Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes 49 -1907- survived by his wife and daughter, both of Okla- Dr. William Wade Fox, '24ba, '246s, '26med, lioma City . is a practicing physician and surgeon in Norman . C. V. Lisuian, '05-'07, is division landman with Robert S. Gordon, '20ha, '20ph.g, '20eng, was Ile is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Lion Oil Company in Midland, Texas. elected vice president of the Midwestern opera- the Retail Credit Men's Association. IIe and Mrs. Henry Lewis Stone, '06-'07, died unexpectedly tions of the National Dairy Products Corporation Fox, the former Katie Lee Moak, '26nurse, have April following a heart attack . IIe was an 14 late in April. I le was recently elected president of three children, two of whom are now attending real estate broker . He established Oklahoma City the Town Club in Scarsdale, New York . the University . the Merchandise Mart in Oklahoma City and at one time was an Oklahoma City agent of the -1921- 1925 New York Life Insurance Co. Robert William Henry, '21ba, '21eng, is director Edythe Haswell Jones, '25h.ec, '34ms, is teach- -1912- of the lubricants division in the Refining Depart- ing science at Foster High School, Oklahoma City . ment of the Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartles- Lucile Snapp Dillsworth, '25h .ec, is teaching Earl Foster, '12ba, '13Law, is the executive sec- home economics in high school at Albuquerque, retary of the Interstate Oil Compact Conuuission. villc. D. New Mexico. He was formerly in the general practice of law Max W. Minton, '21ba, is a partner in the J. in Sapulpa and Oklahoma City. He is a member Minton Agency, an insurance, loans and abstracts compan), Enid . 1926- of the Rotary Club, Masonic Blue Lodge, Okla- ALDRIDGE-MOLES : Mrs. Leonora Crisp AI- homa City Golf and Country Club and other 19221-- dridge, '266s, '30ms, Oklahoma City and Earl civic clubs. IIe holds membership in the American William Ragan, '22ba, '28ma, will teach Brookhart Moles, Sioux City, Iowa, were married Bar Association and the Oklahoma Bar Associa- B. the Oregon College of Educa- May 1 in Oklahoma City . Mrs. Moles was formerly tion and is a member of Council, Mineral Section, graduate courses at . a departmental art teacher in Oklahoma City American Bar Association. He and Mrs. Foster, tion, Monmouth, Oregon, June 15 to August 9 schools. She was Creative Arts chairman for the (Alta Estelle Sawyer Foster, '30ma) have two lie will give three addresses at the State Conference of Elementary School Supervisors on the University American Asociation of University Women for six children, both graduates of the University . of California at Los Angeles' campus in August . He years. The couple has established a home in Sioux -1913- will serve as consultant to the staff of Kern County City, Iowa . Miss S. Deborah Haines, '13ba, placed her oil schools, Bakersfield, California, on curriculum Pauline Huey Herber, '26h .ec, is teaching home paintings on exhibit in her home for a group of problems August 15 and 16. Dr. Ragan lives in economics at St. Joseph's School, Norman . friends in May. Miss Haines lives in Norman . Norman . Darrell Althausen, '26bs, is the co-author of the Mary Lou Patteson Price, '22ba, is living in second volume of The Essential Oils . Dr . Althausen -1914- Bartlesville, where her husband, Harold Charles received his doctorate degree in Organic Chemistry Everett Cecil Parker, '14ba, is a geologist with Price, is a general pipeline constructor. Mrs. Price from the University of Illinois. Ile is manager of the Continental Oil Company in Ardmore. was formerly a school teacher in both Bartlesville the Clifton Factor, Fritzsche Brothers, Inc., Clif- -1916- and Hugo. ton, New Jersey. Oscar A. Kinchen, '16ba, '20ina, Lubbock, Opal Roberson, '26h .ec, is a home demonstra- Texas, was a delegate of the University of Okla- -1923- tion agent at Maysville, Missouri . 1. Wendall Mercer, '23ba, '23bs, '25med, is a homa at the inauguration of Dossie Marion Wig- -1927- gins as president of Texas Technological College, practicing physician and surgeon in Enid . He and Lubbock. Mrs. Mercer have two children . The son, James Dr. Chesley Andrew Morgan, '276s, '29med, W. Mercer, is attending the University at the pres- is a practicing surgeon in Oklahoma City . He -1917- ent time . and his wife, Pauline Taylor Morgan, '31nurse, Richard M. Dannenberg, '171a, died May 2 in Zella Nesmith Brake, '23ba, (lied February 18, have one son, James Patrick Morgan, 12 . the Medical Arts Building in Oklahoma City where 1949 . She had been employed by the Vetreans Natalie Broach Davis, '27fa, has lived in Scars- lie had gone for treatment. IIe was a production Administration for the last eight years. Her home dale, New York, for the past 19 years. She and engineer with the Shell Oil Company. He was a was in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Davis have one son. member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and the Ma- Dr . C. N. Talley, '23med, is practicing medicine William Payne Ragsdale, '27ba, and Mrs. Rags- sonic lodge. in Marlow. dale, '27ba, are living in Jacksonville, Florida, _1919_ Arda Evert Frans, '23bs, '31Lib .sci, '33ma, is where Ragsdale is owner of the W. P. Ragsdale Cameron State Agricul- Distributor company. James Miller Armstrong, '19ba, and Mrs. Arm- a teacher and librarian in cata- Josephine Thompson Paulin, '27h .ec, is teach- strong, the former Mary Lee Galbraith, '18, are tural College at Lawton . She was formerly a ing home economics at Beggs High School, Beggs. living in Midland, Texas, where Armstrong is a loger at the University of Utah Libarary . partner in the firm of Yeager & Armstrong, oil - 1924- r- 1928- operators. He was formerly a geologist with the Tom W. Garrett, '24Law, is a practicing attor- Ros, Williams Morrison, '28eng, is an architect Sinclair Prairie Oil Company. They have two ney in Oklahoma City. IIe and building manager in children . formed a law partnership the architect firm of Rey -1920- with a son, Tom, Jr ., early nolds & Morrison in Okla- Velma Shaw Jones, '20, lives in Kingfisher, in March, 1949 . He is a homa City . He is a mem- where her husband is a drug store operator. They member of the Men's Din- ber of the Lions Club, have one son, Douglas Jones, 15 . ner Club, Sequoyah Din- Oklahoma City Chamber Dr. A. Linschcid, '20ma, has resigned as presi- ner Club and the Beacon of Commerce and the (lent of East Central State College at Ada . IIe had Club. He recently accepted American Institute of Ar- held that position for the last 28 years. The Board the position as secretary of chitects . I le is on the Board of Regents of Oklahoma colleges unanimously the Lions Club. He is on of Directors of the Okla- elected him president emeritus for life and to the the Executive Committee homa City Building Own- positon of counselor of curriculum for one year . and is a Trustee of the ers and Managers Associa- Dr . Linscheid resigned because of ill health . He Oklahoma City Boy Scouts . tion . He served in the Navy had held his position longer than any teachers' i Ile was president of the R. W. MORRISON during World War II as a college president in the state and longer than any Oklahoma County Bar As- Lieutenant commander, He is president of a teachers' college of the American sociation in 1943 . He is on the Executive Council serving in Europe and the southern Pacific. Association of Teachers' Colleges. of the Oklahoma State Bar Association for 1948-49. a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He and Homer Carl Helins, '20pharm, died May 22 Garrett is the author of several articles on com- Mrs. Morrison are the parents of two children, at the Will Rogers hospital in Oklahoma City nrunity property law and taxation . He and Mrs. Gertrude Ann, 6, and Mary Christine, who was after a six-week illness with heart disease. He is Garrett are the parents of six children . born March 6. 21 former Ruth is teaching home eco- gery for 1949-50. Mrs. Roys, the Ebright Beatty, '28h .ec, is a Bethene Henry, '30h .ec, Leila Margaret Shannon, '36ed, was secretary to the Counselor of Oregon Library, nomics at Eldorado. librarian in the University of the University prior to her marriage . Etta Belle Tolen Hopson, '30h .ec, is teaching Women at Eugene, Oregon. The Roys have two children, David, 10, and De- is co-owner of the in Houston, Texas. Bryan H. Hyder, '28pharm, nise, 2. They live in Seattle, Washington . Ross Drug Store in Clinton. Dr . W. W. Cotton, '35med, has moved to Po- John Michael Hannegan, '28ms, is chief chem- -1931- teau and opened an office there. He and Dr. R. W. ist with the G. H. Packwood Mfg. Co . at St . Louis, Berthe Bourgoin Webb, '316a, '33ma, sailed Lowrey, '366s, '36med, are building a new clinic Missouri. He was formerly the supervisor of the for a visit to France, her native land, on the in Poteau which will be opened the latter part of chemical research laboratories for the Olin Indus- (lucen Elizabeth April 28 . Mrs. Webb taught July. They both have previously been practicing tries. He and Mrs. Hannegan have two children . French at the University of Oklahoma for several in Atoka. Helen Hackett, '28h .ec, '30ms, is a librarian now lives in Skiatook . sent to us re- Library, Ft . Sill . years. She The following information was at the Post '31h .ec, is a dieti- Ruth Adeline Jones Swoor, cently by the Foreign Service of the United States : Dallas, Texas. 1929- tian at the Methodist Hospital, "John Howard Burns, '35ba, Foreign Service of- Kingsley, '31ma, is an instruc- Dr .
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