, [email protected]¤¤ (Received 13 October 2006; after final revision 14 June 2007; accepted 23 July 2007) In this paper, we define Banach spaces EM (γ) of entire functions defined with the help of an Orlicz function M and a particular type of an entire function γ, and study their structural prop- erties. For finding the topological duals of these spaces, we introduce the sequential analogue ¸γ;M of these spaces, show that they are AK-BK spaces and investigate their Kothe¨ duals. Key Words: Orlicz sequence spaces; ∆2-condition; Schauder bases; Kothe¨ dual; perfect sequence spaces 1. INTRODUCTION The space E of entire functions of one complex variable and its subspaces occupy a very privileged position in the study of functional analysis. Indeed, they serve as examples of a number of concepts in this theory; for instance, the space E when it is equipped with the compact open topology T , becomes a nuclear Fre´chet space with an absolute Schauder base cf.[7], [8]. The translation oper- ator defined on this space is hypercyclic, a result proved by Birkhoff [1] in 1929. The applications of these spaces are too many to be elaborated here; however, in this paper we introduce subspaces M E (γ) of the space E, by making use of Orlicz sequence spaces `M and a particular type of entire function γ to be referred in the sequel as ‘comparison function’. After equipping EM (γ) with suit- able norm topologies, we study their structural properties, existence of Schauder bases, inclusion properties and multipliers on these spaces. This study is an Orlicz space extension of results proved M in [2]. Finally, in the last section we introduce the sequence space ¸γ;M corresponding to E (γ), study its topological properties and find its Kothe¨ dual. 124 MANJUL GUPTA AND SHESADEV PRADHAN 2. TERMINOLOGICAL EXCERPTS Our study in the present paper makes use of definitions and results on sequence spaces, Orlicz sequence spaces, Schauder bases and multipliers. We refer to [2], [5], [6], [7], [8] and [10] to have glimpse of these topics and several unexplained terms. However, we recall a few terms from these theories, relevant to the present study. + The symbols C; N; N0; R and R denote respectively the complex plane, the set of nat- ural numbers, N [ f0g, the set of reals and the set of non-negative reals. Following [11], an Young function à : R ! R+ is a convex function such that Ã(¡x) = Ã(x), Ã(0) = 0 and limx!1Ã(x) = +1. An N¡function is a continuous Young function such that Ã(0) = 0 iff Ã(x) Ã(x) x = 0 and lim = 0, lim = 1. In this paper, we shall consider an N¡function x!0 x x!1 x whose domain is restricted to non-negative real numbers, referred to in the literature as an Orlicz function, and is defined as a continuous, convex, non- decreasing function M : [0; 1) ! [0; 1) with M(0) = 0;M(x) > 0 for x > 0, and M(x) ! 1 as x ! 1. An Orlicz function M would be abbreviated as an O-function in the sequel. The complementary O-function N to M is R x defined by N(x) = 0 q(t)dt, where q(s) = supft : p(t) · sg; s ¸ 0; p being the kernel of R x M in its representation, namely, M(x) = 0 p(t)dt, such that p(0) = 0, p(t) > 0 for t > 0, p is non-decreasing and p(t) ! 1 as t ! 1; cf.[6], [10] for details. Let us denote by !, the class of all scalar-valued sequences, which is a vector space with the usual pointwise addition and scalar multiplication. We write en (n ¸ 1) for the nth unit vector in n 1 !, i.e e = f±njgj=1 where ±nj is the Kronecker delta and Á for the subspace of ! generated by the en ’s , n ¸ 1 i.e Á = spfen : n ¸ 1g. A subspace ¸ of ! with Á ½ ¸ is called a sequence space. A Banach sequence space (¸; S) is called an AK-BK space if the topology S is finer than the (n) co-ordinatewise convergence topology and the nth section x = (x1; :::xn; 0; 0:::) of the sequence ® x = (x1; :::; xn; :::) tends to x in the topology S. The ®-dual of a sequence space ¸, is the space ¸ or ¸£ defined as X £ ® ¸ ´ ¸ = fy = fyig 2 ! : jxiyij converges for all fxig 2 ¸g and its ¯-dual ¸¯ is given by X ¯ ¸ = fy = fyig 2 ! : xiyi converges for all fxig 2 ¸g: A sequence space ¸ is said to be normal or solid if y = fyig 2 ¸ whenever jyij · jxij ; i ¸ 1 ££ for some x = fxig 2 ¸; and perfect if ¸ = ¸ . Corresponding to an O-function M, the class 8 9 < X = `˜ = x 2 ! : ±(x; M) ´ M(jx j) < 1 M : i ; i¸0 ON ORLICZ SPACES OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS 125 is called an Orlicz sequence class. If M and N are mutually complementary O-functions, define the Orlicz sequence space 8 9 < X = ` = x 2 ! : x y converges for all y 2 `˜ : M : i i N ; i¸0 + The function k:kM : `M ! R defined by 8¯ ¯ 9 ¯ ¯ <¯X ¯ = kxk = sup ¯ x y ¯ : ±(y; N) · 1 M :¯ i i¯ ; ¯i¸0 ¯ is a norm on `M and (`M ; k:kM ) is a Banach space. It is known that the space `M can also be defined as follows: 8 9 µ ¶ < X jx j = ` = x 2 ! : M i < 1 ; for some k > 0 ; M : k ; i¸0 and the norm given by 8 9 µ ¶ < X jx j = kxk = inf k > 0 : M i · 1 (M) : k ; i¸0 on `M is equivalent to kxkM ; indeed, kxk(M) · kxkM · 2kxk(M) , for x 2 `M ; cf.[6], p.301. An important subspace of `M is the space defined as follows: 8 9 µ ¶ < X jx j = h = x 2 ` : M i < 1; for each k > 0 : M : M k ; i¸0 An Orlicz function M is said to satisfy the ∆2-condition for small x or at ‘0’ if for each k > 1, there exist Rk > 0 and xk > 0 such that M(kx) · RkM(x) ; 8 x 2 (0; xk]: For an O-function M, we have M satisfies ∆2-condition at 0 , hM = `M : ¤ For the study of multipliers in this paper, we consider an O-function MN (s) defined with the help of two given O-functions M and N as follows ¤ MN (s) = maxf0; sup0·t·1fN(st) ¡ M(t)gg; s ¸ 0: 126 MANJUL GUPTA AND SHESADEV PRADHAN Clearly, ¤ N(st) · M(t) + MN (s); 0 · t · 1; s ¸ 0: A sequence fxng in a topological vector space (X,>) is called a base if each x in X can be represented uniquely in the series form, X1 x = ®nxn n=1 where the series converges to x in the topology > of X. The sequence ffng of linear functionals defined on X by fn(x) = ®n; n 2 N and x 2 X, are known as co-ordinate functionals and if these functionals are continuous, the base is known as a Schauder base. In case of an F-space (in particular a Fre´chet space or a Banach space) every base is a Schauder base, cf. [7], p.32 or [8], p.28. A Schauder base fxn; fng in a topological vector space is said to be normalized if there exists a continuous semi-norm } (or equivalently a neighborhood V of θ) such that infn}(xn) > 0 (xn 2= V; for all n ¸ 1). We denote by E the space of entire functions equipped with the compact open topology T . P1 n An element γ of E with γ(z) = n=0 γnz is called a comparison function if γn > 0 for each γn+1 n 2 N0, and the sequence of ratios decreases to zero as n increases to 1. If the sequence γn nγn fwng; wn = is also monotonically decreasing, we call γ an admissible comparison function. γn¡1 Using comparison function γ, a subspace E2(γ) of E has been defined in [2] as follows ( ( ) ) fˆ(n) E2(γ) = f 2 E : 2 `2 : γn where X1 f(z) = fˆ(n)zn ; z 2 C (1) n=0 0 1 1 ¯ ¯2 2 P ¯ ˆ ¯ 2 @ 1 ¯f(n)¯ A The space E (γ) equipped with the norm kfk2,γ = n=0 ¯ ¯ is a Hilbert space such ¯ γn ¯ that for each z 2 C, the point evaluation defined from E2(γ) to C, namely, f 7! f(z) is continuous on E2(γ). ON ORLICZ SPACES OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS 127 3. THE SPACES EM (γ) Using the representation (1) of f in E and recalling M; N; `˜M and γ from the previous section, let us introduce ( ) X1 fˆ(n) EM (γ) = f 2 E : y converges for all y = fy g 2 `˜ : γ n n N n=0 n For f 2 EM (γ), write (¯ ¯ ) ¯ 1 ¯ ¯X fˆ(n) ¯ kfk = sup ¯ y ¯ : ±(y; N) · 1 (2) M,γ ¯ γ n¯ n=0 n and ( à ! ) X1 jfˆ(n)j kfk = inf ½ > 0 : M · 1 (3) (M),γ γ ½ n=0 n Then one can easily show that EM (γ) is a subspace of E, and either of the expressions (2) or (3) defines a norm on EM (γ).
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